Hydrometeorology - Activity

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View the latest Seasonal Outlook and Seasonal Rainfall Forecast Maps from PAGASA.

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 What province are you in?

Province of North Cotabato

 What is the normal rainfall (in mm) for your province?

According to rainfall forecasts from PAGASA, North Cotabato experienced 112.1 mm of rain,
which is near normal.

 What is the rainfall forecast (in mm) for your province on the next three months?

For the next three months, the province will have the average of 181.36 mm rainfall where
on November, we will have 230.6 mm; On December, we will have 173.5 mm while on
January, we will have 140.0 mm.

 What is the implication to crop production if 100 mm per month is needed for good
productivity of a hypothetical crop?
As humans and other living things, rain is highly important to us. Similar to people, plants
require rain in order to survive. Rain has several beneficial elements for plants, helping to
keep the soil moist, which is essential for plant growth. As we can see, the province of North
Cotabato can be able to generate a good hypothetical crop if the plants required a 100mm to
be fruitful. Water is essential for the growth and development of plants.

Download a rainfall image forecast from International Research Institute for Climate and Society.
Upload a screenshot of the webpage.
 What is the rainfall forecast for Mindanao on the next three months (Above normal,
normal, below normal)?

The rainfall projection for Mindanao in those successive months is on the status of Above
Normal based on the IRI Multi Model Probability Forecast for Precipitation as shown above
from November-December-January.

 What is the probability of rainfall forecast?

Forecast areas with a higher likelihood of precipitation above normal include Northern South
and Central America, the Maritime Continent, Northeastern Russia, and, to a lesser extent,
Australia and Southern Africa. Precipitation levels in Northern South America rose above
average from December through February and persisted into March. This website
concentrates on the overall, or in other words, larger details for nation because we have
noted that there are no specific details about every country.

 What is the temperature forecast for Mindanao on the next three months (Above normal,
normal, below normal)?

The temperature projection for Mindanao in those successive months is on the status of
Above Normal based on the IRI Multi Model Probability Forecast for Precipitation as shown
above from November-December-January

 What is the probability of temperature forecast?

From October to December 2022 through January to March 2023, there is a greater
probability of temperatures above normal over much of East Asia, central southwest Asia, the
African continent, the Southwest United States, and southern South America. Over the
Maritime Continent region, above-normal to marginally near-normal temperature
probabilities are anticipated during the forecast period. During the predicted period, there
are increased chances of below-normal temperatures in South Africa, over parts of southeast
Asia, much of Australia, and much of Alaska and Canada (especially in the boreal winter). Most
of northern and central South America is expected to see near-normal to slightly below-
normal temperatures during the forecast period.

 Make a comparison of the forecasts of the two websites. You may upload

The two websites have various areas of investigation, particularly in terms of predicting a
country's temperature or level of precipitation. The first website that hosts PAGASA is one
that frequently provides in-depth information on the present weather conditions in our
country. The other is producing a forecast for the entire world. This website has a wide range
of forecasting capabilities because it is IRI for Climate and Society. Even if they predict the
weather differently, they are both useful as our guides for a certain phenomenon that is
occurring in our country.

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