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Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Fakultas Ilmu Budaya

Matakuliah : Phonetics/Phonology Hari/Tgl : Rabu, 30 Juni 2021
Kode/Kls : 6164502 (B) Waktu : 90 Menit
Dosen : Pininta V. Silalahi Sifat : Terbuka

Name : Ilham Nugroho

NIM : 1612100020


1. In the following pairs of words underline the stressed syllable of each word.
Examples: Canada Canadian Japan Japanese
(a) atom atomic (g) compose composition
(b) define definition (h) continent continental
(c) melody melodic (i) modify modification
(d) parent parental (j) origin original
(e) terrify terrific (k) invite invitation
(f) ambiguous ambiguity (l) combine combination
2. Put stress in the following words:
adequate = ad-a-quate
educate = ed-u-cate
obliterate = ob-lit-er-ate
advocate = ad-vo-cate
elaborate = e-lab-o-rate
obstinate = ob-sti-nate
affectionate = af-fec-tion-ate
estimate = es-ti-mate
passionate = pas-sion-ate
affiliate = af-fil-li-ate
illiterate = il-lit-er-ate
penetrate = pen-e-trate
alternate = al-ter-nate
immediate = im-me-di-ate
percolate = per-co-late
candidate = can-di-date
impersonate = im-per-son-ate
predicate = pred-i-cate
considerate = con-sid-er-ate
intimate = in-ti-mate
separate = sep-a-rate
delegate = del-e-gate
marinate = mar-i-nate
stimulate = stim-u-late
duplicate = du-pli-cate
moderate = mod-er-ate
subordinate = sub-or-di-nate
3. Decide which of the following words are like directory (or memory) and which are like
advisory dormitory migratory
amatory explanatory offertory
armory illusory perfunctory
compensatory inflammatory repertory
compulsory interrogatory inventory
derogatory mandatory trajectory
4. Transcribe the following sentences and show where assimilation occurs and explain:
A) Nice to meet you
B) Would you like some tea?
C) Where has that car been all night
D) Can you see that girl over there?
E) It was a very good concert
F) I’ve been going out too much lately
G) He’s bringing his own car
5. Find minimal pairs to illustrate the phonemic status in English of the following phonemes:
/u:/ and /u/ /r/ and /l/
/f/ and /v/ /s/ and /θ/
/t/ and /d/ /p/ and /f/
/æ/ and /e/ /ʌ/ ad /Ɔ/
6. In the following list of words, how many phonemes can you identify with the help of
minimal pairs? (Transcribe them first!)
beak beg big black
back bag block blot
bogg bug diss mitt
knit peek Pete pig
place plaque plate play
plot pratt pray sit
thin thing this zit
7. Draw syllable trees for the following words (Look at the examples in last week’s teaching
material https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xmwdc13LGtg)
ecology phonology presentation
acknowledge education actress
introduction recommendation utterances


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