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The Sacrament of

Holy Orders
Eddie Marc T. Adem
Many are called but few are chosen...
These few are those who choose to
commit their lives totally to God in the
Sacrament of Holy Orders which Jesus
established and entrusted to the Church.
The call to the ordained ministry received
in the Church through the Sacrament of
Holy Orders is an invitation to set oneself
at the service of all with special affiliation
to and imitation of Jesus Christ. Through
the ordained ministry, the mission
entrusted by Jesus to His apostles
continues to be perpetuated in the Church.
The sacrament of holy orders renders spiritual
power to one of the faithful for the nourishment of
the community by teaching, sanctifying, and
governing in the manner exemplified by Christ, the
Head of the Church, Christ conferred the role of
priesthood to the apostles when he told them, "Do
this in memory of me" during the institution of the
Eucharist at the Last Supper (Luke 22: 19). To
perpetuate Christ's work, the apostles had ordained
other leaders who served as their successors.
Common Priesthood and Ministerial Priesthood
By virtue of baptism, every
Christian participates in
Ministerial priesthood gives a Catholic priest
some way in the priesthood the role of being "Alter Christus" or Another
of Christ. Christ: This is fulfilled by proclaiming the
Gospel effectively, leading and organizing the
community of God, remitting sins, and
celebrating the Eucharist. As an ordained
priest, he has the power of consecration and
absolution that differentiate him from
ordinary ministers and pastors of the
Protestant Churches.
Laying on of hands
The prayer of ordination
MINISTER according to the
particular order (Deacon,
Bishop Priest, Bishop)
The Grades of Order
This is the divine institution of bishops
as successors of the apostles.
By Slidesgo

It is an office created in the
early church consisting
primarily of priests whose
main function is to advise the
bishop on matters concerning
the life of the community
The deacons or servants in the
church are ordained to the
service of the ministry of the
church by assisting the priests in
preaching the Gospel

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