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Área personal / Mis cursos / INGLÉS MODULO VI / CONSTRUCTION / Modals of Possibility Autonomous Activity

Comenzado el Sunday, 18 de December de 2022, 17:44

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en Sunday, 18 de December de 2022, 18:03
Tiempo 19 minutos 15 segundos
Calificación 5,00 de 10,00 (50%)

Pregunta 1

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Select the correct option with modal verbs of possibility.

The police think that one of the criminals _________ the other two.

a. Could have murdered

b. Could murder 

Pregunta 2

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Select the correct option with modal verbs of possibility.

I don’t understand why you didn’t get my email. I suppose I _______ it to the wrong person.

a. Could send

b. Could have sent

Pregunta 3

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Select the correct option with modal verbs of possibility.

Punishments were very severe 200 years ago. You ______ sentenced to death for stealing a loaf of bread.

a. Could have been

b. Could be
Pregunta 4

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Select the correct option with modal verbs of possibility.

“I think I’ll go to bed now”. “Of course. You _____ tired after a 24h shift.”

a. Must be

b. Might be 

c. Could have been

Pregunta 5

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Select the correct option with modal verbs of possibility.

“I’ll see you in the meeting at noon tomorrow.” “OK. I’ve got another meeting at eleven, so I _____ a few minutes late.”

a. Could be

b. Must be

c. Could have been

Pregunta 6

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Select the correct option with modal verbs of possibility.

“I don’t know where Eliza is. She _______ be in her office.”

a. Must

b. Can

c. May/might/could

Pregunta 7

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Select the correct option with modal verbs of possibility.

“Camila is a good boss, but she _____ be difficult sometimes.”

a. Can

b. May/might/could 

c. Must
Pregunta 8

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Select the correct option with modal verbs of possibility.

“We can invite Filip to dinner tonight, but I think he _____ be too tired.”

a. Can

b. Must 

c. May/might/could

Pregunta 9

Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Select the correct option with modal verbs of possibility.

“Don’t feed that dog. You don’t know where it’s from. It _____ be dangerous.”

a. May/might/could

b. Can

c. Must

Pregunta 10

Se puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00

Select the correct option with modal verbs of possibility.

“You shouldn’t walk alone. This city _____ be dangerous at night.”

a. May/might/could 

b. Can

c. Must

◄ Modals of Ability Autonomous Activity

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