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Imogiri Barat, Semail, Bangunharjo

Kec. Sewon, Kabupaten Bantul

Kode pos 55188 DIY, Indonesia

13 Februari 2021

Untuk Riska,

Apa kabar? Semoga sehat selalu ya....

Aku dan keluarga di Sragen juga sehat. Semoga kita semua selalu dilindungi Allah SWT. Amin. Oh ya,
bagaimana sekolahmu di sana? Apa kamu sudah pergi ke sekolah seperti biasa? Wah, senang dong ya?

Kalau aku belajar dari rumah karena sekarang masih pandemi. Sebenarnya aku bosan dan ingin segera
sekolah lagi. Tapi demi keselamatan semua aku bersabar dan terus berdoa semoga pandeminya berakhir

Oh ya, aku setiap hari zoom meeting. Lalu tugas dari guru akan dibagikan lewat e-learning. Memang jadi
sedikit repot, tapi aku senang karena masih bisa belajar dari rumah.

Baiklah, aku rasa sudah cukup sampai disini dulu suratku. Terus semangat dan jaga kesehatan, ya. Aku
tunggu balasan suratmu dengan cerita kehidupanmu yang sekarang. Tetap semangat ya Riska dan
semoga kita bisa bertemu secepatnya. Aku merindukanmu.



Jl. West Imogiri, Semail, Bangunharjo

Kec. Sewon, Bantul Regency

Postal code 55188 DIY, Indonesia

13 February 2021

Dear Riska,

How are you? I wish you good health ...

My family and I in Sragen are also healthy. May all of us always be protected by Allah SWT. Amen. Oh
yeah, how was your school there? Have you gone to school as usual? Wow, are you happy?

If I learn from home because it's still a pandemic now. Actually I'm bored and want to go back to school.
But for the safety of all I am patient and continue to pray that the pandemic will end soon.
Oh yes, I zoom meetings every day. Then assignments from the teacher will be shared via e-learning. It's
a bit of a hassle, but I'm happy that I can still learn from home.

Okay, I think that's enough to get my letter first here. Keep up the spirit and take care of your health. I
am waiting for your letter reply with your current life story. Keep the spirit up, Riska and hopefully we
can meet as soon as possible. I miss you.

Your best friends,


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