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Missouri University of Science and Technology

Missouri S&T is a high-grade engineering school perfect for anyone interested in

pursuing a degree in engineering, boasting a unique curriculum that proves challenging

and flexible. Still, classes are only some of the things Missouri S&T offers. The school is

home to many clubs and social groups to make friends and have fun. Missouri S&T is also

affordable, their base cost being average for colleges in Missouri while offering numerous

financial aid opportunities and scholarships; these factors and their average starting salary

for graduates being second to no other school in Missouri has garnered Missouri S&T the

title "Number 1 school public university in Missouri for return on investment".(GLOBE

NEWSWIRE) Missouri S&T's curriculum, campus life, and a great return on investment

are all factors that make this school my number one choice for science majors.

Missouri S&T has eighteen undergraduate science programs and nineteen Master's

degrees and Ph.D. in science, all of which have been given an abet certification (Missouri

S&T), an accreditation only given to science programs that meet the quality standards of

the subject and is a reliable source of innovation to the subject. Missouri S&T's science

programs include humanitarian, biological, physical, educational, nuclear, behavioral, and

military, and they are the only school in the nation to have a program in explosive

engineering. All programs are taught by not just experts but leaders in their respective

subject who know that each person learns differently. In order For students to learn best,

they need a connection with the teacher you can not get while in a class with hundreds of

other students; this is why Missouri S&T keep their classes small, with a student-to-faculty

ratio of 18:1, an average lab size of 17 students, and individual teaching being an option

you can feel comfortable knowing that your professor will be there for you. (Missouri S&T)
Missouri S&T is a great tight-knit community held together by a common love

for science. Alumni say Missouri S&T is a safe, clean, attractive community where

family is held above all else. This family-oriented attitude that Missouri S&T holds

allows anyone to succeed here through hindrances despite how rigorous the courses can

be Missouri S&T campus offers almost any activity you can think of so there is always

something to do even when you are not in the classroom. For sports fans, Missouri S&T

offers all of the mainstream sports like basketball, track, tennis, and football (Missouri

S&T) while offering a number of club sports that are not offered at the average college

featuring a rugby team that finished its 2020 regular season as champion of the Gateway

Conference, going undefeated in conference, and an inline roller hockey team is

consistently a contender for the Great Plains hockey championship. (GLOBE

NEWSWIRE) For students who want to get active with less commitment Missouri S&T

has a recreation center featuring modern exercise equipment, an indoor track,

basketball courts, volleyball courts, and an olympic sized swimming pool, and if your

interested in more educational extracurricular activities Missouri S&Ts design teams

Allow you to flex your creative muscles while providing incites into future careers.

Arguably the best part about Missouri S&T is the price. For its size and presented

opportunities i should cost far above the national average of $35,000 to attend Missouri

S&T but including housing, dining, tuition, and transportation the cost of attending

factors to arround 25,000 anualy(Hanson).

Works Cited

Careaga, Andrew. “Missouri S&T.” GlobeNewswire News Room, 12 Oct. 2020,

eives-300-million-gift.html. Accessed 1 Nov. 2022.

Hanson, Melanie. “Average Cost of College [2021]: Yearly Tuition + Expenses.”

EducationData, 24 Oct. 2022,

%20college. Accessed 1 Nov. 2022.

Technology, Missouri University of Science and. “Missouri S&T Mars Rover Design Team

Finishes Third in University Rover Challenge.” News and Events, 6 June 2022,

r-challenge/#:~:text=The%20Missouri%20S%26T%20team%20came. Accessed 1

Nov. 2022.

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