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12/20/22, 8:14 PM School Budgetary Needs Assessment Survey

School Budgetary Needs Assessment

Assessment survey tool to assess current school needs and how well the action items on
the school’s CIP/SIP plan are being met.

* Required

1. What is your role? *

Mark only one oval.





2. 1. In relation to the school budget, what instructional strategies are currently *

working to improve student academic growth?

3. 2. What student intervention programs are helping to promote student *


4. 3. In relation to the school budget , what instructional strategies are currently not *
working to improve student academic growth? 1/2
12/20/22, 8:14 PM School Budgetary Needs Assessment Survey

5. 4. What student intervention programs are not helping to promote student *


6. 5. In relation to the school budget, what resources are needed to meet student *
needs and outcomes?

7. 6. What are some wants and requests for meeting student needs and outcomes?

8. 7. What gaps do you believe are affecting student performance? *

9. 8. In what ways can we improve to fill in these gaps that are affecting student *

10. 9. What are your specific needs and wants that will help improve student *
performance within your content area?

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