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Separating regular mood swings from

cyclothymia; But there's little info

Ouwerkerk, Lies

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Prentiss Price, a psychologist from Georgia Southern University, has made a significant contribution with her
highly informative and accessible The Cyclothymia Workbook: Learn How to Manage Your Mood Swings and Lead
a Balanced Life (2004). She asserts that cyclothymia, a milder form of bipolar disorder, affects up to 1 per cent of
the population, and typically begins in adolescence or early adulthood. It affects men and women more or less
equally, and is characterized by mood swings that although not so extreme as in bipolar disorder, seem to
fluctuate between feeling depressed and feeling hypomanic. When depressed, those with cyclothymia may
withdraw, feel unmotivated, and be pessimistic; when hypomanic, they can be on top of the world and show
outgoing and gregarious.

Many people know that depression and bipolar disorder (also known as manic depression), are serious mental
health issues, but few have ever heard of a lesser-known form of bipolar disorder called cyclothymia or
cyclothymic disorder.
Since there is little information available about this illness, many do not even know they have it, so diagnoses are
still uncommon. Cyclothymia may lead to a full-blown bipolar disorder in 15 to 50 per cent of those who struggle
with this condition, so it is important to raise more awareness. The earlier cyclothymia is detected and managed,
the less it may interfere with one's life on the long run.
Prentiss Price, a psychologist from Georgia Southern University, has made a significant contribution with her
highly informative and accessible The Cyclothymia Workbook: Learn How to Manage Your Mood Swings and Lead
a Balanced Life (2004). She asserts that cyclothymia, a milder form of bipolar disorder, affects up to 1 per cent of
the population, and typically begins in adolescence or early adulthood. It affects men and women more or less
equally, and is characterized by mood swings that although not so extreme as in bipolar disorder, seem to
fluctuate between feeling depressed and feeling hypomanic. When depressed, those with cyclothymia may
withdraw, feel unmotivated, and be pessimistic; when hypomanic, they can be on top of the world and show
outgoing and gregarious.
They also often experience feelings of irritability and annoyance, can easily get into arguments with partners,
family members, friends, or colleagues, or may engage in risk-taking activities that can have far-reaching
consequences on theirs as well as other people's lives such as spending too much, driving too fast, or making poor
decisions. Whereas a more severe bipolar disorder typically needs medication, or even hospitalization, this is not
necessarily the case for cyclothymia. Although the highs and lows are not as severe as in bipolar disorder, mood
changes may be more frequent and less predictable, though. Sometimes, cyclothymia is mistaken for borderline
personality disorder, which is also characterized by rapid mood swings.
The list of causes for cyclothymia is not yet conclusive, and more research still needs to be done. The consensus
points in the direction of a combination of factors including genetics (a family history of mood disorders), biology
(brain structure, neurotransmitters, medical conditions, effects of medications) and stress.
Treatments found to be beneficial for bipolar disorder are also appropriate for cyclothymia, including medications


such as mood stabilizers, psychotherapy, or a combination of the two. In terms of therapy, various approaches
have been shown to be useful. In cognitive behavioral therapy, automatic and sometimes faulty thinking styles will
be challenged, and strategies for symptom management addressed. In family therapy, based on the premise that
the illness affects all, and the family affects the patient, interventions will be conducted with the whole family. And
in psycho- educational therapy, the focus may be on education about symptoms, effects, red flags, and stress
Some people diagnosed with cyclothymia could manage symptoms on their own if they would strictly adhere to
the workbook. Many of the strategies and activities Price offers, including charts, are built upon the approaches
above. Others function better with additional professional support to keep their lives balanced. There may also be
related issues one wants help with, including enhancing social interactions, recognizing stressors that may lead to
significant problems, or marriage counseling.
How can one be helpful to a loved one with cyclothymia? Encouragement and patience rather than rejection and
criticism would help. Educating oneself about the illness would be an essential step in recognizing the daily
challenges that he/she faces, as well as understanding that their mood swings just happen to them, and that they
cannot control these nor snap out of them so easily as we tend to think.
Lies Ouwerkerk, M.Ed, MFT, is a licensed individual, couple, and family therapist with a private practice in North
Photo: (See hard copy for photo description). ;
Credit: Special to The Record


Judul: Separating regular mood swings from cyclothymia; But there's little info:   [Final
Edition ]

Pengarang: Ouwerkerk, Lies

Judul publikasi: Record; Sherbrooke, Que.

Halaman: 12

Jumlah halaman: 0

Tahun publikasi: 2007

Tanggal publikasi: Jun 4, 2007

kolom: Lies Ouwerkerk

Bagian: News

Penerbit: Postmedia Network Inc.

Tempat publikasi: Sherbrooke, Que.

Negara publikasi: Canada, Sherbrooke, Que.


Subjek publikasi: General Interest Periodicals--Canada

ISSN: 08416869

Jenis sumber: Surat Kabar

Bahasa publikasi: English

Jenis dokumen: Column

ID dokumen ProQuest: 356428897

URL Dokumen:


Hak cipta: (Copyright 2007 The Record (Sherbrooke))

Terakhir diperbarui: 2010-06-22

Basis data: Health &Medical Collection

Hak cipta basis data  2022 ProQuest LLC. Semua hak cipta dilindungi.

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