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Case Report - Trauma

Bone Cements in Depressed Frontal Bone Fractures

Alagappan Meyyappan, Eswari Jagdish, Jessica Yolanda Jeevitha
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Chettinad Dental College and Research Institute, Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu, India

Skull fractures can be classified into four major types; linear, depressed, diastatic, and basilar. Of these, a depressed skull fracture presents a
high risk of increased intracranial pressure or hemorrhage to the brain. A compound depressed skull fracture results when a laceration over the
fracture exposes the internal cranial cavity to the outside environment. Such depressed skull fractures are indicated for elevation if the defect is
more than 10 mm and in the presence of brain injury. Frontal bone contour defects result in marked facial deformity which becomes obvious
to the observer. Esthetic correction of the depressed frontal bone fracture can be done with autogenous bone grafts or alloplastic materials.
Autogenous bone grafts are meant to be the gold standard method of reconstruction, but they harbor the risk of donor‑site morbidity. There
are various materials available for the reconstruction of depressed frontal bone fractures. This is a case report which illustrates the use of
easily injectable, self‑setting calcium phosphate bone cement in the correction of a depressed frontal bone fracture measuring approximately
3 cm × 2.5 cm × 1.5 cm.

Keywords: Bone cement, calcium phosphate cements, contour defects, craniofacial trauma, frontal bone, reconstruction

Introduction with a laceration wound measuring approximately

5 cm × 3 cm in the left forehead region running parallel to
The frontal bone is the most frequently fractured cranial
the eyebrow [Figure 1], which was debrided immediately
bone in craniofacial trauma patients and accounts for 37%
and sutured to control bleeding. Diffuse edema of the left
of cranial fractures. In maxillary fractures, isolated Le Fort
upper and middle third of the face was evident along with
I fractures have significant association with frontal bone
circumorbital edema and subconjunctival hemorrhage of
fracture.[1] The frontal bone consists of three parts, the
the left eye. The patient’s mouth opening was adequate
squamous part which is the largest and forms majority of the
with bilaterally stable occlusion. Assessment of the
forehead, supraorbital margins and the superciliary arch.
computed tomography [Figure 2] revealed an incomplete
The frontal bone is more protected from traumatic events
and undisplaced Le Fort I fracture and a left frontal bone
due to the prominence of the nasal pyramid which protects
fracture which was approximately 3 cm × 2.5 cm × 1 cm.
the naso‑orbital region as well. The frontal bone also has a
The frontal bone fracture involved both the cortices without
higher resistance to mechanical impacts. The frontal bone
involvement of the frontal sinus, and there was no evidence
can withstand 800–1600 pounds of force,[2] thus conferring
of dural tear as discussed with the neurosurgical team. The
resistance against most forms of traumatic injury. Motor
patient was observed for any neurosurgical deficit and
vehicle accidents are the most common cause followed by
was found to be devoid of the same. Since the patient’s
assaults and sports‑related injuries.
mouth opening was adequate, occlusion was stable with

Case Report Address for correspondence: Dr. Jessica Yolanda Jeevitha,

A 25‑year‑old male reported to the hospital with an Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Chettinad Dental
alleged history of road traffic accident and history of College and Research Institute, Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu, India.
loss of consciousness and nasal bleed. The patient was E‑mail:
conscious, stable, and oriented. The patient presented
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DOI: How to cite this article: Meyyappan A, Jagdish E, Jeevitha JY. Bone
10.4103/ams.ams_155_19 cements in depressed frontal bone fractures. Ann Maxillofac Surg

© 2019 Annals of Maxillofacial Surgery | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 407

Meyyappan, et al.: Bone cements in frontal bone fractures

Figure 1: Preoperative presentation of the patient Figure 2: Computed tomography revealing left frontal bone fracture and
Lefort I fracture

a b

Figure 4: Postoperative frontal view of the patient depicting bilateral

symmetry of the frontal bone
c d
Figure 3: (a) Exposure of fracture site, (b) calcium phosphate bone no mobility of the maxilla, and the Le Fort I fracture was
cement, (c) reconstruction of the defect with the bone cement, (d) closure decided to be managed conservatively. The frontal bone
done in layers was minimally depressed without involvement of the frontal
sinus; therefore; bone cement was used as an alternate to
the standard approach based on esthetic concerns.
The existing laceration was utilized to approach the fracture
site [Figure 3a]. The fracture site was exposed [Figure 3b] and
isolated. A calcium phosphate‑based cement[3] (HydroSet™)
which is a synthetic bone graft substitute was used in the
reconstruction of the depressed frontal bone fracture. The
bone cement [Figure 3c] consisted of powder and liquid
components, was mixed to attain a flowable consistency and
then was applied over the defect and was manipulated. The
cement was designed to set in the presence of water, blood and
cerebrospinal fluid. Once the cement had set, closure was done
a b
in layers with Vicryl 3‑0 and ethilon 4‑0 [Figure 3d].
Figure 5: (a) Preoperative axial section of computed tomography
demonstrating the depressed frontal bone fracture, (b) postoperative The patient was assessed postoperatively [Figure 4] for any
axial section of computed tomography demonstrating the reconstructed pain, edema or bleeding at the surgical site. A postoperative
site computed tomography [Figure 5] was done to evaluate the

408 Annals of Maxillofacial Surgery  ¦  Volume 9  ¦  Issue 2  ¦  July-December 2019

Meyyappan, et al.: Bone cements in frontal bone fractures

Figure 6: Classification of   frontal bone fracture. Type 1 fractures are Figure 7: Skull base penetration depths. Depth A fractures involve the
isolated to the frontal sinus without a vertical trajectory (purple). Type 2 anterior table of the frontal bone with or without posterior table involvement
fractures are vertically oriented and extend into the orbit but not the frontal and do not extend into the anterior cranial fossa (purple). Depth B fractures
sinus (blue). Type 3 fractures are vertically oriented and extend into the involve the floor of the anterior cranial fossa (blue). Depth C fractures
frontal sinus but not the orbit (yellow). Type 4 fractures are vertically involve the middle cranial fossa (yellow). Depth D fractures extend into
oriented and extend into ipsilateral frontal sinus and orbit (green). Type 5 the posterior cranial fossa (red)
fractures extend into the frontal sinus and extend into the orbit on both
sides of the face or the contralateral side of the face (red) reconstructive material can combat the contour defect that
could occur. Frontal bone fractures can be approached
adaptation and contour of the bone cement placed over the surgically through many ways such as the coronal approach,
defect. gullwing incision, open‑sky approach,[5] subbrow approach,[6]
or through the existing laceration. There are various modalities
Discussion available for the reconstruction of frontal bone defects. The
The frontal bone fracture is classified as follows[4] [Figure 6]: materials used for cranioplasty should fulfill several criteria
• Type 1 fractures: Nonvertical fractures such as the material should be biologically inert, moldable,
Comminuted fractures of the frontal sinus without a nonreactive, noncorrosive, nonresorbable, nonantigenic, stable,
vertical trajectory durable, and ability to withstand impact.[7]
• Type 2 fractures: Vertical fractures Accounts from the early 1900s relate how metal or hammered
Vertical fractures involving the orbit but not the frontal sinus gold plate was used. Evolution has led to the shift from
• Type 3 fractures hammered gold to precast metal alloy followed by silicone
Vertical fractures involving the frontal bone and sinus but rubber to the use of autogenous grafts [8] . Alloplastic
not the orbit materials, such as methyl methacrylate, hydroxyapatite
• Type 4 fractures cement, hydroxyapatite block, hydroxyapatite granules,
Fractures involve both the frontal sinus and the ipsilateral carbonated calcium phosphate bone cement, titanium, or
orbit porous polyethylene, are also used to repair frontal bone
• Type 5 fractures fractures. Autogenous bone grafts are the gold standard for the
Fractures crossing the midline of the face, involving the reconstruction of any bony defect, but its use is limited due to
frontal sinus and the contralateral or bilateral orbits. unpredictable resorption and possible donor‑site morbidity.[9]
Skull base penetration depths are classified as follows [Figure 7]: The most commonly used alloplastic material of choice is
• Depth A  –  Involvement of the frontal bone without the methyl methacrylate, but it is also not ideal. Despite its
extension into the skull base. favorable characteristics, methyl methacrylate has a higher
• Depth B – Extension into the anterior cranial fossa (orbital infection rate than autologous bone, low composite tensile
roof, fovea ethmoidalis, and cribriform plate) displacement profile, accelerating crack velocity, exothermic
• Depth C – Extension into the middle cranial fossa (sella, polymerization, and lack of retention. Since displacement/
sphenoid body, carotid canal, and optic chiasm sulcus) fracture has been reported with the use of   polymethyl
• Depth D  –  Involvement of the posterior cranial methacrylate alloplastic materials cranioplasties, numerous
fossa (clivus, petromastoid temporal bone, and petrosal techniques such as miniplates, mesh, and wires have been
segment of the carotid canal). developed to stabilize the construct.[10]
Depressed comminuted fractures should be elevated and An alternative to autogenous grafts and methyl methacrylate
stabilized with a titanium mesh, or the use of an alloplastic is the hydroxyapatite, which is of two generations: the ceramic

Annals of Maxillofacial Surgery  ¦  Volume 9 ¦ Issue 2 ¦ July-December 2019 409

Meyyappan, et al.: Bone cements in frontal bone fractures

and nonceramic.[11] The ceramic hydroxyapatite (first generation) understand that their names and initials will not be published
is produced by a sintering process. It is characteristic of and due efforts will be made to conceal their identity, but
osteoconductivity. The disadvantages are brittleness and inability anonymity cannot be guaranteed.
to mold in case of a hydroxyapatite block, and the granular
form is difficult to contain in the area of reconstruction and has Financial support and sponsorship
reduced structural stability.[9] The second generation consists of Nil.
calcium phosphate cement which is manufactured as powder and Conflicts of interest
liquid components. The two components on mixing undergo a There are no conflicts of interest.
physicochemical reaction resulting in a flowable material that
promotes a chemical bond with the host bone. HydroSet / Stryker
has been designed to have wet‑field characteristics to overcome References
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