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Tugas 2 bahasa inggris

Syiffa septina mukti/043160173/MKWI4201.174

1. Identifikasi bagian surat yang ditandai oleh nomor 1-3. / Please identify the part of the
letternumbered 1-3.
jawaban :

a. Lee's mother received a letter.

b. The letter is about an invitation to attend an art department work event.
c. the letter was sent by linda lau as the head of the arts department.

2. Identifikasi 3 (tiga) kesalahan pada surat di atas. / Please identify 3 (three) errors in
the letterabove.

a. Kesalahan tempat penulisan salam pembuka surat

b. Kesalahan pada perihal surat
c. Topik yang berbeda dengan judul

3. Dear Eid snacks online shop

in place
Subject: Complaint of Expired Purchase Products

Yours faithfully,
I am submitting a complaint regarding the product that I bought on 19/09/2022 at the
Eid Snack Shop which has expired. I was very disappointed due to the negligence of
the store who did not check the items that were about to be sent to my address. I
request a replacement product or a full refund to me.
Thus I convey this letter, I am waiting for a reply and good news from the Eid Snacks
Online Shop soon. For the attention I say many thanks.

Yours faithfully,
Syiffa septina. M

4. From :

Subject: Thank you for the donation

I am Syiffa septina mukti as the head of the official at the orphanage, thank you for
the help in the form of donations that you have given us. Your donation means a lot to
the children in this orphanage. Hopefully what you give can be useful and you are
always in good health and under God's protection.

Thank you

Syiffa septina mukti

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