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Following the current technological advancement in technology and

modernization, the demand for education has been revealed to rise sharply
among the various age groups in contemporary society. On this basis, therefore,
the quality of teachers entrusted with the task of teaching the current
technologically oriented society should be credited to a big extent. As it has been
revealed, many teachers fail to affect many educational programs among the
learners as a result of poor training grounds for them thus making them lack
various crucial characteristics that teachers should have. This paper presents a
critical overview of characteristics that the current teachers should have to be
effective in their teaching 
Powerful and good teaching is becoming increasingly important in the current society
because of the increasingly rising standards of learning which are now higher than
they have ever been before. Effective teachers are those who have an influential
impact on learning and achievement in students 
Teaching is a profession that is considered to be a rewarding challenging and
complex role. An effective teacher does not simply teach knowledge their students
and instead aims to arm students with the knowledge, skills, understanding and
attitudes that will prepare students for life-long learning.
One of the main steps to becoming an effective teacher is to gain intimate
knowledge toward the subject matter that will be taught in the classroom. an
effective teacher must demonstrate an understanding of the education context. In
other words, an effective teacher should be able to show that he or she is
knowledgeable in the subject that is being taught.
When it comes to effective teaching, there are many techniques that can better a
teacher’s ability to enable students to learn.  As anyone can tell, becoming an
effective teacher is not easy.  It takes a lot of planning, patience, and hard
work.  However, no matter how much work it takes, I believe that taking these
necessary steps are crucial to my success as a teacher.  Changing the lives of
students, providing them with new knowledge, and giving them the materials
necessary to help lead a bright future is my priority.  If this means doing anything
that is in my control to become an effective teacher, then I will strive to do just

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