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Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance 31

Detailed Solutions

1. The physical quantity having SI unit N C–1 m 1 . (−q) 1 q

is electrostatic potential. V = V1 + V2 = + ⋅
4 πε0 r + a 4 πε0 r − a
q  1 1  q 2a
=  −  = ⋅ 2 2
4 πε0  r − a r + a  4 πε0 r − a
1 p
= ⋅ [... p = q (2a)]
Potential difference due to a point charge Q at a 4 πε0 r 2 − a2
distance r is given by For a far away point, r >> a
1 Q 1 p 1
V= \ V = ⋅ 2 or V ∝ 2
4 πε0 r 4 πε0 r r
\ From the given figure Thus, due to a dipole potential at a point is
1 Q 1 Q 1
VA = ; VB = V∝ .
4 πε0 rA 4 πε0 rB
5. Refer to answer 4.
\ VA − VB =
1 Q 1 Q Q 1 1
− =  −  6. Let q be the charge on each droplet.
4 πε0 rA 4 πε0 rB 4 πε0  rA rB 
1 q
1 1 Then V = ...(i)
1 1 4 πε 0 r
rB > rA ⇒ < ⇒  −  > 0
rB rA  rA rB  Volume of big drop = N × volume of small drop
Hence, (VA – VB) > 0 4 3 4
πR = N × πr 3 ,
i.e., potential difference (VA – VB) is positive. 3 3
3. Electric field due to a point charge, where R is the radius of the big drop.
1 Q 1 ⇒ R = N1/3 r...(ii)
E= , E∝
4 πε 0 r 2
and Q = Nq, where Q is the charge of bigger drop
\ Potential of larger drop,
1 Q 1 Nq
V′ = =
4 πε0 R 4 πε0 N 1/ 3r

= 1/3
V = N 2/3V
Potential due to a point N
charge, V = 1 Q ; V ∝ 1 7. qA = q and qB = –2q
4 πε 0 r r
kq A
The variation of electric field E with distance r and VPA =
also the variation of potential v with r as shown in
the figure. VPB =
(d − x )
4. 2a
VPA + VPB = 0
–q o +q kq 2kq
= ; d – x = 2x
r x (d − x )
Let P be an axial point at distance r from the centre d
3x = d; x =
of the dipole. Electric potential at point P will be 3
32 CBSE Champion Physics Class 12

8. If the field were not normal to the equipo- 14. Electric field as gradient of potential consider
tential surface, it would have a non zero component a point charge +q placed at point O. Suppose that
along the surface. So to move a test charge against V and V+dV are electrostatic potential at points
this component, a work would have to be done. A and B, where distance from the charge +q are r
But there is no potential difference between and r – dr respectively.
any two points on an equipotential surface and (V + δV ) = V +
consequently no work is required to move a test
charge on the surface. Hence, the electric field δW
δV = 
must be normal to the equipotential surface at q0
every point. 
If E is electric field at point P due to charge
9. Refer to answer 8. +q placed at point O, then the test charge q0

10. Work done = q (Potential at Q – Potential at P), experiences a force equal to q0 E and the external
where q is the small positive charge. force required to move the test charge against the

The electric potential at a point distance r due electric field E is given by
 
to the field created by a positive charge Q is F = −q0 E
given by Therefore, work done to move the test charge
through an infinitesimally small displacement
1 q   
V= PQ = δl is given by
4 πε0 r
 
  

Q rP < rQ \ VP > VQ ∆W = F ⋅ δl = (−qE ) ⋅ δl = −q0 Eδl cos180° = q0 Eδl
Hence, work done will be negative. As the distance r decreases in the direction of dl, then
dW = –q0E dr
11. For an isolated charge the equipotential δW
surfaces are concentric spherical shells and the = − E δr ...(ii)
separation between consecutive equipotential q0 
surfaces increases in the weaker electric From equations (i) and (ii), we get
field. δV
dV = – E dr; E = −
Therefore, electric field at a point is equal to the
negative gradient of the electrostatic potential at
that point.
+ q  Important conclusions :



15. (i)
−dV  V − VA 
E= ⇒ E = − C 
12. dr  (2 − 6) 
VC – VA = 4E
(ii) VC – VA = 4E is positive
\ VC > VA
Potential is greater at point C than point A, as
13. Work done in carrying a charge on potential decreases along the direction of electric
equipotential surface is always zero. field.
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance 33


The equipotential surface is at a distance d/2 from

either plate in XZ-plane. –q charge experiences a
force in a direction opposite to the direction of
electric field. 18. No, if two equipotential surfaces intersect
\ –q charge balances when qE = mg then at the point of intersection, there will be two
directions of electric field intensity which is not
mg possible.
19. (i)
Y Equipotential

2 µC
+ – –2 µC
E (Vertically
The direction of electric field along vertically
downward direction. The XZ-plane is so chosen 6 cm
that the direction of electric field due to two plates (ii) Equipotential surfaces get closer to each other
is along vertically downward direction, otherwise near the point charges as strong electric field is
weight (mg) of charge particle could not be produced there.
balanced. ∆V 1
\ E = − ⇒ E∝−
∆r ∆r
17. (a)
For given equipotential surfaces, small Dr
represents strong electric field and vice versa.


VA = VB 20. +q –q

other because electric field at a point, distance r
from point charge, is given by E = +
4 πε0 r 2 21. Refer to answer 20.
22. Equipotential surface is the surface with a
As electric field E ∝ , the field is non uniform. constant value of potential at all points on the surface.
r2 (i) Refer to answer 17 (a).
So, distance between adjacent equipotential (ii)
surfaces goes on increasing as shown in figure. field in Z-direction.
34 CBSE Champion Physics Class 12

10 10
 10r 2 
= − ∫ (10r + 5)dr = −  + 5r 
1  2 1
= −1 5r 2 + 5r 
 1
For constant electric field
Equipotential surfaces about a single charge are = −[(5 × 100 + 50) − (5 + 5)] = −540 V
1 dV
not equidistant because electric potential, V ∝ .
r 27. Electric field E = − ...(i)
(iii) Electric field tangential to an equipotential For x = 0 to 1, V = kx
surface cannot exist. x = 1 to 2, V = k
If the field lines are tangential, work will be done x = 2 to 3, V = –kx
in moving a charge on the surface whereas on where k is some constant
equipotential surface WAB = q0(VB –VA) = 0 So, using (i) the variation of electric field is shown
23. For an isolated charge in figure.
the equipotential surfaces are
concentric spherical shells and
–q �
the separation between E
consecutive equipotential
surfaces increases in the weaker
electric field.
24. (i) Now electric field
 ∂V −dV −d
E= = = (10 x + 5) = −10 i −dV
28. The electric field E =
∂r dx dx dr
(ii) Now the total electric flux through the cube, So, even for a constant electric potential electric
φ = ∫ E.ds field can be zero.
For example, for a hollow shell, the field inside is
zero, whereas potential is non zero and constant.
+ +
V IV + q
VI E=0

V = constant


+ +
φ = ∫ E.ds + ∫ E.ds + ∫ E.ds + ∫ E.ds + ∫ E.ds

29. Refer to answer 20.
+ ∫ E.ds Potential is zero on the points located on the
VI line passing through the centre of dipole and
= 0 + 0 + (+10)(20 × 10 ) + (–10)(20 × 10–2)2 + 0 + 0
–2 2 perpendicular to the dipole axis.
=0 30. Refer to answer 25(a)
25. (a) Properties of equipotential surface are: Refer to answer 11.
(i) Work done in moving a test charge over an dV dV
Q E = − , i.e., dr = −
equipotential surface is zero. dr E
(ii) Electric field is always directed normal to 1
equipotential surface. for given dV , dr ∝
26. Given E = 10r + 5 Hence, dr is small, then E is large. Hence, for small
Now the electric potential, V = − ∫ E.dr dr, equipotential surfaces are crowded.
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance 35

1 1 × 10−6 (−4 × 10−6 ) 1 Q1Q3 1 Q2Q3

31. U =  + W =U = −
4 πε0  0.10 4 πε0 r / 2 4 πε0 r / 2

1 × 10−6 (1 × 10−6 ) −4 × 10−6 (1 × 10−6 )  1 2Q3

+  = [Q1 − Q2 ]
0.10 0.10  4 πε0 r
(b) P at a distance x from Q1
where work done is zero. Then
x r–x

+Q1 – Q2
\ Potential at P due to Q1 = potential at P due
1 to Q2
U= × 10−12[−4 × 10 + 10 − 4 × 10]
4 πε0 kQ1 kQ2
= ⇒ (r − x )Q1 = xQ2
= – 9 × 109 × 10–12 × 70 x (r − x )
= – 0.630 J.
Work done to dissociate the system of charges rQ1 − xQ1 = xQ2 ⇒ rQ1 = x(Q1 + Q2 )
W = – V = 0.630 J rQ1
⇒ x=
32. Potential at P(7, 0, 0) is Q1 + Q2
−q 1
V1 = ⋅ 34. (a) Force on charge Q
4 πε0 (7 − 0)2 + 0 + (−a − 0)2 q
Q due to charge q.
q 1 1 qQ a 2
+ ⋅ Fq = × 2 a
4 πε0 (7 − 0)2 + 0 + (a − 0)2 4 πε0 a
Force on charge Q due q Q
−q 1 q 1 Fq
= ⋅ + ⋅ =0 to another charge Q, a
4 πε0 49 + a2 4 πε0 49 + a2 FQ
1 Q2 Fq
Potential at Q(–3, 0, 0) is FQ = ×
4 πε0 (a 2 )2
−q 1
V2 = ⋅
4 πε0 (−3 − 0)2 + (−a)2 1 Q2
q 1 4 πε0 2a2
+ ⋅
4 πε0 (−3 − 0)2 + (−a)2 Net force on charge Q is

−q 1 q 1 Fnet = FQ + Fq2 + Fq2 = FQ + Fq 2

= ⋅ + ⋅ =0
4 πε0 9 + a2 4 πε0 9 + a2
1 Q2 1 qQ
\ q(V2 – V1) = q(0 – 0) = 0 = × 2+ × 2 2
4 πε0 2a 4 πε0 a
Hence, W = 0.
33. (a) The work done to bring the charge Q3 QQ 
=  2 + 2 q  along diagonal
r 4 πε0a  
from infinity to ,
2 (b)
r at ∞ r U = UqQ + UQq + UqQ + UQq + Uqq + UQQ
2 Q3 2
= 4UqQ + Uqq + UQQ
+ Q1 –Q2 4qQ q2 Q2
= + +
r 4 πε0a 4 πε0 ( 2a) 4 πε0 ( 2a)
36 CBSE Champion Physics Class 12

1  q2 Q2  1 1 × 2 ×10 −12 1 2 × (−1) ×10 −12

=  4qQ + +  WC = +
4 πε0 a  2a 2a  4 πε 0 10 × 10−2 4 πε 0 10 × 10−2

→ \ W = WA + WB + WC
1 q(4q)  −1 × 10 −12 + 2 × 10 −12 + (−2) × 10 
35. (a) FAB = q 1
4 πε0 l 2 120°
4 π∈0 0 + 
 A  10 × 10 −2 10 × 10 −2 10 × 10 −2 
1 4q 2 →
1 −1 × 10 −12
= FAB =
4 πε0 l 2 –4q 60° 60° 2q 4 πε 0 10 × 10 −2
B l C
= 9 × 109 × (−0.1) × 10 −10 = −0.9 × 10 −1 = −0.09 J
1 q(2q) 1 2q2
FAC = =
4 πε0 l 2 4 πε0 l 2 37. The work done in bringing charge q1 in the
  
external electric field at a distance r1 = q1 V (r1)
Angle between forces F AB and F AC is 120°. work done in bringing charge q2 in the external
Magnitude of resultant force, 
electric field at a distance r2 = q2 V (r2)
2 2 The work done in moving q2 against the force of q1
F = FAB + FAC + 2FAB FAC cos 120°
= 1
1  q2  2 2  −1 4 πε 0 r12
=  2  (4) + (2) + 2 × 4 × 2 ×  
4 πε0 l  2 where r12 is the distance between q1 and q2.
1 q2 1 q2 q1q2
= 16 + 4 − 8 = (2 3 ) q1V (r1 ) + q2V (r2 ) + 1
4 πε0 l 2 4 πε0 l 2 4 πε 0 r12

38. Potential energy ∞
energy of the system = Uf –Ui (q1, q2)
of a system of two q 1
= 0 – (UAB + UBC + UCA) q2
charges in an external
−1 field
= [q(−4q) + (−4q)(2q) + (q)(2q)]
4 πε0 l q1 q2
W1 = q1 (VA – 0) A B
= q1VA (VA) (VB)
−1 10q2 r
= [−4q2 − 8q2 + 2q2 ] = where VA is the
4 πε0 l 4 πε0l
potential at point A due the external field
36. The work done is bringing a charge q1 from Now work done in bringing charge q2 to point B
infinity to point A, WA = 0. 1 q1q2
W2 = q2VB +
q1 = + 1 mC 4 πε 0 r
10 cm where VB is the potential due to the external field
10 cm at point B.
q3 = + 2 mC q2 = –1 mC Total work done in assembling the configuration
C B of two charges in an electric field is
10 cm
W = W1 + W2
Work done in bringing charge q2 to point B from
1 q1q2
infinity ∴ W = q1VA + q2VB +
4πε 0 r
1 q1 q2 1 −1 × 10 −12
WB = = 39. Since net force on electric dipole in uniform
4 πε 0 r 4 πε 0 10 × 10 −2
electric field is zero, so no work is done in
Work done in bringing a point charge q3 to point moving the electric dipole in uniform electric
C from infinity, field, however some work is done in rotating the
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance 37

dipole against the torque acting on it. So, small 41. Electric field intensity is zero inside the
work done in rotating the dipole by an angle dq in hollow spherical charge conductor. So, no work is
uniform electric field E is done in moving a test charge inside the conductor
dW = t dq = pE sinq dq and on its surface. Therefore, there is no potential
Hence, net work done in rotating the dipole from difference between any two points inside or on the
angle qi to qf in uniform electric field is surface of the conductor.
θf θf
pE sinθ dθ = pE [ − cosθ
] 42. Potential inside the charged sphere is
W= ∫θi θi
constant and equal to potential on the surface of
or W = pE [–cos qf + cos qi] = pE [cos qi – cos qf] the conductor. THerefore, potential at the centre of
If initially, the dipole is placed at an angle the sphere is 10 V.
qi = 90° to the direction of electric field, and is then 43. Dielectrics are non-conductors and do not
rotated to the angle qf = q, then net work done is have free electrons at all. While conductors has
W = pE [cos90° – cosq] free electrons which makes it able to pass the
or W = – pE cosq electricity through it.
This gives the work done in rotating the dipole
through an angle q in uniform electric field, which 44. (i) When a conductor is placed in an external
gets stored in it in the form of potential energy i.e., electric field, the free charges present inside
U = – pE cos q the conductor redistribute themselves in such
This gives potential energy stored in electric dipole a manner that the electric field due to induced
of moment p when placed in uniform electric field charges opposes the external field within the
at an angle q with its direction. conductor. This happens until a static situation is
(i) q = 0°, then Umin = –pE achieved i.e., when the two fields cancel each other
So, potential energy of an electric dipole is and the net electrostatic field in the conductor
minimum, when it is placed with its dipole becomes zero.
moment p parallel to the direction of electric field (ii)
E and so it is called its most stable equilibrium i.e., they have no charge carriers. Thus, in a
position. dielectric, free movement of charges is not
(ii) When q = 180°, then Umax = + pE possible. It turns out that the external field induces
So, potential energy of an electric dipole is dipole moment by reorienting molecules of the
maximum, when it is placed with its dipole dielectric. The collective effect of all the molecular
moment p anti parallel to the direction of electric dipole moments is the net charge on the surface of
field E and so it is called its most unstable the dielectric which produce a field that opposes
equilibrium position. the external field, unlike a conductor in an
40. Let P be a point at distance r from the sheet. external electric field. However, the opposing field
W = q · (VP – V∞)...(i) so induced does not exactly cancel the external
Now, VP – V∞ field. It only reduces it. The extent of the effect
  r r
 σ  depends on the nature of the dielectric.
= − ∫ E ⋅ dr = − ∫ Edr = − ∫  ⋅ dr The effect of electric field on a conductor and a
 2ε0  dielectric is shown in the figure.
∞ ∞ ∞
(Field from an infinitely large plane sheet of – E + – E0 +

σ –free 0 free++ – +
charge q is uniform and is given by ). E0 –
– Ein + E0
E0 – E + E0
2ε0 –
–E0 + Ein = 0++
– in
–E0 + Ein  0+
σ σ
− ∫ dr = − ⋅[r]r Conductor Dielectric
2ε0 2ε0 ∞
∞ The dipole moment per unit volume is called
σ polarisation and is denoted by P. For linear
− (r − ∞) = ∞ or, VP − V∞ = ∞ isotropic dielectrics, P = cE
where c is electric susceptibility of the dielectric
From eq. (i) W = ∞ medium.
38 CBSE Champion Physics Class 12

45. The plate area of C2 is greater than that of deposition of further charges. Thus the current
C1. Since capacitance of a capacitor is directly flowing through the circuit gradually becomes
proportional to the area of the plates, less and then zero till the voltage of the capacitor
\ C2 > C1 is exactly equal but opposite to the voltage of the
q battery. This is how capacitor gets charged.
Now, C =
V 49. Capacitor is based on the principle of
Therefore, slope of a line (=q/V) is directly electrostatic induction. The capacitance of an
proportional to the capacitance of the capacitor, insulated conductor increases significantly by
it represents. Since the slope of line A is more bringing an uncharged earthed conductor near to
than that of B, line A represents C2 and the line B it. This combination forms parallel plate capacitor.
represents C1.
−q q
46. − E1 − + E2 = 0
C1 C2
q q
or + = E2 − E1
C1 C2

E1 = E2 =
2ε 0

Now, V1 = q ,V2 = q
C1 C2
47. Here C = 2 F
d = 0.5 cm = 0.5 × 10–2 m
e0 = 8.854 × 10–12 C2 N–1m–2
σ σ
ε A EI = E2 – E1 = − =0
\ C = 0 2ε 0 2ε 0
Cd 2 × 0.5 × 10−2 (ii)
A= = σ σ σ
ε0 8.854 × 10−12 EII = E1 + E2 = + =
2ε 0 2ε 0 ε 0
A = 1.13 × 109 m2
48. Consider a parallel plate capacitor is
σ σ
connected across a battery as shown in figure. EIII = E1 – E2 = − =0
2ε 0 2ε 0
In the region II i.e., in the space between the plates,
resultant electric field E II is directed normal to
plates, from positive to negative charge plate.
Then the electric current will flow through the (b)
circuit. As the charges reach the plate, the insulating σ Q
V = EII.d = d or V = d
gap does not allow the charges to move further; ε0 Aε 0
hence, positive charges get deposited on one side
of the plate and negative charges get deposited on
Q Q εA
the other side of the plate. As the voltage begins C= = or C = 0
to develop, the electric charges begins to resist the V Qd / Aε 0 d
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance 39

Q 3Q (iii) C′ = KC
50. (i) φ1 = , φ = \ Q′ = KQ = 10.62 × 10–8 C
ε0 2 ε0
φ1 1 54. Refer to answer 52.
φ2 3 55. (a) C2

the space inside S1, the flux inside S1 C1 C3
Q φ1
φ1′ = =
5ε0 5
51. +
– 100 V
Here C1, C2 and C3 are in series, hence their
+ – equivalent capacitance is C′ given by
+ – 1 1 1 1 C
= + +
– C ′ C1 C2 C3
Capacitance of a capacitor partially filled with a 15
C′ = µF
dielectric 3 C4
ε0 A ε0 A 2ε AK C′ = 5 mF 100 V
C= = = 0
t d d d(K + 1) The circuit can be redrawn as shown, in the figure.
d −t + d− +
K 2 2K Since C′ and C4 are in parallel
\ Cnet = C′ + C4 = 5 mF + 15 mF = 20 mF
52. Let A → area of each plate and C1 and C2 are
capacitance of each slab. (b) C′ and C4 are in parallel, potential
difference across both of them is 100 V.
ε0 A
Let initially C1 = C = = C2 \ C4 is Q4 = C4 × 100 C
d = 15 × 10–6 × 100 C = 1.5 mC
After inserting respective dielectric slabs:
56. When the switch S is closed, the two capacitors
C′1 = KC ...(i)
in parallel will be charged by the same potential
ε ( A/2) ε ( A/2)
and C2′ = K1 0 + K2 0 difference V.
d d
ε0 A C
= (K + K 2 ); C2′ = (K1 + K 2 ) ...(ii)
2d 1 2
From (i) and (ii)
C′1 = C′2 So, charge on capacitor C1
C q1 = C1V
KC = (K1 + K 2 )
2 q1 = 1 × 6 = 6 mC
1 and charge on capacitor C2
K = ( K1 + K 2 ) q2 = C2V = 1 × 6 = 6 mC
\ q = q1 + q2 = 6 + 6 = 12 mC.
ε A
53. (i) C = 0 When switch S is opened and dielectric is
d introduced. Then
8.85 × 10 −12 × 6 × 10 −3
= = 17.7 × 10 −11 F
3 × 10
(ii) Q = CV = 17.7 × 10–11 × 100
= 17.7 × 10–9 C
40 CBSE Champion Physics Class 12

Capacity of both the capacitors becomes K times C1 = 20 F C2 = 30 F

i.e., C′1 = C′2 = KC = 3 × 1 = 3 mF
C3 = 15 F
Capacitor A remains connected to battery
\ V′1 = V = 6 V
q1′ = Kq1 = 3 × 6 µC = 18 µC 90 V

Capacitor B becomes isolated 1 3+2+4

\ q′2 = q2 or C′2V′2 = C2V2 or (KC)V′2 = CV Ceq 60

V  6 60
or V2′ =   = = 2 V Ceq = µF
K  3 9
Charge on equivalent capacitor
57. Energy stored in a charged capacitor : Ceq
+ –
If q is the charge and V is the potential difference + ––
across a capacitor at any instant during its
charging, then small work done is storing an
additional small charge dq against the repulsion 90 V
of charge q already stored on it is 60
Q = CeqV = × 10−6 × 90
dW = V.dq = (q/C)dq 9
So, the total amount of work done in storing the Q = 600 mC
maximum charge Q on capacitor is Charge on each capacitor is same as they are in
Q series.
W = q. 1  q2  1 Q2 Now, potential drop across C2
∫C dq = 
C 2 
 =
2 C Q 600 × 10−6
0  0 V2 = = = 20 volt
C2 30 × 10−6
which gets stored in the capacitor in the form
of electrostatic energy. So the energy stored in Energy, U = 1 C2V22
capacitor is 2
U = × 30 × 10−6 × (20)2 = 6 × 10−3 joule
1 Q2 1 1 2
U = = CV 2 = QV
2 C 2 2 59. Energy stored in a capacitor
whereas the energy density i.e., energy stored per 1 1 1 Q2
= QV = CV 2 =
unit volume in a charged parallel plate capacitor 2 2 2 C
is given by Capacitance of the (parallel) combination
Total energy within plates = C + C = 2C
Energy density = Here, total charge Q, remains the same
Volume within plates
1 Q2
\ =
1 CV 2
1 ε0 A . 2 2 2 C
E d
2 2 d 1 Q2
= = and final energy (Combined capacitor) =
Ad A.d 2 2C
Final energy 1
1 ∴ =
Energy density = ε0 E 2 Initial energy 2
60. Refer to answer 57.
58. The equivalent capacitance (Ceq) of the circuit
61. Refer to answer 57.
is given by When battery is disconnected
1 1 1 1 (i)
= + + 1
Ceq 20 30 15 stored = times the initial energy.
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance 41

(ii) 1 1 1 3 +1+ 3 7
E = + + = =
or E ′ = 2 6 2 6 6
K 6
62. Net capacitance in series, Cs= 1 mF = 10–6 F \ Cequivalent = = 0.86 mF
if C1 = C2 = C3 = C (ii) Q = CequivalentV = 0.86 × 7 = 6 mC.
Let C be the capacitance of each of three capacitors 1
and CS and CR be the capacitance of series and Energy, E = QV = × 6 × 7 = 21 J
2 2
parallel combination respectively.
65. Electrostatic energy stored in the capacitor,
then, 1 = 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 1 1
CS C C C C U = CV 2 = × 12 × 10−12 × (50)2
 2 2
Cs = [Cs = 1 µF] (As C = 12 pF, V = 50 V)
U = 1.5 × 10–8 J
\ 1 µF = ; C = 3 µ F When 6 pF is connected in series
with 12 pF, charge stored across
Also CP = C + C + C each capacitor,
Energy stored in capacitor C1 C2
Q = V
1 C1 + C2
E = CV 2
2 12 × 6 × 10−24
= × 50 = 200 pC
1 2 (12 + 6) × 10−12
ES 2 C S V C 1 Now, potential difference across 12 pF is,
= = S =
EP 1 CP 9 Q 200 × 10−12
C V2
2 P = = = 16.67 V
C1 12 × 10−12
63. (a) Potential difference across 6 pF is,
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
B B Q 200 × 10−12
= = = 33.33 V
C2 6 × 10−12
+ – 66. When two identical
 5V capacitors are in series,
So the equivalent capacitance between A and B is Electrostatic energy, 
C3 = 2 mF 1
(b) Q = CV = 2 mF × 5V = 10 mC U = CsV 2
(c) C C 12 × 12
1 1 As Cs = 1 2 = = 6 pF; V = 50 V
= CV 2 = × 2 µF × (5 V)2 = 25 mJ C1 + C2 12 × 12
2 2
64. (i) C2, C3 and C4 are in parallel \ U s = × 6 × 10−12 × (50)2 = 7.5 nJ
\ Cparallel = C2 + C3 + C4 = 2 + 2 + 2 = 6 mF When two identical capacitors are in parallel then,
C2 1
Stored energy, U p = C pV 2
C1 C3 C5 C1 Cparallel C5 2
C4 As C p = C1 + C2 = 12 pF + 12 pF = 24 × 10−12 F
\ A and B is 1
\ U p = × 24 × 10−12 × (50)2 = 30 nJ
1 1 1 1 2
= + + Charge drawn from the battery when two identical
Cequivalent C1 Cparallel C5
capacitor are in series,
42 CBSE Champion Physics Class 12

Qs = CsV = 6 × 10–12 × 50 = 300 pC Potential difference between the plates of X,

Charge drawn from the battery when two Q 60 × 10−6
Vx = = = 12 V
capacitor are in parallel, Cx 5 × 10−6
Qp = CpV = 24 × 10–12 × 50 = 1200 pC Potential difference between the plates of Y,
67. Initially, when the switch is closed, both the Vy = V – Vx = 15 – 12 = 3 V
capacitors A and B are in parallel and, therefore, (iii)
the energy stored in the capacitors is Q2
1 U x 2Cx C y 4Cx
U i = 2 × CV 2 = CV 2 ...(i) = 2 = = =4
2 Uy Q Cx Cx
When switch S is opened, B gets disconnected
from the battery. The capacitor B is now isolated,
and the charge on an isolated capacitor remains 69. (i) mF capacitor is E
constant, often referred to as bound charge. On Let V be the potential difference along the
the other hand, A remains connected to the capacitor of capacitance 6 mF.
battery. 1
Since CV 2 = E
Hence, potential V remains constant on it. 2
When the capacitors are filled with dielectric, 1
\ × 6 × 10−6 × V 2 = E
their capacitance increases to KC. Therefore, 2
energy stored in B changes to Q2/2KC, where Q E
= CV is the charge on B, which remains constant, ⇒ V 2 = × 106  ...(i)
and energy stored in A changes to 1/2 KCV2, Since potential is same for parallel connection,
where V is the potential on A, which remains the potential through 12 mF capacitor is also V.
constant. Thus, the final total energy stored in the Hence, energy of 12 mF capacitor is
capacitors is 1 1 E
E12 = × 12 × 10−6 × V 2 = × 12 × 10−6 × × 106 = 2 E
1 (CV )2 1 1  1 2 2 3
Uf = + KCV 2 = CV 2  K +   ...(ii)
2 KC 2 2  K (ii)
From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we find charge on 6 mF and 12 mF capacitors combined
Ui 2K will be equal to the charge on 3 mF capacitor.
= 2 Using the formula, Q = CV, we can write
U f K +1
(6 + 12) × 10–6 × V = 3 × 10–6 × V′
ε0 A V′ = 6 V
68. Here, C x =
d  Using (i) and squaring both sides, we get
ε0 εr A V′2 = 12E × 106
Cy = = er Cx = 4 Cx
d 1
\ E3 = × 3 × 10−6 × 12 E × 106 = 18 E
(i) Cx and Cy are in series, so equivalent 2
capacitance is given by (iii)
Cx × C y Etotal = E + E12 + E3 = E + 2E + 18E = 21E
C= 70. When two capacitors C1 and C2 are in parallel,
Cx + C y
Equivalent capacitance, Cp = C1 + C2
C × 4 Cx
⇒ 4 = x (Q C = 4 mF) 1 1
Cx + 4 Cx Energy stored, Up = Cp V2 = (C1 + C2)V2
2 2
4 Cx Here, Up = 0.25 J, V = 100 V
⇒ 4 = \ Cx = 5 mF
5 2U p 2 × 0.25
and Cy = 4 Cx = 20 mF C1 + C2 = =
(ii) Q = CV V2 (100)2
Q = 4 × 10–6 × 15 = 60 × 10–6 C \ C1 + C2 = 5 × 10–5 …(i)
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance 43

When C1 and C2 are connected in series ⇒ V = 180

C1C2 Q1 360 × 10 −6
Equivalent capacitance, Cs = \ C = = = 2 × 10 −6 F = 2 µF
V1 180
C1 + C2
1 1 CC  then V3 = 180 + 120 = 300 V. Hence, charge stored
Energy stored, Us = CsV2 =  1 2  V2 in the capacitor,
2 2  C1 + C2 
Q3 = CV3 = 2 × 10–6 × 300 = 600 µC
Here, Us = 0.045 J 1
73. Initial energy of capacitor (Ui) = CV2
2U s (C1 + C2 ) 2
\ C1C2 = 1
V2 U i = × 200 × 10 × (300) = 9 × 10−6 J
−12 2
2 × 0.045 × 5 × 10−5 Charge on capacitor
     = 4.5 × 10–10 Q = CV = 200 × 10–12 × 300 = 6 × 10–8C
10 When both capacitors are connected then let V
C1 – C2 = (C1 + C2 )2 − 4C1C2 be common potential difference across the two
     (5 × 10−5 )2 − 4 × 4.5 × 10−10 The charge would be shared between them.
Hence, Q = q + q′,
C1 – C2 = 2.64 × 10–5 …(ii)
q → charge on capacitor (first)
Solving eqn. (i) and (ii), we get q′ → charge on capacitor (second)
C1 = 38.2 mF, C2 = 11.8 mF C = 200 pF, C′ = 100 pF
When capacitors are connected in parallel they
q q′
have different amount of charge and given by = ⇒ q = 2q′
−12 −12
Q1 = C1V = 38.2 × 10–6 × 100 = 38.2 × 10–4 C 200 × 10 100 × 10
Q2 = C2V = 11.8 × 10–6 × 100 = 11.8 × 10–4 C. Then Q = 2q′ + q′ = 3q′
71. (a) Refer to answer 57. Q 60 nC
⇒ q′ = = = 20 nC
(b) E 3 3
and q = 2q′ = 40 nC
q2 q′2
Hence, total final energy Uf = +
2C 2C′
1 (40 × 10−9 )2 1 (20 × 10−9 )2
Uf = × + ×
2 200 × 10−12 2 100 × 10−12

Uf = 6 × 10–6 J
Here, electric field is conservative. Work done by Energy difference (DU) = Uf – Ui
the conservative force in closed loop is zero. –6 –9 × 10–6 J = –3 × 10–6 J
So, required work done = 0. ⇒ DU = 3 × 10–6 J (in magnitude)
72. (i) C 74. (i) On filling the dielectric of constant K
and initial voltage V1 = V in the space between the plates, capacitance of
Q1 = 360 mC parallel plate capacitor becomes K times i.e.
\ Q1 = CV1 ..(i) C = KC0
Changed potential, V2 = V – 120 (ii) As the battery was disconnected, so the charge
Q2 = 120 mC on the capacitor remains the same i.e.
Q2 = CV2  ...(ii) Q = Q0
Q1 CV1 So, the electric field in the space between the
Dividing equation (i) by (ii), we get =
Q2 CV2 plates becomes
360 V Q E
⇒ = E = 0 or E = 0
120 V − 120 KA ε 0 K
44 CBSE Champion Physics Class 12

1 Given US = UP
i.e. electric field becomes times.
K 1 1 2
(iii) Energy stored in capacitor becomes CSVS2 = CPVP2 or C1VS2 = 3C1VP2
2 2 3
1 Q 2 1 Q0 1
U= = or U = U 0
2 C 2 KC K VS2 9 V 3
or = or S =
i.e. becomes
times VP2 2 VP 2
75. (a) Refer to answer 48 and 57. 78. (a) Refer to answer 57.
(b) Refer to answer 59. (b) C has charge Q.
+ –
76. (i) The electric field between the plates is +

+ –
V + –
E= C, Q, V
V = Q/C
The distance between plates is doubled, d = 2d
Energy stored in the capacitor
V′ V  1 1  E 
∴ E′ = = × =
d ′  K  2d 2  K  1
U = CV 2 =
Therefore, if the distance between the plates is 2 2C
double, the electric field will reduce to one half. Now, the charged capacitor is connected to
(ii) identical uncharged capacitor.
ε0 KA ε0 KA 1 C C
C′ = = = C +
d′ 2d 2  +
+ +
Energy stored in the capacitor is U = 
+ C
2C +
Q2 Q2  Q2  C
New energy, U ′ = = = 2  = 2U The two capacitor will have same potential.
2C ′ 2(1 / 2)C  2C 
Q1 + Q2 Q + 0 Q
V= = =
Therefore, when the distance between the plates C1 + C2 2C 2C
is doubled, the capacitance reduces to half and the
Now, total energy
energy stored in the capacitor becomes double.
1 1
U ′ = CV 2 + CV 2
C1 1 2 2
77. Given =  or  C2 = 2C1
C2 2 2
1 Q  1 Q 
U′ = C + C =
In parallel, CP = C1 + C2 = C1 + 2C1 = 3C1 2  2C  2  2C  4C
1 1 1 1 1 2 +1 3 So, U > U′
In series, = + = + = = Energy lost as heat during charging the another
CS C1 C2 C1 2C1 2C1 2C1
2 Q2 Q2 Q2
or CS = C1 U −U ′ = − =
3 2C 4C 4C

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