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Aiza M.

Del Mundo


Building and Enhancing New Literacies

Module 2

21st Century Literacies

Answer and Questions;


Fill in the blanks.

1.Artistic Literacy is a human right and a __teachable____ skill.

2. Creativity literacy is a holistic approach that incorporates activities that strengthen reading skills
but are more focused on broader learning.

3. Drawing is a way to visually represent ideas and stories.

4.Teachers and students need to develop awareness of the environment.

5.It is the ability to understand the natural system that makes life on earth possible.


State whether the following statements are true and false

True 1. Interdependence is the ability to extract Implicit and explicit ideas from a media.

True 2. When a video is collected in a Youtube channel,poem, end up in a blog post,or an

infographic is pinned to Pinterest or stored on a learnist board it is also a kind of literacy.

True 3.The lack of ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills.

True 4. Media literacy encourages young people to que, evaluate, understand and appreciate their

True 5. According to ( Banks 2003) education for multicultural literacy should help students.

True 6. Rosetta Stone a bilingual program that was purchased for all elementary and middle schools.
True 7. Skype is utilized throughout the school district to allow students to gain experiences about
the other cultures by contracting and seeing other people from different countries

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