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Part II

Converter Dynamics and Control

7. AC equivalent circuit modeling

8. Converter transfer functions
9. Controller design
10. Ac and dc equivalent circuit modeling of the
discontinuous conduction mode
11. Current programmed control

Fundamentals of Power Electronics 1 Chapter 7: AC equivalent circuit modeling

Chapter 7. AC Equivalent Circuit Modeling

7.1. Introduction
7.2. The basic ac modeling approach
7.3. Example: A nonideal flyback converter
7.4. State-space averaging
7.5. Circuit averaging and averaged switch modeling
7.6. The canonical circuit model
7.7. Modeling the pulse-width modulator
7.8. Summary of key points

Fundamentals of Power Electronics 2 Chapter 7: AC equivalent circuit modeling

7.1. Introduction

Objective: maintain v(t) A simple dc-dc regulator system, employing a

equal to an accurate, buck converter
constant value V.
Power Switching converter Load
There are
• in vg(t) vg(t) + v(t) R

• in R –

There are transistor

uncertainties: gate driver compensator
δ(t) pulse-width vc v
modulator Gc(s) –+
• in element
values δ(t) vc(t) voltage
reference vref
• in Vg
dTs Ts t t
• in R Controller

Fundamentals of Power Electronics 3 Chapter 7: AC equivalent circuit modeling

Applications of control in power electronics

Dc-dc converters
Regulate dc output voltage.
Control the duty cycle d(t) such that v(t) accurately follows a reference
signal vref.
Dc-ac inverters
Regulate an ac output voltage.
Control the duty cycle d(t) such that v(t) accurately follows a reference
signal vref (t).
Ac-dc rectifiers
Regulate the dc output voltage.
Regulate the ac input current waveform.
Control the duty cycle d(t) such that ig (t) accurately follows a reference
signal iref (t), and v(t) accurately follows a reference signal vref.
Fundamentals of Power Electronics 4 Chapter 7: AC equivalent circuit modeling
Objective of Part II

Develop tools for modeling, analysis, and design of converter control

Need dynamic models of converters:
How do ac variations in vg(t), R, or d(t) affect the output voltage
What are the small-signal transfer functions of the converter?
• Extend the steady-state converter models of Chapters 2 and 3, to
include CCM converter dynamics (Chapter 7)
• Construct converter small-signal transfer functions (Chapter 8)
• Design converter control systems (Chapter 9)
• Model converters operating in DCM (Chapter 10)
• Current-programmed control of converters (Chapter 11)

Fundamentals of Power Electronics 5 Chapter 7: AC equivalent circuit modeling


• Representation of physical behavior by mathematical means

• Model dominant behavior of system, ignore other insignificant
• Simplified model yields physical insight, allowing engineer to design
system to operate in specified manner
• Approximations neglect small but complicating phenomena
• After basic insight has been gained, model can be refined (if it is
judged worthwhile to expend the engineering effort to do so), to
account for some of the previously neglected phenomena

Fundamentals of Power Electronics 6 Chapter 7: AC equivalent circuit modeling

Neglecting the switching ripple

Suppose the duty cycle The resulting variations in transistor gate

is modulated drive signal and converter output voltage:
d(t) = D + Dm cos ωmt drive

where D and Dm are

constants, | Dm | << D ,
and the modulation t
frequency ωm is much
smaller than the actual waveform v(t)
converter switching including ripple
frequency ωs = 2πfs.
averaged waveform <v(t)>Ts
with ripple neglected

Fundamentals of Power Electronics 7 Chapter 7: AC equivalent circuit modeling

Output voltage spectrum
with sinusoidal modulation of duty cycle

spectrum modulation switching switching

frequency and its frequency and harmonics
of v(t) harmonics sidebands

ωm ωs ω
Contains frequency components at: With small switching ripple, high-
• Modulation frequency and its frequency components (switching
harmonics harmonics and sidebands) are small.
• Switching frequency and its If ripple is neglected, then only low-
harmonics frequency components (modulation
• Sidebands of switching frequency frequency and harmonics) remain.
Fundamentals of Power Electronics 8 Chapter 7: AC equivalent circuit modeling
Objective of ac converter modeling

• Predict how low-frequency variations in duty cycle induce low-

frequency variations in the converter voltages and currents
• Ignore the switching ripple
• Ignore complicated switching harmonics and sidebands
• Remove switching harmonics by averaging all waveforms over one
switching period

Fundamentals of Power Electronics 9 Chapter 7: AC equivalent circuit modeling

Averaging to remove switching ripple

Average over one switching Note that, in steady-state,

period to remove switching
vL(t) Ts
d iL(t) Ts iC(t) =0
L = vL(t) Ts
dt Ts

d vC(t) Ts
C = iC(t) by inductor volt-second
dt Ts
balance and capacitor charge
where balance.
t + Ts
xL(t) T = 1 x(τ) dτ
s Ts t

Fundamentals of Power Electronics 10 Chapter 7: AC equivalent circuit modeling

Nonlinear averaged equations

The averaged voltages and currents are, in general, nonlinear

functions of the converter duty cycle, voltages, and currents. Hence,
the averaged equations

d iL(t) Ts
L = vL(t)
dt Ts

d vC(t) Ts
C = iC(t)
dt Ts

constitute a system of nonlinear differential equations.

Hence, must linearize by constructing a small-signal converter model.

Fundamentals of Power Electronics 11 Chapter 7: AC equivalent circuit modeling

Small-signal modeling of the BJT

Nonlinear Ebers-Moll model Linearized small-signal model,

active region


iB iB


Fundamentals of Power Electronics 12 Chapter 7: AC equivalent circuit modeling

Buck-boost converter:
nonlinear static control-to-output characteristic

0 0.5 1 D

point Example: linearization
at the quiescent
operating point
D = 0.5

V characteristic

Fundamentals of Power Electronics 13 Chapter 7: AC equivalent circuit modeling

Result of averaged small-signal ac modeling

Small-signal ac equivalent circuit model

Vg – V d(t)
1:D D' : 1



vg(t) + I d(t) I d(t) v(t)

– C R

buck-boost example

Fundamentals of Power Electronics 14 Chapter 7: AC equivalent circuit modeling

7.2. The basic ac modeling approach

Buck-boost converter example

1 2 +

+ i(t)
vg(t) C R v(t)


Fundamentals of Power Electronics 15 Chapter 7: AC equivalent circuit modeling

Switch in position 1

Inductor voltage and capacitor i(t)
current are:
vg(t) + L C R v(t)
di(t) –
vL(t) = L = vg(t)

dv(t) v(t)
iC(t) = C =–
dt R

Small ripple approximation: replace waveforms with their low-frequency

averaged values:
vL(t) = L ≈ vg(t)
dt Ts

dv(t) v(t)
iC(t) = C
dt R

Fundamentals of Power Electronics 16 Chapter 7: AC equivalent circuit modeling

Switch in position 2

Inductor voltage and capacitor +

current are: +
vg(t) L C R v(t)
di(t) –
vL(t) = L = v(t)

dv(t) v(t)
i C(t) = C = – i(t) –
dt R

Small ripple approximation: replace waveforms with their low-frequency

averaged values:
vL(t) = L ≈ v(t)
dt Ts

dv(t) v(t)
≈ – i(t)
i C(t) = C –
dt Ts R

Fundamentals of Power Electronics 17 Chapter 7: AC equivalent circuit modeling

Online Source:

Converter Dynamics and Control. Retrieved November 9, 2021 from

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