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Topic: Clothes

Level: Beginners

Age: 5-6 years old

Length: 45 minutes

Language Skills: Speaking, Listening, Vocabulary, Grammar, Pronunciation

TESOL Methodology: Communicative Approach, Lexical Approach, TPR,

Auditory – Visual Lingual Approach

Lesson objectives: By the end of the less 4ron the students will be
able to:

- Identify 5 colors: blue, pink, red, yellow, green

- Use pronouns: this-that/these-those

Resources: Flashcards (blue, pink, red, yellow, green ), White board,

Markers, Worksheets, Pictures, Sticky Tapes.

Stage Activity Description Resource Timin


Warm up Game: 1. Teacher divides class into 2 team, stand in 2 row in -2 Bells 6
Yes/No front of the board . minutes
- Pictures
2. There are 2 bells in front of each team. When the of objects
teacher shows a picture and asks, the first person of each
team have to ring the bell to answer. The answer is Yes
or No depends on each question .

3. Teach show the pictures and asks:

- Is this a car?

- is this a bus?

- Is this a cat

- Is this a dog?

- is this a mouse?

- is this a bag?

-is this a pen?

- is this a ball?

- is this a duck?

- is this a bike?

4. The team reachs the bell first and has the correct
answer will got a star. After nine questions, the team has
more star will be the winner.

Pre-task 1. teacher point to a picture then point to student’s - picture of 30s-

clothes and ask: “ What color is this? This is red, this color 1min

2. “Today we learn about color”

Teaching Vocabular 1. Teacher draws the Students’ attention. -5 8

1 y flashcards minutes
2. Teacher introduces flashcards technique:
(blue, pink,
Teacher instructs the Students to listen only. Teacher
red, yellow,
repeats the word 5 times:
green ).
- Be quiet

- Listen to me

- Repeat each words for 5 times, one by one: blue, pink,

red, yellow, green

3. Teacher asks the whole class to listen and repeat the

word 5 times. Teacher listens and checks Students'

- Choral drills the whole class, then individually but


4. Teacher sticks the flashcard to the board and reviews it

before class drills. Each of the flashcards should be
reviewed before learning new ones.

Task 1 Activity: 1.Teacher introduces the activity and explains the rules of 5 9
the activity. Teacher demontrates the activity with 2 flashcards minutes
students. (blue, pink,
red, yellow,
2. Teacher asks the 2 students to stand back to back to
green )
each other and give them different flashcards with
vocabulary from today's lesson. Students hold their
flashcards in plain sight. They need to tell the word that
the other is holding. The first one wins.

3. Teacher divides the class into 2 groups. Teacher asks

the class to get up and stand in 2 lines facing the board.

4. Teacher and the class say Bang Bang Bum. The 2

students take a step forward with each count. When the
teacher says "Bum!", students turn around and shout out
the word on the other person's flashcards. The faster and
correct student get a point.

5. Teacher repeats the activity until all students have

participated or time's up.

6. The team with the higher score is the winner. Teacher

announces the scores of each team and settles the class
down for the next activity.

Teaching Pronouns 1. Teacher writes on the board : - White 8

2 This/that board, minutes
- Pictures
2. Teacher takes a pencil of a student and say: “This is a
of objects
pencil”. Then write the sentence on a board.

3. Teacher point to a pencil from another student and say

“ That is pencil”-> write the sentence on the board .

3. Teacher points to a book and say: “that is a book” –

write on a book

4. Teacher points to another student’s book and say: “that

is a book” - > write on the board.

5. Class do a chrol drill all the sentences on the board.

6.To check sutdent’s understand, teacher show more

pictue and ask student make the sentence . Randomly
chose and Corect them.

Task 2 Game: 1. Teacher put some flashcards of object on the board. - Pictures 9
Arrow Instruct student: -if teacher put a short arrow next to a of objects minutes
picture of a pen -> students say : This is a pencil.
- Short
- if teacher put a long arrow next to the picture of a pen- arrows and
> students say: That is a pencil. long arrows

- Markers

- White

- Time

2. Divide class into two team in two rows in front of the


3. When teacher put an arrow next to a piture of item, one

member of each team has to write down on the board
and say out loud the sentence.

If team write and read out correct faster get a star. Team
has more star is the winner

Follow up Activity: 1. Teacher ask student work in pair: 3

Draw and minutes
Student use This/That and Color to describle classmates

2. Teacher go around class to listen and help student to


Homewor Worksheet 1. Teacher shows the worksheet and explain the Worksheet 30s-1
k homework for the students. s minute
2. The teacher passes out worksheets as today’s

3. The teacher sets up the deadline for the homework

and asks students to write the deadlines in their
Back up Activity: 1. Teacher ask class stand in a circle, and ask every 9
follow teacher action but only when “Simon says”: minutes
Simon say

- Simon says put your finger on your head

- Simon says act like a monkey

- Simon says stand on 1 foot

- Simon says turn around

- Simon says point your finger to your arm

- Simon says act like a fish

- Simon says point to red color

- Simon says act like a bird

- Simon says Moo like a cow

- Simon says Hop to the left.

- Simon says Make a sily face.

2. teacher can change Simon to teacher name or a

student’s name .
Student’s name


trousers/hat shorts/t-shirt dress/t-shirt trousers/pants hat/sock

2.Choose the right answer

A. These are his shorts.

B. This is her dress

C. These are his trousers.

D. this is her trousers.

A. These are his shorts.

B. This is her dress.

C. These are his trousers.

D. this is her trousers.

3.Fill in blank ‘his’ or ‘her’

These are …… socks This is …….. dress These are ……… shorts

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