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The Republic of Korea, known as South
Korea, is a country in East Asia, located in
the southern part of the Korean peninsula. It
limits to the north with the Democratic
People's Republic of Korea (North Korea, or
North Korea), with which it formed a single
country until 1945. To the east is the Sea of
Japan or the East Sea, to the south the Strait
of Korea, that separates it from Japan, and
to the west the Yellow Sea.

In South Korea, the weather is cold but sunny in

winter, while it is muggy in summer with
abundant rainfall. The intermediate seasons are
quite short but pleasant. The latitude of the
country is not high: the border with North Korea
is on the 38th parallel, at the latitude of
Palermo, but winter is cold due to the prevalence
of currents of Siberian origin.
Corea del Sur es uno de los países compriometidos
con el cuidado del medio ambiente y contempla
entre sus medidas ciertas políticas publicas en las
que incluyen estrategias claras para este fin, que
es principalmente el cuidado de los recursos
naturales y el entorno.
South Korea is a developed country and between the 1960s and 1990s had
one of the fastest growing economies in the world. This surge of growth
was achieved through export-oriented manufacturing and a highly-skilled
workforce. In 2009, it was the ninth country with the highest income from
its exports.
As the largest of the four Asian dragons, the South Korean economy is the
fourth largest in Asia and the 13th largest in the world. It is an important
trading partner of the world's largest economies, for example, it is the
third largest trading partner for China and Japan, the seventh for the
United States, and the eighth for the European Union.

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