04 - Bri - Business

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Business communication
● Humor: Exaggeration, sarcasm, self-irony, Pun
● Indirectness:

● understatement

2. Greeting
● First time:
handshake: Su
- superior initial.
- Stand, look in the eye, & smile
- Squeeze firmly (not too hard),
- Avoid grabbing the end of the other person's fingers.
Biz cards exchange
● Surname: First name
● No academic titles
● avoid long eye contact and physical contact
● maintain distance
● Written correspondence:
- “Dear Sirs” - “Yours faithfully”
- “Dear Mr/Mrs X”
3. Meeting
● on time or early
● agenda
● minutes (bien ban )
● Follow-up email/ letter

4. Business etiquette
● Gift giving: not usual
- when: after the contract
- what: electronic items
- open in public, express gratitude
● Business meal:
- Inform reservation details to participants
- Arrive early
- Start with small talk, not a business discussion
- Let guests order first
- Never order messy food (chicken wings,..)
- Pay the bill, leave tips
- Thank participants
- Send follow-up email
● Party at home:
- wine, flowers, chocolates
- leave thank-you note
- avoid red flowers
● Social status (speech, dress, behavior)

1. National Economy
● Highly developed, market-oriented
1945-1980: mostly state-controlled
From 1980: market economy (Thatcherism)
● London: World financial center
● US: major

2. Employment
● “Anti-work” outlook
Start work later ( usually 9 or later)
No more than 48 hrs/week (average 32hrs/week)
28 paid holidays minimum per year
● Wage: minimum 8.72/1h ($10.86)
● Working life: increase
● Type of work
White / Blue / Pink color (service sector)
Open collar worker:
No collar worker: unemploy
● Sector
Agriculture: 1.6 % of labour force -> 60% of food
Service: 85%
Manufacturing: 8%
Construction: 4%
● Trends
Jobs in the service sector
Vacancies for women (pink-collar jobs)
=> increase
Power of the unions: decrease
● Organization
For employers: Confederation of Bri Industry (CBI)
For employees: Trades Union Congress (TUC)

3. Cost of living
● Distribution of wealth: diamond shape

4. Currency
● pound sterling
● 1 bang Anh = 1 quid = 100 p
● Notes: 4 denominations
● Coins: 50p, 20p, 10p, 5p, 2p, 1p
● Scotland: 3 commercial banks
● Ulster: 5

5. Shopping
● Not adventurous shoppers -> buy brand-name
● Dislike haggling -> marked price at chain stores
● High Street
● Supermarket: Asda, Budgen, Co-op, Tesco
● Charity shops: sell donated good
● Off-license shops: beer, wine
6. Transportation: expensive
● Roads and motorways
Categories: M,A,B, C, U
● Car
75% of households have at least 1 car
Congestion charge (London): 11.50
● Bus: 3 types
● Trams:
● Coach: cheap, longer distance
● taxis: Different colors, Black cabs in London
● train: 2500 stations, Stockton &
● The tube: the first invent
● euro trains (EL-France): both people and vehicle
● Flying:
● Ship: cargo transport
● Ferry

7. Houses
● Types:
Stately house
Flat: avoid -> no private
Cottage: like
● House name
● Price
Average wage: 27,000
Average house: 270,000

8. Media & communication

● Broadcasting media
Dominated by BBC
TV license
● Print media
serious, the quality, the broadsheet
the sensational, the popular, the tabloid
● Social network

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