Bai Tap Thuc Hanh Tieng Anh 9

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SMOOSN=Z 06} ORG KA Dp op!ID Og OND low yuu] Buenys cay, INA (a peye) sh: \ Am ce WYL HNVHL iH. NJANON - SNONH NV IVW arise arose arisen, eat ate eaten awake awoke | awoken fall fell fallen be was/were | been feed | fed fed 7 bear bore ___| born/borne | | feel felt felt | beat beat beaten fight fought fought become | became become _| | find found | found begin | began begun ~— | [Hee fled | fled bend | bent bent fly flew | flown bet bet bet forbid forbade forbidden bind bound bound forecast | forecast forecast bite bit bitten forget | forgot forgotten bleed bled __—| bled forgive forgave forgiven. blow | blew blown freeze froze -| frozen break | broke broken _ get got ~ | got, US gotten | breed bred bred give ‘gave given bring brought | brought g0 ~ went gone broadcast | broadcast | broadcast grind | ground | ground build built ~ | built grow | grew grown burn burnt/burned | burnt/burned | | hang hung hung burst | burst | burst have had had buy ‘bought bought hear heard heard catch caught caught hide hid _| hidden choose | chose chosen hit hit hit cling | clung hold | held held come come fhurt | hurt hurt cost cost | [keep kept kept creep crept. ‘| | kneel knelt/kneeled | knelt/kneeled | cut | cut know knew known ‘deal dealt | Play laid laid orl dig dug lead led led do done lean ~ leant/leaned _| leant/leaned draw drawn learn learnt/learned | learnt/learned dream — dreamt/ | leave left left 7 dreamed Tent [tent drink | drank drunk let let drive | drove _driven ~ | lay lain ONYN VG NY@ LYNX YHN ' “syooquez, eno son. dayd oy ns 99 SugYy eur ' ' og uén Suonyd o¥oy ony? quTY no Jeq 1onp yuRYaPyd key ' doayp oes deyd oonp Aeu urgyd uegq wnx 8u0n ovu ueyd 8uoTy | NV dvV@OO OVI OVG YA Sfid OVIS O4 VND IOW HNIdl ONONHS OFHL HAV ONG UNV Dn daviiva WY! HNVHL IHL NJANON ~ ONONH NVT IVI BAI TAP THUC HANH TIENG ANH 9 CO DAP AN MAI LAN HUONG - NGUYEN THI THANH TAM NHA XUAT BAN DA NANG S63, dudng 30 thang 4 ~ Hoa Cudng Bac - Da Nang DT: 0236.3797814 - 3797823; Fax: 0236.3797875 Chiu trach nhigm xudt bar Giam déc: NGUYEN THANH, Chiu trach nhiém noi dung: ‘Téng bien tap: NGUYEN KIM HUY Bién tap: Nguyén Dtic Théo Vy Trinh bay: Cong Binh Bia: Duong Tien Sita ban in: Ly Thanh Trac Lién két xuat ban: CONG TY CO PHAN ZENBOOKS D/C: 473/8 To Hién Thanh, P.14, Q.10 - Tp HCM DT: (028) 3868 2890 - Hotline: 0914794466 In 2.000 cuén, kh 19 x 26.5 cm, tai Cong ty TNHH MTV in bao Nhan Dan Tp.HCM. D/c: D20/532P Ap 4, xa Phong Phu, huyén Binh Chanh, Tp.HCM. Gidy xdc nhan dang ky ké hoach xuat ban sé: 1241-2021/CXBIPH/6-33/DaN. QDXB s6: 343/QD-NXBDaN do NXB Da Nang cp ngay 20/04/2021. Ma ISBN: 978-604-84-5905-5. In xong va nop luu chiéu nam 2021. *syooquaz, ubos ugiq ueg ua‘syooquez@oyur yews ga mB urx f do8 ny, “uo wivo yuRY} UBYD “YoY udtyy UROY D6Np YyoRs gp 6p ueq dR9 eA YUAnY Hyd Anb ‘oer od Avy end doB Suop uary A donp ubyu Saou pr 191 SuNYO Os res TOY YURI SuOY as wos WaT YUEN yMb Su0x, “904 Bp INU UP OD Sumo va wodny WO WO de> dni uy (moIAoy) den uO req IOUT oo dea req {A Wop ¢ Neg “yata Supe Ay dea w9Any dru neo rep agra ‘neo dax dys dea req ovo BunM\ -Fupyd x "nary 90p Suu £ ut yd ea de Udsny dni a‘ Bunp uv dep uoyo Toy neo wy BN ‘Buon QUO OBA UPIP 9p NI MOYO ony? YUTY 9vd IMA URsU URA ULOP ded :BuIpeay—queyg x% “rou Supu Ay u9dny war dni xa eo Oy ubtop dox des “reo 104 uvop 1R7 HOY ‘Fou NeD Iep dén req oe0 -BuPyeads—queya * “oy Teq {a uop Sum oom deyd pBu onyp uaPy 99 Bund 9p “WA ‘neo TO] ens “worysE opN Subp deyd nBu dé req ovo sreMUEID-—DULya * “00y ep ma ovo wddnT UO dni Suna m3 9a dey req oe :ArEINQUOOA-—GUyya * “nequ ovyy okoy neyu Sugid we yeyd oonp ure 9e9 JaIq UeYU BURT pup] BA wre Jey BueU eYD OD Bund dnjZ we nBu dé req v9 :soHeUOYG-V URYE x supyd 9 wi dey teq ta uop row “dea req ia uop Z] wos 6 Yay Suan YuRY one dey eg “uosivag IN ORIN Ug wNX YN 194 9B) doy weN WIA OG OFID UR NX eYN Bnd 6 YUY Suaqy yors Sunp 1Ou oop uvos ugiq SOP 6 YUY 8ugH YURY ony) dei reg, “6 yay 8494 yoRy ony dey Teg yors ubos ugiq 10) SuNYp ‘ow], OB kA ING OFTH Og END TOW YUL SuONYp oat 6 YUY Suan uour quey shy eA wad] UO ap Ndq eI WAY 99 YUIS 96y wa ovo dus wey Wye nep ! 10u 1 1Q 9S UNIT1 UNIT 2 UNIT 3 UNIT 4 UNITS UNIT6 UNIT7 UNIT 8 UNIT 9 UNIT 10 UNIT it UNIT 12 DAP AN LOCAL ENVIRONMENT. CITY LIFE ‘TEEN STRESS AND PRESSURE. REVIEW 1.. LIFE IN THE PAST... WONDERS OF VIETNAM... VIETNAM: THEN AND NOW. REVIEW 2.. RECIPES AND EATING HABITS... TOURISM...... ENGLISH IN THE WORLD.. REVIEW 3.. SPACE TRAVEL CHANGING ROLES IN SOCIETY MY FUTURE CAREER.. REVIEW 4. G + INSWNOWIAN 1901 7.LINA smou paurol o7uy peasyy JyZOUR 10 “HOOD Joom yaut09 0} soppoou Suo] omy Zuysn ) ayes ere Sep Te SATE MOK B7jaq payoog 19yIN B aavy NOs aMsud asvajg “¢ (__) ‘ssouryos TW SUBS [ELOTEUT SUT se sarmdmnos azuoaq [jews Sunseo ut pasn uoyo st Av “f (—) stapio 81g mau 08 Aaqp asnesag STATON STOUT papas sdOySHIOm YEIIPUCY OT, MOY Wars ‘ueUISIFeID Is9q 9M] SPH “T (—> snbrgpay Sajarem SUF PoOIsIapUN KOUTEN SYT TEYT JpIO Ui suononysur ayy powedar souren ay] “T () sousrradxa yea] ap sey oy “(1q) ewy jo esndjo juepUedep JO ‘(aq) uospe! jo esnnjo yuepuedep ‘(qq) esodind jo esnnjo yuspuedep ‘(Dq) Uo!sseDUCD Jo esnpjo juepuedep ‘(W) esnDjo UJOW © | Dd peuIepUN ey! JeyJOY UMOP ELM ‘T RA oMce) (xaptorquia) “ys 98g YIM UO oY} “ssoup aTYA dy LIM 0} SI] 24S “OT (aonueyme) anjeys ay) Jo amp ystqeiso or djay Aeu aouapraa jeoBopoaeysry “6 (eareo) ‘amyruny poompzey sy 10 umouy-|jom st aoursoad quiq weN UT aBelNNA YUL °8 (eaeam) ‘saysuerg wed Jo pury e — Aq srayays Tay ping s1eBeyIA YL *L Qoeme) Anunos at Woy sso} ay oy ———~ AqBurpaaoxa st yurg Suend ut Arouaos ayy, “9 (aatasaad) ° ~ Jo aym)s quayjeoxe ue ut aze sSupUTed osouy ‘{Bofoutp] o syUPYT, °C (uopeonpa) “surexSord > nypinads Jo spaou oy Burros roy pasn aq A[uo Pinoys sper asou, “F (Qured)-— snourey v mou st ays puv Sumvzp 3 10] v posnowid sey Apel PjoayL, “¢ (amjns) ‘systmo} arp 01 sayo 01 saovjd Sunsozoyut AueuT sey uMoI oy) (que) ‘spuanay uBtaz0y amo yt zemndod Auoa axe syesotpuey —— asoq “TE “S40}9D1q UI PIOM OU} JO UO} JOeI09 UF UM “AL uouisyes9 “q syspae “9 SuvsTUe “gq — SIOYIOM [NITES "Y : ‘speurSiz0 se yo way passed pue ~~ snourey jo sBunured pardoo oym ueuisapen ax parsarze aotod “OT ABojouypard aurBua “9 puey“g auryseury Aq apeur Aysout axe yoryas ‘s1onpoad yeroipuey s19q) Oy shourey axe Aa °6 Suypaenq —— Surureraua “5 Sunisia-a Supposiysis-y -Suraxow! £1949 Aa19 949 Jo ano} ——— avy sauedurod jaaen ayy Jo sow °g saruaanos‘q sonmoavy “5 sjovjoure “g, sjonposd -y ‘soup ouoysrysud 07 yovg Supep ——— sopnypur wors9/[09 s,umosnur YI], “2 7. 10. 1 ae LD the conical hat looks fragile, it can protect our head from rain and sunlight. {asses} If you visit Hoi An at night, you can see the light of various colourful lanterns. (___) The tourists will visit Non Nuoc marble village as soon as they arrive in Da Nang. ( ) This guideline shows every stage of the design process so that you can confidently design your knitting patterns. (__) Since oil paints dry slowly, you can give yourself plenty of time to blend. ( Combine each pair of sentences to make a complex sentence. Use the word in the brackets. They bought these paintings. They had moved to the new house. (after) Tove knitting, It helps me relax after a hard-working day. (because) Tt’s not high season. Lots of visitors still travel to the north coast. (even though) They developed handicraft villages. The locals would be able to live on their traditional crafts. (in order that) The boss let the workers listen to music. They were sewing, (while) Eric is careful and very handy with tools. He is suitable for carving job. (since) You should put the eggs in the egg cases. They will not break. (so that) Knitting is mainly thought as a woman’s pastime. Today more and more men are picking up the needles as well. (although) The tourists bought several souvenirs. They visited the pottery workshop. (when) Match the phrasal verbs with their meaning. deal with a. get information, discover something close down b. begin to have control of something, turn up c. take action to solve a problem find out d. start a new business 8 + BAITAP THUC HANH TIENG ANH 9- PHAN BAL TAP 6 * LNSWNOWIANA 1VOOT LIND se uo0s seq yeM 0s ‘D) seg uoya-y “saan op ory anbyun are s8unuted of] Su0q, apeur st yoryas oded op uo parutad are Aaya — oye pou “5 yes“ and-y “ae apm, sem ays asneoag uMop ~~~ sear doys aruroanos oup ut gol ou Joy uopeNdde oF souls ‘q sv‘O wuM "a — ySnoyy uoag-y -synu10909 Jo aysea jeorda ayp [fous wes NOK ‘oBeTTA ApUED INUOD0D ayp eau atOD nok — *¢ or premioy Joor'q yap Yoo “D 10} YOO] “g dn yoor'y aanyny ze0u 2up ut uTeBe Supeou1——— om pue Kousnol sarddey ay) Nos YSIA\ “F ary ‘a uayA\ ‘OD arojog “g. rey 'V -ysar e 10) paddoys Aayp ‘suteys ayy dn sarmdynos ap parses pey kom “¢ umop ssed ‘umop as0)9 ‘9 umop wana “g, dnum-y “yy10m 30] 378] ——— 0 panupUOd ay Jt eSSTUUST YIM pouDywomp sea aH “7 a1ojeg ‘ey Ap UT “D ysnoqy, “g asneoog “y “snourey sour 9up axe au], Ug, uy soBeyia Apuvo muos09 ‘eajaq Suoyayy ut sa8ey[IA Apues Auwur axe azayy —_*F “seoualues eu eje|dwloo 0} 1eMsUD seq eyI es004D “A EMOLIOWO} UONRIS aU} 1OF aaa T]LM OUT] TEA “OT -yred oxp ur suomoamp 398 0} samnysoug ayy sys|INOI UL, °G “sqey feottio9 Supjyeur Aq ures Aoup owroouT ay sroSefA UL “8 onuapued aya Sur our auros ———~ doysysom snp“ aBeqz0ys mnogel jo wa[gord ayy ~~ Ayaannoaya sey AFOMIME [eD0[ YL “9 “yensn se are] 2y jr80 u1od dn-yord oy 07 08 pmnoys oy Jey oaaIg popuTUIOT aAeY | YBNOYL, “¢ “nis oyna anus Burddoys ~ pur Supping plo au poysoutop AO4L, “> “yoog ay ut papaau ays VoneuTZoyUT ay —— ays “€ z 1 “Keane sem zoey sty TTY Kureduroo ayp Jo Buyuuma kep-or-Aep ayy ——— que WY ‘joan 1x0 Buen vq 01 din ano am | Dd U} CUBA JOSDIYC D JO WO} JOSOD OUy UM 1UDIq YODE U} pear IoA0 aYe1 “OT Suryyouros jnoge payoxs aq. “T dnws 6 oat] 01 Aouour YBnoue aaey “Yy ors din e uo wes °8 ysnomp yoo, “2 aauue ‘J | 01 preaoy yoo, “9 ssoutsng Surop doys 3 uo aa “¢ 10. vi. You should wait to _ the train until the passengers getting off have cleared out. ‘A. get up B, get on C. get off D. get in The host will help tourists carefully manipulate the clay and wheel they can make a piece on their own. A. as well as C. so that D. so as Sue time and didn’t finish the last question, but she passed the test. A. kept up with B. got on with C. faced up to D. ran out of Choose the word or phrase that needs correction. Some reviews about their traditional paintings are bring out in this magazine. A B c D The pottery of Tho Ha village in Bac Giang is extremely durable so that it is buried in A BC the ground for a long time. D Christina found it is difficult to get on with us, possibly because of the difference between A B c D our cultures. A B c D Kim Son sedge mats are widely used in Northern Vietnam so that they are very cool to sleep on. That was a long journey without rest stops until noon, so we ate a hearty breakfast A B before we set up. Cc D A weaver puts the string into the loom in the correct colour order while the other A B Cc pulls the strings together in order that form the mat. D Do you think that a successful workshop must keep on with the pace of technological A B Cc D change? Their great-grandparents chose Bat ‘Trang to settle because the land has a large namber A B c of white clay. D Live on atraditional handicraft for ten years gave her alot of confidence and experience. A B c D 10 BAL TAP THUC HANH TIENG ANH 9~ PHAN BAI TAP LL» LNSWNOWIANG TV907 INA. “aaysis Aur [joa [],1 WOU, ISTy WYP Ysv aseojq “TwOY 01 99TU SIEYL “W pazaprorquie ays “raIsis Jeph Aur wo quasaud & sf 1aMoy asoz oy Ing “JexTeULIadns ou UT IzTYS oy TyBNEg | — gajdoad 10 “Kroua0s ‘sromoy noge Kayp ary oalqns ay Inoge MoH gxoroprouqura ue ays sy eAqTeOy jaang -feQ “o80] padeys-asor stup Atperoadso ‘nyrmeng say aaatys sip Ang NOK pip axy, “Sutures pue s11qGej Sujsooyp se yons syse3 [eUOTPpe Teroaas spaou ssoooid Bupjeut ay, “10881q are sSeMUTed oy Inq ‘OBoy sre ay] — “spaou sxouIosn9 uo puodap [TIM sialqns ay 08 ‘puvutop uo si9prosquia ays souaWIog “00} s}oalqns JayJO aUOs pure “wIDT JO TY “sSupured Araprosquio Supyeur st qo! 19y 9, — “YUODSISAUOD D ODI O} JEP1O jOeLOD EY} OJU] seoUBIUES EY {Nd “I! got 1oeXA ayp st Tey Ing + “roto ypea YUM ype Pur Us stuared aroup oprqan soured Aepd warp iqeaK 3f ayeUtt 0} SaBeIS CT MoTfOy 0} DALY suEsHIY “Os UTEP 3,UOP | “Y quooUraye yp noge MOF] “UNJSspunos ey, “B “poo8 aq pinom xis ased jteH J -Aa9 aup Jo SUIPYSINO ay UO 007 mou e 03 din a[qerowrour e pey aay “> “nyIpJs 0q sn UesTATe ay PUY jaoUy | “P -uejd somoue aaey prnoys ayy 194 10N “9 “ooquieg Jo 3no warp port AOU,“ ‘syepaye anbyun Auvur sey 91 yey teay [ang “SAK “ev da 3 210} BU} JOF Yo Jos om PMoys ou WHA “OT UIZEUE SI] []]YsB8o paared sIIP Ie YOOT *6 “au wo ufod Suyroyres ap 01 y9eq aUI0D ysNUT aM, “g gstoyseq asoyy ayeur Koy} pip MOH *L, Surazow ap ut soures Surpying-wres} axey [HM 9m “wreaZord snoy aug 01 BuIpros9y “9 gpuayeon ysep.mod puads nos prp aay *¢ “[euls soo] wnasnur sy, “p -ajdunis aymmb sy00] J] se ayeur 0} Asa st yey eoruoS yu] “¢ “uarpytyo pue synpe yi0q ‘e[dood jo yny styjzed ay, °Z espuaxjaam m0 10} uoneunsop & punoy Apraaye nos ancy“ “seoue|ues C4) YSIOW 11 ‘Aqjenba an0j09 a Vv up GIOSGE TTA pro.yy Ys Yous TEU OS SUID JO SparpUnyY aXp oy Ways oy Joos Koy “OT T don’t know much about embroidery paintings. How do they look like? ___I see. My parents like paintings. T’ll tell them about this embroidery painting art. Maybe they would like to have one. LES |. Read the passage and choose the best answer. Ha Noi, the capital of Vietnam, is one of the most interesting destinations for domestic and foreign tourists. Among many attractions are the craft villages. There are about 1500 handicraft villages recognized in Viet Nam, and about 300 are traditional handicraft villages. The heartland of craft villages is the Red River Delta, and particularly around Ha Noi. Ha Noi is home to more than 45 percent of the nation’s total number. How were those craft villages set up? Years ago, after harvest time, Vietnamese villagers used natural materials, such as clay, bamboo, wood, and some certain kinds of plants and leaves to make craft things for their family’s daily needs. Gradually, they made their handicrafts more and more perfect, and then sold them to others around the village to get extra income. The ways to make handicrafts have been passed down from generation to generation. Family members, relatives, and friends work together. Those artisans never compete but help one another to do better business. Each craft village has its trademark name of handicraft products. The government has organized marketing offices, agencies, and design centers to introduce handicrafts to everyone so that the artisans can sell their products. Today, many cetamic, porcelain, bamboo, rattan, wood, and lacquer products from handicraft villages are sold as souvenirs throughout the country. 1. Which of the following best serves the title of the passage? A, Overview of Vietnamese traditional handicrafts B. Handicraft villages in Ha Noi and their origin C. The development of traditional handicraft villages in Viet Nam D. Some facts about craft villages in Viet Nam 2. According to the passage, how many traditional handicraft villages are there in Ha Noi? A. more than 675 _B. more than 135 C. about 300 D. none of the above 3. Years ago, Vietnamese people made handicrafts A. for household use B. to sell to tourists C. to earn their living D. because of their poverty 4, The phrase “passed down” in the second paragraph is closest in meaningto_____. ; A. taught B. taken over C. exchanged D. handed over 5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. Each craft village has its brand name of handicraft products. B, Buth Vietnamese people and foreign tourists like handicraft products. 12 BAL TAP THYC HANH TENG ANH 9- PHAN BAI TAP © LNAWNOUIANT TOOT LIND (dn) ure oup sspur you pnom ay sey apso UF Ajsea pag Jo Ino 0B 9H *9 (198) ‘Sutas0w AepraysoXk SueNY vq 01 Kaul say Joy parredap KYL “s (wim) ‘aattze JOU pIp ays ng ‘uM Buoy e 10y 19y 10J PAM IAL “F (49eq) edn pooyss ap woyy owoy uMaT Nos PIP TAY “€ (doo) “wiry yarn penbo Avas 07 uns 01 pey | Os saISey TEM O} PaeISAH *Z (998) “soeuissepo soy ya drysuonepss A[puory e sey ePUIPWY “T “@ND D Sb sjeyODIQ UJ PIOM OYJ Bulsn ‘seouejues OY; ONEY ‘| EXIEIE] TaAeMOH Aqreaontppy ‘O. aIOAIIY.L “AL Apuenbasuog "y °9 suesre‘q — sixeUNeUTqed “D siaIMoge] "{ — SIOYLOMPooM"Y “¢ qno puy ypu [eap°D ySnomp soo] “g UMOp asop "Vy “b | Busmio “q Supeoy “> Suyres “g. Sumaup-y “¢ uawisyer9 ‘q. syesorpuey “D SPOMIpURY “g SILOM poyPsUN“W “7 aamydjnos ‘q Axaproxquia “> sanboel “g Anuodres-y ‘1 -aBe|[1A oy 10J anuaAa WIS}INO) JoIwaIB pomorfe sey Sug wry ur y9afoad ws}N0} paseq-AarMUTUHOD [ryssadons B—— (9) “gg0z Jo se safuEdutOD Sutarespoom juoryIp gt pue~ (6) 007 2040 0} aseor9UF ue UT SuTINseI ‘ssonUDsdde unos 0} saaquasut roy} pue SuruTeN perayo Ayryssaoons oBeyTLA ay Kmjuoo Woz 22 Sunmp uorssayord Supyompoom ays UT sas9]UT Jo auyfap payseut ve —— (F) oF, “uy (0H Jo Mod jeroruruI09 Asng au Jo santanoe ~ (¢) au 40g pasn sig aBzey pur sdiys parddns Aoyp ‘sy[Nys Surprmqdiys xy) SuisqQ ‘onpy ur peydes yeradwy ayy Surpnyout ‘siolord qwaraytp Auew 0) Suppompoom ur s{IP{s 112 painquaUes ——— (2) a8eypa ou our yoryan Surmp Kanquao yagy ayy ut yead sat poysear 1 Armuad yay ay? UI paystquisy “swonpord Buppompoom jeuompesy pue ———— (T) Sy TOF a[QuIOU your ‘oUTAOIg UTEN Sueno Say flop oUNUTWOD WHY WED UT pareoo] aBePA v st aBeTTLA SupyTompoom Suog wry, “s){UD|q ©Uy Ut IY OF SJEMSUD Jseq EYL eS004D “apmnuonen safudanos se pros aze sionpoud ayer1pueH “a S[eWajew apeul-uew Jo epeur ore syyeroIpueH °C) 10. At first, there were plenty of soft drink, but the bar soon had no more of juice. (run) ‘The young rock band has just released their first album. (bring) The artisans have to deal with the challenge of applying new technology. (face) Tourists will flock to this wonderful hill if they get information about its beauty. (out) Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one. I’m really excited about visiting this embroidery painting gallery. Jigrr ee) 37: fsuubs Sass daSSHOSSSESSSEGESEGSSSGESSEOBSEOSSUREOAAOAIGED I went to bed right after I got home from your birthday party. As soon as __ eee a The traditional crafts are not so famous but the villagers are living on them. Even though ‘Ms Van started learning to make pottery three years ago. Ms Van has Ee We arrived too late to see the introduction about making candies. Pave ame cS eee sos Icouldn’t hear the tour guide because he was speaking too softly. The tour guidewas cea We spent five hours getting to the first tourist destination in our two-day tour. It took Taking photographs of those handmade bamboo baskets gives him pleasure. He enjoys He You may not know how interesting this job is if you don’t give it a try. Unless Se She prefers working as a weaver to looking for another job. She’d rather __ See eet ef Eee 14 - BAI TAP THUC HANH TIENG ANH 9 PHAN BAI TAP Gp. sar Au z.uNa “oun atp [Te 1940 Burmoo ore sourd - wodye ayy reau Sutaq (parnyjod /papmord /Astou) Aqquaay say °Z “suMmo} papaord UT apD40Ig ¥ APL 0} (9]qEITOFUMOD /UATUAALIOD /snoNgeA) aro Sa, “T “S1UDIq OU UT I OF eAYDeIPE e[qoUINs sou! ey) es004D +1 DS Wai: ks colors Wan:| gos yume (——) nok og (~) gno£ anoge rex 129604 -Qy19 yp UF AAT] 0} ONG Sar yURKp a[doad Bunos Aueyy wOseD °g ¢ isn []913,.Uprp Aayp TaA\ 7UEME_ -aray yea 0} (——) sn pjoy Aa suepy *L “9U109 0} a4 Pal ( ) ¢,0M, ‘uvour nos op IY AY :pPleq )om preye why :uoUueD “9 -mogysrou Aur st (——) ays ‘sag. () gay tado0g) -puoyjaom siup Aased oy Uto{ 1,489 ( gueUOM Tey MOL NOK og :uEPIOL “¢ ) “wiry 99s 1,UeD | gary \\ juanbasuoo arp pue yey yO YL“ (asneyxo) ‘wopuo7y 0} woIyStug, Woy SupMu0S ————— sean a1 geU pres aou0 puatuad Sy -9 (anoqy8ru) “soBeqA pue suo) ay, roxy ajdoad jo spaspuny payee wey ay, “¢ (Souue) ‘umoy axp uy suazp1o ay «9 enunuos e st oygen As1ou ay“ (autoxa) “sty3q] Aan aup pasdurs ay se ——— jo Suyaay Aun e {uo pey Guesead v ‘apoun Sy“ (piqzop) ‘opiskem sty uo spoof s1oup Aejdstp 09 ae stopuaa wang °Z (wwurosey) ‘surel oygen puers 3,uv9 ay Ing odsuen Jo suxsOF He YM ————eseyeH “T “84919101 U] PIOM OYJ JO WO} JDO0D OY IM “Al syoeqaerp a. syoedunr 5 suoyutos “gq —_-saouaruaauos "y “uo | oAouOYAA opisA.QUNOD ay} UT Jno SuNIe8 Kolue |[Hs | * ~ ays qe andsoq “or ueyjodonaurq uMOIUMOP *D, ueqin“g uegingns “y “syoog xo1 31seq Y9R| sfooyss aft yas ‘KaSpe usopour yim wrea[’ sjooyps AD 19UUT “6 syaeuayq SIeTPMP ‘OD sro8eqta “g soaneu "Vy Ao PUL SIOULIEY UsaMIOq VONSURSIP oy paysHfoge WOJar WoRENSIor pjoyssnoy ay], “g aug '‘q qweukojdwoup “> ure! ue“ uonntjog “y “mou Axjuno9 aup UT s1ayIOM PaT[PISUN puL sayenpes Mou 10} wo|qoad [wor BSI“ sous q suopeunsap *D suonoeme “g sqysis “y “sreak aay 40] 9194 Paar] sey ays YBnoyp Axo ayy Jo spunos pue yp Aq pozeure ys st ys “9 apIMpyiom “ql apiauoneu ‘5 [eoo["g = euoneusaqut -y -doys sry ut sanpeads — pu poo ysey ‘syuLAp Yos ‘saNIPOUTWIOD aUIOs Os oI AISY, “S SurXouueq Suruayysuy “> aqqeuorysey “g Bu108-Asea "y “[wyUMop o8 01 Banzeis s,31 1g ‘sasoys s}10ds ——— sy 10} pauMoua SBA IONS SIL, “b Tay99yp “C. aiqeaatl “OD mudey “a paysneyxe “y ‘uoneunsep ystmo} pue uoReoNps SuNtoxa ue aq 0} Hf aAazaq | pue AYO ——— Aroa BSI od “E aiqeutoywios “q snongey ys “g arquproye "Vv —— s1 Surat Jo as09 oup ‘apo Big v st SuEN eq YsNoMTY °Z C. GRAMMAR 1. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. The Channel Tunnel projectis (the bigger/ the biggest) civil engineering project in Europe. Going out of the room, he shut the door behind him (as quiet as/ as quietly as) possible. I don’t think life in the countryside starts (earlier than/ early as) that in the city. On Mondays everybody seems to be (much busier/ more busy) than on other weekdays. eee The London Tower is one of the (most famous/ best famous) structures in the world. Thave tried a number of different dishes and this is (by far the best/ the best by far) restaurant in the town. ae 7. The road soon became (more narrow and steep/ narrower and steeper), so we found another way to the mall. 8. British Columbia is the (third largest/ largest the third) Canadian province, both in area and population. 9. The charity aims at helping children in (least developed/ less developed) regions throughout the country. 10. My old classmates and I meet up for lunch now and then, but not (often than/ as often as) we used to. ‘Complete the sentences with the most suitable comparison form of the word in brackets. 1. The population of the city is expanding ____ (fast) than earlier predictions. 2. In those days, travelling and trading were not (easy) as they are today. 3. By far one of the (important) issues for the country is unemployment. 4. Hotels, restaurants, places of interests, tour guide, and transportation have been (bad) than expected. 5. The building was (dirty) Ihad ever seen, with broken windows and dusty doors. 6. Itisnotas_—_ (expensive) you might imagine living in a city with a secured job. 7. Plants climbing over the walls gives the villa an appearance which is (ancient) than it was. 8. My brother took the new job because he felt that the career prospects were much (good). 9. The council has begun to listen (careful) to its citizens, in an attempt to improve policies. 10. It is difficult to find a parking lot in daytime when the downtown is in the (busy) hours. Il. Fill in each blank with the correct form or tense of each phrasal verb from the box. grow up fumback goover pulldown goon puton getonwith creerup look for _goup 18 + BAI TAP THUC HANH TIENG ANH 9- PHAN BAI TAP Gh + SAI ALIO 7 JNA Aueur o10ur - 30j x0Ur “Gq. Aueut arour - ax0ur rer “D) arout yonur - aout rey “gh aqour Yonut - rey row “y -sooutaoad pur santo snomndod JOYIO 0} UY] WMO} [[EUIS sTYY 0} au] pajoaap aavy sjuapnys ay. dno8-q 103989 umop 08 -g gooyery “A419 a4 0} SutAour daay ajdoad asnesaq sa1e| 10 18u0s or aavy sootsd asnopy “SeOUEJUSS OYJ @Je/WOS O} JeMsSUD seq Uy ESCOUD -pno] 001 sa] ¢UOISTA9]9} au UO aUIMJOA ax (dn pumop) LAM aseajd NOK pjnoz “Suruzow sy umop (parind /eyoxq) ayiqrojouwr ay) uy soneWO[P] ary Ioge ouog pey Ady, “smoreyaq apnao aavy 20 ayjodunt are oym ajdoad yp dn (39s and) 01 194 10] Ase 3,US13] “100g BU} OAO [Je aqeM sea aIOYP Os “WooreA aUp UT dey o4p Yo (uM ANd) 03 0810; 94g -sepoSed pue sayomnyo se yons saovid pasoes Supista usa Jey sTY (Yo /UMOP) sayeI skemTe 9H ‘apm mo} pedo] v Aq Aa19 ayp punose (umoys /YSnoxg) a1om s9USIax0F OUT, -ajoun Aur pres ,‘djey autos paau nos aseo ut (31 uAOp /uMop 11) Ng jZaquinu ouoYd Aur st O70}, “dn (aye) /0nt8) 0) Jou our s[jo} pue aur sosemoouo skemye soyzey Aur “Jom SuIO8 3,uose sBuryy woyA\ “pom apismo ax ut Suruoddey s.zeya ppt (uo /dn) door 0} sroded aup peas Ajpensn fay, “ssaunypIsouroy Jay J9A0 (398 /o8) Aqrurg podjay sey Aa19 ayp ut ayy Asng ay “seoue|ues oyj 2J9|dwI0D of UoYdo Joe1109 ey es0UD “ureBe [OoYDs 10y ae] seas 9y ~ pearg autos SuPMoYO opr sooys sty Buoy “ay S,uonwsouad snoyaaad ayp Jo sdiysprey aug aurSeunt youu pur yoswos u] ~~ uapjiyp asow skopemon, quad ay} “ak [ooYSs Mau ay) 14e}S 0} AID ay] 0} aUIOD sJUaPNys AjIsIaATUN UDYA\ “suomnyos autos siayo pur arer quouXojduroun Busi Jo sasne ayy ——— uodax sry, “umop wratp Sug 0} soya sjuaUTUTAAO8 axp andsep Appuaoax Butstt soot -aqnor ayeusayfe ue yoo) pue oury ‘souersip e wioyy uref oye Aneoy amp Burs9g yooford onjau sau ayp 10} AeA afew 0, woos Jaan step Buope sosnoy Jo sjo] -Appomb spuony mou sey ays ‘yUOW Ise] [OoyDs Surpxeog ay 0} Porour sn! Anag YSnoa]y “seunstIyO 3 Surddoys Sujo8 puv sons oy: UMop Supyfeas Jo 1ynoy3 oy J ays pres eyos “a4 a1 puno 3,usvy ays Inq skep [exAAe8 107 AreUONO|p Aou Joy — ~ aagraual, A “Or tuo 3. Theplayers were substituted because they failedto totheir coach’s expectations. A. live up B. live on C. live off D. live out 4, Irish people are among _____ in Europe, as shown in a new study. A. as happy and healthy as B. more happy and healthy C. the happiest and healthiest D. happier and healthier than 5. Have you __ your little problems with the neighbour yet, or are you still not speaking? A. got on with B. kept up with C. put up with D. got over 6. The cost of food, water, housing and electricity in the rural area is in the city. ‘A. cheaper than those B. cheap as that cheap as D. the cheapest 7. The Prime Minister and his cabinet ____ to find the best means of solving the crisis. A. closed down B, turned down, C. sat down D. stood up 8. The north-east, with 60 million people, is part of the United States. A. second the most populous B, the most densely populated C. the most third crowded D. most of the population 9. Frank apologised to Ann for not coming to her birthday party, but she his excuse at once. ‘A looked forward to B. looked through —_C. saw off D. saw through 10. If they did move to Ho Chi Minh City, they'd stand__ chance of getting a job. A.a much better B. much the best C. a better more D.a much more VI. Choose the word or phrase that needs correction. 1. I got up the bus with some of my friends with whom I went to primary school. A B c D 2. Inthe distance, there’s a coal-fired power plant which has made the city one of the A B Cc world most polluted. D 3. Isit true that taking regular exercise is as actually important as having a healtay diet? A B Cc D 4. He turns down the job because it involved too much travelling, but later he regretted it. A. B c D 5. Flowing through southern England including London, Thames River is second longest A B Cc and most important river in Britain. D 6. Itwas getting darkness so I switched on the light, drew the curtains, and examined my A B Cc D surroundings. 20 + BAI TAP THUCHANH TIENG ANH 9- PHAN BAI TAP Na Le ° BIT ALE ‘oyjeorg Ayprey ues Nox “poynyjod pur papmoro 00} are sjaars ayy yey) preay y Ng —— (€) 2811 -agty Ao ayy aoud}iodxe 0} a0u0 31 TISHA pINoYs NOK [BAK :29eI5 juny Jo S\o] ayy] spuMos jarony =A][>>1 jurzeure sem 7] “WYStU Ie MoTA ATID ayy Kolua 01 doys 2ayoo sovx19) B 01 THOM om TEU TaIPY “FOUUTP oavy OF JUBMEISAL 2 Aq paddoys am wa, “ajdoad jo sioy azam axoyt os Buyuaao Aepmnyes sea I] ee (2) ‘Bare UMOTUMOP ayy 0} PayfaaRT aM YsIy TY ORD 208 nos pip aroun chou are ey :AN1AN (1) Bunoxe sem ay AY TH “298, gqendeo ay 07 ISA MOA sem MOF "208ID TH :ATEY, “siuepnys yseq ey) BUOLUD eq JsnU NOA +4 sko[ue ous MON, $]201J8 UOU\SePEd SU UMOP POxIOM OM ‘Al, 0 4 @AB PUD mou {YBNI UD|d D @YOW Pinoys No, "YSU GOD D IDEM SAOMID UDO NOA ‘WEIqold eq UDO SeWUNY JsNOUXe PUD sW[ OWJOY YBNOYY UEAZ se0D|d Buyse19|U| AUDU! OJ @LU YOO} UsNCD AA} sues0d AW J} Ueping B eq PINOM JUL “y Aug 0} @OUDYO D POY Jeneu “XO GY} LOY SEOUEJUSS OYJ YJIM UOYDSIEAUOS OY eJe|DWOD || a “TOyOIG Sey 2 q v qaomts yo]9 uxzEpe oup Jo sBurSn fENSA oxy MOTTA Furusow sip xis ye Tram AOnf “op a “sqol SuTTayo 3 a v suonerodios [enrauruos $89] axe ax0y) se SSTAPST Io oyp uj ATAIMTOT a/Bnuns YL °G a “snqqutut oq) JOI83 Jou pip sayySnep 19y ° a v ‘Senesaq pakeurstp sem ATTes sIP “diy pay ay wos eq pouMJal swuapnys ay THY “8 -aBeyqta & ut parenys a 3 a v ssaursng & 01 STETUIOS sv moa 03 APA SIOW st Aq19 w uy PayesoT ST Wp ssoutsng F *Z Grace: That’s not totally true. It’s only crowded in rush hours when people go to and come back from work. (4) asse Ifyou get familiar with the life there, you will know how to avoid or reduce such things. Kelly: How do you know this? Grace: My cousin told me! Her thought was the same as yours when she first came to live inthe city, (5) Sooner or later, I will have to live in a big city when I study in the university. However, I know that the cost of living there is high. (6) Grace: You're right. Hey! Do you know thatyou can study hard and apply fora scholarship? Kelly: Yes. Of course, I know that, but it’s not easy at all to have a scholarship. (7) Grace: It’s totally possible. You are among the best ones in the class, aren’t you? (8) __ Kelly: Maybe I'll try. Thank you very much for your advice. Grace: Never mind. I’m glad to help. 1 Put the sentences in the correct order to make a conversation. Of course! Come on in. Would you like some coffee? Oh, I also just moved in last month. Please call me Jimmy. We are neighbours now. Hello! Have you just moved in? Nice to meet you. I’m setting up something, please excuse me if I’m disturbing you. Never mind. How were your first days here? Yes, I do. That's a little inconvenient. I know there’s always traffic jam, but it’s heavier than I think. And the prices are little high. It also costs much more for daily expenses. But overall, it's worth it. How about you? How long have you been here? In this neighbourhood? Hi, yes. We've been here for some days. I’m Henry, and you are... Do you have to travel far to work? Is it convenient for you? Yes, I'd love to. Both the neighbourhood and the city. It’s great. Everyone seems helpful. It’s just some minutes to drive my kids to school, and there are only a few steps away from the markets, recreation centres, parks... Really? Hey! Would you like to go inside so we can talk more? 22 « BAL TAP THYC HANH TENG ANH 9 PHAN BAI TAP €@ ° sa AL 7 LIND Aysuep esdeiou) pas|uogin eBo\ueoled Bumo|jo} OUOYOUIE\U| Jo[OW sUoIIIPUCD "XOq OU} LOY PIOM D YB YUDIG YODe UT III -suonendod poztueqim soy o8u9|feq> feqo|Ss9881qayp.9q [MIUaUIdojanapaiquureisng “g ~~ "yanos yeqo]s ay ur parentaou0s Aja8re] 9q 01 pasn sano pareindod Ajasuap ysour s,pHON ey, *L ——— fy jeinsnpunsod e 101 st Suonemndod £q Ato ysa8rE[ s,pptOM ay OKYOL, “9 ——— -pjrom axp ut uorfar paziueqin yseaj ou st eoLTy “¢ ‘svaze uvqin ut al] uonendod s,pliom ay} Jo Jey wey AIO “p —— sare A219 sorypfean axp ayeAOUDI Puk FHL YLT oy UY sINd90 UONEIYUNLAD “¢ —— ‘sowios9q wonesyLAUed xp sso] auf ‘Sana!o0s [eLysnpunsod paseq-uoneuuIOyUT pur -291A208 0} [eLNSNpUT poseq-BuLMI"NULLT WOIY aafoss SOND ax axOW eyL “7 “S029 1-pIU atp ax0Jq UOTTTTUT e Jey PuNose sem UoNLIndod s,uopuOT ey, “1 up) &ns (a) keaap — 00} 19 :(a) ayeaouar — iy} op Suv.n yuryo ais :(u) UORSyLIUES — apy Sung ns :(u) ands — “juowidojaaap arquareysns paypes ose uowuosaue peanqeu ayp Surseurep 10 Suna|dap Moy smm990 yey? JUEUdo|aaap aaaryDe 01 9q jm ‘sarniuno9 padojaaap say ur Ajrefnonzed ‘suonemdod pozruvqin so} aBu9y eyo Teqoyd 38088 1q up ‘s1wad AyI0J IxXOU aU UT “YOU Feqo|S ayp UT puNoy azaM SOND yo8Iq ay Uoyas o8 sopeoep [e1dAas Woy afuEYD payseUT e “yINOs eqo]s aup UT payeNUEDUOS ApeBIEy mou are sono paeindod Ajesuap sou s,ppom ayy, wone{ndod Xq Ay19 3s08xE] 5,pjom ayp st oO, ‘2Idoad vor gE YM “Pazfuegin yuaoIad OF Aquo st eOTY ‘uosteduIOS uy “Quaosed Zz) par ut Surmos adomg yim ‘Quosred 9g) uweqqued oyp/eoreury uney Aq pamorjoy “(quaored 7g) votreury YION Sureq worSex pazruegan your oq] YIM ‘spore uegan ut apisas Apuazino afdoad uoTIG J S.p}zoM ayy Jo quaoued Fg ‘KTTEQOTD -Aq1o 9u9 Jo suotuiod Suldeoap ABuIsearoUT 105 spooyrnogysieu asoup aavay 0} samssord aorad Sunmnsar Aq paoaoy are ssepozepun uequn sood ayy aprym Auppeam ssey ATeotTOIsTY W9>q aaey 1eY sease AyD ayeAoUAT pu rJUA sasse|> Jaddn pue a[ppru ay Jo sroquiout uoYA 8990 VONBOYLIUID ‘UOWUIOD aU soWOIaq LONRIY!.IUAS ‘sarjaI90s [eLAsMpuNsod paseq: -UOULIOFUT pue -2d]A1es 01 [eLASNPUT paseq-SuLMIo"INUBUT WIOIJ aAfOAd Sano SY “sano [esnpunsod jo sojdurexe [Je axe OAYO, pur ‘UOPUOTT YIOK sON Oy|] SOIMOARy [EqO|D “UOTTIEU J 01 000'OSS Woy paseaxuT LONEINdod s,uopuOT ‘SGT A[reO 9u 07 SOZOT-PIUH AyD woyy ‘ajdurexa so ‘uonearasard poy pue ‘uononpod pooy ‘uoneyodsuen Jo Aousroyyo dup paseaxour ABojouyoay Mau pur ‘seare uRgin 0} eM Woxy ajdoad yySnoxq sarzO9¥F Jo juouidojaap ayy, ‘aplMpyom unds ymor¥ e sem aru ‘erg jeNNsMpuy ayy SuLNG “aSTV4 10 JNAL e1D syuEWLE}D}s BuIMO||O} eu! JeyJeUM epIdep puD eBDssDd ey prey "| Humans haye been living in cities for more than 5,000 years, with the first cities founded (1) ___ the birth of agriculture. In contrast to previous living (2) = cities are characterised as having a large population in a small area, a surplus of goods for trade, and specialisation that allows for expert craft. Although there is no standard (3) definition of ‘urban’, typically these environments include a high-population (4) with a significant amount of built infrastructure. The (5) of the world’s population living in urban environments has increased dramatically over the past 200 years, from just three per cent in 1800 to 55 per cent at present, with projections to (6) ______ to 68 per cent by 2050. For the first time in human history, most of the world’s people live in urban environments. Australia ranks among other nations as one of the most (7) in the world, with more than two-thirds of our population now living in (8) _ cities. |. Rewrite the sentences, using the word in brackets as a cue. 1. Jack continues chatting although the teacher has warned him. (on) 2. Ifyou want to lose weight, you should stop eating fast food. (give) 4, Lindsay doesn’t like city life because she can’t stand noisy places. (put) 5. His accountant has advised him to stop doing his business. (close) 6. I want to consider it carefully before I decide to join your project. (think) 7. She left her village and tried to find a job in Ho Chi Minh City. (look) 8. Ispent my childhood in the countryside before moving to this city. (grow) 9. She loves putting on smart clothes before going to work or meeting friends. (up) 10. They entered the country and asked for permanent residence. (apply) 24 » BAITAP THUC HANH TIENG ANH 9-PHAN BAI TAP GZ ° HIT xu 7.uNn F9plO HLL. “989] [ABT] 01 WO9s ay} “Iapjo 198 ajdoad sy saaqamp Aad Soy “sx9]]9Mp Ay1o ysow ssouaNuT Surat] Jo 1809 YS|H, OUI PI “pans pamyjod ay} uo yno Sujo8 wey 1on9q st owIOY Ie SuLAeIg é simp ST esryp uey) Aq19 19881 v poytsta z9A9 NOK aay] = smouy r0a2xy “so0p JDABY sv [JM Sv PooysMoUBIaU Sty IMOGe ALOUD, 1,UOP | ErEerra Peer ereeeeeeeeauads ASt -suejdare £q up Suey eq 0} faAeT 0} NOY We WTP 001 I] purur 3,00 | Jooyss 01 4H] B NOK oatB 04 Addey 94 [1-1 poquaaasd sue! ype ay. “sure oygen oup Jo osneoaq aun uo dn usn 1,upqoo oy, st oA3}0 “oddoy, sv dar papmoso & Yons parista s9AAU aAEL | Sa}q19 F9yI0 ON. “saqelg payuy ayp ut AID ysaBre] ay} St YOX son “euo {sly OU} sp OUDS OU} SUDOLL 1! JOU) OF COUEIUEs PUDEE 4} ofo;dWOD, “or » TEEN STRESS AND PRESSURE |. Decide whether the verb form of BE in bold in each pair of sentences is stressed (Y) or not (N). 1. Jason: Isn’t it too late to tell the truth now? (___) Ethan: No, itisn’t. (__) 2. Kelvin: Was she busy with other assignments? (__) Adam: Yes, she was. (__) 3. Dorson: Isn’torange juice your favourite drink? (__) Norman: Yes, orange juice is my favourite drink, but I don’t usually drink it at nigh. (__) 4. Tommy: Are you happy that I cancel the deal? (__) Linda: Yes, I am. It’s good to cancel it. (__) 5. Jim: Do you think they are waiting for us now? (__) Brian: Of course! They are. Hurry up! (__) 6. Ms Emma: You aren’t working this Saturday? (__) Mr Johnson: [ am, but I will ask my leader for a day off. (__) 7. Jacky: Are you going to the library? (__) Hector: Yes, we are. And you? (__) 8. Jane: Isn’t he the man we met yesterday? (__) Lily: No, he isn’t. (__) Underline the verb form of BE that should be stressed in the following sentences. 1, She is good at Maths but her brother isn’t. 2. Kate: Are you reading comics? Betty: Yes, Lam. 3. Gwen: Isn’t hanging out a good way to release stress? Chloe: Yes, it 4. Anna: Do you think he is a good teacher? Stacy: He is. But he’s quite reserved. 5. Adrian: Is she confident that she will pass the interview? Frank: Yes, she is. She has prepared for it very well. 6. Thomas: Aren’t you leaving for the picnic? Kelvi Yes, Lam. But it’s a little early. 7. Jane: He is too young to live without the support from his parents. Melisa: He is. But he can take care of himself. 26 « BAI TAP THUC HANH TIENG ANH 9 - PHAN BAI TAP Lz + PINssMId ANY ssmUIS NATL LIND guosppyp ur afemoous pur sonrunyroddo ayeoro Aejd pamonnsun wes MOH “OT “7x9 ueY} L8n2q, — ur yoreasy “6 —————— rorradns sry aim possoxduary sem ay ‘[Jom A[Qvuoseas op 01 UosfaN paroadxa rs}Sojoyoasd ayp aytAN soBvuny s1u09t Joqurowias am Jey) UMOYS sey ABOjOYASA gwiopaay pur —— uey) snopoad s10u sy Surppou rey aax8e Nok og] “squrejduios pue— o1ssaXojduro sy sean Jo AyoETeA e saptaord Kuedwr09 au “uso MOK Uo 0M YorvAseE BUTOp 24,no4 Udy —————— Jo 0] paau OK, 01 plito stomp astex pur angi 01 syuared 105 330Y9 Jo 10] & S949] sSurmp soypo wo sea purur Aur - yom 1se[ A0A\jOoyDs Kut wo 3,uupmrod “wap qin 01 An pur saoys s,2{doad x40 ur saajasino ind pmoys aA, ~ Apusiouns sea aug ‘8 L 9 ¢ v € ‘T T -suia|gord say Jo asnws ayy aziuBooax 0) —— sjyOAWS BUPO} ys aJOUSDUOD aUIjdIOsIP-Hes _sJOIYUOD eAjOsEL anylu60o sips Bujuosoe) eouepuedepu| SIOMD-W8s_POOYINPD “XOg 4} WOY esDiyd 10 PIOM D Y}IM U_IG YORE Ut [I “Qiszaatun jeuopeu aq 0} drysrejoyps Aur jo reay 0} (parysyep /passems) AJouronxe aram siuared AW “OT “aay}iea squauoU ysn{ UT waa Pays aie}s [Puno oy Jo UIs Aue SuTMOYs I0U “9104 (wed /passodop) v YIM ax0ds 24g “diay ues am yep os sonorxue pur sreay atoyp ssozdxo on (josdn /poSemoous) oxom AOU, ‘uty (jeuoHOWE /parzom) A19A v 5,94 ‘syeads ay Way UOTssed Jo 10] & sMoYs sdvmNTE >] “paaoons [jim am yeu (Uapyuoo /Addey) wre | “rey []EM oa IWUp JaTJ9q AMOK 0} ase.NUOD UT -(peSesnoasip /parystjep) you st 9y ‘oot [epaur pjo$ oup ULM 0 partes sey ay YSNOWTY ‘zoBuoy Aue way? Woy sMeu Pood ay daay 3,upnos | JeUp (paydxa spayutoddestp) os sem | Fu on ad “uopmaduios aanruSoo ap ut axoydsoune (pastadins jasuay) ay pauarySy yseurar snoroumy st] “€ ghouoy Suoim seq, payse somjour 9x7 ‘uorssoxdxa pes pue (poxejer /pasnyuos) s.ra1ySnep say BuIeag °Z : “sgoueuy sty gnoge suonsonb paqurod uny poyse ys\jeumol v usya (porn /posseaequia) 9uIeI9q 9H “TE Ily 0} BAYDeLPD eIqDIINs jsoW Ey} eSCOUD | Chalk hcoley iit: ‘Jou UL] ‘ON ‘ale, “syuDiq out £6 pea uy nod a,uary jour asnoxg ASIN °8 Choose the best answer to complete the sentences. 1. Why didn’t you tell me you weren’t__ with the situation? I’m not a mind reader! A. stressed. B. worried C. depressed D. happy 2. Henry always seems so___, but in reality he’s extremely shy. A. self-discipline _ B. self-aware C. self-confident D. self-care 3. Why couldn't you __ strategically, just like you planned your education? A. manage your anger B. plan your career C. control your emotion D. cook for yourself 4, The most important thing is to stay __, give yourself time to think and ask for clarification if necessary. A.calm B. tense C.embarrassed _D. frustrated 5. She maintained wellness and __ healthy habits by proper diet and adequate exercise. A. took B. formed C. created D. made 6. ___ skills involve using speech, gesture, facial expression and body language to communicate. A. Cognitive B. Social C. Housekeeping _D. Problem solving 7. skills require quickly identifying the issue and implementing a solution. A. Risk taking B, Emotion controlling C. Budget managing D. Problem solving 8. “How are you feeling now?” - “ A. Confident and tired B. Tense and encouraged C. Tired and stressed D. Disappointed and delighted 9. How are we supposed to __ negative feelings that keep coming up when we're stressed or hurt? A. collaborate with B. concentrate on C. communicate with D. deal with 10. [know you are ____, but good oral communications are a key business skil A. shy B. lazy C. discouraged D. upset IV. Write the correct form of the word in brackets. 1. He's always harking back to his _ and saying how things were better back then. (child) « 2. Anger is often caused by or embarrassment, or a mixture of the two. (frustrate) 3. Our perception of things is often influenced by subjective factors, such as (tired) 4, Unemployment rate is and economic recovery is still a long way off. (height) 5. The police warned that it was ___ to run around the neighbourhood too early in the morning, (safe) 28 « BAITAP THUC HANH TIENG ANH 9- PHAN BAI TAP GZ * RUNssaad ANY ssmLS NAL *€ LIND gsooys urods poof Ang pinoys | 21941 UO soLApe awlOS aU aAIT NOK WE “TE “SeAwIUYUI-O} @10}6q SPIOM UO||senb Bulsn ‘seoualuEs EY eIUMEY 9ut payse aH auSte Aepsaisok dared ayp 7e 3,usem Aeaey Aya MOUY NOK OC, ‘OU Pays 7H “OT — yey} pres Aww ‘phy e se Jlskta your puv aUIH UT >f9eq OF pnd | YsIA T, ‘Pres kuru “6 aur payse rompoag Ay saytuuaf payse “g apeur pey - our 3,ue9 “y “passas wry ory suoneyadxe ySny syuared sry 2y ey} pres 3H 308 ued am a1041M OL “C ya8 am ued azayAy “OD 398 01 IOAN“ yo8 am aroy Ay “V .gUOTPayas gol jnoge uoHeULIOJUT a10U —____,, “TayNdaz ayy payse sayeprpued sy 0} soy Out astApE 0} - JD~ILOD PInom “q 0] Moy aur astApe - 39E}UO9 Pynomt “> 0} MOY UE AsIAPE OF - JDEIOS TIM“ —-—- MOY BUE_O} asTApE 0} - 3e]UOD Pynom y -soSueyo peorskyd yas feap ——— sayey ou ——— ays pres ays suioddns pue jo oreo Supper moyq. =——- Supyroddns pur Jo ares aye1 01 M0 °D) uioddns pur Jo ares aye} 01 Moy “g Supuoddns pue Jo ares Supyer moy "y ~rey}ONg JY Jo djay ayy oqpIm Jlasrey ——— apt ou pey ays quem nos op oy - axe nos oYM “CG am op OYA - aM are OY “D) qua 9p OYA - ore dm OY “EL queA om OYA - am ore OYA “Y ;9q 0) pur —— sauyap yrads am Ava ap sey YUN I, ‘Pres auTTOTTEY 3yBn0g pey - IIs pry "q qyBn0q - 3Uas “9 3y8noq - Juas pey “gt 3y8n0q - qua8 ancy “Vy ‘ar0}oq yaa! ay] ] Yoog au} ow ——_——~ Aaup Jeup pres doys ourpuo oy.y, 398 pnoys | ax0y4s - 08 plnoys | Moy 308 01 sioy - 08 0} 21044" 398 | pmoys moy - 08] pmoys azoya “g 308 01 ar10YM - 08 OF MOY “Y ora} mouyy3,uop [Ng mouy J, ‘aur oF pres TaBUENS aL ‘Or 5. They were wondering where to hold the party and I suggested the Italy restaurant A B c D near the station. 6. Ifyou are unsure who contacts, see the table below to find the most appropriate A B c D organisation. 7. Shewas self-sufficiently and alone because she had no one with whom to share her feelings. A B c D 8. She said “It wasn’t until I went my own way that I begin to learn how to do things myself.” A B c D 9, He had nothing to do and he was debating whether to go for a walk and to visita friend. A B c D 10. She said, “Over the next few months we planned when to go, what to do, who to A B c contact and why’ D |, Match the sentences. 1. Hurry up! We're going to be late 2. Why don’t we call Tim and ask him to | b. Why not? So what do you like? join our football match this Sunday? | 3. Thad such a bad day, I missed two buses this morning, and I was late for school. » I'm so happy for you! Keep it up! ° If I were you, I would get some rest. 4, It’s difficult to win him in this game. _ | d, She said she was too tired to join us today. 5. My parents said they wanted me to get | e. Stay calm! There’s plenty of time. a medical degree. But I don’t like it. 6. Where is Susan? Are there only three of us? | f. You must have been really disappointed! 7. Pmstressed out because of work. g. Lunderstand how you feel, let’s tryharder next time. 8. Finally I know how to play badminton! | h. You should begin with the easiest thing or the topic you like most. 9. I have a big assignment to complete | i, Don’t be discouraged! I know you can and I don’t know where to start. do it! 10. I failed the exam once again! Oh, I doubtiit... He’s already fully booked for maths and physics classes. ‘32 + BAI TAP THUCHANH TIENG ANH 9- PHAN BALTAP © + Tassad GNV SHS NIBL-€ LIND ypryas ‘eruurosuy snopes 19yns ADU. “sfeaur mb 40 Ajshoutz0Ue ea JeYNIa 01 WIDes Jou, ‘suqey Suidoajs 10 Sunee you) yeorq Avur s1eSeuday, ssoBueyp jemorveyag — -ured pur sayse roxpo ‘soyseypeuroys ‘soysepeay Jo sturepdutos aavy uaYyo Kou pur uoyo oxour ars 308 0} ATo>fH] axe ssoxIs JOpUN are OY sxaBeUADaL, ‘soBuEYP [wISKYg — -sSurppoy Sumoys ur soBueyp s,uoxppiyp «Toy 01 LoNUAHE Ked pnoys squared “passadap pure ‘due ‘partiom ‘snopcue 398 01 sea aq 01 puay siaBeuaay sseBueyD jeuonoug ~ :s1o8eua01 uo sey ssarys yep SIIAYA aanefou arp mowy 0} uerodwuT S| 31 ‘OsOFoIOY_L, TAMARA) [eNAUT 193 01 aavy PUP sso.28 a4) 1aA0 38 ouued sx9yp0 9TTYA fop1] Ayfep UT soadse 1ay}o pu ‘sdrysuonepes “Suyuresy IM ax9PIOWUT Jey sfaao] ssans JURoyTUsIS sureBe ofBBnns ued sieFeuda ou1og “ypreay jeotstyd pure yequour s1oup uo sioedury aanyeSou sey ssazis eM aztqeed Aovp pue “upqeay jou are sfaaoy ssoxys atoy) eM AJHUApy Uw sioBEUD—I TM UAOYs aavy AOAINs OY JO syqnsax ay, “SyMpe Jo WYP ULYA a810M UAAd IO ‘se UTES ay} SI SsamS U9 KaaIng BOLAULY UF ssa1g auf 10] uoNEIDossy [oIZojoyDAsg Ued}FoUNy ax Aq paraT[O2 wep 7 SuIpr099y “s1a8euaa} 01 ssamjs sasneo yor vommos dor ayp st Surfooyys ‘says Jo sjaaay A~peayum ooua}zadxe Apuanbay osye ajdoad Sunog, ‘aovy 0} oavy syMpe rey) wajgo.d v ysn{ Jou st ssanig “JOMSUD JSeq EY SOOYS PUD eBDssod ey; prey =| sroprey pure soprey Apnys 01 our [for sKempe Koy, “Wrayp [[9 0 Asea OU Sar UTED | —— “op 01 yA MOU 3,UOP | INg sty aBueyD ov quem Aqqear ] “spuaaom uo Apnys 07 aay J Aep qTe [OOYDS TOF payoog Aypny ULL surods ed put saz 01 our YSnous axey 3,uop J asnedAq S,3eIP aE “MO WL “Sunea soye 1y8u >p10m 0 Apmys NOs Jt urajqord aaey keur yeurors nog “Tout Ar9A9 Jaye XE[AI 0} PIU NOK ‘pos you saeyL —— jeep anoge squared Mok 01 Supye Ax, “opAasagT] uaLAMD MOK anuMUOD 3sn{ NOK Jt passaxs 2g IH nox “skepung wo 3se9] Ie “SoNTANDR eorskyd axour axey Pu Ino o8 pmnoys nox — “ep Ar9a9 s.UUIp Jaye 101Ty B pm Apnys | ‘ou0y Je SUOSs9] Jo sIOT oABY J “AU aup [Te ApNys 0 aur JuEM syuDIed APY — | ‘our 0} JO] B suvOUT If “2OTApe MOK Joy NOK yuEYL AN UE >| YO “Auyyeay aq 01 pro Ul as1o10X9 01 podtt NOK JeU PUB MOL are NOK Pas MOY Woy TPL ‘wep pms poo8 v ayeur ues nos 1 puersrapun | Ao, “wroy) aouTALOD 07 AIL, — gnof PUM roNWUT ax s,7eU,A\ PLAN pu Part Yoo] NOX T -roump rayge Surpnys axoyoq samnutur usayy Inge 10) Yeazg TELUS e avy | ‘KIjeMDy — guoousaye auf Uy pue SuluLOW 9uy UF aUIA NOK Inoge MoE] — ajou Auyy “UoWosi@AUod b eyDU O} sedUE|UeS OY} JepICeY ‘IL is a severe condition of being unable to sleep. They also show avoidance of normal daily activities. ~ Cognitive changes: Teenagers who have stress notice their decreased concentration, forgetfulness, and the appearance of carelessnes: 1. The text is mainly about stress in __ A. adults B. elderly people C. adolescence D. infants 2. Most teenagers suffer stress due to their - ‘A. study B, family C. friends D. housework 3. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of stress? A. unable to sleep B, suffering several types of aches C. easy to be distracted and forgetful D. wanting to meet people 4. The word “treatment” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to A. medicine B. cure C. surgery D. operation 5. Which of the following is true according to the passage? ‘A. Teenagers do not know anything about their stress. B. Teenagers suffer less stress than adults do. C. Teenagers suffer the same stress level as or even more than adults do. D. All teenagers suffering stress have mental treatments. Choose the best answers to fill in the blanks. ‘Nature has given usa ‘fight or flight’ response. The survival of primitive man depended on this response, which compensated for his limited understanding of the world. When faced with danger, primitive man, with his muscular (1) ___ and his brain alert, was immediately ready to fight the enemy or escape. Nowadays, the chances of meeting a wild animal are small, but the modern ‘jungle’ is just so dangerous. We constantly face a variety of (2) situations for which the ‘fight or flight’ response may not be adequate. As the tension rises and cannot be released by fighting or (3) , the body gets into a state of readiness for nothing. It is this kind of tension that is responsible for chronic stress. In the long term, stress may cause diseases such as skin rashes, insomnia, ulcers, high blood pressure and heart (4) __ How can you combat stress? Eat a(5)___,_ diet containing plenty of fruit and vegetables Sleep at least eight hours a night and go to bed early. Talk about your problems with family or friends. Do not hold stress. Use exercise or a sport to release it. These techniques will not solve all your problems, but they will help you to see them differently, (6) you will find it easier to handle them. 1. A. force B. tightness C. tension D. pressure ‘34 « BAI TAP THUC HANH TIENG ANH 9~ PHAN BAI TAP GE + TUNSSAUd ANY SSMRLIS NAL *€ LINA porred jouassoope /aBueyo /BunoK jays /ysIya /poowpinpe jpooupnyp jadeys qm /Suump ur jst spue pBIey /pue /aoeaseq /Apoq mmoK “OT ua sey Jays /aus ae psuqey jdn jhppeay /Aqpeorseg /pouseal /axp /sces pday jowioy /yeuUeHT “6 ayy Area /pey /r9yye spooysnogysiau 103 /ButuaA9 /U /Ys /paLttom /r9Y /0r }9} /SSE]O ABT /UOYAA/SNG/IqS “8 gnoge rysrur /w9|qoad /passons /] /1]o1 /paurem faq fou fn ALUPIP /j1 Mur peup jswuaxed /Aut /| /PUETIy AWW “L asnesag /ayp /asam /ples /S[B /jo /passerrequia /uny /SuUPyEUT /os /UNTY /SeA /2Y 9H “9 soypeey /djay /oroyan jmoy /aup /01 eB ,zso1ousHiowD jmouy, /UF Joy /MOk jou Ve /payse /PUL od, ° ssams /pue /o} /autoo10A0 /paou /eouepmns /ayeur Aystx odds ynpe /qpia /SuoIsToOp /pue /10R *F 0} nox /os puuazayp /poou A,uop /parenysnyy /j92j ‘oUOATaA9 /are /10} /soBueyp TwoIskya “E oun ew yreuy sar /,.cturexo pyreur jay Payse /itta /urese joavy psaysty PANIED /OC., /NOK EUS "TZ aq sar yoseds uonenpesd peym /Aes /oup /Affeor /MOWY /PIOYS /,USOP /TO1EHL “T “sequejues inj6ujuDeus eYOW Oo} sp1oM ays JePIOCeY—] soaamoy yey os‘ o1sv os “g asneseg "VW °9 poourpeg-Tam"q — [om-paourpeq’D —paouefeq-poo8 gq — poo8-peouryeg’y °s sio9yutd. spage ‘D syoene “a SONS ‘Vb Suratamns “q Suprayns“O, Supqem “a Suideoss y “¢ ssaqdyoy ssajadoy ~) Tanqnop “a Tysons “y“Z ‘Complete the second sentence so that it means the same ass the first one. 1. Natalie said to me, “Are you working hard for the project?” Natalie asked 2. Ifyou worry too much, it will be hard to fall asleep. The more - 3. Melinda got heavily stressed because her tests’ scores were low. The low tests’ scores _ 4. Mrs Harper taught her children how to make a living. Mrs Harper’s children _ 5. My father said to me, “Why don’t we go out for a walk?” My father suggested 6. “Why hasn’t William phoned me for such a long time?” she wondered. She wondered 7. It’s my opinion that you should take more exercise or play sports regularly. IfI 8. Helene finally managed to get the job although she is a fresh graduate. Helene finally succeeded : 9. Although he made great efforts, he still failed to control his anger. mci eine 10. If you don’t rest yourself, you really will get sick or become exhausted. Unless _ 36 + BAI TAP THUCHANH TIENG ANH 9 - PHAN BAI TAP Leb MaATH . (aorysey) “zareams pare pur srosnoz »jzep ut dn possorp ~~ ays uayas pastadins sem ouokreag °Z (passardap) > asnva Aquo Koy) ‘so8uvy ook Aue nox Suqmq 3,10m sBurjaay aaNeBN “TL “$]@1201q Ul PIOM OLY JO WO} J9EUO OLY SIUM “Al “as jeooNsty UmOUY-[!9m Jo a0ejd v yexp Aes apdoad aurog “oT v8 30 Arou90s $11 Joy snourey aoeid ¥ st “aurppuel e 10 atqour e wogy aw Aue 1 [eo ued NOA pur aaxy-T]or e SI FIT EqunU ey, °6 “djey 10] yse pure oxy ay odor 04 {Teo 01 19quinu —————— Muy pInoys NOX °g “MOpUTA aT Jo Ino SOO] sKvadre aq ‘suOSsaT SI UO ———— sanou AUTO], “LZ “gol pred -{[om pur pood es} r9Uisap 1eyp squared Aut aoutauOD pinom yw “TT °9 “yuow saye wuou ast 07 anunuoD ssod pure yBry A19A st AOL I~ Jo 3809 YL °S “yodsuen jo ure stay pins st eo ayp ‘saveag poutun ayy ut a{doad ysouriog “fF uz ui jjosmod ynd ysnf guonengs yey UT Op Nok PROM IwYM “E “prensny ur Ayo 3s0881q ayp S| yor ‘Koupsg uy dn————— pure wiog sem aH °Z ar apeur ajdoad azoys aBeyta oy pue rey — oz 20g moge yeroads steyA\ “T “pIOM e|GHYINS D YM UIq YOE UI IIld “IIL Teuonvarorq —ueyjodonaut “9 Jemyoninu “g — royeoTUNUTUIOD *y aiqeuiopaios‘q = Aaproxquia “D [euonouts “g Teoruei0q “y quowureyeque‘q jweuIsseurequia “Q — quounutoddesrpg ———edua0sajope “y onaod ‘a autdisstp soderoshys “g aantudoo "y averjuaou0a “q ayero29p “‘O) ommpedura “g JoA00sIp “Y “uieyod ssels JueIeyIP sy JOU} PIOM yy eso0YD. payse a Ppacouue “5 Ppaxepar'g Passans"y *¢ jeep a aanyeay peamp -g AABN Yb wea prey “5 wien “g ante "yg yapudm ‘q wyepour ‘Dp, 4800 "g Aranod-y “7 Fool'a. way} US “a wy y 1 “s18YJo uJ Jo JOU} WOY AyUA!EyIP PeouNoUOLC 5 Dd PeUIHEPUN esoYM PIOM EYL eS00UD “| Tt M3IAaY 3, Asa kid in the countryside, he spent hours watching the night skies and became by the stars. (fascinate) 4. I could see the _ and sadness on Ann’s face when she read the exam result. (confuse) 5. Heleda life during his childhood, but he also suffered from loneliness and depression. (luxury) 6. We have seen most of the town’s famous __ , So we would like to take a break now. (see) 7. Asa she deals with problems reasonably and equably, never losing her temper. (manage) 8, It’s hard to describe but the position of the house combines _ ___ and convenience. (quiet) 9. Sheisasmartgirl and she shows. talent for getting what she wants. (consider) 10. This practical guidebook teaches you about , coping skills, and time management. (relax) V. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences. 1. The men practised various traditional crafts, such as toys out of wood. A. weave B. carve C. knit D. embroider 2. In rural areas, the school is often one of the focal points for the community. ‘A. local B, national C. international D. global 3, Frank easily gets__ when people don’t understand what he’s trying to sey. A. frustrated B, delighted C. excited D. relaxed 4. Van Phuc_____ Village went into poetry and music as a beautiful cultural village of Vietnam. A. Wood B. Silk C. Stone D. Clay 5. This city’s economy is__ on tourism, so the residents here treat tourists very well. A. modern B. fascinating C. dependent D. ancient 6. The developments in this town will create spillovers for several regions. A. bordering B. urban C. downtown D. neighbouring 7. The new programme aims to make the country in food production and to cut energy imports. A. self-sufficient B. self-disciplined C. self-aware D. self-care 8. The Cham ethnic minority in Ninh Thuan province uses clay to make their famous products. A. hat B. lacquerware C. painting D. pottery 9. Flying is_____ the first time you do it, but you soon become jaded and bored. A. calm B. exciting C. frightening D. tense 38 + BAITAP THUC HANH TIENG ANH 9- PHAN BAI TAP GE * nage sv ao1ay ySry seq se YSTy so se-Q se YB Se aT “gq 9OTMI se YBTY SE “Y uo pjo oy) “yBty sroour 9ZT aq [IM JUSUNUOU sou ax shes JOUgISep ONL “T “seouejues ey} eJe|WOD oO} JeMsUD Jseq eLy esoOYD. “Apiuanas uontsod sty (2240 aye!) zaayBinep sty os 199ue9 wroxy Suuayns st weg “OT aur Su0] v 103 pue(Suq SunIsta 01 premuoy (00!) peep wpe smut °6 “sOnITiQustp UIA wospTTYD 405 sxaVeD punoséejd ayp soy pure uStsop J]ez9A0 91 (1oprsuos) Aap yaan snp sae'y “g “syoog Aqu9A ado (go Bu1q) ——— ays 190z Uy aoueWOL Sunt dn Sunpey souls rosy “p “(qmysip) —— saajaysyooq, ayy uo sump seq yey Gno puy) —————— ay vaya pacouue amb sem ay “9 ‘Aqnurey Joy ym asepyearg syamnsta] 8 (aaey) arp pur are] (dn 398) ays s8uruzow kepung ug °¢ ‘nod Jo aut (puruias ‘sAeaspe) ~ 31 - yt amo mmo soy Yon A1aA nos yULYL, “hy dos 0) wayas (mouy Jou) ays st aiqnow ou pur ouodsaAa (azionuD ‘{}fensn) ays “¢ -porreas UOHIQnyXa au ax0J9q smmoy Jo aIdnoo v A[uo ysap UoNeULLOZUT ay) (dn yas) hoy, °Z Jooups YSIy s0uIs Joy (ya dn day Jou) ———— 1nq sayeuissepp az9% | pue AOL “L “S1@}9D1q U] QIOA @UJ JO LUO} 10 EsUe} {OSU09 EUY SIN “A -soSey]ia yero JUaIayTP — apeut syexoIpuey Jo UODoT[OD 31q v oavy 2M “OT -odeys jog 8 1 yeu 0} spuey soy) pasn pue AVI aus YOO} ABH °6 -uonseme siya ~ pastueSi0 are sontanoe reya a0s 03 oyvay sty Yor YOo|L.L °8 -roysis Aur quasaad Aepyparg astadims e paataoas ysn{ 94,] se parysijep os WT *L guonnyod are £q pasnes aeurep qyyeay pur feyuauTUOMAUa ay ———azv9 nox op YonuT MOH “9 -passpurequis [99J 01 paauy,Uop NOX os ‘suos19A@~—JarayTParesoFuwyowoisiy °¢ guo1Bax oytoads e ——— ajdoad spurwias yes yoeo wey yu NOKOG “f : “ssLM0} UMOWy-[[em axe aSpLig Inogrery ay pue ‘snop wIado Aoupss ‘suepreH oTUEIOg [MOY *E jsn ——— aay aq pmnoo nos ysim | pue UY TOF UT ou snomngyy v BuLAvy ome aA °Z “ppom ayy 1 wou ajdoad axe axoqy pur snojndod Azaa st 19 STYT,“T “uoyssodeid ejqoyins © YIM 1UDIq YObe UI paysneyxo “qr Surfouue “9 Tnyssans “g, passazdap "y Bumve8 say ja[Yya & 40y Aeme O8 40 astou yeUP Supper doys asvata “OT | 2. Helen asked for an explanation the committee acted unreasonably when they turned down her application. A. though B. why C. so that D. because 3. Most people have no real idea__ healthy habits, and Mike was no exception. ‘A. how to change to B. how can change to C. how change to _D. to how to change 4, Watching sport was___ activity on Saturday afternoons in Britain. ‘A. most popular by far B, by the far most popular . by far the most popular D. the most popular by far Dad said, “Mom’s kind of down in the dumps at the moment - why don’t you buy something to ” A. cheer her off B, cheer her up C. cheer of her D. cheer on her __ everyone agrees that Daniel has tremendous talent, they still wonder with him. ‘A. Though - who can be compared 8. Although - who should they compare C. As - who to compare D. Since - who they should compare This city has done __ many cities at providing preschool options for poorer children. A. better than worse B. much more badly _C. better more than D. better than 8. Hesaid that he the point where he was not going to__ her criticisms of him any more. ‘A. has reached - get on with B. had reached - keep up with C. had reached - put up with D. has reached - face up to 9. He remembered the date but forgot to an alert for the event and _____ an hour late. A. set off - turned off B. set - turned up C. set up - showed up D. set - showed off 10. Emma and Jennifer are siblings, they never really___ each other. A. Though - put up with B. Although - get on with C. Because - look after D. As - take care of IX. Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correction. 1. [have heard your proposal, but I will think it up and give you an answer next week. A B c D 2. Lalways take off my gloves before using smartphone as the touch screen responds A B c D correctly to them. 3. She put on her coat, light the candle and went on tip-toe down the back stairs and into A B c D the kitchen. 40 + BALTAP THUC HANH TIENG ANH 9~ PHAN BAL TAP Lipo Faaiary suoneindod Aq Aq19 ysoBre] ay} [IHS St OAT, ABP WSSISRS [BIOATS aareo wed AHL JaTOTdasr S_ATEdUIOT HP 0} gol aump-sed ayy 107 uoneardde Aux panruagns | ‘SUOSSD[ OUT MOIST] spuyoom oup [le autoY AeIs | “JBIS SpEIT SOUTS sowwuussejo Au ypIM suta[qord pey oaey | Jooyps ye ssoupam mos mnoge sjuared AMOK 01 [1 P|NOYS NOK "IK SUMS STi 10y snourey sour fjquqoxd s| vopuoy] “Sous SHTOISTY TOO PUP SIE “FBEP[EDT YSTUY om Se WOOS SE aBepia Arayjod ay Joy aavay [IL a, ‘shiod peulepun ey J0j suoysenb eum a o a Vv SHOUTS vpeurs TIGA TO} 9104 [dew pax aup GASMOTS ureyunowt sryp WOH mata aq, “uonesaues a 2 a v Dy uoNeIoUad wos TOP pase us9q sey TSM wopsin PSIOS oytreq amsvaxy are SYOOg, a -rvad sau JO dep 3 a v qs1y aq) TT sareys parun ayp WI oanguaape atau v 105 FOES pmnom Ao yey pres AULT, a 2 a v -so8e soup Bf aouarayrp ayp Jo SsNedaq Ayqrssod ‘roy TIM TOFS op IMOUPTp STI punoy a “soumysoo axdurea a 7 9 a v JOR Te eng pur ung oaarg ‘uaamoyfepy ATBAS yom v se GABUISSIP uo parsisut | TTA a “FET PeY | voy uerpy soars ay} wo ajdoad 3 a v SOU THAT a1am azayp pur SHORYS SOW yoy yTeN POPAOID VOW a1 axay SyTEAePIS qo a v (.GB9IS 0) An J puk Mou AR 00} $3] apedun ‘g. ynsery ——— fq paseydex aq ues ydvsSered sry oy UT ,oWIODINO,, PIOM 24], “T (0 79 Suonp 10ff sops0siq umNoadg wsnMy - ‘sread quaoso[ope aly ul uoTssazdap s0 Aarxue 0} peal ues YORE pareyost Ar9A aay USO WisAME YIM a[doad qusuVaN MouPIAA ‘siapo TIM aSeSuo puv sBuyjooy umo sforp ssardxa 07 MOY Urea] OF ATE are WISAME YALA UOApTtyS ISMN WIAA “PHOM yes soy puersropuN KIHy oy wsTIME YA UOsIed ayy ajqeua 07 1ySne, aq 02 oALY sKeanfe S|IEYS [220s Asay, ‘sTayI Jo UONdadzad oy} 10 suonows pueysiapun 0} wou) 10) SuySuoyeyp S| 11 Jepjo JB ursHNe YT VaIpTTED sy -woyp ut a8e8u9 0 MOY] purysiepun jou ket ing sdrysuonejar [e}o0s ur ysoxaqUT IWAN & MOUS [TAS TED AOU “ITPAS [e}90s Jo Ye] a19A4ds B MOYS TSTME YIN VOAp|IYD [Te Jou ‘LAeMoHy ‘Avjd puszord ur aseBu9 jou [IM pur ‘ouope BurAefd Jo souarazoad v aavy ‘o8enSuel 0} puodsar you uyod 30 a1qqeq of [ey YoeUOD-a0 ploae [IM wsHNe BIA ueAPHYD BuNOK AquoUNMOD “skem IWOIEBIP UT uonDera1ut feos SurpuTsiopuN jo [oa] fous Avjdsip [las wIsNE YLA vaIpLYD “aq |[IM aur09qno wHI9}-BU0] ary 1aN}aq ay) UORDeIaRT [eID0s Jo samen Buroroyutax ayy IYSME} st WsEME PIM PID e aUOOS aL, “WAY pueIstapun jou op Aaup suvaut a ‘SdrysuONEpar say anyea jou op wsANE YMA UeApyTyp weaur JOU Soop sty, (GSW) Jeprosiq] uMNDEdg wspMY savy Kew Myr eUD in each blank with a word from the box. location provincial border _intemational growing influence metropolitan _ multicultural Toronto is the capital city of the province of Ontario in southeastern Canada. It is the most populous city in Canada, also a (1)___city with different races, and the country’s financial and commercial centre. Its location on the northwestern shore of Lake Ontario, which forms part of the (2) between Canada and the United States, and its access to Atlantic shipping via the St. Lawrence Seaway and to major U.S. industrial centres via the Great Lakes have enabled Toronto to become an important eo) ____ trading centre. Moreover, the city is positioned on the edge of some of the best farmlands in Canada, with a climate favourable to (4) ____awide range of crops, thereby making Toronto a transportation, distribution, and manufacturing centre. Most importantly, its central (5) __, along with a host of political policies favouring international trade, places this city with the greatest economic ties to, and (6) from, the United States. Since the second half of the 20th century the city has grown phenomenally, from a rather quiet (7) town - “Toronto the Good” - to a lively, thriving, cosmopolitan (8) _ area. XIV. Write complete sentences using the cues given. 1. They/ going/ bring out/ guidebook/ different/ craft villages/ Viet Nam 2. The attractions/ Singapore/ quite/ close/ each other, so/ travel/ between/ convenient 3. Myaunt/ have got/ two teenage children,/ but/ they/ not/ seem/ get on with/ each other 4. After/ have/ lunch,/ tourists/ went/ Non Nuoc marble village/ buy/ some souvenirs 5. Their children/ all/ grown/ and/ they/ want/ leave/ home/ work/ city 6. When/ you/ tired/ stressed out,/ it/ important/ look after/ yourself/ and find/ way/ deal/ it/ later 7. Measure/ just/ 0.2 square miles,/ Vatican City/ hold/ crown! for/ be/ smallest country! world 8. She/ live/ one/ most/ fashionable parts/ city/ lots of/ luxury shops 4A « BAI TAP THUC HANH TIENG ANH 9- PHAN BAI TAP

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