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A very wealthy person gave you a debit card and told you to use it as much as you want to make
yourself happy. What are you going to do with it?
 If a very wealthy person offered me a debit card and told me to spend it as much as I wanted
to make myself happy, I would first like to buy the items I really needed and the things I
wanted because I want to make myself happy because I deserved it. Second, I would buy or
fulfill the needs and wants of my family. They are the greatest and most helpful family I
have, and I love to see them happy because it makes me happy too. Thirdly, I would use it to
assist those in need since doing so makes me happy and it feels good to assist others.

Make a list of what you want to have. Write as many as you want.

 Car
 Shoes
 Branded clothes
 Mansion

a. How do you feel as you do the Debit Card Challenge?

 Honestly, it made me feel happy while I was answering it because for a moment I was
thinking of the possible scenario of what would happen if it were true, like imagining what
things I could have and what I could give to other people, especially my family.

b. Which among the items in your list you like the most? Why?
 I've always had a thing for cars and shoes, so those are the two things on my list that I like
the most. Since I was in elementary school, I've been obsessed with these two. A collection
of these two is something I hope to achieve in life.

c. If ever you were given the chance in real life to have one among the list, which would you
choose? Why?
 If I were given the chance in real life to have one among the list, I would choose the
mansion, because it’s not only for me but also for my family. I have a big family, so having a
mansion is sure to help us all fit in there, even if they already have their own house. We
really love to get reunited when there is an occasion, especially if it’s Christmas.

d. Does your choice different from what you answer in question number 2? Why or why not?
 Yes, because my choice in question number 2 is the things I want in the future if I become
successful and I want to work hard for them, and my answer to question number 3 is the
thing I need to have right now because some of my family members are getting old and they
might not make it if I become successful and build a mansion, so I would like them to
experience it now and have family gatherings and sleepovers as much as we want with the
whole family.
ART RECALL: 10 points
When was the first time you realized that there is a higher being than yourself? How old were
you then? What made you believe that there is a higher being?
 When I was a little child, I first realized there was a being higher than myself. My parents
introduced me to the idea of God as soon as possible as part of my values education, up until
the point when I fully recognized that I was aware of my surroundings. In addition, my mom
and I frequently attended church together. In other words, its the place where I first started to
believe in God as a child. I believe in God because I have witnessed him protecting and
guiding me in my life and because of what he has done for everyone who has faith in him. I
believe that as a result, I already acknowledge that God exists, and I have had praying ever

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