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1. Ms. Lia : The wall is so plain. . . . .

Bryan : Yes, Mam! It will be more colourful

a. Paint the wall ! c. Clean the wall !
b. Close the wall ! d. Hang the paintings we made !

2. Rozy : Hello! I’m Rozy

Bima : I’m Bima
Rozy : How do you do?
Bima : . . .
a. I’m fine b. How are you? c. Good morning d. How do you do?

3. Santi :...?
Maria : Press the power button
a. Can I help you? c. I’m sorry
b. Poor d. You’re

4. Andi : May I have a tissue, please?

Beni : . . .
Andi : Thank you
a. Sure b. Poor c. I’m sorry d. You’re welcome

5. Hasan : How if we go to Science Museum in the next holiday?

Beni : . . .
Hasan : I’ll book the ticket soon
a. How terrible ! b. That sounds bad c. That’s a good idea d. I don’t agree with

6. Ms. Elisa : Do you mind erasing the board, John?

John :...
a. May be b. I’m fine c. Yes, Mam
d. No, thanks

7. Ani : Hey, don’t throw your trash there, Lisa! Our garden will be dirty. That’s a bin
Lisa :...
Ani : That’s better
a. Never mind, Ani c. Really? Are you serious, Ani?
b. poor. I will clean the garden d. I’m sorry. I’ll throw it in the bin

1A 1B 2A Principal office
Class 3A is . . . 2B and 3B
a. Next to c. in front of
b. Between d. on

2B 3B 3B

Garden Playground

9. Dennis : . . . ?
Adi : Thanks. I like strawberries so much
a. Do you need strawberry?
b. Would you like some strawberries?
c. Do you mind bringing these strawberries?
d. Can you tell me how to get to strawberry field?

10. The students are having flag ceremony. Suddenly, Tom feels dizzy.
Tom : . . .
Mr. Harry : Yes, you may go to the health care
a. I’m sorry, Sir! Are you okay If I go to the health care?
b. I do, sir! Can I go to the health care because I feel dizzy?
c. Excuse me, Sir! May I go to the health care because I feel dizzy?
d. Hello, Sir! Do I need to go to the health care because I feel dizzy?

11. The correct description sentence for this picture is . . .

a. there are two students doing running exercise
b. Thomas runs slower than Yenny
c. They wear pyjamas
d. Yenny’s position is in front of Thomas


12. Two weeks later fifth graders are going to go to nursing home. School facilities the students to
give their donation by providing a box near the gate
Lusi : Hi, Mia! What do you think about our school program?
Mia : That’s a good program and chance for us to love each other
Lusi : That’s a donation box . . . !
Mia : I agree with you, Lusi
a. Let’s bring the box! c. Let’s donate our pocket money
b. Let’s help the people! d. Could you give me your donation?

13. This sign means . . .

a. Let’s eat here
b. Don’t stop here
c. Do you want to eat?
d. Food and beverages are not allowed

14. Andi : Do you mind . . . these paper, please?

Rosa : No problem
a. Cut b. cuts c. cutted d. cutting

15. Mapping – studying – we – mind – are

a. We studying are mind mapping c. are we mind studying mapping
b. We mapping studying mind are d. we are studying mine mapping

16. Anita : To play this game, one group should stand along the lines.
What should the other group do?
Benny : . . . .
Anita : It looks very interesting
Benny : Yes it is
a. Chase them
b. Walk around the boxes
c. Run as fast as possible until finish line
d. Run one by one from the first box until the last box

17. Bella : could you tell me the way to the bus station?
Sofi :...
Bella : Thank you
a. Go straight along Bond street and turn right to Green Street
b. Go straight along Bond Street and turn left to Green Street
c. Turn left to Bond Street and turn right to King’s Road
d. Go straight along Bond street and turn right to King’s Road

18. Cherryl : This vase is very heavy . . . ?

Siti : Certainly
Cherryl : Thank you
a. Can I help you? c. Can you help me?
b. Do you help me? d. Would I help you?

19. Sonya : What can I do for you?

Abel : I have difficulty in understanding about are and perimeter
Sonya : . . .
I’m not good in Math
Abel : It’s okay. I can ask Bella
a. I’m sorry b. No, thanks c. Yes, please d. on contrary

20. Mrs. Lian : . . .

Shopkeeper : It’s two hundred thousand rupiahs
Mrs. Lian : Is there any discount?
Shopkeeper : Yes, if you buy two pieces
a. How much does it cost? C. How old is this?
b. How many is it? D. How long are they?
21. Ani : Do you like Soto?
Lisa : . . . It’s so delicious. How about you?
Ani : I like Rawon very much
Soto ayam a. Yes, I do
b. Yes, I am
Gado gado
c. No, I don’t
Rawon d. No, I’m not

22. Tasya wants to borrow a story book. The correct expression for
her is …
a. Hello, Ms! Do you have a story book?
b. Excuse me, Ms. Can I lend a story book?
c. Excuse me, Ms. Can I borrow this story book?
d. Excuse me, Ms. Do you want to lend me a story book?

23. The correct description for the picture is . . .

a. The garden is so dirty
b. The ball is on the slide
c. Three of them are wearing a hat
d. The children are in the playground

24. The correct sentences to complete this announcement

a. grade six students will join Perjusa
b. Grade six students will join study tour
Day, Date : Thursday, June 5th 2015 c. All the students will join flag ceremony
Time : 1 p.m d. At the end of this school year, grade
Venue : At school six students will hold a graduation
Parents and student please come on ceremony
Thank you

25. Correct expression for the picture is . . .

a. Good morning
b. Congratulation
c. Deep condolence
d. Happy 12th birthday

Once upon a time, there was a king in East Java named Sindureja. He had a prime minister
named Sidapalsa. SIdapaksa had a very beautiful wife. However, Sidapaksa’a mother didn’t like her
daughter in law. Each day she tried to think a way to separate Sidapaksa from his wife.
One day, King SIndureja asked Sidapaksa to search for a bud of a magic flower on Mount Ijen.
Sidapaksa had to leave his pregnant wife. Not long afterwards, a son was born. The baby’s birth gave
much happiness to the young mother.
However, one day, her mother-in-law threw the baby into the river. Knowing that her baby had
disappeared, the young mother was very sad. She could neither eat nor sleep.
Two years passed and Sidapaksa returned from his journey. Just as he was about to enter his
house, his mother told him that his wife had thrown their baby into the river. Sidapaksa believed his
mother’s story.
Sidapaksa took his wife to the edge of the river. Suddenly, his wife leaped up and threw herself into
the river. Then he looked down the water. Suddenly, two pure white flowers buds appeared, one longer
and taller than the other. A sweet fragrance came from them.
“Sidapaksa, come and have a look here! Beside me is our child. He himself will tell you who drowned
him,” the taller one spoke
“Father, my mother is innocent. Grandmother threw me into the river. Now I am happy because my
beloved mother has come with me,” The smaller one spoke. Then, the two flowers vanished into the
water. They left their fragrance behind. Since then, people call the city on its banks of the river
Banyuwangi. Banyu means water and wangi means fragrant.

26. Who went to Mount Ijen?

a. Sindureja b. Sidapaksa c. Sidapaksa’s wife d. Sidapaksa’s mother

27. Why did Sidapaksa’s mother throw the baby into the river?
a. To do King Sidapaksa’s order c. To make the river became fragrance
b. She doesn’t like Sidapaksa’s wife d. She didn’t like to see a baby in her house

28. What is the moral value from the passage above?

a. We must obey the King c. we should believe our mother
b. Bad things will be known d. Banyuwangi is a famous tourism object

29. Ms. Lea is an English teacher. She teaches in 5A. one day when she came to the class, she saw
the class was so dirty. Ms. Lea said “. . .”
a. Take the water! C. wipe the table!
b. Don’t be noisy! d. throw the trash in the bin!

30. Mevi : Do you want to play dakon?

Sari : Yes, I do. I like this traditional game
Mevi : Divide the shells into the holes
Sari :...
a. Okay b. Sorry c. No, thanks d. My pleasure

31. Mr. Stephen : The time is over, class!

Captain :...
The students : Thank you Mr. Stephen
a. Stand straight! c. Get ready! Say thank you!
b. Ready . . Set . . Go . . d. Get Ready! Greet the teacher!

The correct expression based on the picture is . . .
a. I’m happy c. I’m sleepy
b. I’m so sad d. I’m angry

33. Tom : Hi Greg! How was your holiday?

Greg : It was very fun
Tom : . . .
Greg : I went to Bromo Mountain
a. When did you go? C. Why did you ho there?
b. Where did you go? D. who accompanied you?

34. Amira : Would you mind . . . these clothes?

Dyah : Certainly
The correct word to complete the dialogue above is . . .
a. Copies b. pasting c. folding d. watched

35. The correct expression based on the picture is . . .

a. Happy Day!
b. Happy Easter
c. Merry Christmas
d. Happy Mother’s Day


36. Anton : Can you help me to distribute the agendas?

Merry : Of course
Anton :....
Merry : No problem
37. Alex : Ria, could you return my pencil?
Ria :...
Alex : It’s Okay.I still have some in my pencil case
Ria : Thank you, Alex
Alex : My pleasure

38. E – s – k – s – a – n – r – e
Tuti wears new . . .

39. What should you say to him ?

40. “Lis, my grandfather passed away this morning.”

Write your expression based on this situation . . .

41. Complete this birthday invitation!

Please come to my birthday party

Day/date :

Time :

Venue :

Your presence is precious.

Thank you

42. Diana : . . . to make chocolate pudding?

Ashley : First, boil the water with chocolate pudding powder. Second, add some sugar. Third,
stir it gently. Last, put it in the mold.
What is the appropriate question word to complete the dialogue above?

43. Mount Bromo sits in the middle of a vast plain called the “Sea of Sand”, a protected
nature reserved since 1919. The typical way to visit Mount Bromo is from the nearby mountain
village of Cemoro Lawang. From there it is possible to walk to the volcano in about 45 minutes,
but it is also possible to take an organized jeep tor, which includes a stop at the viewpoint on
Mount Penanjakan. The viewpoint on Mount Penanjakan can also be reached on foot in about
two hours. From inside the caldera, sulfur is collected by workers.

Give the title for the description above!

44. Today, grade 5 and 6 students have a program to clean the school yard.
Rudi : . . .
Toby : Here is the bin, Rud
45. Describe Uncle Tom based on his photo!


46. Write instruction for these pictures!

47. Arrange these scramble sentences into a good paragraph!
(write the alphabets and their sentences)
a. He should move several squares based on the dice
b. If the player meets a ladder, he can go up. And the ones who meet the tail of snake he
should go down
c. The player who reaches the las box first is the winner
d. The players throw the dice

48. Write 4 steps to make apple juice!

School Data

School Name :

School Address :

Number of students in a class:

Principal’s Name :

Kid’s of extracurricular :

Complete the table above!

50. Write 2 sentences to describe endanger animal below!

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