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Deadly Sins

"Sin is nothing else than a morally bad act, an Simply put each capital vice gives rise to
act not in accord with reason informed by the daughter vices when left unchecked. For
Divine law."
instance, unchecked envy would cause
hatred. Or how unchecked anger foster
Sin is something that is inconsistent
with God's nature. So, we are falling short (Later, Thomas Aquinas in the Summa
of the glory of God. We are being unlike Theologica enumerated the seven (7)
deadly sins.)
Him. (What is god’s nature? Omnipotence,
Omniscience, Omnibenevolence, and The Seven Deadly Sins are those that, as it
Omnipresence) were, come from within. These are sins
which put the needs and desires of the self
above those of others
Basically, Sin is anything that does not or
cannot bring you closer to God, and in 1. Pride - Pride is an unrestrained
fact brings you farther away from Him. and improper appreciation of our
(Since committing a sin hurls us out of own worth. This is listed first
alignment with the life God wants us to because it is widely considered the
have.) most serious of the seven sins;
pride often leads to the
committing of other capital sins.
According to St. Thomas (Summa, II- Pride is manifested in vanity and
II:153:4), "a capital vice is that which has narcissism about one's appearance,
an exceedingly desirable end so that in his intelligence, status, etc., and
desire for it a man goes on to the described as "love of self perverted
commission of many sins all of which are to hatred and contempt for one's
said to originate in that vice as their neighbor."
chief source. It is not then the gravity of
the vice in itself that makes it capital but - Pride is the most important of
rather the fact that it gives rise to many the Seven Deadly Sins, because
other sins." it gives rise to all the other six.
Pride overinflates the ego of a
In more informed contexts the seven human making them consider
deadly sins are called the seven "capital" themselves as a being of far
sins (or vices). They are the fundamental more importance when
dispositions from which other sins compared to other people.
follow. For example, the capital sin of lust
is less serious than adultery, but lust 2. Greed - Greed, which is also known
disposes and may influence a person to as avarice or covetousness, is the
commit adultery. immoderate desire for earthly
goods, as well as situations such as
power. It is a sin of excess. Greed lust refers to the impure thoughts
can further inspire such sinful and actions that misuse that gift,
actions as hoarding of materials or deviating from God's law and
objects, theft and robbery, trickery, intentions for us. Indulging in the
and manipulation. sin of lust can include (but is not
limited to) fornication, adultery,
- Greed is the overwhelming bestiality, rape, and incest and can
desire to have material things, lead to such things as sexual
like money, and more than what addiction.
you need. Greed makes humans
prone to sins like trickery, theft, -  Lust is an intense desire for
and manipulation something. It can be a sexual
desire which might lead you to
3. Gluttony - Gluttony, which comes commit adultery or rape. But it
from the Latin gluttirei - to gulp can also be for something
down or swallow, refers to the sin abstract like lust for power
of over-indulgence and over- leading you to the path of
consumption of food and drink. tyranny.
The manners in which gluttony can
be committed, as later reiterated by 5. Sloth - Sloth is often described
Thomas Aquinas, are eating too simply as the sin of laziness.
soon, eating too expensively, eating However, while this is part of the
too much, eating too eagerly, eating manifestation of sloth, the central
too daintily, and eating wildly. problem with sloth as a capital sin
is spiritual laziness. The sin of sloth
- consuming so much of means being lazy and lax about
something, that a lot of it goes living the faith and practicing
to waste. virtue. In general [sloth] means
- for example, the current disinclination to labor or exertion.
situation where western As a capital or deadly vice, St.
societies have more food than Thomas calls it sadness in the face
they need while millions of of some spiritual good which one
people in other countries are has to achieve.
starving would be a
manifestation of the deadly sin - Sloth is when you don't want to
of gluttony). accept responsibility for
anything like not bothering
helping people in need. It leads
4. Lust - The sin of lust refers to you to neglect your duties to
impure desire of a sexual nature. God, but also to neglect your
Sexuality is a gift from God, and not duties to other people. Or in
inherently impure in itself. However,
layman’s term you just want the to wreak vengeance upon one
easy life. who has not deserved it, or to a
greater extent than it has been
deserved, or in conflict with the
6. Envy - The sin of envy or jealousy is dispositions of law, or from an
more than merely person wanting improper motive. The sin is then in a
what someone else has; the sin of general sense mortal as being
envy means one feels unjustified opposed to justice and charity."
sorrow and distress about the
good fortune of someone else. The - Wrath is the absolute or all-
law of love leads us to rejoice in the consuming anger and hatred we
good fortune of our neighbor - aim at someone. At certain
jealousy is a contradiction to this, times anger is okay.
Envy is named among the capital - For example, you are angry at
sins because of the other sins to somebody for murdering a
which it leads mother and her child in cold
blood. When anger is within
- Envy is the feeling you have reason it is not classified as a
when somebody else is in sin. Anger or Wrath becomes a
possession of an entity you want sin when it is directed against an
to have for yourself. innocent person since it would
be deemed as cruel and unusual
- For example, when King David punishment.
saw Bathsheba sunbathing in
the nude, he immediately
became envious of her husband.
Not only did this lead him to
commit adultery with her, but he
deliberately arranged her
husband's death.

7. Wrath or Anger - From the Catholic

Encyclopedia: "[Anger is] the desire
of vengeance. Its ethical rating
depends upon the quality of the
vengeance and the quantity of the
passion. When these are in
conformity with the prescriptions of
balanced reason, anger is not a sin.
It is rather a praiseworthy thing and
justifiable with a proper zeal. It
becomes sinful when it is sought

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