2010-2011 Campus Improvement Plan - Kelly Pre-K

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Janet Restivo, Principal
Vision Statement: Kelly Pre-Kindergarten Center, in partnership with our families and community, will develop students who meet or exceed the local and state level standards needed to successfully transition to elementary school and to take advantage of the highest educational opportunities available

October 1, 2010

Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD Campus Plans Kelly Pre-K

Improvement Plan 2010-2011

Campus Improvement Plan 2010-2011

Name Dr. Janet Restivo Robin Ramli Vivienne Bolger Kelly Castaneda Shannon Miller Anne Kirchmeyer Susie McGlynn Minerva Gonzalez Maria Maya Beth Robb, RN Carey & Patty Crawford Position Principal ESL Teacher/ Committee Chair ESL Teacher/ Committee Chair Bi-lingual Teacher Spec Ed Teacher/ Committee Chair ESL Teacher/ Committee Chair Spec. Ed Teacher/ Committee Chair Counselor Parent School Nurse, at large Business Rep. Community Members Years Served 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 1 Signature

Updated 10/14 Desktop:KPC:CIP

Campus Improvement Plan 2010-2011


Needs Assessment
The Campus Improvement Council is composed of representative professional staff, parents of students enrolled at the campus, business representatives and community members. The Campus Improvement Council establishes and reviews campus educational plans, goals, performance objectives, and major classroom instructional programs. An annual Campus Improvement Plan guides this work. The Campus Improvement Plan is based on a comprehensive needs assessment which includes student achievement indicators, disaggregated by all student groups served by the campus. Additional factors such as school processes (e.g., attendance, graduation, tardies, discipline referrals, teacher absences), perception (e.g., staff, parent and community surveys), and demographics (e.g., enrollment trends, staff turnover) are to be considered. The Campus Improvement Plan is to include (TEC Chapter 11, subchapter F, section 11.253): 1. Assessment of academic achievement for each student using the student achievement indicator system. 2. Set campus performance objectives based on the student achievement indicator system, including objectives for special needs populations, including students in special education. 3. Identification of how campus goals will be met for each student. 4. Identification of resources needed to implement the plan. 5. Identification of staff needed to implement the plan. 6. Timelines for reaching goals. 7. Periodic, measureable progress toward the performance objectives. 8. Goals and methods for violence prevention and intervention on campus. 9. Program for encouraging parental involvement. 10. Goals and objectives for a coordinated health program (elementary and middle schools) which is based on student fitness data, student academic performance data, student attendance rates, percentage of students who are educationally disadvantaged that ensures that students participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity. Annual analysis of the plan and review of various assessment data are used to determine objectives that address campus goals. Specific strategies and action steps are developed to address these objectives. This process ensures a commitment to excellence and a resolve to provide the best instructional plan for every student.

Updated 10/14 Desktop:KPC:CIP

Campus Improvement Plan 2010-2011

Campuses receiving Title 1 funds must address Title 1 targets in campus plans and indicate where Title 1 funds will be spent.

Title I --Targeted Assisted ( TA )

Must address the 8 components of a Targeted Assisted Program TA 1. Resources used to help children meet state academic achievement standards TA 2. Planning for identified students incorporated into existing school planning TA 3. Methods and strategies based on scientifically based research TA 4. TA program is coordinated with and supports regular educational programs TA 5. Highly qualified teachers TA 6. Professional Development TA 7. Increase Parental Involvement TA 8. Coordination of federal, state, and local services

Title I -- School-wide Components (TS)

TS 1. Comprehensive needs assessment TS 2. School-wide reform strategies TS 3. Highly qualified teachers TS 4. Professional development TS 5. Strategies to attract high-quality highly qualified teachers to high need schools TS 6. Parental involvement TS 7. Assisting preschool children in the transition from early childhood programs TS 8. Measures to include teachers in the decisions regarding use of academic assessments TS 9. Students difficulties identified on a timely basis TS10.Coordination and integration between federal, state, and local services

Updated 10/14 Desktop:KPC:CIP

Campus Improvement Plan 2010-2011

The Goal of C-FB ISD is high achievement for all students.

Supporting Objective 1: Continuously increase student achievement A. TEA Recognized/Exemplary District B. Recognized/Exemplary Schools C. Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) D. Achievement Gap E. Special Populations F. TAKS Commended Scores (all students) G. Higher Education Readiness Component (TSI) (EXIT Scores) H. SAT I. PSAT/NMSQT J. Advanced Placement K. Graduation Data Supporting Objective 2: Continuously improve the learning environment for students and staff A. Out of School Suspensions B. DAEP Placements C. Attendance Rate Supporting Objective 3: Continuously increase operational effectiveness A. Financial Integrity Rating System in Texas (School FIRST) B. Increase percentage of operating expenditures expended for instruction C. Fund balance as a percentage of the total expenditure budget excluding TIF and Chapter 41 payments D. Kilowatt hour per sq. ft. usage E. Overtime hours F. Highly Qualified Teachers G. Teacher Classroom Attendance Rate H. All Staff Attendance Rate I. Teacher Turnover Rate J. Availability of Critical Technology Systems Supporting Objective 4: Continuously increase stakeholder confidence and support of our school system A. Parent Survey - Achieving Quality Together B. Stakeholder Survey (to be developed) C. Staff Survey (to be developed)

Updated 10/14 Desktop:KPC:CIP

Campus Improvement Plan 2010-2011

Should identify what is desired in terms of performance after, or as a result of, putting new processes in place or improving existing processes.

Goal should be Strategic and specific, Measurable, Attainable, Resultsbased, and Time-bound.

Standards and objectives (weak areas for students) Tools well use to determine where students are now and whether they are improving.

The attainable performance level we would like to see.

90% of Students will demonstrate full understanding of Phonological Awareness skills as measured by the third administration of the Circle Assessment in May, 2011

90% of students will perform at the green, full understanding level, on Phonological Awareness skills as measured by the third administration of the Circle Assessment in May, 2011

Listening & Rhyming Alliteration

October Circle Assessment Teacher Observation & Student Oral Communication

Increase student performance from emerging understanding To some understanding of Phonological Awareness Skills To full understanding of Phonological Awareness As measured on the Circle Assessment in May, 2011

Words in sentences

January Circle Assessment Student Portfolios

Syllabication & Onset/Rime

Remember . . . The one accomplishment that would foster longer-range actions would be a goal worthy of commitment. - Peter Senge, The Fifth Discipline (1990)


SMART GOALS (Example) 90% of all subgroups will meet or exceed the standard for passing TAKS Reading Obj. 1 Basic Understanding 85% of all subgroups will meet or exceed the standard for passing TAKS Math Obj. 1 Numbers, Operations, and Quantitative Reasoning Obj. 6 Mathematical Processes and Tools
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Campus Improvement Plan 2010-2011

Kelly Prekindergarten Center

Campus Goals & Objectives


The Kelly Prekindergarten students were tested on Letters, Vocabulary and Phonemic Awareness. The charts below show the range of performance in the different classes. The Circle Assessment color codes the student performance; green indicates satisfactory, red indicates emerging. In May 2010, at the Kelly Prekindergarten Center, when assessed on Letters, 94% of the students scored a satisfactory rating; when tested on Vocabulary, 74% of the students scored a satisfactory rating; when tested in Phonemic Awareness, 99.6% scored a satisfactory rating.

Bilingual teachers ( Rangel, Cantu, Castaneda) tested using the Spanish version of the Circle Assessment.
60 50 40 Rangel 30 20 10 0 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 CANTU Castaned
20 10 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 30 60 50 40 Bolger Kirch Ram Seale


Updated 10/14 Desktop:KPC:CIP

Campus Improvement Plan 2010-2011

35 30 25 Rangel 20 15 10 5 0 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 CANTU Castaned

50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 Bolger Kirch Ram Seale

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 Rangel CANTU Castaned
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 Bolger Kirch Ram Seale

Phonemic Awareness

Updated 10/14 Desktop:KPC:CIP

Campus Improvement Plan 2010-2011

Kelly Prekindergarten Center 2010-11 Campus Focus District Supporting Objective #1: Continuously increase student achievement
Campus Focus # 1
Improve student achievement

Criteria for Success

All students will successfully participate in Readers Workshop by demonstrating understanding of vocabulary, procedures, and routines All students will successfully participate in Writers Workshop by demonstrating understanding of vocabulary, procedures, and routines Students will increase sight word recognition to at least 36 words Guided reading books will be in the hands of students 50% of the time

Performance Measure

Campus Focus # 2
Increase teacher effectiveness

Criteria for Success

90% of the students will demonstrate full understanding of Phonemic Awareness as measured by the third administration of the Circle Test in May 2011 90% of the students will demonstrate full understanding of Identification of Letters as measured by the third administration of the Circle Test in May 2011 90% of the students will demonstrate full understanding of Vocabulary as measured by the third administration of the Circle Test in May 2011 90% of the students will demonstrate full understanding of Vocabulary as measured by the third administration of the Circle Test in May 2011 85% of the students will draw pictures to demonstrate the science facts that they have learned and be able to communicate in words their understanding to other students 95% of the students will teach other students using the Activ Board and will lead them in math and language activities without teach assistance.

Performance Measure
B, C, D

B, C, D B, C, D B, C, D B, C, D, E

B, C, D, E

Updated 10/14 Desktop:KPC:CIP

Campus Improvement Plan 2010-2011

Kelly Prekindergarten Center 2010-11 Campus Focus District Supporting Objective #2: Continuously improve the learning environment for students and staff
Campus Focus #3
Improve school climate

Criteria for Success

95% of the students will teach other students using the Activ Board and will lead them in math and language activities without teach assistance. An additional teacher assistant will be provided to support teachers and students in the classroom.

Performance Measure

Campus Focus #4
Provide background knowledge to students

Criteria for Success

100% of the students will participate in a field trip to the Carrollton Public Library Two librarians will come to read to the students every month There will be four special assemblies to bring a content-related experiences to the children at school.

Performance Measure

Campus Focus #5
Provide edutainment for the students

Criteria for Success

A CD will be given to 100% of the students so he/she can sing songs at home and learn, letters, numbers, days of the week, months of the year 95% of the students will sing these songs every day while waiting for the school buses to arrive

Performance Measure

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Campus Improvement Plan 2010-2011

Kelly Prekindergarten Center 2010-11 Campus Focus District Supporting Objective #3: Continuously increase operational effectiveness
Campus Focus #6
Decrease energy consumption

Criteria for Success

The Electricity bill for the Kelly Prekindergarten Center will decrease from $49,000 in 2009 2010 to $39,0000 in 2010 2011 school year.

Performance Measure
B, D

Campus Focus #7
Decrease overtime hours

Criteria for Success

The number of overtime hours will decrease by 2% from the year 2009 2010.

Performance Measure

Updated 10/14 Desktop:KPC:CIP


Campus Improvement Plan 2010-2011

Kelly Prekindergarten Center 2010-11 Campus Focus District Supporting Objective #4: Continuously increase stakeholder confidence and support of our school system
Campus Focus #8
Improve Parent Involvement

Criteria for Success

Re-establish Parent Teacher Association (PTA) with a goal of 80% parent membership 75% of our parents will attend PTA/Title I/Literacy Night in September. 75% of our parents will attend PTA/Title I/Technology Night in October. 90% of our parents will participate in Parent/Teacher Conferences & discuss report cards in October. 80% of our parents will attend Family Reading Night in January and Math Night in the Spring. 80% of our Parents will attend the Trick or Trunk in October, International Feast in December, Spring Carnival in the Spring, and the End of Year Celebrations in May. Two parents from each morning and each afternoon class will volunteer to be contact for the PTA.

Performance Measure
A, B, C A, B, C A, B, C A, B, C A, B, C A, B

Campus Focus # 9
Provide a Support System for Parents

Criteria for Success

100 % of Kelly Hispanic parents of students with autism will be invited to meet with other parents from the district in the evening once a month

Performance Measure
A, B

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Campus Focus
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Title Target Area






X X TS 2,7

X TS 2,7

TS 2,7

X X TS 1 X X TS 1 X X TS 6,7 X XX
Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD Campus Plans Kelly Pre-K

TS 1, 7

1. Require teachers to conduct Readers Workshop and have students demonstrate understanding of vocabulary, procedures, and routines 2. Teachers will motivate students successful participation in Writers Workshop and have them demonstrate understanding of vocabulary, procedures, and routines 3. Students will increase sight word recognition to at least 36 words 4. Teachers will provide the appropriate Guided Reading books for the students weekly 5. Teachers will increase the number of Spanish books read in the Bilingual classes by students weekly 6. Students will build background knowledge by participating in a curriculum related field trip to the Carrollton Library 7. Teachers integrate technology into the

Teacher notes & observation Student response to questions Running Records Teacher observation and anecdotal notes Student pictures and discussion of stories, use of written words Assess number of sight words Teachers will chart the list of guided reading books read by each student Teachers will chart the list of guided reading books read by each student All classes participate in at least one field trip

September May

Classroom Teachers

Books Title I ( minimal book replacement - $100.00)

September May

Classroom Teachers



Classroom Teachers

Word Walls, Books, Word Work Activities

October May


October May Spring Semester

Principal Principal/ Classroom Teachers

Title I Funds ( minimal book replacement $100) Title 1 funds $2,000.00

Provide iPods, docks, cameras, and

Fall - Spring 2010-2011


Title I Stimulus Funds $6,000

Improvement Plan 2010-2011

Campus Improvement Plan 2010-2011

instructional and learning process X X TS 8. Provide teachers with 2,3,5 resources and materials to support literacy and math, and science centers, as well as curriculum related instruction TS 9. Attract and retain highly 3,5 qualified teachers by participating in CFBISD Job Fair, recruiting trips, and encouraging Paraprofessionals to pursue teacher certification

Activ Boards, Riverdeep with Spanish Purchase additional materials to support Pre-K Curriculum. Bilingual Planet Board Works Recruiting schedule Number of highly qualified applicants who are recommended after the job fair Number of paraprofessionals who start in a teaching certification or alternate certification program Re-establish campus PTA Board. Parents, teachers, staff membership. Meetings and activities planned. Documentation through sign-in sheets Documentation through sign-in sheets

Local Funds





Principal, Professional staff, Paraprofessional staff

No cost to campus

TS 6

TS 6, 9 TS 6,7

10. Re-establish PTA with a goal of 80% parent membership and two parent contacts per class to communicate PTA information 11. 90% of our parents will participate in Parent/Teacher Conferences 12. 75% of our parents will attend PTA/TitleI/Literacy Night

Fall 2010

Principal, Staff, parents. CFB PTA Council

October 19th through October 20th September 20, 2010

Classroom Teacher Principal, Classroom Teachers

Updated 10/14 Desktop:KPC:CIP


Campus Improvement Plan 2010-2011

TS 6,7

13. 75% of our parents will attend PTA/Title I/ Technology Night

TS 6,7

14. 75% of our parents will attend PTA/TitleI/ Reading Night

Documentation through sign-in sheets Feedback from parents Documentation through sign-in sheets

October 13, 2010 Principal, Classroom Teachers, Students Winter - January 2011 Principal, Classroom Teachers

Title I Funds for parent involvement - $600

Title I Funds for parent involvement make-it and take-it - $700 Title I Stimulus- $3,000 Books and Pre-Reading material for home - work

X X TS 3,4,5

15. Gayle Vrana conducts 3 or 4 professional development sessions on writing with all PreK teachers 16. Shashawn Campbell provides training on math strategies at Professional Learning Community Meetings 17. Conduct a campus-wide book study on Developing Portfolios for Authentic Assessment, PreK 3 by Bertie Kingore


TS 3,4,5


TS 3,4,5

TS 3,4,5

18. Provide training on A Head Start On Science activities


TS 19. Becky Mabra provides 3,4,5 training on Activ Boards

Getting PreK Started on Writing Ready to Write with Words My First Stories Instructional Rounds Pre-K Math checklist Instructional Rounds Formative Assessment Activities in class Meeting dates on calendar; study questions compiled; sign-in lists for each meeting; teacher reflections at the end of the book study; Student Portfolios Observation of application and success with students Teacher Observation of student use

Staff Development August 19th October 20th February 9th Fall & Spring

ESL/Bi-lingual Teachers Principal Gayle Vrana ESL/Bi-lingual Pre-K Instruct. Facilitators Materials for training

October through May 2011

ESL/Bi-lingual Pre-K Teachers And PPCD Teachers

15 copies of the book, reserved dates on the calendar, rotating discussion leaders for each meeting.

Shashawn Campbell Principal September - May CFB Science Coordinator Teachers Susan Ship September Principal, Three sessions Teachers

Foss Kits Hands-on Science Kits ,

Activ Boards/Wands/Pens Title I Funds 15

Updated 10/14 Desktop:KPC:CIP

Campus Improvement Plan 2010-2011

TS 20. Provide training on 3.4.5 Schoolwires

TS 1,2 TS 1, 2, 7 TS 1,2, 7 X TS 1,6

21. Start a Watt Watcher club 22. Provide a CD of songs for each of the students 23. Librarians will meet with each class to read stories

Teacher effectiveness in use of Schoolwires Teacher websites Chart of electricity usage Listen to students in class and on the bus lines Teacher Observation Students loving to read books themselves Resources provided

throughout the year; August, December and May August and December

Becky Mabra

$5,000 Title I Stimulus Funds $1,000 Work Stations

Teri Rubens


Janet Restivo, Ana Chavez Robin Ramli


Campus Local Funds for chart supplies, buttons, reminder slips. Title I Stimulus Money $300.


Carrollton and CFB District Librarians; Cindy Nietebitz Andrea Gamble Tri Hollis Vanessa Monroy Local Funds

TS 3 TS 1,3, 9 X X TS 6,7

24. Teachers and teacher assistants will meet with Hispanic parents of students with autism to allow discussion and provide support 25. Maria Molina will assist the teachers in the classroom 26. Additional teacher assistant tutors students in small groups. 27. 75% of our parents will attend PTA/TitleI/ Math Night

Monthly Parent discussion

Small group activities One-to-one tutoring Small group activities One-to-one tutoring Documentation through sign-in sheets


Maria Molina Principal Principal

Title I Funds $24,000 Title I Funds $4,892 Title I Stimulus $3,700 Title 1 Stimulus Funds for parent involvement make-it and take-it - $700 Title I Stimulus Funds $2,000 - Math manipulatives and math games for home 16

Daily in second semester

Spring 2011

Principal, Shashawn Campbell, Cara Fennell, Vanessa Monroy

Updated 10/14 Desktop:KPC:CIP

Campus Improvement Plan 2010-2011

X TS 6,7

TS 1,2

TS 1,2

TS 1,2

TS 1,2

28. Students will build background knowledge by participating in a curriculum related field trips and experiences at the Kelly Prekindergarten Center; Wild Man Phil, Mobile Petting Zoo, Electricity and Wonders of Science, Dallas Symphony 29.The temperature in the hallways, media room, lounge, media room, Koala room, cafeteria and foyer will be kept at 75 degrees while the air conditioner is functioning. 30. The temperature in the hallways, media room, lounge, cafeteria and foyer will be kept at 70 degrees while the heat is on in the building. 31. Ceiling lights in the classrooms and offices, lounge, media room, cafeteria and Koala room will be turned off while rooms are vacant. 32. Additional lamps may be brought to school to enhance decor but must be turned off.

All classes participate in at least two assemblies per semester

Fall & Spring Semester

Principal/ Minerva Gonzalez, Jeanette Marshall, Gloria Mares

work Title 1 Stimulus Funds $3,000

Daily checks will be made at thermostats.

Every six months

Janet Restivo Ana Chavez

Daily checks will be made at thermostats.

Every six months

Janet Restivo Ana Chavez Deya Lopez

Daily checks.

Every six months

Jett Pippin Ana Chavez Deya Lopez Janet Restivo Jett Pippin Ana Chavez Deya Lopez

Daily checks

Every six months

Janet Restivo
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Campus Improvement Plan 2010-2011

TS 1,2

33. Computers and presentation carts must be turned off at the end of each day. 34. Staff members will not work hours beyond the weekly allowance without permission from the principal and district administration.

Daily checks

Every six months

Maria Molina Yuli Lamadrid Ana Chavez Deya Lopez Veronica Kaufman Yolanda Shepperd

TS 1,2

Weekly checks.

Nine Weeks Report

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