Historypaper 3&4

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History of modern world-1453 – 1945 A.D
UNIT-I 35 hours
Renaissance: Characteristic features; Significance of reformulation and counter
Geographical discoveries and rise of colonialism, mercantilism and commercial
revolution- Emergency of modern world economy.
UNIT-II 35 hours
Age of revolutions- Glorious revolution 1688 – American Revolution 1789,
Napoleon Bonaparte, achievements- fall.
UNIT-III 40 hours
Industrial revolution and rise of capitalism. Meiji restoration and modernization of
Japan unification movements in Germany and Italy. Causes and results of first
world war. The league of nations.
Fascism in Italy, Nazism in Germany. Militarism in Japan. Communist movements
in Russia and China causes and consequences of Second World War.
The united nations of organization-organs and achievements.
1. In unit-II we incorporate the chapter Napoleon bona prate. This lesson is very
important to the students to have a comprehensive idea about the French
revolution and it also inspires students in achieving luculent tasks. This chapter
was there in the previous syllabus. But it was removed in the revised syllabus.
2. We remove the lessons emergence of national states in Europe and nature of
feudalism as they do not have link to the coming chapters. The information is
also not necessary to the students in any aspect.
3. We also remove the lesson ‘World between 1914 – 1945’. Rivalry among
colonial powers is totally keeps the students in confusion and we can not give
them a good paragraph questions in that. Moreover this content is discussed in
the chapter world wars. So it is not necessary.
Paper – III History of Modern World (1453 – 1945 A.D)
Timing : 3 hours Max.marks : 100


Answer all questions 4x15=60

1. a). What is meant by Renaissence movement? State its impact on the Europeon
 

b). Write the causes and results of religions reformation movement?

2. a). Write the causes for the American war of Independence?

b). Write the causes for the French revolution?

3. a). Describe the role of Bismarck in the unification of Germany.

b). Write causes for the 1st World war

4. a). Write the features of communist movement in China.
 

b). Write an essay about achievement of U.N.O


Answer any five of the following 5x4=20

5. Write about the results of Geographical explorations?

6. The “Child of French revolution” Napoleon-explain?
7. Write the results of Industrial revolution?
 
8. Count covour
9. Write the events that led to the emergence of Nazism in Germany.
 
10. Write about the lenin’s “New Economic Policy”
  
11. Write the events that led to the Participation of America in the IInd World war?
12. Write an analysis of “meiji reforms”

Answer all question 5x2=10

13. Martin Luther

14. Henry the Novigator
15. Colonialism
16. James II
 
17. Facist party
SECTION –D 10x1=10

18. Who Issued the Berlindecrees

 
19. Founder of young Italy
 
20. Year of Establishment of League of nation.
21. The book written by Hitler
22. Carbonari means
 
23. The treaty by which the 1st World war came to are end.
24. The head onarters of U.N.O
 
25. The year – Battle of Waterloo
26. Who led the historical “long march”
Long Manch 
27. Write note worthy reforms of Nepoleon?
 

History of Modern Andhra (1600 -1956 AD)
UNIT-I 35 hours
Geographical features of Andhra Pradesh sources of modern Andhra history. The kutub Shah’s
(1500 – 1687 AD) Study of socio-economic and cultural conditions. Mughal rule (1687 – 1724
AD) - Rise of Asaf Jahis - Administration – Socio-economic and cultural conditions.
UNIT-II 35 hours

Advent of Europeans – Anglo- French Rivalry acquisition of northern circars by East- India company-
subsidiary alliance- acquisition of ceded districts- acquisition of Nellore and Chittor the role of EAST-
India Company in Andhra- Sir Thomas Manrol – Revenue- Irrigation- Education- Farinas. Impact of
industrial revolution on Andhra- 1857 revolt- Andhra under the crown.
UNIT-III 35 hours

Socio-cultural awakening in Andhra desa. Veeresa Lingam Panthulu-Venkata Ratnam naidu-Gurajada

Apparao-Renaissance in Telangana-K.V.Laxmana Rao-Vigyana Chandrika Mandali.
Freedom movement in Andhra- Vandemataram movement-Home Rule Movement-Non co-operation
Movement-Chirala perala Movement-Peda Nandipadu and Palanadu campaigns.Alluri Seetarama Raju-
Civil dis-Obedience Movement-Quit India Movement.
UNIT-IV 45 hours
Political awakening in Telangana- Nizam Andhra Maha Sabha-Hyderabad state-Congress-Liberalization
of Telangana from Nizam’s rule- Movement of Razakars- police action-Accession to Indian union-
Telangana armed struggle (rytangam) Andhra movement-Origin and growth-Andhra maha Saba-Sree
bagh pact-J.V.P.Report- P.Sriramulu formation of Andhra State 1956-State Re-Organization commission-
Gentle man’s agreement. formation of Andhra Pradesh in 1956- New literary movements in Andhra in
20th century-
1). Giduga Venkata Rama Murthy
2). Viswanadha Satyannarayana
3). Raya Prolu Subba Rao
4). Sri Sri
Andhra vaitalikas- Smt. Sarojini Naidu- Tanguturi Prakasam- B. Pattabhi Seeta Ramaiah- Ravi Narayana
Reddy- Tripuraneni Rama Swamy Chowdary- Dhurgabhai Deshmukh- Boorgula- Rama Krishna rao-
Onnava Laxmi Narayana.
Paper – IV History of Modern Andhra(1600 – 1956.A.D)
Timing 3 hours Max.marks : 70
SECTION – A 4X10=40
Answer all the questions.

1. a). Write the Socio – Economic and Culture conditions of Asaf – Jahi period of
ruling ?
   

b). Explain the influence of geographical condition on History of Andhra Pradesh?

 
2. a). Write an essay on the reforms of salarying I ?

b). Categorically state the events that led to the British accupation of northern
  

3. a). Narrate the events happened in Andhra during the sepoy muting of 1857.

b). Describe the non – Cooperation movement in Andhra.

 

4. a). Describe the importence of Kandukuri Veeresalingam in Andhra history?


b). Describe the events that led to the formation of Andhra state?
  

Answer any five of the following question 5x4=20

5. Rytwari system of Thomas munro

 
6. Home rule movement in Andhra
7. Potti Sree Ramulu.
 
8. Communist movement in Telengana
 
9. Rajakar movement
10. Abul – Hasan Tanisha.
11. Sri bagh pact
12. The first state re – organization commission

Answer all the question 5x2=10

13. Kotappa konda incident.

14. Battle of Padmanabham
  
15. Yentlemen’s agreement
16. Vignance Chandrika mandali
17. Alluri Seetharama Raju

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