Class 2 Evs Assessment

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E.V.S ASSESSMENT 2022 - 23

M.M: 20

Q1. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false: (2 marks)

a) We fill air in balloons and bicycle tyres.

( )
b) Animals need air to live.
( )
c) Human beings breathe in carbon dioxide.
( )
d) People fall sick from clean and fresh air.
( )

Q2. Choose the correct answer: (2


a) Air is a __________.

natural resource man - made resource

b) Moving air is called __________.

storm wind
c) We should breathe ____________________.

clean and fresh air dirty air

d) Burning fire is done for __________.

cooking bathing

Q3. Answer the following questions: (8


a) Write any two qualities of air.



b) Name two reasons for air pollution.


c) Write any two ways of preventing air pollution.



d) Give names of any two airborne diseases.



Q4. Circle things that need air: (1 mark)

Q5. Write the names of any four people who help build our
houses: (2 marks)
a) __________

b) __________

c) __________

d) __________

Q6. Match the following festivals with dates: (3 marks)

a) Gandhi Jayanti 26th January

b) Christmas 15th August
c) Republic Day 5th September
d) Teacher’s Day 2nd October
e) Children’s Day 25th December
f) Independence Day 14th November

Q7. Dictation (2 marks)

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