Special Words or Phrases

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English 2 Paper
Topic: Gap filling activities with special

Instructor: Chowdhury Md Rezaul Karim

Gap filling with special words/phrases
এেক্ষেেত্রে দশটি ছাট ছাট Text দওয়া থাকেব। প্রিতটি Text এ একটি শূন্যস্থান থাকেব যা Words
/ Phrases of special use (have to / has to, as soon as, let alone, had better,
would rather, as il, What’s it like etc.) িদেয় পূরণ করেত হেব।

বােক্যর শুরুেত শূন্যস্থান থাকেল Word / Phrase বড় হােতর অক্ষের (Capital letter) এ হেব। এ
ধরেনর ভু েলর জন্য Marks কতর্দে ন করা হেব।

Gap filling with special words/phrases

• was born
• have to/has to
• would rather
• had better
• let alone
Special words/phrases • as soon as
• what’s…like
• what does…look like
• introductory ‘there’ or ‘it’)
• as if/ as though
• If
• Unless

Gap filling with special words/phrases

• Would you mind
• No sooner had….than
• Before/After
Special words/phrases • It is time/ It is high time
• Used to
• as long as
• What’s it like/ What does…look like/
What’s like

Gap filling with special words/phrases

Used to lest
Let alone As if/ As though Till/until
Be born/Was born Had better Hardly had….when
Have to/ has to/Had to Would you mind
Would you like/would
No sooner had….than As soon as
It is time/It is high
Would rather As long as
What if Unless
grow + used to
It There Before /After
So that
Gap filling with special words/phrases
Since Enough
What’s it like/what does … look like/what’s….like
Complete the sentences with suitable phrase/words given in the box. [RB’ 17]

What does …. there as if no sooner had lest

look like
Let alone would rather be born have to What if

(a) The students were loitering in the corridor.______ they seen the teacher than they
entered the classroom.

(b) Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is the father of our nation. He_____ in 1920 in
Tungipara of Gopalganj district.

(c) I can’t stand Rubel. He always acts _____ he were smarter than everyone.

(d) The little girl was suddenly crossing the road. A bus was passing by. As it came near the
girl, the driver halted it._____ he wouldn’t have stopped the bus?
(e) Shoma _____ live in a hostel than live in her relative’s home. She feels free
and comfortable in the hostel.

(f) You started late. Now you are walking slowly. Walk fast _____ you should
miss the bus.

(g) He is very poor. He can’t afford to travel by an AC bus, _____ an aeroplane.

(h) Daughter: Mom, ____ an albatross ____?

Mother: My dear, an albatross is a very large white bird that lives in the pacific
and southern Oceans.
(i) Long ago, ______ lived a mighty warrior named kubla khan. He
was the grandson of Chengis khan.

(j) I ______ seek advice from a doctor. I have been suffering from
fever for a long time.
(a) No sooner had (b) was born (c) as if (d) What if (e) would rather

(f) lest (g) let alone (h) what does.....look like (i) there (j) have to

Gap filling with special words/phrases

Was born / be born
পৃিথবীেত জন্মগ্রহণ করা অেথর্দে was born ব্যবহার করা হয়। এ phrase-টি passive mood এ ব্যবহৃত হয়।

was born

place year time

• He was born in Dhaka.

are born
• Hundreds of children blind every year.
•I was born in 1990.
•My parents were born in Tangail.
•Albert Einstein was one of the greatest scientists. He was born in Ulm, Germany on 14

• Albert Einstein was a great scientist of physics. He was born

in 1771.

Gap filling with special words/phrases

Let alone
কান িকছু িচন্তা করা যায় না” বা “ভাবা যায় না” এরূপ অথর্দে প্রকাশ করেত let alone ব্যবহৃত হয়। Negative
statement এর পের let alone বেস।

তু লনা

বিশ কম , Let alone কম বিশ

তু লনা

• He cannot get B grade in the exam, let alone A+.

• I cannot swim a kilometer let alone ten kilometres.
• The old farmer cannot visit a small town, let alone a big city.

(i) You are a liar. You cannot eat a mango let alone_____. [BB’ 19]

Answer: ten mangoes.

Gap filling with special words/phrases

As soon as
কান একটি ঘটনা ঘটার সােথ সােথ আর একটি ঘটনা ঘটা বাঝােত As soon as ব্যবহৃত হয়।

As soon as 1st Clause , 2nd Clause

As soon as we saw our teacher , we stood up.

• ______________

• As soon as the police came, the thief ran away.

No sooner had/ Scarcely had/ Hardly had

No sooner had than

Scarcely had when

Hardly had when

No sooner had I left the room than it began to rang.

• ________________
Scarcely had we reached the when it started raining.
• ________________
Hardly had we reached the station when the train left.
• ________________
[Jahore Board 19]

(h) Hardly had we seen the police when ________. So, we have
to be careful in our life.

Answer: we sought their help.

[Barishal Board 19]

(b) No sooner had he reached the station _________.

Answer: than the train left.
Gap filling with special words/phrases
• __________ we reached the station, the train started.

• The students were talking in the class. ________ the

teacher entered the class than they stopped talking.

Gap filling with special words/phrases

• The king started (i) following
_____ (follow) the prescription.

Gap filling with special words/phrases

Used to
Sub used to V1

Become/ grow


used to

V + ing

1. অতীেতর অিনয়িমত অভ্যাস (discontinued habit) বুঝােত সকল person-এ used to ব্যবহৃত হয়।

• I used to drink tea; now I drink coffee.

2. অতীেতর িনয়িমত অভ্যাস বুঝােত সকল person-এ used to ব্যবহৃত হয়।

• Omar (R.) used to lead a very simple life.


• Everybody disliked Rakib. He ______ do many harmful


• Sometimes, we become speechless remembering our childhood

memories. We _____ swim in the river.

Gap filling with special words/phrases

[Ctg.B’ 19]
(b) I am an early riser. I am used to ______________.

Answer: walking in the morning

Gap filling with special words/phrases

It is high time / It is time
It is time / high Sub + V2
To + V1

কান কাজ করার সঠিক সময় ইিতমেধ্য পার হেয় গেছ। সুতরাং আর িবলম্ব না কের কাজটি এ মুহূেতর্দে ই শুরু করা উিচত বুঝােনার জন্য It
is time ব্যবহৃত হয়। এেক্ষেেত্রে Structure-টি িনম্নরূপ :

Structure : It is high time+ subject + verb এর past form (v2) + Extension

• It is high time we…..

Ans : It is time we went home.
• It is high time they…
Ans : It is time they earned their livelihood.
বিশ জার দওয়া বুঝােত It is time এর পিরবেতর্দে It is high time ব্যবহৃত হয়। তেব উভয় ক্ষেেত্রে subject এর পের verb এর past
tense ব্যবহৃত হয়। verb-টি past tense এর হেলও sentence-টি মূলত present tense-এর অথর্দে প্রকাশ কের।

• It is high time we changed our eating habits.

It is time/ It is high time
It is time

For Sub + to + V1

• It is time for _ you________________

to go to college now _
learned your lessons
• It is high time you _____________________

কান কাজ করার সঠিক সময় হেয়েছ বুঝােত It is time + infinitive+…. বেস।
অথবা It is time for +object+ infinitive+….. বেস।
• It is time to…..
Ans : It is time to start the work.
• It is time to…..
Ans : It is time to leave the place.
[Dhaka Board 19]

• Your enemies are looking for you. __________ you left the
[Rajshahi Board 19]

(d) It is high time you_______. It is detrimental to health.

Gap filling with special words/phrases

[Ctg.B’ 19]

(j) Environment is polluted in many ways. It is high


Answer: we took proper measures to stop this problem

Gap filling with special words/phrases

As if/ As though
As if /As though Past indefinite/were
Past indefinite As if /As though Past perfect

as if he had been a scholar.

• Anwar talked _______
“As if” বা “As though”, “ যন” অথর্দে প্রকাশ কের। As if/ as though এর প্রথম অংশ Present Indefinite হেল পেরর অংশ
Past Indefinite হয়। আর প্রথম অংশ past tense হেল পেরর অংশ past perfect tense হয়।

• He tells me the matter as if he…

Ans : He tells me the matter as if he knew it.

• He told me the matter as if he….

Ans : He told me the matter as if he had known it.

Rajshahi Board 2019

• She acts ____ she were mad.

Sylhet Board 2019

(c) English is an international language. I wish ___________.

Answer: I were good at English

Gap filling with special words/phrases

Barishal Board 2019

• He behaved as if __________________.

(d) Shabbir Khan is a quack. He behaves as though

he were a doctor

Gap filling with special words/phrases

Since সময় িনেদর্দে শ করেত ব্যবহৃত হয়।
( মূলত দুটি বােক্যর মেধ্য since বেস থােক। )

Present indefinite/
Since Past Indefinite
Present Perfect

Past Tense Since Past Perfect Tense

I went there
• Many years have passed since _____________
I passed the SSC examination
• It is about a year since ______________________________
we had left our motherland
• It was a year since ____________________________
Would you mind
Would you mind V + ing ?

• Would you mind-যুক্ত বােক্যর শেষ একটা প্রশ্নেবাধক (?) িচহ্ন িদেত হয়।
• Would you mind-এর পের verb এর সেঙ্গে ing যুক্ত হয়।

• Would you mind lending me your pen?

• Would you mind closing the window?

• Would you mind playing with us ?

[Dhaka Board 19]

• It is raining heavily. __________ closing the window ?

smoking cigarettes ?
(f) Could you avoid _____________

Gap filling with special words/phrases

Lest নতু বা/
• Lest- যুক্ত clause-এ subject এর পর should/might বেস এবং মূল verb এর present form (base form) হয়।
• Lest শব্দটি না- বাধক অথর্দে প্রকাশ কের, তাই lest-এর পের কখেনা না- বাধক শব্দ (no/not) বেস না ।

• Lest মূলত কােনা ভেয়র বা িবপেদর আশংকা বুঝােত ব্যবহৃত হয়।

• Lest- এর পরবতর্তী clause দ্বারা passive voice প্রকাশ পেল সেক্ষেেত্রে subject+ should be/might be+ verb এর past participle
form বেস।
he should fall
• The boy is walking very carefully lest ______________.
you should fail
• Work hard lest ________________.
• The thief ran away lest ___he might be caught
_______________. passive mood

• Rimi studied hard _____ GPA 5 should be missed.

• You started late. Walk fast _____ you should/might

miss the bus.

Gap filling with special words/phrases

[Dnj.B’ 19]

(g) A student has to be punctual. He has to study regularly lest


Answer: he should fail in the examinations.

Gap filling with special words/phrases

Have to / has to
কােনা কাজ করার বাধ্যবাধকতা, প্রেয়াজনীয়তা ইত্যািদ বাঝােত have to/ has to ব্যবহার করা হয়। উপেদশ প্রদান
করার অেথর্দেও have to বেস।

Present tense
Subject Have to/ has to V1

Subject Had to Time

Past tense

• You have to study regularly to do well in the exam.

• He will have to solve the math.

Indicating advice:

• English is an international language. If you want to go abroad for higher study, you have to learn English.

• The last date of submitting internet bill is 15th of this month. So, I have to pay the bill by that time.
Had better
Modal অেথর্দে had better unreal past. তা present অথবা future tense এর অথর্দে প্রকাশ কের। কান িকছু করা ভাল এমন
ধারণা বুঝােত সকল person-এ had better ব্যবহৃত হয়।
• You had better meet him.

Negative-এর ক্ষেেত্রে better এরপের not বেস।

• You had better not miss the train.

Subject Had better V1

had better stay today.

• You _______________
had better take an umbrella. It may rain.
• We ___________
had betternot go to work.
• You don’t look well. You _____________
Would rather
Would rather একটি modal idiom. Preference অথর্দোৎ দুটি কাজ বা অবস্থার মেধ্য কানটি অিধক পছন্দনীয় তা প্রকাশ করার জন্য
would rather ব্যবহৃত হয়।
• would rather এর পের to উহ্য থােক।
• would এর contracted form (‘d)
I would = I'd
• Negative বা interrogative sentence-এ would rather-এ idiom-টির প্রথম শব্দটি operator িহেসেব ব্যবহৃত হয়।

Subject Would rather …..than …..

• would rather die than beg
I ______________
• He wouldn't ratherlive here. (negative)
• Would he rather live here?
Would rather এর দুই ধরেনর negative হয়। "Not" would rather- এর পেরও বসেত পাের এবং would এর পেরও বসেত পাের।

• I would rather not stay here.

• I would not rather stay here.

Gap filling with special words/phrases


❑ I _____
have to seek advice from a doctor. I have been

suffering from fever for a long time.

had better
❑ It may rain today. You _____ leave earlier.

Gap filling with special words/phrases

❑ We _____ pay a visit to Cox’s Bazar than
would rather

Sundarbans. We have already visited the Sundarbans.

❑ We ______ develop our humanity than observe hartal

would rather

& strike. Let us change our destructive culture.

Gap filling with special words/phrases

[BB’ 19]

(j) I am very hungry today. I had better_________.

Answer: get some lunch/take my dinner early

Gap filling with special words/phrases

What if

❑ কান িকছু ঘটার ভয় বা আশংকা প্রকাশ করেত What if ব্যবহৃত হয়।

• I don't like to travel by this old car. What if it disturbs on the way?

• কমন হেব যিদ এটা হয়? / কী ঘটেব যিদ এমন হয়?

What if Affirmative Sentence ?

What if the train is late by two hours?

• ____________

❑ কান িবষেয় কােরা মতামত জানার জন্য What if ব্যবহৃত হয়।

Son : You have invited all of our close relatives in the party. What if I invite Rafiq?
Mom : Of course. He is your close friend.

❑ কান একটি ঘটনা ঘটেল তার পিরণাম িক হেত পাের বুঝােত What if ব্যবহৃত হয়।

I was supposed to go by the bus that made an accident last night. What if I had been in the bus.
What do/ does… look like
কােনা ব্যিক্ত বা বস্তু দখেত কমন বা চহারা কমন তা িজেজ্ঞেস করেত আমরা what do / does......... look like ব্যবহার কির। এেক্ষেেত্রে
বাক্য গঠন হেব িনম্নরপ :

What do/ does + subject (person) + look + like?

What do/does subject look like…?

• কােনা ব্যিক্তর চহারার িববরন িদেত what does…. look like এই Phrase- টি ব্যবহৃত হয়।

• কােনা বস্তুর আকৃ িত বা কাঠােমার িববরন িদেত “what does…. look like এই Phrase- টি ব্যবহৃত হয়।
look like
What do Bangladeshi people __________?
• _______
look like
What does the car __________?
• _______
Example • S1 : What does Rakib look like?
S2 : She looks beautiful.
• A: What does a ghost look like?
B: Sorry, dear. I had never seen a ghost.
• What was your exam like? (expressing experience)
What’s it like
• কােনা কাজ করার অনুভূিতর িববরন িদেত “What’s it like” Phrase- টি ব্যবহৃত হয়।

What’s it
V+ ing

What’s it like
• ___________________ eating fast food?
Gap filling with special words/phrases

• ‘Unless’ negative অথর্দেেবাধক, যার অথর্দে ‘যিদ না’ ।

• Unless-যুক্ত clause-এ not বা no যুক্ত করার প্রেয়াজন হয় না।

Unless Present Indefinite Future indefinite

Unless he works hard, he will not shine in life

• _________
Unless you study properly, you will fail in the exam.
• _________
As long as
As long as means - যতক্ষেন না পযর্দেন্ত

সমজাতীয় tense As long as সমজাতীয় tense

as long as
• Wait here _________________ I don’t return.

as long as
• Wait here _________________ I don’t return.

as long as
• The car will keep running _________________ you take good care of it.
Gap filling with special words/phrases
Introductory ‘there’
There এর অথর্দে সখােন। িকন্তু ইংেরিজ কান কান বােক্য Subject যিদ অিনিদর্দে ষ্ট হয়, তেব There িদেয় Sentence শুরু
করেত হয়। এেক্ষেেত্রে There এর কান অথর্দে থােক না। এরূপ There ক Introductory (সূচনামূলক) There' বলা হয়।

There Noun/Pronoun…
• __________ lived a poor farmer.

Introductory ‘there' এর ব্যবহার :

• কােনা িকছু আেছ বা নাই তা প্রকাশ করেত there বেস।

There + be(am/is/are/was/were) + subject +…
• There is a school in our village.
• There were a few people on the street.

উপেরর বাক্যগুেলােক Interrogative করা যােব be verbটি প্রথেম এেন। যমন- “Is there any way out???
Future বা ভিবষ্যেতর িকছু উেল্লেখ করেত there এর পর will be বেস।

There + will be + subject (Noun phrase…)

• There will be someone to help you.

• Act properly. Otherwise, there will be no hope for us.
Present Perfect িহেসেব There এর পর have been / has been বেস।
There + have been/ has been noun phrase +…
• There has been an accident. I hope, no one is hurt.

There এর পর Intransitive verb হেল-

There + Intransitive verb (seem, come, happen etc.)+…

• There seems to be a problem.
There + is + no + ing verb
• There is no denying the fact that business suffers a lot during the hartal.
Introductory ‘It’
It এর
সময়, দূরত্ব, আবহাওয়া ইত্যািদ বুঝােত।
• It is 10 o’clock now.
• It is winter now.
• It may rain today.

কােনা Word বা Phrase-এর উপর গুরুত্ব দওয়ার জন্য It ব্যবহৃত হয়। এ জাতীয় বােক্য it য কান Number Gender ও
Person এর পিরর্দেবেতর্দে -

• It is they who are guilty.

Impersonal Verb-এর Subject রূেপ। পূেবর্দে উিল্লেিখত কােণা বক্তব্যেক িনেদর্দে শ করেত-
• It dews in winter.
• It is shameful that you are a liar.
• It seems you are rich.
There এর ন্যায় It- ও যখন sentence এর শুরুেত বেস তখন তােক Introductory ‘It’ বেল।

1. Subject ক introduce করেত ‘it’ বেস।

It was a nice picture.
উপেরর sentence-এর subject picture- ক introduce করেত it বেসেছ।
2. পূেবর্দে উেল্লেিখত subject িনেদর্দে শ করেত it ব্যবহৃত হয়।

I forgot to give him my address. It was a mistake.

(means: not giving him my address was a mistake.)
এখােন It উপেরর sentence-এর subject my address – ক িনেদর্দে শ করেত ব্যবহৃত হেয়েছ।

3. জড় পদাথর্দে, ছাট িশশু এবং ইতর বা িনম্ন শ্রেিণর প্রািণর পিরবেতর্দে ‘It’ বেস।
Yesterday he bought a pen. It was costly.
I saw a child. It was crying.
Complete the sentences with suitable phrase/words given in the box. [CB’

It is high time in case as though no sooner had lest

unless used to would you mind have to as long as

(a) There is foul smell in the room. _____ opening the window?
(b) Tomorrow I will be very busy. So, I’ll say good bye now
____ I don’t see you again.
(c) We ______ educate all and work hard to develop our
(d) Nobody likes Karim at all. He talks ____ he knew
(e) The poor will continue to suffer ____ they are illiterate.
(f) Nobody likes you here.______ you left this place.

(g) He saw a bear coming towards him. So, he climbed up a tree

______ the bear might attack him.

(h) Everybody disliked Rakib. He _____ do many harmful activities.

(i) Time is very important in our life. You cannot prosper in life
______ you make proper use of time.

(j) The students were talking in the class. _______ the teacher
entered the class than they stopped talking.
Gap filling with special words/phrases
(a) Would you mind (f) It is high time
(b) in case (g) lest
(c) have to (h) used to
(d) as though (i) unless
(e) as long as (j) No sooner had

Gap filling with special words/phrases


Complete the sentences with suitable phrase/words given in the box.

[SB’ 17]

had better let alone as if as soon as was born

what does ….. there would you mind it would rather

look like

(a) The room appears to be suffocating.–––– opening the windows?

(b) It is raining outside. You ––––take an umbrella.
(c) He cannot read newspaper,––––edit a newspaper.
(d) –––– lived a wise man but he was not well known to all.
(e) You look tired. ––––– appears to me that you have worked hard.

(f) Ismail is a symbol of versatile genius. He ––––– in a needy


(g) –––– a dinosaur –––––? Have you ever seen it?

(h) He proceeded ––––he had never seen me. His defiant

behavior offended me.

(i) Panic seized me ––––– I heard his roaring voice.

(j) Though I am in dire need of money, I –––– die than seek any
financial help from him.
(a) Would you mind
(b) had better
(c) let alone
(d) There
(e) It
(f) was born
(g) What does....look like
(h) as if
(i) as soon as
(j) would rather

Gap filling with special words/phrases

Read the text and fill in the gaps with right form of verbs as per subject
and context: [BB’ 19]

Once there (a) _____ (live) an idle king. He (b) _____ (not undergo)
physical labour. As a result. He (c) _____ (get) bulky and could not
move from one place to another. He (d) _____ (call) in a doctor. The
doctor (e) _____ (be) clever and wise. He did not (f) _____
(prescribe) any medicine for the king. He asked the king to buy a
club and (g) _____ (move) it in the air till his hands (h) _____ (get)
moistened. The king started (i) _____ (follow) the prescription. Thus
the king (j) _____ (relieve) of his problem.
Gap filling with special words/phrases
(a) lived (b) did not undergo (c) got (d) called (e) was
(f) prescribe (g) move (h) got (i) to follow/following (j) was relieved

Gap filling with special words/phrases

Read the following text and fill in the gaps with the right forms of verbs as
per subject and context: [CB’ 19]

(a) _____ (Teach) is a noble profession. A teacher (b) _____ (teach) his students
from the core of his heart. He teaches his students with a view to (c) _____
(give) the light of education. By (d) _____ (get) the light of education, students
can (e) _____ (enlighten) their inside. The students (f) _____ (learn) their
lessons now as their teachers (g) _____ (instruct) them.But the students
now-a-days act as though they (h) _____ (know) everything. They are not (i)
_____ (pay) heed to their teachers’ advice. But the students must be careful in
their studies lest they (j) _____ (fail) to secure good marks.

Gap filling with special words/phrases

(a) Teaching (b) teaches (c) giving (d) getting (e) enlighten
(f) can learn/learn (g) instruct (h) knew (i) paying (j) should fail

Gap filling with special words/phrases

Read the text and fill in the gaps with correct form of verbs in the brackets
as per subject and context: [BB’ 17]

Air (a) _____ (be) an important element of the environment. But it is

constantly being (b) ____ (pollute) in many ways. We make fire to cook food
and (c) _____ (do) many works. This fire emits smoke which (d) _____
(contaminate) air. Vehicles pollute air to a great extent by (e) _____ (burn)
fuel. Air pollution also (f) ______ (happen) when coal and oil (g) _____
(burn). Mills and factories can be (h) ______ (hold) responsible for this
pollution. It is high time we (i) _____ (check) air pollution. Otherwise we (j)
______ (suffer) a lot.

Gap filling with special words/phrases

(a) is (b) polluted (c) do (d) contaminates (e) burning
(f) happens (g) are burnt (h) held (i) checked (j) will suffer

Gap filling with special words/phrases


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