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Buenafe, Mariane C.

An Update on My Long-Term Career Goals

“Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.” I’ve
read this quote from the website GeckoandFly and it is specifically a quote for people
who wants to lose weight. Even if I’m not one of the individuals who are trying to lose
weight, this quote influenced me because just like them, I also have a goal. We may not
have the same goals in life but certainly, we are in the same boat as we all have
objectives and aspirations. Regardless of the purpose, this quote greatly impacted me
in terms of my academic goals and professional goals.

Looking back at my long-term career goals and journey last semester, I can say
that it is full of hope and inspiration. In there, I wrote that I want to be a medical doctor,
particularly a pediatrician so that I can deliver service to unfortunate people as well as
bring back the efforts my family dedicated to me. I would love to see infants and
children have a chance to celebrate, enjoy, and live life because of me. Moreover, I
aspire to have volunteer works in remote areas to educate not only children but also
their parents and guardians regarding health issues. Recollecting all these thoughts
feels like a roller coaster for me. Yes, I feel glad since it is true that I would like to fulfill
all those goals however I also feel dispirited because I do not know what will happen in
the future.

Comparing my long-term career goals last semester and this second semester, I
know in myself that last semester was better. This semester I feel more discouraged
and crestfallen. I noticed that my unproductiveness is more frequent nowadays. I sleep
more in the afternoon and am awake at dawn. Moreover, the motivation I have last
semester which is the start of my college is far from the motivation I have this semester.
Memorializing my journey last semester, I was able to take notes, and more importantly,
I was having fun while doing my school work. However, this semester was different, I
feel lazier, and I procrastinate more compared to last semester.

Reflecting on all those occurrences, I pondered that the possible cause of my loss
of motivation is my thoughts. I realized that I am worried about how I will finance myself
for medical school once I graduated from FEU. Moreover, I overthink about the future as
well as I started to get tired of my chosen program. Despite all these negativities, I know
Buenafe, Mariane C.

that if I change my habits, specifically my sleeping pattern and routine, I can improve
and once again feel motivated. I also realized that I have to give myself a proper rest so
that I can be more productive in completing my school work and exams. Hence, to do
these all I’ll have to go back on why I decided to choose this program. I need to
remember my reasons and purposes for why I would like to be a pediatrician someday.
Buenafe, Mariane C.


Tengyuen, N. (2022, March 18). 50 motivating quotes on losing weight, on Diet and
living healthy. GeckoandFly. Retrieved April 6, 2022, from

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