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Case Study-Human Resource

Student Name

Institutional Affiliation

Course Name

Instructor’s Name

Assignment Due Date


Question 1

Expanding the store and later franchising and still concentrating on high-quality

ingredients will include the following human resource management impacts. Since the owner

focuses on the provision of efficient services and products the business location should be in a

place that the ingredients are highly available. Furthermore, all ingredients should get transported

to the store in a proper arrangement. Besides, the enhancement of communication facilities is

important. After considering the things mentioned above deciding on the location of the new

business is easy. A business location is a representation of its environment.

Business Environment Analysis- in this implication, deciding a firm’s location and the

environment is significant. The environment of the store will determine access to fresh

ingredients and reflect other characteristics such as supplier relationship with the management,

rate of competitors, and the response of customers (Guest, 2017). Furthermore, having fresh

ingredients does not mean that they have met all the needs of the store. The structures and ways

in which they will serve their customers also play an essential role.

Empowering And Manpower Planning- this involves all processes and activities

concerning the hiring of employees. Having qualified employees who will offer standardized

services to customers on behalf of the store is important (Guest, 2017). Job Analysis is essential

in determining job requirements, duties, and responsibilities of the specific job and qualification

requirement for a person to fill in the position. In this stage, a specific and logical order for hiring

employees will be useful. The store can organize its interviews in a specific structure.

Furthermore, not all hired employees have prior working experience (Guest, 2017). In Angelo’s

store, hiring an employee with no previous working experience may result in a mess. At the same

time, some organizations may introduce new ideas for the benefit of the company. The employer

should share with the employees the procedures to implement those ideas.

Training Need Analysis- launching a training strategy does not apply only to the new

employees but also the old ones. A training program is important to make employees familiar

with the expectation of the organization in a particular job(Guest, 2017). In Angelo’s Pizza store,

a new waiter should the right knowledge on how to treat customers, especially when taking

orders and serving them. since Angelo’s pizza store has unique ideas, they should share them

with the employees during the training sessions. Both the pizza store and employees will benefit

from the training program. Trained employees are an asset to Angelo’s pizza store, employees

have the opportunity to acquire new skills, and also employee turnover will go down. Hence

some human resources have the capabilities of sustaining an excellent focus on the owner and

bring good luck to the new stores.

Question 2

Logical Error-Angelo did this by firing the employee who used dirty words sometimes,

and he at one time did in front of a customer, this made Angelo fire the employee. This a logical

error because Angelo came to an inappropriate conclusion basing on these facts which is a

weakness he can improve by providing personality training on the employee.

Frustrations In The Job- hiring the appropriate employees for Angelo pizza store was a

problem because they did not have a working recruitment process. This problem was because the

store had a weak advertising process (Guest, 2017). Moreover, Angelo was unable to get the

right response and he only hired single candidates who applied for the job. Hence he had an

ineffective way of selecting employees.


Poor Training Process – from Angelo's case, he only trained his managers on how to

run the store but he did not train them on their roles and responsibilities. He thought that working

with his managers would help them learn more about the job which was a wrong idea.

Employee Satisfaction- his employees had to work for long hours compared to his

competitors and also his managers had to take two or three jobs. Since he had no specific training

process, employees got frustrated resulting in high turnover.

Low Remuneration- he only paid employees wages that were slightly above the normal

with no other benefits.

Question 3

Store Managers

Store managers help in the supervision, hiring, and training of staff.

How can the manager access employee performance?

Tell me about a time you worked with an employee that was not competent?

How would you handle it when two employees do not report to work?

Waiter Staff

Working as a waiter is challenging because a person must keep on moving hence a waiter

should excellent communication and customer service skills.

What skills do you feel an excellent waiter should possess?

Tell me about a time you interacted with an irritating customer?

What's your reaction if you are busy and a customers request cold water?

Counter People/Pizza Makers

Their primary focus should be quality ingredients and services.

How can you check the quality of your ingredients?


What would be your reaction if a customer returned pizza?

Have you ever worked with your co-workers to finish a job well?

Question 4

Angelo should follow the following, try and filter the applicant list basing on education,

skills, experience, and behavior that the job requires. Secondly, give an assessment test to

determine the behavior of the applicants and lastly do a background to determine the authenticity

of the information on the applicants' documents.

Question 5

Angelo's value is doing the right to keep the customers happy and their culture is

providing the best services to their customers. Before hiring a new manager the pizza store

should look at;


Their communication skills

Their ability to solve problems

Whether the manager is flexible.

Question 6

Why is it important for a company to conduct visibility tests?

Why should a company not consider getting into a franchise?



Guest, D. E. (2017). Human resource management and employee well‐being: Towards a new

analytic framework. Human resource management journal, 27(1), 22-38.

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