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Medicine Chest Rx J

of our Hea oin one

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Simple Solutions 15% off all bs and receive
for Health products!
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” — Hippocrates
The items below are our first line defense for the concern We ALWAYS recommend EMF remediation on your ALWAYS recommended are also Tapping & Swiping,
listed. Any or many of the items in each list might phone and all devices. If you don’t have your phone Body Talk, Soaking in ocean salts (Medi-Soak/Medi-Bath),
alleviate your symptom; since we are all different, there (at minimum) remediated and you are having health Castor Oil on all detox organs (the Assembly Line) and
is a list for you to choose from. Our nutrients are clean problems, it is time to get the EMF patches. They last for simply taking a Personal Healing Moment with extra
and ‘beyond organic’ whenever available. There are no the life of your device and can truly save your health and exhaling. Our pen laser and the magic Laser paddle
toxic tag alongs. Since no one ever got sick or died from life. Without EMF remediation on all devices you use will also alleviate most of your health problems in just
eating too many salads, please know it is usually safe to regularly, the remedies below will only work for a short minutes. At minimum, it will decrease inflammation
take increasingly higher doses of something for a couple period of time as the devices drain your bones, adrenals and keep your body strong, nourished and energetic at
of days – if needed and it’s helping. Just as if you’d take 2 and immune system, robbing them of nutrition, leaving all times. I stand by my words that it is the best personal
or 3 Ibuprofen every few hours, a nutrient or herb that is you weak and vulnerable.  healing tool available – because you can fit it in your
helping alleviate a problem can be taken throughout the purse and take it with you everywhere you go, AND
day until the problem dissipates. because of what it does to you and for you.


Allicidin, Olive Leaf, Immunoven, Turmeric Powder, Pure Black CoQ, Reishi, Olive Leaf, hyssinol, (when also constipated, add: ) TOPICALLY: laser, castor oil the wound, ozone gel, coconut oil
mushroom powder, glutathione, Core Olive Leaf (kids), deltanol INTERNALLY: nucleo immune 10/day for 10 days, vitamin C in
HIGH doses, Zinc, D3, Reishi

CONCERN REMEDY ACTIONS Immunoven Herbal; safely give to kids too.

EMF Blockers (on all Antibiotics Herbal; perfect for Herpes (6 months is a game
Olive Leaf
devices), Pink Salt, Removes the blockage and heals the stomach changer); supports lungs and sinuses
Acid Reflux Deltanol, Castor Oil, and heart areas.
Gastroven Powerfully helps digestion, reduces bloating,
Limonene and boosts immunity.
Rejuvenation Cream, Replaces most of the hormone system.
Aging Skin Vitamin C, DHEA, Women 40+ might try DHEA, Pregnenolone Glutathione Especially beneficial for the liver.
Pregnenolone, Melatonin and Melatonin for 3 months.
Antioxidants Asta Complete Broad spectrum.
All Around B vitamins are used by the brain and pancreas
Max B to make energy and detoxify, to relieve stress, Improves circulation in lungs and heart;
Support depression, anxiety, and irritability. the modern day version of vitamin E.
Asta Complete, NAC, Combats stress on the body’s organs; Vitamin C, NAC, Squelch free radicals, prevent ‘rusting’ when
Progesterone, Melatonin firms up skin on the face. Resveratrol taken in advance of stress.
Anti-Aging (Source of collagen) Heals and repairs wounds; CBD, Valerian See CBD below.
Vitamin C an antioxidant. Smokers: Take Max Stress B, Tranquinol,
2/day min. Everyone needs vitamin C. Anxiety Leads to tranquility within the body.
B Complete, Fields of See B vitamins above.
Flowers, Medi-Soak 310-503-6336

MED CHEST RX v7.indd 1 12/5/22 7:13 AM

CONCERN REMEDY ACTIONS Allicidin, Olive Leaf, Treats cold and flu symptoms, sinus ailments
Immunoven, Zinc, D3, Aloe and constipation.
UltraInflamX, probiotic, Detox, Black Charcoal
Allicidin, Castor Oil Colds & Flu
Clears infection that is causing arthritis, then A different kind of aloe; grows at night; binds
Arthritis (topical), Oregano Oil, Aloe Detox toxins and removes them from the intestines,
builds a healthy gut.
Coconut Oil (internal), sinuses and lungs; tastes great.
Glutamine, Kolorex
Constipation Aloe Detox, Hyssinol, Removes toxins from the sinuses, intestines,
Renaven, DHA, Overloaded kidneys are the cause. Often, Adaptagen, Black Charcoal and GI tract.
Back Pain Castor Oil (topical), soaking opens the kidneys; other times, kidney Quercetin, Vitamin C, < stops cytokine storm
Adrenaven, Medi-Soak remedies are a must. DHA works best. Green Tea ND, Deltanol
Relieves bloat in the GB and GI tracts clogged (stops cytokine storm)
Biliven/Digestase, Castor D3, Zinc Assay or Zinlori,
Bloating by a C-section or tummy-tuck scar. Castor Oil
Oil Mushroom Powder,
works best. Covid Paratosin, pH Minerals,
Strengthens bones, teeth, gums, and immune Pure Black, Supercharged
Cal/Mag, system. Heals wounds. Balances pH. C60, Boost Oxygen in Can,
Cal/Mag Plus, D3 Contains every mineral your bones need. Max B or Complete B;
Calms inflammation and heals infection in the CDP Choline < stops virus replicating/mutating
Bone Health D3K2
Bone Health bones. Also a good source of vitamin K. Pure Black, Supercharged
Multiple minerals for strong bones, alkaline C60, DIY Mud Therapy Kit,
Cal/Mag Covid HM ND internally, coQ, To heal and detox after the shots, preventing
pH, and immune support.
Vaccine Vitalzym Xe, Paratosin, other health issues.
It’s live; the best vitamin D; easy to use; in Nattokinase (protects the
D3 liquid form. heart), UltraInflammX
Bones and Great for bone health when hormones are Castor Oil, Pink Salt,
Hormones compromised. Cuts & Eucalyptus or Lavender Use these ASAP after trauma to prevent
Cal/Mag, EMF Stickers Scrapes Spray, Nucleo infection and grow new, healthy skin.
(on ALL devices), Deltanol, Lowers EMF exposure, supports healing, kills *See page 1 for topical
Cancer Olive Leaf, Allicidin, Castor infection, builds immunity and liver health, Removes infection; balances brain chemistry;
Oil (topical), Reishi or alkalizes pH. Cereven, HM-ND, Castor
Dementia removes blockages on the head; heals dental
Cordyceps, Glutathione Oil, CogniTropic infections.
Allicidin, Candibactin BR, Max Stress B, CBD, B12, Supports liver function to lower depression.
Kills yeast and purges heavy metals (must
Oregano, Coconut Oil CBD, Amino Acids, Sometimes we have to kill bugs and parasites
Candida do both at the same time for success); builds Depression
(internal), CoQ, HM-ND or B complete to eliminate depression.
intestinal health and flora.
Chlorella, Flora Chewable
Carbohydrate Improves carbohydrate digestion and breaks For the throat, neck, and sometimes spine;
Digestase, Deltanol Detox for cold and flu during winter (especially for
Digestion down scar tissue. Use when you have smelly gas!
kids). Helps reduce the 2nd chin.
Oil, Capsules, Softgels, Calms the nervous system and brain; reduces
CBD Topical stress in the body and brain. Helps to remove heavy metals and
HM-ND, Chlorella
Detox environmental pollution from the neck.
Cholesterol Calms the nervous system plagued by stress; Detoxifies the neck, thyroid, liver and gonads
Cardio ND, DHA, EFA, CBD
(high) improves circulation. from plastic toxicity, cigarettes and high
Improves circulation and heals infection in the pharmaceutical use. Often helps eliminate
Circulation Heart Complex headaches.
heart and circulatory system. 310-503-6336

MED CHEST RX v7.indd 2 12/5/22 7:13 AM

CONCERN REMEDY ACTIONS Improves concentration, focus, fat burning for
All Day Energy energy, and increases power. Great for sports!
Promotes a healthy gallbladder and deep sleep. Great for kids!
Biliven Reduces bloating, dry skin, and emotional
Brain Complex (Cereven) Supports
stress (fear). brain function and improves focus. Good
Focus for anyone with prior concussion or head trauma.
Promotes good digestion – especially that of
Digest, Digestase CBD See CBD above.
protein and fat.
Use when bowel movements feel incomplete. Sometimes the kidneys are tired and
Hyssinol DHA overloaded which prevents clear, sharp focus.
Lymphatic and digestive support. Antiviral.
DHA is great for the kidneys.
Supports digestion, especially the lower belly/
Digestion Noni Cleans out the GI tract. Take only 1/day; great
small intestine. Relieves inflammation. GI Tract AloeCure for travel.
Improves digestion and immune function.
Provides electrolytes for adrenals (use with Provides the amino acids the body requires to
Pink Salt Growth Amino HGH
juice to make a ‘healthy Gatorade’!) make HGH – assuring your body can make this
hormone (or under amino acids)
One teaspoon/day is essential for kids. important hormone.
Probiotics: Flora Blend, Since everyone is different, we have 4 kinds Hair growth: Multivitamin, Usually due to nutrient deficiency and stress.
Flora Chewable, Flora from which to choose: refrigeration or not, B vitamins, DHA, Many also lose hair after covid and taking the
Synergy, UFC Kids chewable or swallow. Hair loss Adrenaven, Collagen, covid vaccines. Try ALL of these until you see
Nutrition Flakes, Calcium/ good results.
Renaven, DHA, Hyssinol, Heal the kidneys which will create ear problems Magnesium, Detoxadine Builds nutritional status for overall health.
Olive Leaf and always coQ; when they are overloaded. Also systemic
Earache CoQ, Xenostat, Medi-Soak Provides the body adequate energy to detox
Castor the kidneys and antiviral. (in tub), DHA, Green Tea and support the organs under stress/causing
sacrum Headaches
ND, Adrenaven, Renaven pain.
CoQ, Detox ND (or
Chlorella), Medi-Soak Boosts cellular energy to rid the body of heavy Fights infection in the circulatory system or
Eczema (These are for starters, metals. Eliminates HMs. Pulls toxins out of the Cardio ND heart; lowers bad cholesterol; may help with
then customization is body. Heart heartburn.
ideal.) Improves circulation; fights infection; the
Boosts low energy; calms stress; reduces mid- modern day version of vitamin E.
Adrenaven Detoxifies heavy metals; a great source of
back pain. Heavy
Detox ND, (Chlorella) greens and probiotics; use topically with mud
Increases energy. Called the “Spark of the Metals (HM-ND is liquid, Chlorella is capsules).
CoQ10; Coquinol (the Cell.” For head to toe achy/flu-like symptoms,
best) and Coquinone (2 nd
HCL and HCL Activator,
Energy and TMF. Essential for detoxing heavy metals.
best) Aloe Detox, AloePro
(Liquid is easier for kids.) May prevent muscle soreness and headaches/
migraines. + Glutamine, Castor
topically on the spot Stress in the colon and lack of muscle tone,
Hemorrhoids (laser also) and push it
For sleep: CBD, Melatonin Promotes deep sleep resulting in increased
energy. up with your fingers, and poor digestion.
do kegels!, Ozone Gel,
CBD, Pink Salt, EFA Oil (at To balance the nervous system, use CBD and PurO3, DHA in higher
Epilepsy minimum). nourish with essential nutrients. Works on doses
EMF Stickers (on all devices) customized issues.
Deer Antler – NZ Heals joints, rejuvenates hormone system, and
Essential For the brain and skin; a source of EFA’s increases testosterone. Helpful for women too.
EFA (liquid), DHA Capsules imperative for every cell and for pH balance. Hormones Balances hormones, removes excess estrogen,
Fats Great for kids! Estro Flavone reduces hot flashes – all when used with
probiotics and greens. 310-503-6336

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CONCERN REMEDY ACTIONS Renaven, DHA or Kidney Relieves low back pain, kids’ leg bruises, or
Kidneys Tone when your equilibrium is off.
Supplies electrolytes and hydration to the
body; pulls out toxins. Supports liver nutrition and detox; prevents
Medi-Soak, Pink Salt The SOAK I often talk about – be sure to soak Reishi, Max Stress B, Liver depression, anxiety, PMS, and pain. Reishi
your wrists and hands, and ankles and feet to Liver ND works like a multi-vitamin for the liver, plus it’s
Hydration clear stress, toxicity, and remnants after a detox anti-viral.
Hepatoven, Turmeric Supports liver health; pre/post alcohol use.
Add to water or take under the tongue. Helps
Rehydration Drops nutrients get into tight muscles (and knots) to Latest research says topical is the best way to
nourish them. Ionic Magnesium, absorb this calming essential mineral. We have
Magnesium Magnesium Spray internal Magnesium (a clear, tasteless liquid)
Hypertension DHA, Coral, Olive Leaf, Helps to heal the kidneys and fight infection in
Allicidin, Deltanol, Castor Oil the kidneys and sacrum. and a topical option.
Supports immunity in pregnant and nursing CoQ, Olive Leaf, Renaven,
Colostrum women, and kids. HMND + coQ, Xenostat, Balance and soothe the detox organs, purge
Migraines Medi-Soak, Castor Oil
Supports a healthy immune and circulatory heavy metals, replenish coQ.
the Assembly Line, DHA,
Deltanol system; helps to create energy; good antioxidant Green Tea ND
for the brain; the modern day version of vitamin
E, complete with all 3 types of E. Polar Mins, you add to drinking water.
Immune Support immunity in the skin; fights viruses in Minerals Coral, Polar Mins, Cal/Mag Coral comes in caps and powder and is a great
Support Propolis skin that cause rashes and acne. comprehensive multi-mineral.
Good for the brain, liver, skin, nursing moms, Provides every nutrient your body needs to
DHA babies, dry hair, GI tract, immune system. Multivitamin Greens Caps function optimally; best nature-made multi-
vitamin available.
Immunoven, Olive Leaf Basic herbal antibiotics for any body part.
Pink Salt, Limonene in
Allicidin Basic herbal antibacterial, especially for the warm water, Gastroven
sinuses and digestive system. Usually from stomach distress, emotional
Nausea open into warm water, stress, bacteria in the stomach.
Kills infection and decreases inflammation; has CoQ, digest, AloePro,
PurO3 an uplifting smell. Use anywhere on the body, Medi-Soak to absorb salt
even cuts and scrapes.
Relieves pain instantly and removes stress from
Infection Reishi Antiviral the brain and nervous system. Stops shaking
CBD Capsules
Olive Leaf Antibiotic knees, tossing and turning, and shuts off the
“monkey brain” when it seems non-stop.
Allicidin Antibacterial
Peppermint spray relieves pain, and instantly
Apply topically on any organ, gland injury, CBD Liquid takes the edge off; same uses as CBD capsules,
wound, cut, or body part. Use on the sacrum just smaller dosage.
Castor Oil to increase health and decrease infection/
Pain Decreases pain and breaks down scar tissue;
perfect for PMS and pre/post surgery and injury.
Powerful anti-inflammatory; great for the liver. Vitalzym Xe Everyone has scar tissue in their intestines, so
Inflammation Turmeric For pre and post alcohol consumption, ideally this can be a lifetime nutrient for all. Supports
use Turmeric with Biliven. anti-aging.
High protein shake (rice based). Use just Pain always has a ”liver stress” component. At
UltraInflamX 1 Tbsp to flush out the GI tract and systemic Max Stress B times, simply replacing nutrients for the liver
inflammation. This is a powerful aid. can decrease and/or eliminate pain. 310-503-6336

MED CHEST RX v7.indd 4 12/5/22 7:13 AM

CONCERN REMEDY ACTIONS Allicidin, Lymph Tone 1,
Immunoven, Olive Leaf, Throat illness is often Liver and Lymph
Flora Blend, Flora We have 4 kinds, because each is slightly Coconut Oil swishing Congestion, and can also arise when the
Chewable Flora Synergy, different: refrigeration or not, chewable or inside mouth, Mud bowels are backed up.
UFC Kids swallow – choices for everyone. Sore Throat
Probiotics Therapy on Neck or Sometimes speaking your thoughts or
Mimicks the human microbiome – exactly what armpits, Multivitamin emotions, or draining from the head and teeth/
MicroBiome to assure no nutrient dental works.
we need.
Nearly everyone is deficient in progesterone!
Progesterone Gesterone Cream Decreases and eradicates spider veins; a
Rub a dime size on forearms daily. Spider Veins Circuzyme cardiovascular system remedy.
Prostate Prostaven Delivers precise nutrition for a healthy prostate.
Gastroven Relieves stomach bugs, irritated or upset stomach.
High protein shake (powder) supports anti-
Collagen Protein aging, reduces wrinkles, and repairs tissue. Digestive enzymes for carbs, protein, and fat –
Digest, Digestase
Great for joints, tendons and muscle repair. most adults are deficient in these.
High protein, anti-inflammatory powder to use We all need salt for proper digestion. Pink Salt
UltraInflamX Pink Salt, HCL is perfect for all ages, but adults might choose
Protein as a shake or just 1 Tbsp at a time.
the HCL which salt converts into (in the body).
Essential amino acids which are the building
blocks of protein. Many people are deficient Calms stress, especially when it creates a
Amino Acids Adaptagen stomach ache; also helps the kidneys and
in AAs or BCAAs (branched chain AAs) – any of Stress
these are helpful. adrenals (balance and energy).
Medi-Bath, Adaptagen, Reduces infection and dental pockets in the
Most of the time it is something clearing out of Neem Oil
Lymph Tone 2, Adrenaven, gums. Use topically for bug bites.
Rash you, so swipe it to help the body clear it all the
Ozone Gel topically, Castor Heals and soothes babies’ teething gums, and
way out; stay calm. Cal/Mag, vitamin C
Oil the Assembly Line adults’ bleeding or sensitive gums.
Allicidin, Digestase, Reduces sensitivity in sensitive gums.
Aloe detox, Microbiome, Teeth Betaine HCL
If your gut is clogged, it comes out your skin; A digestive enzyme.
Skin Probiotic, Propolis, D3, also clogged lungs affect the skin. Kills infection in the gums, makes ‘pockets’
MultiVitamin, Detoxadine, PurO3 Ozone gel
Skin Restoring Ceramides disappear.
Helps the gallbladder which is often the cause Medi Dental Pack, Pulls toxins, old injections out of the gums,
Biliven of insomnia. Also helps with bloat, dry skin, and Dentaven relieves TMJ.
fear emotions. Truly promotes deep sleep. Thyroven Supports thyroid function; for low and high issues.
Supports deep, restful sleep. Take1 tsp for As a source of iodine, it detoxifies plastic and
Gallbladder ND each alcoholic drink at bedtime. Won’t cause environmental pollution from the thyroid.
drowsiness when used during the day. XenoStat Balances hormones. Will help reduce a 2nd chin
Sleep Promotes calm during the day, and deep, Thyroid (“turkey neck”).
Tranquinol restful REM sleep in the evening. Removes the toxins that adversely affect thyroid
HM-ND, Chlorella
Encourages calm and relaxation; makes it easy function.
Valerian to fall asleep. Perfect Aminos, PurO3 Kills infection, balances out deficiencies.
Calms the nervous system so the brain can shut Ozone gel
off and allow deeper sleep. 310-503-6336

MED CHEST RX v7.indd 5 12/5/22 7:13 AM

CONCERN REMEDY ACTIONS None of the above statements have been approved by the FDA. The information here within is
not to be taken as medical advice. Please always consult with your health care practitioner for
Pulls toxins out of the body; helps detoxify after individualized programs and before taking anything new.
Medi-Soak chlorine and other chemical exposures. Soak in
Toxins & this – hands and feet, or full body.
Parasites 100% bamboo is the only ingredient.
Pure Black Eradicates xeno, chemical and heavy metal
toxins, parasites, plus lymes and other viruses.
Supports reproductive organs; fights urinary
UltraPollen infection, when the lower groin feels off or
Urinary Tract tight. Reduces excessive urination.
A “Band-Aid” remedy for urinary tract infections
UriVen (UTIs).
Precisely strengthens veins to soften their look.
CoQ, Reishi, Olive Leaf,
When constipated, add:
Viral Give antivirals and also nutrients to keep the
Mushroom Powder,
Infections detox organs strong.
Glutathione, Myoccan
Tone, Core Olive Leaf
(kids), Deltanol
Ocuven is an antioxidant and complete
Ocuven, CBD, Allicidin, nutrition for the eyes. Ideally, ingest a high
Vision Castor Oil (on back of dose of every nutrient the eye needs, and use
head) the Castor Oil topically on the head to decrease
any “traffic jams” or built up toxins.
Laser, Castor Oil the
wound, Ozone Gel,
Coconut Oil, Vitalzym
Soothe and prevent infection.
Nucleo Immune 10/day
for 10 days, Vitamin C
in HIGH doses, Zinc, D3,
A diagnostic and a supplement.
If tastes yucky = sufficient,
Zinc Zinc (Liquid) Tastes like water = deficient
Use until you taste it everyday- zinc has 72+
jobs in the body. 310-503-6336

MED CHEST RX v7.indd 6 12/5/22 7:13 AM

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