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CSE 1815PE11

Roll No. of candidate


B.Tech. 5th Semester Regular Examination


New Regulation and New Syllabus

Time - Three hours
Full Marks - 70

The figures in the margin indicate full marks

for the questions.

question No. 1 and any four from the


(10x 1 10)
1. Answer the following questions:
The internal RAM memory of the 8051 is:
(a) 32 bytes (b) 64 bytes

(c) 128 bytes (d) 256 bytes

(ii) This program code will be executed continuously:


(a) true (b) false
iii) The 8051 has -16-bit counter/timers
(a) 1 (b) 2

(c) 3 (d) 4
four distinct areas: internal
(iv) The address space of the 8051 is divided into
data, external data, internal code, and external
(a) true (b) false
Data transfer from I/O to external data memory
can only be done with the
MOVX command.
(a) True (b) False

[Turn over
(vi) When 8051 wakes up 0x 00 is loaded in which registers
(a) DPTR (b) SP
(c) PC (d) PSW
(vii) The 8051 can handle interrupt sources.
(a) 3 b) 4
(c) 5 (d) 6
(vii) The special function registers are maintained in the next 128 locations after
the general-purpose data storage and stack
(a) True (b) False
(ix) This statement will set the address of the bit to 1 (8051 Micro-controller):
(a) True (b) False
(x) label is used to name a
single line of code.
(a) True (b) False
(a) Draw the basic block diagram of 8051 processor. Explain the basic
characteristics of 8051 processor. (9)
(b) Discuss the PSW and stack of 805l processor. (6)
3. (a) Discuss the 8051 memory Organization and register bank with a diagram.
(b) Write the difference between Micro Processor and Micro Controller? (5)
4. (a) How many ports are there in 8051 processor? Explain the role played by the
ports of 8051 processor. (8)
(b) Write an assembly 1language program for counting 5 secs in the timer where
clock frequency is 12Mhz.
How many interrupts are there in 8051? Explain all interrupts with assembly
language program examples and IE registers. (15)
6. (a) What is serial communication and what is parallel communication? With an
assembly language program and concerned registers, explain the serial
output in 8051.
(b) Explain the working principle of ADC0808 circuit. How is it interfaced with
the 8051 processor?
7. (a) How many
addressing modes are there in 8051
addressing modes with one example.
processor? Explain all
b) Draw the timing diagram of opcode fetch operation in 8051 processor.

CSE 1815PE11 2

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