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Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 106, No. 2, pp. 755–765, April 2016, doi: 10.


An Earthquake Early Warning System in Fujian, China

by Hongcai Zhang, Xing Jin, Yongxiang Wei, Jun Li, Lanchi Kang,
Shicheng Wang, Lingzhu Huang, and Peiqing Yu

Abstract As one of the most economically developed and seismically active re-
gions of China, Fujian faces a threat from severe earthquakes, particularly those that
occur in Taiwan. Following the worldwide construction of an earthquake early warn-
ing (EEW) system, we developed an EEW system in Fujian in 2009 and began online
testing in November 2012. During this testing, our EEW system successfully proc-
essed several earthquakes in both the Fujian region and Taiwan. The results showed
that, for inland events (Fujian region), the first alarm was generated 6:4  0:97 s
after the first station was triggered, with a location error of 4:6  4:0 km and mag-
nitude estimation error of 0:6  0:5. For offshore events (Taiwan), the first alarm
was generated 13:7  2:9 s after the first station was triggered, with a location error
of 30:6  31:4 km and magnitude estimation error of −0:2  0:4. Online testing
allows us to continuously improve and perfect our system. In 2017, our system will
officially begin providing EEW information to the public in the Fujian region. In
addition to the preceding, the architecture, key algorithms, software design, and on-
line testing results are included in this article to provide readers with a comprehen-
sive understanding of our EEW system.

The effectiveness of earthquake early warning (EEW) sys- et al., 2009; Wen et al., 2009; Zollo et al., 2009, 2014; Allen,
tems to mitigate earthquake hazards and reduce casualties 2011; Allen and Ziv, 2011; Kuyuk et al., 2014; Chen et al.,
from earthquakes, especially major ones, has been fully dem- 2015; Colombelli et al., 2015; Pazos et al., 2015; Picozzi,
onstrated in Japan and Mexico (Gerardo et al., 2009; Osamu Emolo, et al., 2015; Picozzi, Zollo, et al., 2015).
et al., 2009; Doi, 2011). In Mexico, earthquake alerts from the In China, following the devastating earthquake in Wen-
seismic alert system are transmitted to Mexico City more than chuan in 2008, local governments have been pushing to es-
60 s prior to the destructive waves hitting the region due to the tablish robust EEW systems in seismically active areas (Peng
12 digitally strong motion field stations along the Coast of et al., 2011; Jin, Wei, et al., 2013; Jin, Zhang, et al., 2013).
Guerrero. In Japan, more than 1000 nationwide uniform dis- Furthermore, significant work has been done to maintain
tribution stations provide basic monitoring data in real time for EEW systems across the nation. A nationwide EEW system
the EEW system. Both inland and offshore earthquakes are that covers the Beijing capital region, north–south seismic
observed and warnings are generated if the maximum seismic belt, southeastern coastal areas, and northern Xinjiang area,
intensity, on land, is greater than five lower [approximately the four main seismic zones will be built in China over the
VII for modified Mercalli intensity (MMI)]. Depending on next few years. Currently, the China Earthquake Administra-
their location, individuals will have anywhere from a few sec- tion (CEA) is a leader in progress on the design and dem-
onds to dozens of seconds to react. According to a report on onstration of this system. As part of this plan to build a
the performance of the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) nationwide EEW system, we established an experimental
EEW system for the Mw 9.0 Tohoku earthquake in 2011 EEW system in Fujian (along the southeastern coast of China,
(Hoshiba et al. 2011; Hoshiba and Ozaki, 2013), an EEW with Taiwan located directly across the Taiwan strait) in 2009
was issued more than 15 s prior to the start of strong ground with support from the Ministry of Science and Technology of
shaking in the Tohoku district, which was relatively close to China (MIST). Online testing of our EEW system began in
the epicenter. This is a good example of the successful use of November 2012 and it now provides earthquake warnings in
an EEW system. Several countries are developing their own the form of SMS text messages to employees of the Earth-
EEW systems and will begin providing services to people quake Administration of Fujian (FJEA). In cooperation with
in the near future (Allen and Kanamori, 2003; Wu and Kana- railway departments, test information from the EEW system
mori, 2005; Maren et al., 2007; Alcik et al., 2009; Allen et al., reaches the railway control center in real time. Furthermore,
2009; Fleming et al., 2009; Hsiao et al., 2009; Iannaccone if it is an emergency, trains can be automatically slowed


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26°N Fuzhou


25°N Taibei


Figure 1. Structure of the earthquake early warning (EEW) sys-

0 km 100 km
tem in the Fujian region. The color version of this figure is available 85 monitoring stations
only in the electronic edition. 23°N
84 strong motion stations
2 seismic array
stations of neighboring provinces
16 exchange stations with Taiwan
down or stopped, which is the responsibility of the railway 22°N
116°E 117°E 118°E 119°E 120°E 121°E 122°E
sector. According to our schedule, this EEW system will be-
gin providing information to the public in the Fujian region
Figure 2. Distribution of seismic monitoring stations in and
in 2017. around the Fujian region. The color version of this figure is avail-
able only in the electronic edition.
System Design
The following modules are indispensable to accurately network quality. Additionally, we receive real-time moni-
estimate earthquake parameters and generate warnings, toring data from 25 stations in neighboring provinces from
based on limited signals, in a timely manner. These modules the China Earthquake Networks Center through a private
include the transmission of real-time monitoring data, real- industrial network. The latency for the transfer of these data
time phase picking and event detection, real-time earthquake is about 2.0 s.
location, estimation of magnitude, prediction of seismic in-
tensity, and evaluation of affected area and release of warn- Seismic Phase Picking and Event Detection
ing information (Fig. 1). Based on research by Ma (2008), a robust and real-time
seismic phase picking module was developed to identify the
Transmission of Real-Time Monitoring Data initial arrival of a continuous waveform stream. To obtain
reliable output, a short-term average/long-term average log-
Figure 2 shows the distribution of seismic monitoring
arithm and Akaike information criterion were combined.
stations in and around the Fujian region. According to this
These picks are then transmitted to a phase association
figure, there are 125 sites across Fujian with an average dis-
module to determine whether or not the event is new. If
tance of 31 km between them. A total of 41 stations (trian-
more than three stations are triggered and interstation dis-
gles) are equipped with velocity meters, 40 stations (dots) are
tance is less than 60 km (double the average distance of our
equipped with acceleration meters, and 44 stations (both tri-
seismic monitoring network) and triggering time is reason-
angles and dots) are equipped with both velocity and accel-
able, which is a rather loose constraint, an event will be
eration meters. All of these stations are connected to the
declared. Abnormal picks are eliminated if they are not
processing center of FJEA in Fuzhou by dedicated optical
adequately consistent with the majority of observations dur-
fiber cables provided by China Telecom. According to an
ing the process. If these picks are not associated with an
actual test, in which two synchronous Global Position Sys-
existing event, then a new event ID will be generated
tem clocks were set on both seismic stations and the process-
and the remainder of the process will begin. Otherwise, lo-
ing center, the average data delay is about 1.3 s. This includes
cation and estimation of magnitude are updated for existing
data packaging (1 s at present) and transmission. In 2013, we
events (Fig. 3).
signed a swap agreement with Academia Sinica in Taiwan.
Presently, we receive real-time monitoring data from 16 sta-
Real-Time Earthquake Location
tions (squares) through the Internet. Of these stations,
12 are located on the main island of Taiwan (Fig. 2). The Because limited information on the EEW process is
latency for telemetry data is about 5.0–8.0 s depending on available, we must adopt a special method for real-time

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An Earthquake Early Warning System in Fujian, China 757

at a focal depth of 10 km, by a grid search. If three or four

stations are triggered, then we can determine the epicenter by
solving travel-time equations (Zhang et al., 2011). Focal
depth must also be specified when this method is applied
to three stations. As time passes and more information be-
comes available, the earthquake location is revised in a
timely manner whenever there is a new pick. When more
than five stations are triggered, the Hyposat location
method (Schweitzer, 2001) is included to obtain more re-
liable location results.

Estimation of Magnitude
Research results have fully proven that, due to the lim-
ited waveform acquired, it is almost impossible to accurately
determine the magnitude of an earthquake during the EEW
process (Wu et al., 1998, 2006; Allen and Kanamori, 2003;
Zollo et al., 2006; Olivieri and Schweitzer, 2007; Tsang et al.,
2007; Festa et al., 2008; Murphy and Nielsen, 2009). Several
special EEW magnitude estimation methods have been pro-
posed and performed well in actual use, even though they
remain physically controversial (Ellsworth and Beroza,
1995; Kilb and Gomberg, 1999). According to our study
(Zhang et al., 2012), the estimation of magnitude is more
difficult in China than in other countries if certain existing
methods are applied, such as the τc method or Pd method,
due to relatively sparse stations. Therefore, we proposed a
slightly revised approach to the estimation of magnitude in
real time (Jin et al., 2012a).
We start magnitude calculations just 3 s after the first
Figure 3. Flow chart of EEW system processing. The color station is triggered. Vertical peak displacement amplitude is
version of this figure is available only in the electronic edition. used to estimate magnitude. However, we reset peak ampli-
tude in a timely manner, which means peak amplitudes are
measured over a moving time window (maximum of 10 s)
earthquake location. In addition, we must constantly update from the P onset, so that magnitude estimation results can
location results as more stations are triggered, which is very change accordingly. The formula to calculate earthquake
different from convention. Several real-time earthquake lo- magnitude is
cation algorithms have been proposed and used for EEW
systems around the globe, including the arrival time order EQ-TARGET;temp:intralink-;;313;295 M  ai logPK i   bi log10 R  10  ci ;
method (Rosenberger, 2009), not-yet-arrived method (Horiu-
in which PK i represents vertical peak displacement, R rep-
chi et al., 2005; Satriano et al., 2008), BΔ method (Odaka
resents epicentral distance, and ai , bi , and ci are coeffi-
et al., 2003), two-station subarray method (Rydelek and Pujol, cients.
2004), etc. These methods work well in dense seismic net- When two or more stations are triggered, we use the
works, but may not be suitable for the sparse networks averages of magnitude estimation results of all stations so
in China. that EEW magnitudes ultimately cover catalog magnitudes.
After considering the actual seismic network of China Because earthquake magnitude may be underestimated if
for our EEW system, we proposed a new approach to real- only peak displacement amplitude is used when a major
time earthquake location (Jin et al., 2012b). When only earthquake occurs (Horiuchi et al., 2009), we introduced
one station is triggered, the EEW location process is initiated seismic intensity into EEW magnitude estimation and pro-
and the potential epicenter is set to the centroid of the Vor- posed an intensity magnitude scale when an earthquake
onoi region of that particular station at a fixed focal depth of with a magnitude of greater than 6.0 occurs (H. C. Zhang
10 km. This depth is the typical focal depth in the Fujian et al., unpublished manuscript, 2015). Seismic intensity at-
region. If a second station is triggered, then we reset the po- tenuates at greater distances from the epicenter during an
tential epicenter to the contact area of the Voronoi cells of the earthquake. Therefore, we revised earthquake magnitude
two stations and determine the location of the epicenter, also based on seismic intensities measured at different sites

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using the ground-motion prediction equation, but no spatial Release of Warning Information
smoothing was used. Based on the results of offline testing
The key to determining the success or failure of an
(120 KiK-net events with magnitude ranging from 4.0 to
EEW system lies in the release of warning information. Cur-
7.2), the intensity magnitude scale becomes saturated at
rently, a variety of methods to warn thousands of people
higher magnitudes (> 7:0) compared with the former scale,
within a short period of time are being tested. These meth-
even though differences in magnitude estimations are much
ods include SMS text messages, mobile apps, Weibo (social
larger for minor to moderate earthquakes (H. C. Zhang
media, similar to Twitter), etc. These tests will provide
et al., unpublished manuscript, 2015). In conclusion, the
basic data on the response speeds of different approaches.
intensity magnitude scale is suitable for our EEW system.
In addition, they will help determine the quickest and most
robust way to transmit information. At present, about 480
Prediction of Seismic Intensity and Evaluation of employees of FJEA receive SMS text messages from us be-
Affected Area cause this method is easy to implement. Unfortunately, the
timing is not good enough. According to the results of an
Using an instrumental seismic intensity algorithm pro-
actual test, it takes 100 s to send one message to all of these
posed by Jin, Zhang, et al. (2013), our EEW system calculates
employees. Mobile apps for Android and iOS, TV notifica-
seismic intensity in real time. Similar to the instrumental seis-
tions, special reception terminals, and other methods are
mic intensity calculation method of the JMA, peak amplitude,
still being tested and will be adopted in the near future. Ac-
spectrum, and duration are aspects of calculations, which is
cording to our plan, earthquake early warning information
vastly different compared with previous algorithms used in
will be readily available to close to 37.5 million people liv-
China. Considering the situation in China, we made some
ing in Fujian by 2017.
adjustments to the calculation (e.g., a new flat band-pass filter
of 0.3–3.0 Hz). The duration time was also changed to 0.5 s to
obtain more stable effective peak acceleration. Software Development
Analysis showed a consistency between calculated seis-
Our EEW processing software was developed in 2009
mic intensities and intensities observed on site. In other
and online testing began in November 2012. After continu-
words, the algorithm was suitable to evaluate seismic inten-
ous improvements and perfections, the software is now
sity. Code to calculate instrumental seismic intensity calcu-
fundamentally stable. As a result, we began providing earth-
lation was created by Fujian based on this algorithm, which
quake warnings to employees of the FJEA in January 2015.
was the first and only one of its kind in China. Since its in-
The software was written in Java, thus it is platform indepen-
ception, it has had a broad impact on the country. Because
dent and works on multiple platforms, such as Windows,
the approach for predicting seismic intensity is similar to that
Linux, Mac OS, etc. Three interfaces were created to meet
of estimating magnitude, it will not be repeated here. Using
the requirements of different applications.
the ground-motion prediction equation, which includes mag-
nitude estimation and earthquake location results, we are
able to estimate the most dangerous regions (seismic inten- Processing Interface
sity greater than VI on the Chinese intensity scale) and those The processing interface displays all of the output gen-
most likely to be affected (seismic intensity greater than III erated by the EEW software (Fig. 4). This interface allows
on the Chinese intensity scale), and then warn people who access to almost all useful information while debugging the
live in these regions. Seismic intensities calculated from software. For developers, this is vital to understanding the
those stations triggered were also used to calibrate the attenu- specific process in case of a false alarm. It also helps perfect
ation relationship. It should be noted that seismic intensity related algorithms. A map with circles is shown in the center
attenuation was taken from several previous studies (Wang of the interface to intuitively display processing results. Re-
et al., 2000; Jin et al., 2008; Cai et al., 2009; Ding et al., garding the Chinese seismic intensity scale, people indoors
2011) to find the most suitable for the Fujian region. feel and notice considerable shaking during an earthquake in
At present, we are unable to acquire details of rupture an intensity III (III for MMI) zone, especially on the upper
length and/or direction in real time. Only a point source is floors of buildings. In an intensity VI (V for MMI) zone,
considered for all events, but we adopt a “maximum estima- poorly designed structures may be damaged. Thus, we use
tion” strategy when evaluating dangerous areas. Using the these two circles to represent the area affected and area pos-
statistical formula proposed by Wells and Coppersmith sibly damaged, respectively.
(1994), rupture length is first calculated based on estimated
magnitude. Following this, the measure of distance in the
Warning Release Interface
ground-motion prediction equation is defined as the shortest
distance from this rupture length, with no distinguishable di- Compared with the processing interface, less content is
rection or rupture pattern. This may lead to overestimates of shown on the warning release interface. This interface is
real seismic intensity for some areas, but the most dangerous mainly used to show published earthquake warnings to pro-
areas will not be overlooked. fessional users (Fig. 5). On the left side, a tree list shows all

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An Earthquake Early Warning System in Fujian, China 759

Figure 4. Our EEW system’s processing interface. The color version of this figure is available only in the electronic edition.

Figure 5. Our EEW system’s warning release interface. The color version of this figure is available only in the electronic edition.

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Figure 6. Our EEW system’s user display interface. The color version of this figure is available only in the electronic edition.

published events on record. Users can access processing re- needs. An alarm sounds on a user’s computer when all condi-
sults according to event ID, which is quite intuitive should a tions are met so that the user can take appropriate emergency
user wish to access such information. During our research, action. Finally, the user display interface can be used for pub-
four information release grades were determined according lic training and disaster drills.
to estimated magnitude and predicted seismic intensity at the
epicenter, and then warnings were sent to various terminals
according to these four grades (Table 1). This is directly dis- System Performance
played in two graphs in the lower section.
Constant improvements have been made to our EEW
system since it began operations in September 2012. During
User Display Interface this time, the system has successfully dealt with several
events, mainly in the Fujian region and Taiwan, and gener-
When an earthquake warning is produced, it is sent to all ated accurate output in a timely manner. Currently, we focus
user displays within a short period of time. Only a user dis- on the processing performance of the system; there are no
play interface is required to receive a warning (Fig. 6). In minimum magnitude and/or location error restrictions on
addition, users can set a specific location, for example, where system outputs. In other words, results are generated by our
they live, as well as minimum magnitude and minimum seis- system as long as seismic phases are picked and meet related
mic intensity so that warnings released meet their actual calculation and judging criteria. Because of this, more than
two-thirds of events detected are artificial explosions. How-
ever, these false events are excluded through the use of mag-
Table 1 nitude–intensity criteria. System output is only sent to the
Our Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) System’s Four EEW release module when both magnitude and instrumental
Information Release Grades intensity are greater than 3.0. In this article, we analyze the
Expected Seismic system output for 165 natural earthquakes (83 inland and 82
Grades Estimated Magnitude Intensity Publish Range
offshore) in 2014 (Figs. 7 and 8).
1 > 5:5 >6 All users Normally, three to five stations were triggered before the
2 4.5–5.4 5–6 Special users first alert was released. Epicenter error was 4:6  4:0 km
3 3.0–4.4 4–5 FJEA staff
4 < 3:0 <3 Developers
when an earthquake occurred inland. However, for offshore
events, epicenter error was 30:6  31:4 km. In terms of the
FJEA, Earthquake Administration of Fujian. estimation of magnitude, the estimation error for inland

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An Earthquake Early Warning System in Fujian, China 761

when trigger information of the third station was observed.

The estimated epicenter was 118.76° E and 25.63° N, the
focal depth was 11 km, and the estimated magnitude was 5.2,
28°N EEW system output
FJEA catalog
which were very close to the final manual results.
In the initial report, location error and magnitude esti-
27°N 2.0 mation error were 1 km and 0:4, respectively. Also, the
4.0 blind zone radius was about 30 km. An earthquake warning
26°N 6.0 was sent immediately to all test users in the form of SMS
text messages. According to the current update scheme,
25°N alert results are updated if magnitude estimation changes by
more than 0.2 or the location changes by more than 10 km.
24°N Therefore, updated estimates were sent 4 s later and a sec-
ond earthquake warning was released. In this warning, the
epicenter did not change but the estimated magnitude was
updated to 4.6, which was −0:2 lower than the manual
22°N N=165 result.

114°E 115°E 116°E 117°E 118°E 119°E 120°E 121°E 122°E 123°E
M w 6.7 Earthquake in Hualian in 2013
Figure 7. Our EEW system’s 2014 processing results. Circles As some may know, Taiwan is one of the most seismi-
represent EEW system output, boxes represent Earthquake Admin-
cally active regions in the world. Since Fujian is located
istration of Fujian (FJEA) catalog result, and symbol size represents
magnitude. The color version of this figure is available only in the across the Taiwan Strait from Taiwan, every destructive
electronic edition. earthquake that occurs in Taiwan may affect places in Fujian.
Although some earthquakes may not cause damage, people
who live in high-rise buildings can feel the shaking and will
wonder about the location of earthquake. Thus, the timely
events (Fujian region) was 0:6  0:5 during the first alert
release of earthquake warnings to people in Fujian has im-
compared with the FJEA catalog magnitude. Additionally,
portant and realistic implications. By exchanging real-time
the estimation error was −0:2  0:4 for events in Taiwan.
seismic monitoring data with Academia Sinica in Taiwan,
The main reason for deviations in estimations of larger
we are able to release earthquake warnings several seconds
magnitudes for events can be explained by our calculation
before the S wavefront and surface wave reach the Fujian
formula being derived from historical events with a magni-
region. The M w 6.7 earthquake in Hualian in 2013 (epicenter
tude of greater than 4.0. Moreover, events with a small mag-
located at 121.56° E and 23.51° N) was a good example
nitude may not apply. According to statistical results, the
of this.
first reports of inland and offshore earthquakes were re-
As shown in Figure 10, our EEW system generated two
leased at 6:4  0:97 and 13:7  2:9 s (13:15  9:17 and
warnings. The first was released 15.8 s after the first station
20:1  7:6 s after the earthquakes occurred, respectively).
was triggered, or approximately 18.3 s after the earthquake
It is worth mentioning that no false alarms were gener-
occurred. The estimated epicenter was located at 121.38° E
ated during this period. However, two events in Taiwan, with
and 23.56° N and the estimated magnitude was 5.7, which
magnitudes greater than 4.0, were missed due to a long delay
was 1.0 lower than the final estimation. The S wavefront had
in the transfer of data (more than 700 s) as a result of an
yet to travel beyond Taiwan when this information was re-
unstable network. To showcase the capacity of this system,
leased. Most coastal cities in Fujian had at least 40 s before
we will take a closer look at an event in the Fujian region and
experiencing significant shaking. Our system then reset its
an event in Taiwan.
estimated parameters and released a second warning 27 s
later. It was at this time that the earthquake estimate changed
Example Events slightly (121.38° E, 23.60° N) and the estimation of magni-
tude was updated to 7.1, 0.4 higher than the final estimate.
M w 4.8 Earthquake in Xianyou Based on this information, coastal cities in Fujian had more
On 4 September 2013, an M w 4.8 earthquake occurred than 10 s to prepare for the earthquake.
in Xianyou. It was the largest earthquake in the Fujian region
over the previous five years. The epicenter was located at Conclusions
118.75° E and 25.63° N at a focal depth of 8 km. Figure 9
shows the processing results of our EEW system. These re- With support from the MIST and CEA, an experimental
sults indicate that the system generated two alerts for this EEW system was developed in Fujian, China. After consid-
event. The first alert was generated only 7.5 s after the first ering the actual situation in China, we proposed several
station was triggered, 8.6 s after the earthquake occurred, real-time processing algorithms during the development

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(a) 6 (b) 6
N=83 N=82
5 5

EEW Magnitude
EEW Magnitude
4 4

3 3

2 2


1 1

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Catalog Magnitude Catalog Magnitude

(c) 50 (d) 50

Location Error (km)

Location Error (km)

40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
No. No.

(e) (f)
20 20
Time (s)
Time (s)

10 10

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
No. No.

Figure 8. Statistics of EEW system output deviations compared with FJEA catalog. (a), (c), (e) Magnitude estimation distribution, location
errors, and first alert release time, separately for 83 inland earthquakes and (b), (d), (f) corresponding results for 82 offshore events. The color
version of this figure is available only in the electronic edition.

of our software. These algorithms included real-time earth- than 10,000 low-cost sensors will be built. In addition, a ro-
quake location, rapid estimation of magnitude, and the bust nationwide EEW system that can provide accurate and
calculation of instrumental seismic intensity. To make it timely information will be established. Our system will play
convenient for users and developers to understand the an important role in this project.
processing results of our system, we designed three inter-
faces so that they could access required information. Online Data and Resources
testing of our EEW system began in Fujian, Beijing, and
Gansu in 2013. Gansu is located in western China and The earthquake events information mentioned in this
has high seismic activity. Through this online testing, we study were listed on the website of the Earthquake Adminis-
gradually improved the system and perfected related pro- tration of Fujian Province, China Earthquake Administration
cessing algorithms. As a result, our system is able to gen- (CEA) (http://www.fjea.gov.cn/sbml.aspx?EarthType=2, last
erate stable output only a few seconds following the initial accessed June 2015).
triggering of a monitoring station and immediately send an
earthquake warning to all users. According to our plan, we Acknowledgments
will begin providing information to the public in Fujian in
2017 through various methods, such as SMS text messages, Our work was supported by the National Sci-Tech Support Plan, Min-
istry of Science and Technology of China (Number 2014BAK03B02), Science
Weibo, TV notifications, and special smart phone apps. Dur- for Earthquake Resilience (Number XH161302Y). Also, this study used
ing the 13th Five-Year Plan period of China, close to 4000 Generic Mapping Tools (GMT; Wessel and Smith, 1998) software programs
new and professional seismic monitoring stations and more and they are gratefully acknowledged. We also would like to show gratitude to

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Figure 9. Processing results for the M w 4.8 earthquake in Xianyou. The color version of this figure is available only in the electronic edition.

Figure 10. Processing results for the M w 6.7 earthquake in Hualian. The color version of this figure is available only in the electronic edition.

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the Associate Editor Matthew Gerstenberger as well as three anonymous re- Hsiao, N.-C., Y.-M. Wu, T.-C. Shin, L. Zhao, and T.-L. Teng (2009). Devel-
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