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Flood Research paper first draft

So we have all heard of Noah's ark, when God flooded the earth but have you ever
questioned it because I mean flooding the whole earth seems pretty wierd, where is the
proof where is the evidence. So I did some scientific research on the topic and wrote
this research paper to remove all doubt of Noah's ark. So here are the fruits of my
research and why there is no doubt in my mind the flood happened and why there
should be none in yours.

Let's start by breaking down the ice age to use as evidence. The flood altered the
surface of the earth, erupting giant volcanoes and earthquakes that made anything
today look tiny. Such an event like this would greatly change the climate of the earth
resulting in the ice age. Many details were brought up here like how The opening of the
“fountains of the great deep” and the taking place of a worldwide Flood would have
caused upheavals and tremendous volcanic activity or the fact that an Ice Age also
requires huge amounts of snow to fall from the atmosphere which would take a huge
amount of water like the huge amounts of water from a global flood. When the bible
talks about the world wide Flood in Genesis 7–8, that is actually what it implies. Not
nearby, not allegorical, not some insane dream—the waters secured the entire earth.
Don't simply trust me the proof is right underneath your feet. We discover fossils of
ocean animals in rock layers that spread all the landmasses. For instance, the greater
part of the stone layers in the dividers of the Grand Canyon (in excess of a mile above
ocean level) contain marine fossils. Fossilized shellfish are even found in the
Himalayas(Snelling, February 13 2015).

Young-earth creationists believe that the Flood is the most logical explanation of a vast
portion of the rock record and that the retreating Floodwaters caused tremendous
erosion, but we now believe that a series of major post-Flood catastrophes, possibly
continuing for hundreds of years after the Flood, are responsible for many of the
uppermost fossils and surface landforms. A worldwide Flood should leave marine fossil
deposits across continents These major changes were probably not complete at the end
of the Flood but continued into the post-Flood world, perhaps for centuries. These
storms could have produced incredible erosion in the post-Flood world, where little
vegetation was established to hold the soil, and where the Flood sediments had not yet
hardened. During Noah's time, there was most likely an original continent but the
original continent broke apart during the Flood, the pieces crashed together temporarily,
forming a supercontinent known as Pangaea. By locating the remnants of the original
pre-Flood supercontinent we can project the movements of those fragments back to
their original positions to potentially reassemble Noah’s lost world. The remnants are all
that we have left after the Flood waters shaved off the surfaces of the continents. The
boundary between the pre-Flood and Flood rocks usually has a distinctive erosional
surface, sometimes associated with huge broken fragments of rocks. Some more
evidence that verify the flood are Fossils of sea creatures high above sea level that
could only have gotten there because of a large flood that brought them high above the
sea level(Whitmore, October 1 2008).

Work Cited

Oard, Michael J. “Setting the Stage for an Ice Age.” Answers in Genesis, 2 May 2007,
Snelling, Andrew A. “Noah's Lost World.” Answers in Genesis, 1 April. 2014, Morgan, Greg.
“Flood Currents Frozen in Time.” Answers in Genesis, 1 January 2012,
http://answersingenesis/geologysedimentation/flood-currents-frozen-in-stone/ Dr. John
H. Whitmore. “Continuing catastrophes.” Answers in Genesis, 1 October 2008,

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