Supplier Performance Management - Case Study For Campus Hires

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Assignment: SPM

Problem Statement:

ABC is a large mobile phone manufacturing company. They purchase a large number of parts and have a
few thousand suppliers supplying these items. The CPO of ABC realizes that managing the suppliers
efficiently is very critical for her business. She has asked Zycus to build a supplier performance
management application and you as the lead product manager is responsible for coming up with the
wireframe for it.

She has sent you a note with some of the items she feels are very important for her –

a. Ability to classify the suppliers in meaningful buckets so that she can quickly focus on the
relevant suppliers and important issues that requires her attention
b. Collect and display information about the suppliers from internal and external sources
c. Allow her or the system to rate / rank / compare suppliers
d. Allow her to take critical time sensitive actions quickly
e. Provide supplier participation as and where necessary


Design the main supplier performance dashboard that the CPO will be usually working out of. Please add
any additional screens that you feel are needed to substantiate the design. However, the main focus will
be on the main dashboard / landing page only

While she wants you to design keeping in mind her requirements, she wants you to leverage your vast
experience and provide any additional business components, actions, analytics and UI elements that you
feel would make the application more effective


1. The Supplier Performance Management Dashboard

2. Any other screens to support business flows
3. Bullet points on the assumptions made or anything that you would like to highlight (ideally, we
don’t want this as the design approach should be self-explanatory)

The screens should be intuitive and self-explanatory and detailed descriptions / notes are not required.

The wireframe doesn’t have to be created in any wireframing tool. PPTs or hand sketches can also be

Please note that the assignment will be judged on –

1. Conceptualization of the business processes and requirements

2. Intuitiveness and ease of use
3. Simplicity and yet comprehensiveness of the design
4. Visual design will not be a parameter for evaluation
Additional Research Deliverables:

Please provide your thoughts on the following questions in context of the Supplier Management
solution targeted at the Procurement senior management / leadership teams (just bullet points)

1. What are the key pain points and the business requirements for the solution (in a prioritized
2. What are the main differentiators of your product (the elevator pitch)?

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