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An explanation essay is a type of statement in the last paragraph.

After you
academic paper in which the author are done with it, try to develop the body
presents some point of view or opinion on a paragraphs with the information detailed in
the thesis statement. Finally, include a
particular topic, subject, event, or situation.
conclusion that summarizes your essay's
It’s worth noting that an explanation essay is key points after the restatement of the
also known as an expository essay. thesis. As you can see, creating an
explanatory essay outline is not as difficult
An explanatory essay is all about presenting as it may seem at first glance. And now let’s
a neutral view on the set topic by providing dig deeper into the definition of the
analysis from research. Its primary goal is to explanatory essay thesis.
present a lucid explanation as to why things
happened the way they did. After reading Explanatory thesis- When talking about a
your essay, the audience should have a thesis statement, most people usually mean
clear understanding of your point of view, one or two sentences that summarize the
even if they don’t pick your side.
main idea of their academic paper and
Usually, the author of the explanatory essay clearly express what it is they are going to
decides upon a set topic and then say about the given topic. Overall, your
approaches the issue from a specific angle. thesis statement identifies what topic will be
In most cases, this angle is complicated and discussed and the purpose of your essay.
gives room for discussion. The author As the explanatory essay is tailored to
presents a point of view of his or her choice
explain or acquaint your readers with
that fairly explains why a certain outcome
was reached. something, the goal of the explanatory
thesis is to tell readers what it is you are
The typical format for an explanatory paper going to explain and what aspects of the
is the traditional 5-paragraph essay. Usually, topic will be considered.
this includes an introduction, three body
paragraphs (limited to one subtopic each), Once you’ve chosen a suitable topic, it’s
and a conclusion. This is a basic essay time to draft an outline of your explanatory
format. essay. The best option here is to stick to five
paragraphs that were mentioned above:
•Keep in mind that the explanatory writing draft an introduction, three main body
doesn’t need to be limited to five paragraphs, and a conclusion. The outline
paragraphs — you can make it longer. No helps students ensure that they follow a
matter how many paragraphs you decide to logical pattern to detail all their trains of
include in your essay, be sure that your thought. After completing all of the above
introduction includes a powerful thesis steps - review your material and start writing
statement. Also, double-check if the paper your explanatory paper.
is based on facts rather than personal
opinion. Last but not least: make sure to Each explanatory paper should start with an
connect paragraphs with transitions. introduction.

Most explanatory essays tend to be a page ● Try to capture your audience’s

or two in length. That's why the overall attention.
essay is usually around 5 paragraphs long. ● No matter how you decide to do that
Remember that your introduction should - it may be a quote, rhetorical
present the topic to the audience. Also, it’s question, catchy motto, or anecdote.
vital that you incorporate the thesis
● Feel free to improvise and use your
imagination. readers’ attention back to the main point as
well as add strength to your presented point
● Picking a hook thesis statement is of view.
also important.
● Summarize your supporting points
● After presenting a thesis statement, presented in each of the body
include any necessary information paragraphs accordingly. Restate the
that gives a background of the topic. importance of each one. This way
you will logicall defend your
● The last sentence of your explanatory thesis.
introduction should integrate a thesis
statement to give a preview of the ● Provide an overall concluding
content in the body paragraphs. statement. In other words, explain
the value of the particular point of
view chosen from a global
perspective. Your goal here is to
The Body captivate your readers to study the
● No matter how many paragraphs subject further on.
you decide to include in your
explanatory essay, they all should Cite your sources
follow a similar style.
● This one is an absolute requirement
● They all should be in line with each when writing an explanatory essay.
other and maintain a certain flow in You better try hard in this area. A
the paragraphs. Within each successful explanatory essay will be
paragraph, you are to include a factual and contain verifiable
claim that is linked to the thesis information. Cite your sources and
statement. This way, it will be easier make it easy for the audience to
to connect all the points. check where you drew your facts.

● Try to support your claims with Revise your essay

evidence from external sources.
Make your readers feel confident ● After completing your explanatory
about the information, you present to paper, it’s always a good tip to revise
them. it a couple of times. To make your
revision phase more effective we
● Don’t forget to integrate a concluding advise you to answer the following
statement that offers a summary of questions:
the claim's significance.
● Does the essay give an objective
● The concluding statement should go analysis that unfolds logically? Did I
along with the thesis statement. In use relevant facts and examples in
simple terms, all body paragraphs in your essay?
your explanatory paper should follow
this format. ● Has the information in my paper
been communicated to the
The Conclusion audience? Is the word choice
● Restate your thesis. This way you
will bring your
● Did I use transitions and linking personal journals, where they recorded the
words in the essay to help the day’s events and their observations. Without
reader’s understanding? diarists like

● Does the concluding paragraph

communicate the value and meaning 1. Keeps your thoughts organized.
of the thesis statement and
supporting ideas? ● Diaries help us to organize our
thoughts and make them
apprehensible. You can record daily
Edit your essay events, thoughts and feelings about
certain experiences or opinions.
● Double-check your paper for
different of mistakes and typos. 2. Improves your writing.
When proofreading your paper,
make sure that nobody distracts you. ● If you want to practice or improve on
It would be perfect if you revise and your writing, the best thing to do is to
proofread your essay in silence. If start a journal. You may not have the
you notice any kinds of errors - edit perfect topic. All you need to do is to
your paper to improve both style and start writing your thoughts. The more
clarity. Even though your essay you write, the more your writing
should be clear and concise, also improves.
think about how to make it engaging
and lively as well. 3. Set & achieve your goals.

● Share your essay with a close ● A journal is a good place to write

person your goals,ambitions, aspirations
and new year resolutions. By
● Showing your essay to your parent, keeping them in a diary, you can
friend or other readers can be both monitor your progress and feel
useful and exciting. They can give motivated to continue to focus on
you their opinion on what should be your next milestone!
4. Record ideas on the go.
● They can also notice some grammar
or punctual mistakes you missed ● The benefit of keeping a journal is
while writing the essay. Overall, it is that you can record all of your ideas
always good to use feedback to in one place anytime and anywhere.
make your essay even better. Whenever an idea comes to your
mind, you can write it down in your
journal. You can then revisit these
Benefits of writing a diary ideas, later on, to look for new links,
form conclusions, or even get a
● There are many reasons why we fresh idea!
journal. From travel journals, dream
journals, and gratitude journals to 5. Relieve stress.
prayer journals, we keep specific
journals for differentn aspects of our ● Writing down your feelings helps you
life. In the past, many people kept to "brain-
dump" your anxieties, frustrations and pains present the thesis statement. It is essential
on a journal. This can help you to reduce that this
and release any stress which you have
accumulated over time. thesis statement be appropriately narrowed
● Expressing yourself in a diary is a
good way to free up any tension that follow the guidelines set forth in the
prevents you from feeling happy. assignment. If

6. Allows you to self-reflect the student does not master this portion of
● As Ferris Bueller once said, “Life
moves pretty fast. If you don't stop essay, it will be quite difficult to compose an
and look around once in a while, you
could miss it.” Our fast-paced lives effective or persuasive essay.
can become even more hectic as we Clear and logical transitions between
start shouldering on more
responsibility, making us feel the the introduction, body, and conclusion.
pressure as others place high
expectations on us. This results in •
us getting frenzied as we are easily Transitions are the mortar that holds the
caught up with the day-to-day.
foundation of the essay together. Without
7. Boosts your memory. logical

● Your brain is likely to store progression of thought, the reader is unable

information that you have written to
down in your diary. Your brain will
make stronger connections with the follow the essay’s argument, and the
information you have learned after structure will
you write them down in a diary,
making it easier for you to recall in collapse. Transitions should wrap up the
the future too! idea from

The Structure the previous section and introduce the idea

that is
A clear, concise, and defined thesis
a statement that occurs in the first to follow in the next section.
paragraph of the essay. Body paragraphs that include evidential

● In the first paragraph of an argument support.

students should set the context by reviewing •
the topic in a general way. Each paragraph should be limited to the
● Next the author should explain why
the topic is important or why readers of one general idea. This will allow for clarity
should care about the issue. Lastly, and
students should
direction throughout the essay. In addition,
conciseness creates an ease of readability point out how other positions are wrong
for one’s audience. It is important to note outright, but rather to explain how other
that each paragraph in the body of the positions may not
essay must have some logical connection to
the thesis statement in the opening ● be well informed or up to date on the
paragraph. topic.

● A conclusion that does not simply

● Some paragraphs will directly restate the thesis, but readdresses it
support the thesis statement with in light of the evidence provided.
evidence collected during research. ● This is the portion of the essay that
It is also important to explain how will leave the most immediate
and why the evidence supports the impression on the mind of the
thesis . reader. Therefore, it must be
effective and logical. Do not
● However, argumentative essays introduce any new information into
should also consider and explain the conclusion; rather, synthesize
differing points of view regarding the the information presented in the
topic. body of the essay.
● Depending on the length of the ● Restate why the topic is important,
assignment, students should review the main points, and review
dedicate one or two paragraphs of your thesis.
an argumentative essay to ● You may also want to include a short
discussing conflicting opinions on discussion of more research that
the topic. should be completed in light of your
● Rather than explaining how these work.
differing opinions are wrong outright,
students should note how opinions
that do not align with their thesis Whether you're a small business owner or a
might not be well informed or how student, you'll benefit from improving your
they might be out of date. public speaking skills. Some benefits to
speaking in public include:
Evidential support (whether factual,
logical, statistical, or anecdotal). ● improves confidence
● better research skills
● The argumentative essay requires ● stronger deductive skills
well-researched, accurate, detailed, ● ability to advocate for causes
and current information to support
the thesis statement and consider Some Tips for Public Speaking
other points of view. Some factual,
logical, statistical, or anecdotal 1. Understand the Expectations and
evidence should support the thesis. Learn the Details
However, students must consider multiple ● Gather all of the information
points of view when collecting evidence. regarding location,technical setup,
time you’ll be speaking, dress, topics
● It is unethical to exclude evidence to include/avoid, type of
that may not support the thesis. It is presentation, etc.
not the student’s job to ● Having all of this information ahead
of time will
● help you prepare a presentation that ● Be yourself, don’t become a talking
fits the occasion and resonates with head—in any type of
your audience. communication. You will establish
● It’ll also help you avoid technical or better credibility if your personality
logistical snafus that can add shines through, and your audience
unnecessary stress. will trust what you have to say if they
can see you as a real person.
2. Know Your Audience
6. Use Humor, Tell Stories, and Use
● It’s important to understand your Effective Language.
audience as it is to understand the
subject you’ll be discussing in front ● Inject a funny anecdote in your
of them. presentation, and you will certainly
● To connect with your audience, you grab your audience’s attention.
need to understand why your topic is Audiences generally like a personal
important to them. What do they touch in a speech. A story can
expect to learn from the provide that.
presentation? Don't assume the
audience is like you. They may have
cultural or geographic biases and A debate is a discussion or structured
the more you understand them, the contest about an issue or a resolution.
better you can express yourself to
them and avoid speaking gaffes. It is ● A discussion, as of a public question
also important to know the level of in an assembly, involving opposing
knowledge they have about your viewpoints.
topic, so you can present the ● A formal contest in which the
information with the correct tone to affirmative and negative sides of a
keep people interested and proposition are advocated by
engaged. opposing speakers

3. Organize Your Material Types of Debate

● Create the framework for your Formal Debate

speech. Write down the topic,
general-purpose, specific purpose, ● Formal debates are held in formal
central idea, and main points. Make meetings such as in school, the
sure to grab the audience’s attention House of Representatives, and in
in the first 30 seconds. the senate. Debaters come
prepared, equipped with the
4. Watch for Feedback and Adapt to It. knowledge they need to be able to
reason out effectively.
● Keep the focus on the audience.
Gauge their reactions, adjust your ● A topic is debated upon and the
message, and stay flexible. debaters listen to the arguments
raised by the other debaters from
● Delivering a canned speech will which they build their arguments and
guarantee that you lose the attention argue their position.
of or confuse even the most devoted
5. Let Your Personality Come Through.
Informal Debate an entire presentation is boring. Be
expressive enough!
● Does not follow a strict structure.
While there are two sides- the
affirmative and the negative- it takes Volume- Speaking quite loudly is
place anywhere and does not have sometimes a necessity, but it is by no
to involve two teams. It may take means necessary to shout through every
place between two or more people, debate regardless of context. There is
arguing for or against a certain absolutely no need to speak any more
issue. loudly than the volume at which everyone in
the room can comfortably hear you.
Shouting does not win debates. Speaking
Structure for Debate too quietly is clearly disastrous since no one
will be able to hear you.
● A formal debate usually involves
three groups: one supporting a
resolution (affirmative team),one Clarity- The ability to concisely and clearly
opposing the resolution (opposing express complex issues is what debating is
team), and those who are judging all about. The main reason people begin to
the quality of the evidence and sound unclear is usually that they lose their
arguments and the performance in “train of thought” which is keeping them
the debate. going. It is also important to keep it simple.
● The affirmative and opposing teams While long words may make you sound
usually consist of three members clever, they may also make you
each, while the judging may be done incomprehensible.
by the teacher, a small group of
students, or the class as a whole. In
addition to the three specific groups, 1. Work Together
there may be an audience made up
of class members not involved in the ● When playing in the teams, it is
formal debate. always recommended to cooperate
● A specific resolution is developed and speak as much as needed. If
and rules for the debate are the members of your team have
established. common goals, each of you should
be able to make their investment into
the result. If you don’t know how to
Style is the manner in which you prepare for a class debate, here you
communicate your arguments. This is will learn about it.
the most basic part of debating to
master. Content and strategy are worth ● Your team should also get the
little unless you deliver your material in necessary information and start
a confident and persuasive way. working on your topic, finding
arguments, and gathering evidence.
Speed- It is vital to talk at a pace that is fast
enough to sound intelligent and allow you
time to say what you want, but slow enough 2. Write Individual
to be easily understood.
Tone- A varying tone is what makes you ● Before discussing anything together,
sound interesting. Listening to one tone for each speaker should have time to
brainstorm. They will write their own
list of arguments and evidence. It it would be difficult for you to start, that is
helps everyone to concentrate and why, if you prepare them well, your
find as many arguments as you can presentation will help you win. If everyone
find when speaking with others. from your team creates their own speech
and then you compile them, it will be a
● Then, you have to discuss all the good start. You will probably have a small
speeches collectively and consider amount of time for writing arguments and
which arguments are the most discussing them with your team.
appropriate for your discussion.
Each member of the team should
have an opportunity to state their ● Professional communication in
position. written form requires skill and
expertise. From text messages to
3. Analyze The Evidence reports, how you represent yourself
with the written word counts.
● You have to write a speech based on
facts, and if your arguments are not ● Writing in an online environment
supported by evidence, you should requires tact, skill, and an
not use them. That is why it is awareness that what you write may
necessary to read your evidence be there forever. From memos to
before using it to prove your letters, from business proposals to
position. To know how to prepare for press releases, your written
a debate competition, you should business communication represents
learn to find evidence. Access online you and your company: your goal is
databases, necessary books, and to make it clear, concise, and
other resources that may contain professional.
information on your topic.

4. Arguments For Both Sides ● Whatever digital device you use,

written communication in the form of
● If you are going to present brief messages, or texting, has
arguments against a specific become a common way to connect.
statement, it doesn’t mean that you It is useful for short exchanges, and
shouldn’t find arguments in support is a convenient way to stay
of this statement. You have to be connected with others when talking
ready for the arguments from your on the phone would be
opponent so try to foresee what they cumbersome.
could tell you. By doing it, you
become prepared for comments ● Texting is not useful for long or
from your opponents. If you don’t complicated messages, and careful
know how to do it well and how to consideration should be given to the
find evidence for both sides, get audience. Although texting will not
debate help from people with be used in this class as a form of
experience. professional communication, you
should be aware of several of the
5. Prepare Your Speeches principles that should guide your
writing in this context.
● If you haven’t taken part in such
discussions before,
Include a clear, brief, and specific
● E-mail is familiar to most students subject line.
and workers. It may be used like
text, or synchronous chat, and it can This helps the recipient understand the
be delivered to a cell phone. In essence of the message. For example,
business, it has largely replaced “Proposal attached” or
print hard copy letters for external
(outside the company) “Your question of 10/25.”
correspondence, and in many cases,
it has taken the place of memos for
internal (within the company)
communication. Close with a signature.
● E-mail can be very useful for
messages that have slightly more Identify yourself by creating a signature
content than a text message, but it is block that automatically contains your
still best used for fairly brief name and business contact information.
messages. Many businesses use
automated e-mails to acknowledge Avoid abbreviations.
communications from the public or to
remind associates that periodic An e-mail is not a text message, and the
reports or payments are due. audience may not find your wit cause to
ROTFLOL (roll on the floor laughing out
● E-mails may be informal in personal loud).
contexts, but business
communication requires attention to
detail, awareness that your e-mail Be brief.
reflects you and your company, and
a professional tone so that it may be Omit unnecessary words.
forwarded to any third party if Use a good format.
needed. E-mail often serves to
exchange information within Divide your message into brief
organizations. paragraphs for ease of reading. A good
e-mail should get to the point and
As with all writing, professional conclude in three small paragraphs or
communications require attention to the less.
specific writing context, and it may
surprise you that even elements of form Reread, revise, and review.
can indicate a writer’s strong understanding
of audience and purpose. Catch and correct spelling and grammar
mistakes before you press “send.” It will
take more time and effort to undo the
Open with a proper salutation. problems caused by a hasty, poorly written
e-mail than to get it right the first time.
Proper salutations demonstrate respect and
avoid mix-ups in case a message is Reply promptly.
accidentally sent to the wrong recipient. For
example, use a salutation Watch out for an emotional
response—never reply in anger—but make
like “Dear Ms. X” (external) or “Hi Barry”. a habit of replying to all e-mails within
twenty-four hours, even if only to say that
you will provide the requested information in Memo Format
forty-eight or seventy-two hours.
● A memo has a header that clearly
Avoid using all caps. indicates who sent it and who the
intended recipients are. Pay
Capital letters are used on the Internet to particular attention to the title of the
communicate emphatic emotion or yelling individual(s) in this section. Date and
and are considered rude subject lines are also present,
followed by a message that contains
Memos a declaration, a discussion, and a
● A memo (or memorandum, meaning ● In a standard writing format, we
“reminder”) is normally used for might expect to see an introduction,
communicating policies, procedures, a body, and a conclusion. All these
or related official business within an are present in a memo, and each
organization. It is often written from part has a clear purpose. The
a one-to-all perspective (like mass declaration in the opening uses a
communication), broadcasting a declarative sentence to announce
message to an audience, rather than the main topic. The discussion
one-on-one, interpersonal elaborates or lists major points
communication. associated with the topic, and the
conclusion serves as a summary.
The Purpose
Audience orientation
● It may also be used to update a
team on activities for a given project ● Always consider the audience and
or to inform a specific group within a their needs when preparing a memo.
company of an event, action, or An acronym or abbreviation that is
observance. known to management may not be
● One effective way to address known by all the employees of the
informal, unofficial speculation is to organization, and if the memo is to
spell out clearly for all employees be posted and distributed within the
what is going on with a particular organization, the goal is clear and
issue. If budget cuts are a concern, concise communication at all levels
then it may be wise to send a memo with no ambiguity.
explaining the changes that are
imminent. If a company wants Professional, formal tone
employees to take action, they may
also issue a memorandum. ● Memos are often announcements,
● While memos do not normally and the person sending the memo
include a call to action that requires speaks for a part or all of the
personal spending, they often organization. While it may contain a
represent the business or request for feedback, the
organization’s interests. They may announcement itself is linear, from
also include statements that align the organization to the employees.
business and employee interest, and The memo may have legal standing
underscore common ground and as it often reflects policies or
benefit. procedures, and may reference an
existing or new policy in the
employee manual, for example.
● All writing assignments have
Subject emphasis expectations in terms of language
and format. The audience or readers
● The subject is normally declared in may have their own ideas of what
the subject line and should be clear constitutes a specific type of letter,
and concise. If the memo is and your organization may have its
announcing the observance of a own format and requirements.
holiday, for example, the specific
holiday should be named in the Minutes of Meeting
subject line—for example, use
“Thanksgiving weekend schedule” ● Meeting minutes are the official
rather than “holiday observance.” summary of what happened during a
meeting. They serve as an outline, a
Direct format written record for anyone unable to
attend and to use for future
● Some written business reference. Minutes document what
communication allows for a choice happened and what decisions were
between direct and indirect formats, made. When written well, and when
but memorandums are always using a good meeting minutes
direct. The purpose is clearly template, minutes are a critical
announced. communication tool for your
organization. In this guide, learn and
Objectivity access everything you need towrite
effective formal and informal
● Memos are a place for just the facts meeting minutes.
and should have an objective tone
without personal bias, preference, o Business Proposals
interest on display. Avoid
subjectivity. ● A business proposal is a document
that’s designed to persuade an
Letters organization to buy a product or
● Letters are brief messages sent to ● A proposal is usually solicited or
recipients that are often outside the unsolicited – meaning, that the
organization. They are often printed purchasing company is either
on letterhead paper, and represent actively seeking proposals that meet
the business or organization in one a specific need or is reacting to an
or two pages. Shorter messages offer, often from a sales person to
may include e-mails or memos, consider a proposal.
either hard copy or electronic, while
reports tend to be three or more Three Major Parts of Business Proposals
pages in length. While e-mail and
text messages may be used more ● Problem Statement- defines the
frequently today, the effective problem faced by a business and
business letter remains a common also identifies what the solution
form of written communication. It can would look like. It can be seen as the
serve to introduce you to a potential starting point for coming up with a
employer, announce a product or product vision.
service, or even serve to ● Proposed Solution- explains how
communicate feelings and emotions. you can address or resolve the
concern/s besetting the client.
● Costing/pricing- the part which 2. Informed
explains the fee needed to be
conveyed throughout the process( of A recent Glassdoor survey of 750 hiring
said business proposal). Managers revealed that "being informed" is
the number one skill candidates should
possess to ensure a great interview.
The Job Interview
Hiring managers are uniquely positioned to
● A job interview is a conversation that understand the ins and outs of a role, its
occurs between a potential employer offerings, and the specific characteristics
and a job applicant. During the job required. Given the breadth of this
interview, the employer has the knowledge, you'll need to do your
opportunity to appraise the homework and come prepared with
applicant’s qualifications, information to drive a well-informed and
appearance and general fitness for engaging discussion.
the job opening. In parallel, the
applicant tries to learn more about 3. Active Listener
the position, to appraise the
employer and find out if your needs When preparing for an interview, it's
and interests will be met understandable to want to focus as much
● Think of the interview as a time as possible on your answers.
conversation between two people
where each person is trying to learn Active listening is a technique that requires
more about the other. The interview full concentration and a clear mind. If you're
process is a two-way street. You are nervous during an interview (which most
traveling toward a goal—the right job candidates are), your natural response will
and the employer is traveling toward either be to over-talk or spiral into a
a goal—the right hire. cascading waterfall of endless thought.

4. Good Manners
1. Emotional Intelligence
You might be the most qualified and
During an interview, hiring managers will deserving candidate in the world, but if you
look for you to demonstrate "awareness" -- don't act with a certain level of grace and
both in the context of the interview and in decorum you risk losing the position before
terms of your past you've even started.
Every touchpoint within a job interview
Be aware of and express emotion, which matters from the initial email or phone call to
shows that you possess empathy for other your welcome conversation with the
people. Share the credit for your secretary or personal assistant. Each
achievements and commend colleagues or interaction offers you a chance to
mentors who helped you get to where demonstrate thoughtfulness.
you are today. This demonstrates
selflessness and appreciation for the help of 5. Honesty
others, a common trait in emotionally
intelligent people. This is an absolute deal-breaker for
practically every hiring manager out there. If
you lie about your CV or past
accomplishments, you risk being found out.
There's never any reason to lie during a job me about yourself, and why are you
interview. People respect honesty and will interested in this role with our company?”
often side with you. That's not to say you The idea is to quickly communicate who you
need to reveal the intricate details of every are and what value you will bring to the
contentious issue on your CV, but be company and the role—it’s your personal
prepared to speak openly about pitch.
your past.
3. Reread the job description.
6. Motivation
You may want to print it out and begin
Hiring managers are always inspired by underlining specific skills the employer is
candidates who possess a strong degree of looking for. Think about examples from your
motivation. Avoid generic answers and past and current work that align with these
sensitive subjects such as money or requirements.
financial reward.
If you have no work experience yet, do
Use storytelling to explain your motivation share your willingness to learn and skills
and aptitude for business. If it helps, you that can help you provide the best services
can discuss how this motivation crosses needed for the company.
over into your personal life.
4. Prepare copies of your resume, a
7. Accountability notebook and pen

Never blame other people, places or Take at least five copies of your printed
things for your problems. It shows a resume on clean paper in case of multiple
victim mentality and is a massive red interviewers.
flag for recruiters. Lack of accountability
is a big issue for productivity and Bring a pen and a small notebook. Prepare
progression. to take notes, but not on your smartphone
or another electronic device.

1. Start by researching the company 1. Making a great first impression.

and your interviewers if possible.
Don’t forget the little things—shine your
Understanding key information about the shoes, make sure your nails are clean and
company you’re interviewing with can help tidy, and check your clothes for holes,
you go into your interview with confidence. stains, pet hair and loose threads. Display
Using the company’s website, social media confident body language and a
posts and recent press releases will provide smile throughout.
a solid understanding of the company’s
goals and how your background makes you 2. Treat everyone you encounter with
a great fit. respect.

2. Practice answering common This includes people on the road and in the
interview questions. parking lot, security personnel, and front
desk staff. Treat everyone you don’t know
Prepare your answer to the common as though they’re the
question: “Tell
hiring manager. Even if they aren’t, your ● Maintain your focus.
potential employer might ask for their ● Turn off notifications.
feedback. ● Use a laptop or computer.
● Charge your laptop.
3. Practice good manners and body ● Update your computer.
language. ● Find a good internet connection.
● Communicate with your household.
Practice confident, accessible body ● Wear professional attire
language from the moment you enter the ● Keep your screen clear.
building. Sit or stand tall with your shoulders ● Practice using Zoom.
back. Before the interview, take a deep ● Use appropriate body language.
breath and exhale slowly to manage ● Ask your interviewer questions
feelings of anxiety and encourage

4. Win them over with your authenticity

and positivity.

Being genuine during interview

conversations can help employers easily
relate to you. Showing positivity with a
smile and upbeat body language can
help keep the interview light and

5. Respond truthfully to the questions


While it can seem tempting to embellish on

your skills and accomplishments,
interviewers find honesty refreshing and
respectable. Focus on your key strengths
and why your background makes you
uniquely qualified for the position.

6. Keep your answers concise and


Your time with each interviewer is limited so

be mindful of rambling. Practicing your
answers beforehand can help keep you

● Use the mute button.

● Look into the camera while
● Choose a professional background.
● Find a brightly lit room.
● Pick a quiet space.
● Silence your phone.

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