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Post Graduate Programme – Business Leadership

Integrated Marketing Communication




Submitted By

Group 6
Abhishek Sinha – PGPBL03002
Dheeraj – PGPBL03014
Anish Mahto – PGPBL03022
Rajan Sah – PGPBL03035
Sarthak Sagar – PGPBL03047
1.Should Media Contacts recommend a uniform strategy for Air France across search engine
publishers? Or would it be more effective to tail each publisher strategy to maximize return on
Ans : From the case, the best search marketing campaign is based on choosing the best way to spend
ad dollars across the different search engines and choosing the right keywords and bid strategies for
placement on the search result page for Internet users. In order to figure out the best strategy, the case
gives background information about the airline industry and the Internet search engines that were
available at the time, such as Google, Microsoft MSN, Yahoo!, and Kayak. Also, background
information is given on SEM, including how much it costs and how to figure out how well each
marketing effort is doing. Exhibit 6's table had a line for each campaign and search engine's keywords
and keyword groups. This suggests that the strategies for each search engine are at least a little
different, even though they are all based on the same basic ideas
Net Cost Per Net Rev AVG No
Publisher Name revenue Bkg Per Bkg ROA CPC Bookings
Google - Global 808603.09 151.75 1014.56 6.69 1.10 797
Google - US 1391841.2 228.16 897.96 3.94 3.19 1550
MSN - Global 133363.89 94.27 1033.83 10.97 1.65 129
MSN - US 165451.31 114.99 1181.80 10.28 2.01 140
Overture -
Global 365788.84 172.84 983.30 5.69 1.20 373
Overture - US 205457.18 69.79 710.92 1.45 1.75 289
Yahoo - US 836091.13 191.75 1262.98 1.11 1.92 662

Because of these different metrics, it is hard to come up with a single strategy that can be used by all
engine publishers. All of the publishers have different purchase patterns, costs, features, and return on
ad spend (ROAS). Because of this, each publisher has to use a different strategy to meet the needs of
each search engine.

2.How can campaigns be improved to increase overall value gained from investment with a search
engine publisher? Should keywords be added or dropped from the campaign? Should campaign tactics
or copy be adjusted to improve campaign performance?

Ans: To optimise a sponsored campaign, it had to improve on one or more of the following: cost-per-
click reduction, increase in bookings, net revenue, and revenue per transaction, return per transaction,
and overall performance by engine, or other performance metrics that could increase the net revenue
of a particular campaign.
By looking at different strategies, we need to figure out how to get the most net income and return on
investment (ROI) out of our Internet marketing campaigns. We also need to think creatively and try
out new ways of doing things to improve our online performance. The analysis and reports we get
from them are very important to the success of our business.

In the case of Air France, keywords should be bought because the average conversion rate of
transactions is still low for publishers. Careful selection of keywords, especially branded ones, can
greatly improve the return on investment. This will also help indexing work better, which will lead to
higher booking conversion rates. The campaign copy and site copy should also be improved, because
a higher CTR will lead to a lot more ticket sales for all publishers.
3. What are the most important KPIs, and what impact will campaign changes have on these KPIs?
Ans: Below Mention are the some Important KPIs
Net Revenue from Online Bookings: The goal of the campaign should be to bring in more money
for air France through online bookings.
Average cost per click: The average cost per click needs to go down if advertising costs are to go
Return on Advertising: We are looking at different ways to advertise, and the campaign should get
the most out of the money spent on advertising as a whole.
Chance of booking: The number of transitions and the number of impressions can be used to figure
out the chance of booking. With this campaign, chances need to be raised.
Revenue per booking: The size of each ticket sold needs to be increased.
No Of Bookings: The total number of booking must increase on each search engine.
Performance of the engine: The performance of the engine needs to be improved by putting more
personalised online ads in front of the right people.

4.How should future SEM campaigns be structured? In the past, Media Contacts had concentrated on
Google, Microsoft and Yahoo; was there now an opportunity to optimize search advertising with
metasearch companies such as Kayak?
Ans: Pay-per-click (PPC) rather than SEO should be the main focus of SEMs in the future. The
reason is that PPC gets results faster and with less effort than SEO's "organic growth."
PPC is becoming much more responsive and targeted as a trend. For example, Geotargeting in PPC
can target potential customers based on where they live and what language they speak. Also, PPC
makes it easier to track results. Based on the results, advertisers can keep only keywords that are used
often and have a high conversion rate.
Kayak does have an edge over its competitors. Kayak is a kind of travel aggregator, which means that
it looks for travel business and services on the Internet. As a SEM niche, Kayak is different from
other travel service aggregators because it has a different business model and a different way of
putting together its technology. On the other hand, it hasn't done very well in business in the past, but
the future looks good.
Based on the data in the Pivot sheet, Kayak made $2,301,26.87 in just one week, while Google,
Microsoft, Overture, and Yahoo all made less than that. It has the highest ROA and also has a low
cost per click. This presents a chance for metasearch firms like Kayak to be optimised.

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