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Introduced by TechSOFT Engineering Services

The Text Book “Computer Aided Bridge Engineering”, Published by Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA, is for Engineering
Universities, Govt. Departments, Consultants, Construction Industry in USA, UK, Europe, Canada, South America, Africa, Russia,
China, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, Middle East and other
This book has used software ASTRA Pro for producing various sophisticated project deliverables by computer applications.
ASTRA Pro Release 24.0
(2005 – 2021)
Useful for Reinforced Concrete Bridges, Pre-stressed Concrete Bridges, Steel Plate
Girder Bridges, Steel Truss Bridges, Composite Bridges, Arch Suspension Bridges,
Extra-Dosed Cable Stayed Bridges, Long Span Cable Stayed and Suspension Bridges,
Rail Over Bridges / Underpasses, Low-Cost RCC Slab Bridges, Box-Slab Pipe
Culverts, RCC Retaining Walls, Reinforced Earth Walls, RCC Tunnel Lining-Portals-
Steel Ribs-Shotcrete based on Rock Quality Designation and Rock Mass Rating.

Analyses with Static Load, Moving Load, Non-Linear (5-Stage), Orthotropic (Steel-
Concrete) and Dynamics (Eigen Value, Time History and Response Spectra).

Design for Deck-Girder-Stay Cable-Pylon Superstructure, Abutment Pier

Substructure, Well-Pile-Open Foundations,

Drawings in Editable CAD form for General Arrangements and Structural Detailing.

Bill of Quantities and Steel Tonnage for Truss Bridges

ASTRA Pro….Release 24….Features
• Applications for Limit State Design of RCC, PSC, Steel Truss, Steel Arch Cable Suspension and Composite Bridges on
BS 5400, BD 37/01, Eurocode2 with HA & HB Loading, AASHTO-LRFD and IRC 112 with various IRC 6 Class Live Load
combinations and Deck Slab Design with Transverse Analysis by Effective Width method:
• Design of RCC 'T' Girder Bridge. with Analysis,
• Design of Composite Bridge with RCC Deck Slab & Steel Plate/Box Girder, with Analysis,
• Design of PSC (Pre Stressed Concrete) 'I' Girder Bridge, with Analysis,
• Design of PSC (Pre Stressed Concrete) Box Girder Bridge with Analysis,
• Design of Continuous PSC (Pre Stressed Concrete) Box Girder Bridge with Analysis,
• Design of Cable Stayed Bridge by Analysis
• Design of Steel Built up Plate Girder Railway Bridges with Analysis,
• Design of Steel Warren/Pratt/K Type Truss Bridge (Open Web Girder) on BS and IS Steel Sections,
• Design of Steel Arch Suspension and Rope Cable Suspension Bridges
• Design of RCC Cantilever and Counter fort / Box Abutments with Seismic effects, span lodged/dislodged,
• Design of RCC Pier with Analysis
• Design of POT/PTFE Bearings for Verso-Mono Axial Bearing Transverse, Verso Fixed Bearing,
• Verso Bi-Axial Bearing & Verso-Mono Axial Bearing Longitudinal,
• Design of RCC Well Foundations
• Design of RCC Pile Foundations with Sub soil strata wise data and structural design,
• Computing Stream Hydrology & Hydrograph with DTM, Contours of Catchment Terrain,
• Computing Scour Depth & Founding Depth by Hydrological calculations for River Bridges,
• Utilities like Geotechnical data processing, Seismic zone wise Coefficient calculation etc.
ASTRA Pro….Release 24….Features….Continued
• Applications for Design of Culverts and Underpasses:

• General Arrangement of RCC Single & Multicell Box Culvert.

• General Arrangement of Single & Multi Pipe Culvert,
• General Arrangement of RCC Slab Culvert,
• General Arrangement of RCC Pedestrian Underpass,
• General Arrangement of RCC Vehicular Underpass,

• The designs are produced with Detail Report and Reinforcement Detailing
drawings In-built CAD graphics system is very sophisticated with drawing and

• Detail Estimation for BoQ, Analysis of Item Rates and Cost Estimation in Excel
ASTRA Pro….Release 24….Features….Continued

Analysis and Design for Other Structures (Optional addition)

Applications for Static & Seismic Analysis, Limit State Design and Drawings of RCC

• Design of RCC Panel Type Reinforced Earth Walls following BS 8006,

• Design of RCC Tunnel Lining with Portal, Steel Ribs and Tunnel Lining based RQD and
Rock Mass Rating.
• Design of RCC Framed Building Structure with Floor slabs. RCC Beams, RCC Columns,
RCC Staircase, RCC Isolated Footings, Pile Foundations and Raft Foundation
• The designs are produced with Detail Report and Reinforcement Detailing drawings,
• In-built CAD graphics system is applied for 3D Structural View, Drawing and Bar
Schedules etc.
ASTRA Pro….Release 24….Features….Continued
• Applications of Structural Analysis for Bridge Deck & Structures with on screen details
by “View Structure”:

• Static Analysis of Structures for Joint Load, Member Load, Area Load, Repeat Load, Floor
Load etc.
• Analysis for structures with Beam, Truss, Plate/Shell, Solid and Boundary elements
• Dynamic Analysis of Structures for Eigen Values,
• Dynamic Analysis of Structures for Response Spectra
• Dynamic Analysis of Structures for Time History Analysis,
• Stage (P-Delta) Analysis for structures taking account for the results of analysis of previous
• Dynamic Analysis for Machine Foundations
• Grillage Analysis of Bridge Deck with Dead Load, Super Imposed Dead Load and Vehicle
Live Loads,
• Analysis of Multi Storied Building Frame Structures for Member End Forces & Support
• In-built CAD graphics is applied to display Structural geometry and various results instantly
ASTRA Pro Release 24.0
AstrA Pro software from TechSOFT Engineering Services is based on Structural modelling
technique with Finite Element Method and is today’s established name in offering the users
all the facilities of structural analysis for Bridges in the simplest way. It accepts User’s data in
the form of Interactive data. It offers the facility to use user given data to create automatic
modelling and then to go for Analysis to generate Detail Report to display visual presentation
of 3D dynamic rotation view and Animated model for Load deflection, then structural detail
design with step wise report and finally to offer sample CAD drawings for Reinforcement
Detailing, Bar bending schedule and Take off quantity.

In Bridge Engineering various software products are available in the market, but the
uniqueness of AstrA Pro lies in its simplicity for applications of Grillage Analysis and
Transverse Analysis of Bridge Deck Superstructure with moving vehicle Live Load, which is a
very complex process and is hardly available in other market available products.

The Static & Seismic Analysis of RE Walls, RCC Tunnel Lining and Limit State Design of RCC
Framed Buildings with Reports, BoQ and Drawings are very useful for construction of Multi
storied Buildings. AstrA Pro has its own powerful CAD engine making drawings compatible to
AutoCAD and is best appreciated for its Features, Completeness, Versatility, Fast Processing,
Simplicity, Formatted detail report.
in Bridge Detail Engineering Projects
The Bridge Detail Engineering starts with

• River Upstream Topographic Survey for Stream Hydrology,

• Sub Soil Investigation
• Traffic Survey
• Existing Bridge Condition Survey
• Design of Alignment and Profile Geometrics
• Preliminary Design, Hydraulics and General Arrangement
• Analysis and Detail Design
• Construction Drawings
for Bridge General Arrangement Drawings
ASTRA Pro for Design of
RCC ‘T’ Girder Bridges
• RCC ‘T’ Girder Bridges may be designed in Working Stress Method for Cast in Situ
• RCC ‘T’ Girder Bridges may be designed in Limit State Method for Cast in Situ and
Precast Construction
ASTRA Pro for Design of
RCC ‘T’ Girder Bridges
• RCC ‘T’ Girder Bridges may be designed Major and Minor Bridges as
low cost construction with complete set of sample drawings
ASTRA Pro for Design of
Composite Bridges
• Design of Composite Bridges are constructed for Faster Construction in
Elevated Highways at Urban locations having heavy traffic,
Failure of Composite Bridges
in Curved Alignment
Design Composite Bridge at Curve
as 3-Continuous-Span
Design of straight or curved in single or continuous three-span Composite
Bridge with Steel Girders and Concrete Deck Slab. View of the structural
model for Orthotropic Analysis is generated for Multi-span Continuous
Curved Composite Bridge.
ASTRA Pro for Design of
Composite Bridges….Continued
• Design of Composite Bridges with Steel Plate and Box Girders and
RCC Deck Slab is done with detail analysis and step wise design
ASTRA Pro for Design of
Composite Bridges….Continued
• Complete set of Steel Fabrication Drawings are provided with
default design data and dimensions
ASTRA Pro for Design of
Pre Stressed Concrete ‘I’ Girder Bridges
ASTRA Pro for Design of
Pre Stressed Concrete ‘I’ Girder Bridges
ASTRA Pro for Design of
Pre Stressed Concrete Box Girder Bridges
ASTRA Pro for Design of Pre Stressed Concrete
Box Girder Bridges….Continued
ASTRA Pro for Design of Steel Truss Bridges
with Warren, Pratt & ‘K’ Types Trusses
ASTRA Pro for Design of Steel Truss Bridges
with Complete Set of Fabrication Shop Drawings and with
Detail Estimation
ASTRA Pro for Design of Long Span Bridges
Rope Cable Suspension Bridges with Detail Drawings & Estimation
Design of Rope Cable Suspension Bridge with Tower / Pylon
and Structural Detail Drawings & Estimation …. Continued
ASTRA Pro for Design of Long Span Bridges
Rope Cable Stayed Bridge & Tower / Pylon Design
with Non Linear Stage Analyses
ASTRA Pro for Design of Steel Arch Suspension Bridges
with Detail Drawings & Estimation
ASTRA Pro for Design of Extradosed Cable Stayed Bridges
The design of Extradosed Cable Stayed Bridge is done with PSC Box Girder and Stay Cables with Non-linear (P-Delta)
Stage Analysis.
ASTRA Pro for Design of RCC Abutment
as Cantilever Wall
ASTRA Pro for Design of RCC Box Type Abutment
as Counter Fort Wall
ASTRA Pro for Design of RCC Pier
with Pier Cap
ASTRA Pro for Design of RCC Pier
with Open Foundation
for Design of RCC Well Foundation
for Design of RCC Pile Foundation with Pile Cap
for Design of Single or Multiple Cell RCC Box Culverts
RCC Box Culverts / Underpasses with earth cushion and without approach slab.
for Design of Single or Multiple Cell RCC Box Culverts
RCC Box Culverts / Underpasses without earth cushion and with approach slab.
for Design of RCC Slab Culvert
for Design of RCC Pipe Culvert
for Design of Seismic Restrainer to Protect Girders Against Seismic
for Design of Elastomeric Bearings
for Design of POT / PTFE Bearings

Stream Hydrology and Synthetic Unit Hydrograph for assessing adequacy

of Bridge Opening during High Flood Situation.
for Stream Hydrology and Synthetic Unit Hydrograph
for Stream Hydrology and Synthetic Unit Hydrograph ….Continued
ASTRA Pro for Estimation of
Bill Of Quantities
ASTRA Pro for
Analysis of Unit Item Rates and Cost Estimation
Structural Analysis and Design Applications

• Design of RCC Panel Type Reinforced Earth Walls following BS 8006,

• Design of RCC Tunnel Lining with Portal, Steel Ribs and Tunnel Lining based RQD and
Rock Mass Rating,

• Applications for Static & Seismic Analysis, Limit State Design and Drawings of RCC
Framed Building Structure with Floor slabs. RCC Beams, RCC Columns, RCC Staircase,
RCC Isolated Footings, Pile Foundations and Raft Foundation,

• Dynamic Analysis of Machine Foundations for Eigen Values, Response Spectra and Time

The designs are produced with Detail Report and Reinforcement Detailing drawings,
In-built CAD graphics system is applied for 3D Structural View, Drawing and Bar Schedules etc.
for the Structural Analysis and Design of Reinforced Earth Walls
by British Standard: BS 8006
ASTRA Pro for the Structural Analysis and
Design of Reinforced Earth Walls ….Continued
ASTRA Pro for the Structural Analysis and Design
of Reinforced Earth Walls ….Continued
ASTRA Pro for the Structural Analysis and
Design of Reinforced Earth Walls ….Continued
ASTRA Pro for the Structural Analysis and Design of
Reinforced Earth Walls ….Continued
ASTRA Pro for the Structural Analysis for Static and Seismic Forces and
Design of RCC Lining for Tunnels with Steel Ribs and RCC Portals
based on Rock Quality Designation (RQD) and Rock Mass Rating (RMR)

Optional Module for the

Structural Analysis, Design and Drawings
of Other RCC and Steel Structures
Finite Element Method
for the Structural Analysis for Static and Seismic Forces and Design of Multi Storied RCC Framed
The Building design facility is unique for structural engineers with various facilities for viewing
and printing detail Reports, Force Diagrams and Construction Drawings. Design of RCC Slab,
Beam, Column and Footings are done with Step by Step detail Report, relevant to Design
Standards, Bill of Quantity and complete set of construction drawings.
ASTRA Pro has very powerful built-in CAD system for 2D/3D view, edit, save and print of various construction
for the Dynamic Analysis of Machine Foundations
for Eigen Values, Response Spectra and Time History
for the Dynamic Analysis of Machine Foundations
for Eigen Values, Response Spectra and Time History
ASTRA Pro features for Design of
Steel Transmission Tower
ASTRA Pro Features for Analysis with Cable Load, Wind Load and
Seismic Load combined for twenty four predefined load cases and
Design of Members and Joints for Transmission Towers.
ASTRA Pro features for Analyses & Design of
Steel Cable Car and Microwave Towers
ASTRA Pro Structural Design features for Analysis and Design of
Reinforced Cement Concrete and Pre Stressed Concrete Jettys
ASTRA Pro Structural Design features for Analysis and Design of
Reinforced Cement Concrete and Pre Stressed Concrete Jettys with
Pile Foundation, Long and Cross Girders and Deck Slab.

Summary of Applications
Summary of Applications
Applications for Limit State Design of RCC, PSC, Steel Truss, Steel Arch Cable Suspension and
Composite Bridges with BS 5400, BD 37/01, Eurocode2 with HA & HB Loading and IRC 112
with various IRC 6 2014 Class Live Load combinations and Deck Slab Design with Transverse
Analysis by Effective Width method:

• Design of RCC 'T' Girder Bridges with Analysis,

• Design of Composite Bridgse with RCC Deck Slab & Steel Plate/Box Girder, with Analysis,
• Design of PSC (Pre Stressed Concrete) 'I' Girder Bridges, with Analysis,
• Design of PSC (Pre Stressed Concrete) Box Girder Bridges with Analysis,
• Design of Continuous PSC (Pre Stressed Concrete) Box Girder Bridge with Analysis,
• Design of Steel Built up Plate Girder Railway Bridges with Analysis,
• Design of Steel Warren/Pratt/K Type Truss Bridges (Open Web Girder) on BS and IS Steel
Sections with Analysis,
• Design of Steel Arch Suspension and Rope Cable Suspension Bridges
• Design of Cable Stayed Bridges with Analysis,

The designs are produced with Detail Stepwise Reports and Editable Reinforcement Detail drawings
In-built CAD graphics system is available for editing of General Arrangement, Reinforcement
Detailing etc.
Summary of Applications …. Continued
• Design of RCC Cantilever and Counter fort / Box Abutments with Seismic
effects, span lodged/dislodged,
• Design of RCC Pier with Analysis
• Design of POT/PTFE Bearings for Verso-Mono Axial Bearing Transverse, Verso
Fixed Bearing, Verso Bi-Axial Bearing & Verso-Mono Axial Bearing Longitudinal,
• Design of RCC Well Foundations
• Design of RCC Pile Foundations with Sub soil strata wise data and structural
• Computing Stream Hydrology & Hydrograph with DTM, Contours of Catchment
• Computing Scour Depth & Founding Depth by Hydrological calculations for River
• Utilities like Geotechnical data processing, Seismic zone wise Coefficient
calculation etc.
Summary of Applications ….Continued
• Applications for Design of Culverts and Underpasses:

• General Arrangement of RCC Box Culvert.

• General Arrangement of Single & Multi Pipe Culvert,
• General Arrangement of RCC Slab Culvert,
• General Arrangement of RCC Pedestrian Underpass,
• General Arrangement of RCC Vehicular Underpass,
• BoQ, Rate Analysis and Cost Estimation

The designs are produced with Detail Report and Reinforcement

Detailing drawings In-built CAD graphics system is very sophisticated
with drawing and dimensions
Summary of Applications…. Continued
• Applications of Structural Analysis for Bridge Deck & Structures with on screen details
by “View Structure”:

• Static Analysis of Structures for Joint Load, Member Load, Area Load, Repeat Load, Floor
Load etc.
• Analysis for structures with Beam, Truss, Plate/Shell, Solid and Boundary elements
• Dynamic Analysis of Structures for Eigen Values,
• Dynamic Analysis of Structures for Response Spectra
• Dynamic Analysis of Structures for Time History Analysis,
• Stage Analysis for structures taking account for the results of analysis of previous stage,
• Grillage Analysis of Bridge Deck with Dead Load, Super Imposed Dead Load and Vehicle
Live Loads,
• Analysis of Multi Storied Building Frame Structures for Member End Forces & Support
• In-built CAD graphics is applied to display Structural geometry and various results instantly
Thank you….


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