SDI Module I - Canadian SDI

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The Canadian Spatial | Data infrastructure (SDI) Presentation Outline = SDI Objectives = What is SDI/CGDI? = Challenges = GoC initiatives FGP/Open data = Conclusions = Assignment SDI : Objectives = Create increased awareness of the benefits of using geospatial data and tools to achieve goals for social, economic and environmental priorities. = Facilitate the integration and use of geospatial data to support effective decision making. = Coordinate the development of national policies, standards and mechanisms and support their implementation to ensure maintenance and updating of geospatial data and compatibility with global standards. = Keep Canada at the leading edge of accessing, sharin: and using geospatial information via the Internet. What is the CGDI? CGDI Component Guiding Princip The Canada’s spatial data User and Community Drivel infrastructure (SDI), referred to as the Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure (CGDI) is the relevant base collection of standards, policies, applications, and governance that facilitate the access, use, integration, and preservation of spatial data. More details at: Policies aiqeureysng — 2) y & 2) 2 A o 7 ° + 5 Z| 8 3 ES HOS < 1 3) 3 E & Framework D. is the common, up-to-date, and maintained base layers of quality location-based data for all of Canada. is the base mapping layers required to develop applications that are freely available for use. is the foundation upon which location-based information becomes spatially relevant to users. = Access through the GeoBase portal (www.GeoBase.cé Geospatial Standards " The CGDI is built upon international standards that ——~ allow it to work with other infrastructures in Canada and around the world. * This harmonization of standards is fundamental to ensuring the efficient exchange of location- based '9} information. Technologies = Today’s innovative geospatial and IT tools and technologies (GPS, mobile tech, imagery, sensor webs) provide an environment in which systems and applications integrating location-based information are used by millions. = The CGDI’s open and flexible architecture continually adapts to the rapidly evolving internet platform. = Interoperability is achieved by the convergence of framework data, policies, standards and technologies necessary to harmonize Canada’s location-based information. Address topics related to the lifecycle of data (i.e. collection, management, dissemination, use). Apply to the day-to-day business of organizations. Include guidelines, directives, procedures and manuals that help facilitate access to and use of information. 24/7 digital economy paved the way for even more competition; social and environmental issues are more complex, global in nature Technology and sophisticated geospatial analytical techniques are increasing the value of data and informati Open data will underpin new waves of productivity and generate significant financial value and societal benefits Transparency and access to geospatial data through tools that enable easy discovery, sharing, downloading, integration and interoperability is expected SDI Performance = Interoperability requires supportive technical and business policies = Reduces focus on accessing information and data, increases capacity to USE information and data = Serves sophisticated users. = Web based services. = EXAMPLE: Volunteered Geographic Information How do we identify and develop geospatial policy: = Geospatial data sharing and use. = Conducting needs/requirements analysis through consultation with stakeholders, users. = Working with stakeholders to develop operational policies, tools and resources necessary to complete and sustain the CGDI. = Promoting and raising awareness of geospatial policy issues, solutions and practices. Issues and Needs \ Quality Issues Quatty Archiving Licensing Access ACCESS Security Issues Identified Trends Key policy topics that impact spatial data infrastructures Legal/Administrative Technological/Trends = Ethical Legal Practices = Open Data = Confidentiality, Security, = Open Source and Sensitive Information = Web 2.0 and the GeoWeb = Privacy = Cloud Computing * Intellectual Property = Mobile and Location-based (Copyright, Licensing) Services * Data Sharing = Data Integration » Liability = Archiving and Preservation = Data Quality % eae se = Rapid shift jovernment of Canada Open Government Action Plan ne weft Availabilty of Taformation seis eat : Pe “S) = Changing operat wna uy So hasuce ‘ci a ESSElon policies. Professional Integrity Citizen Participation Open Data The Federal Geospatial Platform (FGP) - Isa collaborative effort across 21 departments and agencies to fundamentally change the way we share, use & manage geospatial assets to support effective program delivery & service to Canadians. - Enable the Public Service to buy once, use many times, and search once, find what you need - pulling separate data sources together that when combined are greater than the parts. FGP provides the ability to integrate, and visualize multiple layers of Triple “A” geospatial information Accurate Authoritative y= “data and integrated analysis for which you search once and find everything Business Architecture Alignment of cross departmental business requirements , proce: (e.g. Policies), and principles (e.g. Standards) as they relate to management and dissemination of spatial data through the FGP. Data Architecture Prioritises data sets, inventories data models, and defines data requirements for the platform. Technical Architecture Describes and documents platform application requirements, interoperability, and associated technology implications (e.g. Data visualization, catalogue, repository, web services, analysis). Infrastructure Architecture Identifies enterprise hardware requirements to meet the needs identified and supplies a cloud based collaborative development environment. Conclusions Canada has an operational SDI which is being used to support organizational operations and decision- making. Emphasis has now shifted to addressing some of the key challenges to the use of the CGDI and geospatial information more generally, and the impacts of emerging technologies, through the development of operational policies. Group Assignments Group A: Anas Zafar Kainat Jahan Haris Bin Farhan Ahmad Mahmood Case Study of Sri Lanka SDI 4 Jan 2023 Group B: Rizwan Khalid Case Study of Ahzam Adil Australia SDI Hunzla Sheheryar 10-Jan-2023 Group C: Syed Measum Hussain Naqvi _—Case Study of Humayun Ahmad U.S. SDI Syed Hunain Ali Rizvi 11-Jan-2023

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