SDI Module II - Functionality of Metadata

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Functionality of Metadata Module Ii - Lecture 2 Learning Outcomes Why Metadata? Uses of metadata What does Metadata do? Functions of Metadata Basic Metadata Metadata Standards Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Dublin Core Elements Dublin Core - Example Goals of Dublin Core Role of Metadata in SDI Why Metadata? 2. Who What wiz Who collected the data? Who processed the data? What are the data about? Whe wrote the metadata? What project were they collected for? Who to contact for questions? What is the quality? Who to contact to order? What parameters weremeasired? = Where Who owns the data? ee ee Where were the data collected? at ore: appropriate uses? Where were the data processed? Where are the data located? , & How 1 ‘ How were the data collected? ‘. - 1 How were the data processed? ee 4 1 When How do | access the data? vit - . When were the data collected? How much do the data cost? wey \ Why were the data collects Whenwere the data processed? How was the quality addressed? Uses of metadata = Provides documentation of existing internal geospatial data resources within an organization (inventory) = Permits structured search and comparison of held spatial data by others (advertising) = Provides end-users with adequate information to take the data and use it in an appropriate context (liability) What does Metadata do? » Identify and organize information/resources > Including identifying the works within those \ resources » Facilitate interoperability and digital identification » Bringing together information resources in a systematic way for use in a variety of entities > Preserve and archive the information Functions of Metadata Metadata is used for a variety of applications. These can be classified into four primary functions: 1: 2. Evaluate 3. 4. Employ Locate Access Functions of Metadata 1. Locate: Metadata enables users to locate geospatial resources and allows producers to advertise their data. Metadata helps organizations locate data outside the organization and find partners to share in data collection and maintenance. 2. Evaluate: By having proper metadata elements describing a resource, users are able to determine its fitness for an intended use. Understanding the quality and accuracy, the spatial and temporal schema, the content, and the spatial reference system used allows users to determine if a resource fulfills their needs. Metadata also provides the size, format, distribution media, price, and restrictions on use, which are also evaluation factors. Functions of Metadata 3. Access: After locating a resource and determining if it meets users’ needs, metadata is used to describe how to access it and, depending on the resource, transfer it to a specific site. Once it has been transferred, users need to know how to process and interpret the data and incorporate it into their holdings. Functions of Metadata 4. Employ: Metadata is needed to support the processing and the application of geospatial resources. Metadata facilitates proper utilization of data, allowing users to merge and combine data with their own, apply it properly, and have a full understanding of its properties and limitations. Functions of Metadata These four functions are performed in different environments, and the metadata must be provided in different ways to meet the requirements demanded by these environments. Catalog Processing Production Archival Web service Application Environments Basic Metadata These are some ISO suggested minimal metadata elements to use when you are documenting your data: * Title * Creator (Principal Investigators) * Date Created (also versions) * Format (and software required) * Subject » Unique Identifier * Description of the specific data resource * Coverage of the data (spatial or temporal) * Publishing Organization * Type of Resource * Rights * Funding or Grant Ametadata standard or schema is a set group of elements that have beef standardized for a particular field. There are a large number of metadata, standards which address the needs of particular user communities. Name CSDGM Focus Geographic data ISO 19415 Geographic data MPEG-7 Multimedia Dublin Core Networked resources DOI RDF Networked resources Web resources Description Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata is maintained by the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC). The ISO 19115:2003 Geographic information — Metadata standard defines how to describe geographical information and associated services, including contents, spatial-temporal purchases, data quality, access and rights to use. The Multimedia Content Description Interface MPEG-7 is an ISO/IEC standard and specifies a set of descriptors to describe various types of multimedia information. Dublin Core - interoperable online metadata standard focused on networked resources. Digital Object Identifier provides a system for the identification and hence management of information ("content on digital networks, providing persistence and semantic interoperability. Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a general method for conceptual description or modeling of information that is implemented in web resources, using a variety of syntax formats. Metadata Standards al tara General ont *Metadata Object PNesul Pdi ere pre rr) Borers te Deena *Data Documentation LYE Tr ive (OD!) Wer Ele) ay Standards Ae oulo er Committee (FGDC) prebteetd Bree eld een aca) Integrated Taxonomic Information System ((TIS) rt) Seer of Earthquake Data (SEED) iia ria Poa) Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) at Dublin, Ohio, USA in 1995 provides an open forum for the development of interoperable online metadata standards for a broad range of purposes and of business models. Dublin Core is an example of a metadata scheme used to describe various networked resources found in electronic and digital environments. Dublin Core metadata has 15 elements . Dublin Core Elements ublin Core Elements en Cec og Cer og AT onic) a a0) ae peat sito) Type iyi} Etec) Pea Pe Language Dublin Core - Content Elements Elements describing the Content of the resource 1. Title \ . Subject . Description Source . Language . Relation NO wR WN . Coverage Dublin Core - Intellectual Elements' Elements describing the Intellectual scope of the resource 8. Creator 9. Publisher 10. Contributor 11. Rights Dublin Core - Instance Elements Elements describing the Instance of the resource, 12. Date 13. Type 14. Format 15. Identifier Sample Dublin Core Title 2-Butanone and tetrahydrofuran contamination in the water supply Creator wang, T.C. Bricker, J. Description MEK (2-butanone) and THF (tetrahydrofuran) were found in high concentrations in our laboratory's water outlets 6 mo after PVC (polyvinyl chloride) pipe installation. Subsequent analysis confirmed that the solvents from the PVC pipe cement used to join the tubing were leaching into our water supply. Water samples were taken at various residence times in the pipe to observe the solvents’ leaching kinetics. This manuscript is an author version with the final publication available at http:// and may be cited as: Wang, T. C., & Bricker, J. L. (1979). 2-Butanone and tetrahydrofuran contamination in the water supply. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 23(1), 620-623. doi: 10,1007 /8F01770014 Florida Atlantic University. Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute contribution #141. Publisher Springer-Verlag. Date 1979 Type text/pati5p] Language English Rights ©1979 Springer-Verlag Identifier http://dx.dol,org/10,1007/BF01770014 PID 3176699 Number of views 10 Related collections FAU Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute > Faculty Papers Goals of Dublin Core ¢ Simple to create and maintain ¢@ Use commonly understood semantics ¢ International Extensible Role of Metadata in SDI » Metadata is a detailed description of a dataset that includes information about the content, quality, structure, accessibility and other characteristics of the data. > Detailed and robust metadata must document the project, datasets, and services in such a way that data can be transmitted, interpreted, reused, and understood. » Use of metadata standards is critical for data discovery, integration, and sharing. Rol © of Metz Metadata is a vital tool for management of spatial data and plays a key role in any SDI initiative. It provides users of spatial data with information about the purpose, quality, actuality and accuracy and many more of spatial datasets. Metadata performs crucial functions that make spatial data interoperable. Metadata have one of the major roles in definition, development, maintaining and usage of the SDI.

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