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Eco-BOOSTTM is an efficient, versatile, intuitive, and simple to use tested and patented1 concept to run
heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment. It uses an appropriate measure of human
comfort to optimize any conditioned space comfort level while minimizing HVAC energy usage.

Eco-BOOSTTM is efficient as it offers:

• An optimized conditioned space comfort attainable in either heating or cooling situations.
• The highest energy savings with respect to existing standard and “smart thermostats” based on
comparable comfort levels.
• Proper and correct automatic switchover between heating and cooling modes.

Eco-BOOSTTM is versatile:
• It can be provided to operate new brands of thermostats or it can be retrofitted to operate
existing smart thermostats that measure temperature and relative humidity.
• In either case, it can be configured from the simplest easy to use thermostat visual user-
interface on the market (utilizing a simple comfort/economy slider) to the most sophisticated
user-interface currently found in many smart thermostats.

Eco-BOOSTTM is intuitive and simple to use:

• Set your comfort level correctly once for and leave that setting unchanged forever.
• Just operate a slider to set a balance between your desired comfort and energy savings.

Beneficial environmental impact:

Make a dent in fighting climate change by moving the slider to the edge of your comfort level to
maximize your energy savings.

• All central, split and window HVAC equipment that do not use humidifiers or dehumidifiers
(over 95% of HVACs worldwide).
• Homes and public places such as hotel rooms, cinemas, convention centers and office buildings.

© 2022 FrontierTech International Inc., Pasadena, CA, United States.
U.S. Patents No. 11,029,056 & 11,428,434; Canadian Patent No. 3,115,446; Chinese Patent No. ZL201880079797.5;
Korean Patent No. 10-2369914; and additional patents pending.
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Eco-BOOSTTM for HVACs -2- November 2022
© 2022 FrontierTech International Inc., Pasadena, CA, United States. U.S. Patents No. 11,029,056 & 11,428,434; Canadian
Patent No. 3,115,446; Chinese Patent No. ZL201880079797.5; Korean Patent No. 10-2369914; and additional patents pending.


• This automatic switchover is based on a human comfort-based combination of temperature and
relative humidity and not just temperature as is common in most existing thermostats.
• Eco-BOOSTTM has been prototype tested and verified.
• Additionally, Eco-BOOSTTM generates good energy savings versus existing thermostats that use
the traditional dry bulb temperature method to set their heating and cooling ranges. These
energy savings were calculated for major cities utilizing the Psychrometric Chart2.
• For more technical information, refer to our patents and energy cost comparison calculations.


There are many problems with existing HVAC thermostats:
1. They cannot maximize energy savings.
2. They cannot keep proper comfort levels, thus requiring continuous user adjustments of
thermostat temperature settings.
3. They cannot automatically and correctly switch over between cooling and heating modes while
maintaining prescribed comfort levels.
4. They do not provide a simple user link with the important concept of space comfort and thus
they are not easy to use particularly by customers who are not knowledgeable in the field.

Note that smart thermostats nowadays are extremely well designed when it comes to their sleek
displays. Additionally they have become very sophisticated as they incorporate learning functions say of
occupants leaving the conditioned space for work or for vacation, or even when a person leaves a
conditioned room to another within the home. Others attempt to use outside air data and maybe home
insulation factors to set temperature levels inside the home.

However, none of these smart thermostats have simplified the human comfort equation to the level
that the user can easily and correctly set a desired conditioned space comfort level once and then
completely forget about the thermostat forever. The smart thermostats also fail at providing a correct
automatic comfort level switchover mechanism between their heating and cooling modes and
moreover, they fail at being simple to operate3. Eco-BOOSTTM is a breakthrough, in that (1) it is simple
to operate, (2) it maintains the desired comfort level in heating, cooling, and non-operation modes and
(3) it can be forgotten by the user while it tirelessly works in the background to maximize HVAC energy
savings. That is not to say that Eco-BOOSTTM, because of its simple interface, is unsophisticated; as a
new application, it can also include as an option all the bells and whistles found in smart thermostats
while as a download into a smart thermostat, it can keep the smart thermostat’s initial interface and
options while overriding only how the HVAC equipment is operated. In short, it is the best of both

It is standard for HVAC calculations to be carried out using the Psychrometric Chart. The Psychrometric Chart
describes the various properties (Dry Bulb Temperature, Wet Bulb Temperature, Enthalpy, Humidity Ratio, Relative
Humidity and Specific Volume) of moist air. Moist air is defined as an air-water mixture. Moist air on a
psychrometric chart ranges from Dry Air (0% Relative Humidity) to Saturated Air (100% Relative Humidity).
Many studies have shown that users are unable to properly set comfort levels resulting in excess energy losses.
Eco-BOOSTTM for HVACs -3- November 2022
© 2022 FrontierTech International Inc., Pasadena, CA, United States. U.S. Patents No. 11,029,056 & 11,428,434; Canadian
Patent No. 3,115,446; Chinese Patent No. ZL201880079797.5; Korean Patent No. 10-2369914; and additional patents pending.

Let us show how Eco-BOOSTTM overcomes the shortcomings of existing standard and smart thermostats.
First, it is important to understand that no matter how sophisticated the smart thermostats are, in all
applications where the HVAC units are not coupled with humidifiers or dehumidifiers (again over 95% of
HVAC applications worldwide), their trigger to heat or to cool the conditioned space (or to do nothing)
are 2 user-set heating and cooling temperature limits. However, using temperature alone cannot insure
a constant user-set comfort level and the primary reason is because conditioned space (indoor) relative
humidity is another important component of human comfort. Ignoring relative humidity causes erratic
operation of the HVAC equipment.

To demonstrate this erratic operation, consider the two limit scenarios of Eco-BOOSTTM HVAC operation:
1. “Extremely comfortable operation” where the user sets a high heating limit and a low cooling
limit. The trade-off is that the HVAC unit will run more and use more energy.
2. “At the edge of comfort operation” where the user sets a low heating limit and a high cooling
limit. The benefit is that the HVAC unit will run less and thus maximize energy savings.
Any other HVAC operation is bracketed between these two limits. Note that Eco-BOOSTTM maintains
comfort levels once set by the user.

Extremely comfortable operation example:

Refer to Sketch 1 below depicting the workings of smart and standard thermostats (referred thereafter
as existing thermostat) and of Eco-BOOSTTM plotted on a simplified HVAC Psychrometric Chart showing
temperature (in °F) and relative humidity (in %). The existing thermostat heating and cooling
temperature limits are two vertical temperature lines, denoted by “DRY BULB LINE”. Here the user
wants to be very comfortable by setting the existing thermostat heating limit at 72.5°F and cooling limit
at 74.5°F. Eco-BOOSTTM
equivalent heating and cooling
temperature limits, governed by
constant comfort, are denoted
and are sloping backwards to
illustrate the fact that if relative
humidity trends higher, then you
need to lower the temperature
setting of the indoor space to
maintain the comfort level and
likewise if the relative humidity
trends lower, then you need to
raise the temperature setting of
the indoor space to maintain the
same comfort level.

Review now the four zones described in the sketch. Zones I and II are zones of comfort provided by Eco-
BOOSTTM where the HVAC unit is not operated as the combination of temperature and relative humidity
(i.e., apparent temperature) is between the heating and cooling apparent temperatures limits of Eco-
BOOSTTM. For existing thermostats, Zone I is heated while Zone II is cooled, clearly wasting energy and

Our apparent temperature is provided by a patented equation combining temperature and relative humidity.
Eco-BOOSTTM for HVACs -4- November 2022
© 2022 FrontierTech International Inc., Pasadena, CA, United States. U.S. Patents No. 11,029,056 & 11,428,434; Canadian
Patent No. 3,115,446; Chinese Patent No. ZL201880079797.5; Korean Patent No. 10-2369914; and additional patents pending.

in addition, making the occupants uncomfortable. Likewise Zone III is a cooling zone provided by Eco-
BOOSTTM while existing thermostats will heat the conditioned space thereby doubling the misery of the
occupants. Finally, Zone IV is a heating zone for Eco-BOOSTTM while existing thermostats will cool the
space, again causing increased chilling of the occupants. Thus all four zones I, II, III and IV are erroneous
operation zones for existing thermostats.

At the edge of comfort operation example:

Refer to Sketch 2. Again existing
thermostats heating and cooling
temperature limits are illustrated by two
vertical temperature lines, denoted by “DRY
BULB LINE”. Here the user wants to save
maximum energy by setting the existing
thermostat heating limit at 66°F and the
cooling limit at 79°F. Eco-BOOSTTM
equivalent heating and cooling temperature
limits are denoted by “APPARENT
TEMPERATURE” and are, as before, sloping

Review now the four zones described in the sketch. Zones R1 and R3 are zones of comfort provided by
Eco-BOOSTTM where the HVAC unit is not operated as the combination of temperature and relative
humidity (i.e., apparent temperature) is between the heating and cooling apparent temperature limits.
For existing thermostats, Zone R1 is heated while Zone R3 is cooled, clearly wasting energy and in
addition, making the occupants uncomfortable. Likewise Zone R2 is a heating zone provided by Eco-
BOOSTTM while existing thermostats will be idle thereby making the occupants cold. Finally, Zone R4 is a
cooling zone for Eco-BOOSTTM while existing thermostats will idle thereby making the occupants hot.
Thus all four zones R1, R2, R3 and R4 are erroneous operation zones for existing thermostats.

Thus existing standard and smart thermostats operate erratically at the two possible end limits of HVAC
operation. Therefore, existing standard and smart thermostats will operate erratically throughout all of
the HVAC operating range.

Additionally, Eco-BOOSTTM provides zones of energy savings over existing standard and smart
thermostats; these are zones where Eco-BOOSTTM is idle while existing thermostats are erratically
operating. In the other erratic zones where the existing thermostats should be operating and are
actually not operating, users may adjust the temperature settings to force their thermostats to operate
thus rectifying the uncomfortable situations, at the cost of negating any energy savings. Combining the
two observations above, Eco-BOOSTTM always shows superior energy savings with respect to existing
thermostats; and said energy savings substantially increase as the user effortlessly learns to set Eco-
BOOSTTM at the edge of user comfort.

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