State Constitution

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The umbrella body of the Owners/Residents shall be known as “TEJU ROYAL GARDENS

The registered office of TRGRA will be situated at Teju Royal Garden Estate, Ketu-
Ijanikin, Lagos State.

ARTICLE 3 Objectives for which the Estate is established are:

3.1 To plan co-ordinate, execute and maintain joint Community Development projects on itself
help basis at the Community levels

3.2 To re-awaken people’s interest and encourage the Community’s participation in the welfare
and improvement at the Community, village or local level.
To promote unity initiative, leadership and togetherness among members

ARTICLE 4: Functions of the Estate/C.D.A

The Association shall perform the following functions:

4.1 To promote, plan and organise joint actions on self help projects such projects shall be those
that would raise the social and economic standard of the Community
4.2 To raise and manage funds for projects improvement on behalf of the Community such funds
should be kept in the nearest Bank of their choice
4.3 Maintain any completed projects and see to their proper use.
4.4 Encourage and promote project and ensure that training courses are held for potential leaders

ARTICLE 5: Membership

5.1 All landlords and Tenants residents in the Community shall be eligible for the membership of
the Association which shall be on individual basis.
5.2 There shall be a Register of members in which the Names and Address and other particulars of
members shall be registered.
5.3 There shall be an attendance register for recording the attendance of members at meetings
5.4 There shall be prescribed monthly dues payable per member and only dues paying members
shall be regarded as authentic members
5.5 Where the Community is large and divided into zones or areas, the Association shall consist of
equal representatives from each zone or area.


6.1 The supreme authority of the Association shall be vested in the General meeting of the
Association and subject to that authority the Association shall be governed by the Executive
Committee to be headed by the Chairman.
6.2 Administrative powers as in (5.1) above shall be exercised by the Executive Committee of the
Association or such other members to whom such powers may be delegated.
6.3 The General meeting of the Association shall be held every last Saturday of the month or as may
be determined by the Association in a General meeting.
6.4 Venue of the General meeting shall be as determined by the Executive Committee or the
General Meeting of the Association.
6.5 A Special and Emergency general meeting of the Association may be convened at any time as the
instance of the Executive Committee.
6.6 Monthly security levy becomes due and payable at the General meeting (i.e. every last Saturday
of the month) or in default immediately thereafter to the Financial Secretary, secretary or any
member of the Executive Committee who shall hand over same to the Financial Secretary.


The Association shall have responsibility for security, peaceful co-habitation and hygiene in the
Estate and shall employ reasonable pressure to get all residents to comply.

7.1 The Executives Committee shall:

i) Act on behalf of the Association.
ii) Admit and enrol members in the Association and apply reasonable force necessary
to achieve results
iii) Convene special or emergency general meetings of the Association.
iv) Appoint reputable Bank(s) as Bankers to the Association.
v) Appoint committees to perform specific duties /functions in furtherance of the
objectives of the Association.
vi) Forge good police relations and take legal actions in the interest of the Association
and ‘same shall be paid for from the purse of the Association.
vii) Employ necessary action/force to eject squatters or residents found inimical to the
larger interest of the Association.

ARTICLES 8: Executive Committee of the Estate

There shall be an Executive Committee which shall see to the day-to-day activities of the

8.1 The Executives Committee shall comprise of the following officers:

A. The Chairman
i) Shall preside over all meetings of the Executive Committee and general meeting
ii) He shall countersign all important documents
iii) He shall be a signatory to the Committee’s bank account
iv) He shall initiate policies and ensure proper planning, co-ordination and execution of
the Association projects.
v) He shall perform such other functions for the good Governance of the Association
vi) He shall present the Association at the local government Community Development
Committee (C.D.C) meetings and other activities.
i) Shall act in the absence of the Chairman and shall be entitled to all the Rights and
privilege of the office of the Chairman during his acting capacity.
ii) In the absence of the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman shall be the authorising officer

i) Shall be responsible for all activities of the Secretariat and shall assist the Chairman
in the initiation or formulation of policies and project or proposals including the
execution of projects
ii) He shall liaise regularly with the appropriate office for Community Development at
the local Government
iii) He shall represent the Association at the local government Community Development
(C.D.C) meetings and activities

i) Shall assist the secretary in the day-to-day activities of the secretariat and carry out
other functions as may be assigned to him by the Chairman, the secretary or the
Executive Committee.

i) Shall pay all monies received into the approved Bank of the Association
ii) He shall collect all money received by the Financial secretary and shall issue receipt
to the latter accordingly
iii) He shall in conjunction with the Chairman and secretary and the Local Government
signatory operate an account in the name of the association in the Bank so approved
by the General House
iv) He shall keep correct and accurate records and accounts of the Committee
v) He shall represent the Association at the local government Community Development
Committee meetings and other activities
vi) Keep an impress account as approved by the Committee

i) Shall collect all funds or level from members and pay directly to the Treasurer
ii) He shall keep accurate records of income and issue receipts accordingly, and keep
copies of such receipts

i) Shall be responsible for the auditing of the account of the Association at least once a
year and as may be directed by the general meting
ii) He shall prepare, submit and read annual report to the general meeting
iii) The general meeting may employ an External auditor if necessary

i) Shall public ate, propagate and disseminate information regarding Association on
the advice and approval of the Executive Committee
ii) He shall edit all publications of the Association

Shall be responsible for all social engagements of the Association as approved by the
Executive Committee

Shall oversee to the welfare of the Association members as a whole


The Legal adviser shall:

a) Head the Legal Sub-Committee of TRGRA
b) Be responsible for overseeing all legal matters relating to the object of TRGRA and in the
running of the estate, whether or not provided by him or Executive Committee or a Law
Firm contracted for the aforementioned purposes.
c) Perform such other functions, relating to his duties, as the Executive Committee may
from time to time assign.


Provost /Ex Official Officio Members shall:
a) Assist/maintain orderly progress of meetings
b) Collect fines for late coming etc.
c) Watch over activities/development in the Estate and report to the Executive Committee.


The Chief Security Officer shall:

a) Head the security Sub-Committee of TRGRA
b) Be responsible for overseeing all matters relating to security of the estate, whether or not
provided by him or a Management Group contracted for the aforementioned purpose;
c) Perform such other functions, relating to his duties, as the Executive Committee may from
time to time assign




And any other three elected by the General House (22-memebers Executive Committee)


9.1 All elections shall be by open ballot and shall be one vote per dwelling unit.
9.2 A returning Officer shall be appointed from the General Assembly to arrange and conduct all
9.3 The Returning Officer shall prepare a list of members present entitled to vote and be voted for in
accordance with the provisions of this Constitution. Only financial Members of the association
may vote or be voted for.
9.4 Election results shall be made known immediately after each election.
9.5 At the end of the elections, the Retuning Officer shall immediately swear in the Chairman who
shall subsequently swear in the other officers of the association.
9.6 A candidate for an election into any office of the Executive Council shall be deemed to have been
elected to such office if he obtains the highest number of votes amongst the contestants vying
for that office.
9.7 Where no candidate fulfils the requirement of Clause 11.6 above, the returning officer shall
immediately conduct a fresh election in place of the previous election between the contestants
for that office. In the case of an inconclusive re-election exercise, the Returning Officer shall
arrange for a fresh election amongst new candidates on the same day.
9.8 Where any office of the Executive Council becomes vacant, a By-Election shall be conducted in
between the Annual General Meetings.


i) Experience, ability and willingness to perform shall be the guiding factors for
qualification for Election into any of the Office of the Association
ii) Only members who are regular at meetings particularly those who attend annually more
than two-thirds(2/3) of monthly and meetings of the Association shall be eligible to vote
and voted for
iii) Any member who is indebted to the Association financially shall not be eligible to vote
or to be voted for
iv) Election of officers shall be held every two years
v) Ex-convicts are not eligible to vie for any post
vi) Election of officers shall be by popular choice

vii) Members of the Association who are financially up-to-date (that is without arrears of
levies, contributions, dues, etc) shall be eligible to hold office in the Association.
viii) Should any office become vacant before the General Election, the Executive Committee
shall have the power to fill the vacancy by appointing a financial member to fill the
vacancy or call for an election at a General meeting for that purpose.

Any election petition not received within Seven days by the local government (Agric
Department) after the Elections shall not be entertained. The election petition attracts non-
refundable sum of N2, 500 (two thousand, five hundred naira only) payable to the Local
Government Community Development Committee Accounts

A person ceases to be a member of the Association for the reason of:
i) Death
ii) Insanity
iii) Registration
iv) Continuous absence from meetings

Any officers shall be removed from office having been found guilty of an offence proved
beyond all reasonable doubts, such as:
i) Absence from the meetings of the Executive Committee and/or the general meetings
for more than three consecutive meetings without approval by the Executive Committee
ii) Misconduct or other acts detrimental to the stated objectives of the Association
iii) Total disability
iv) Bankruptcy
v) Dismissal by the General meeting


i) Any officer who is guilty of misconduct may be suspended by the Executive
Committee pending the decision of the General meeting for his Removal
ii) A suspended officer shall have the right of appeal to the general meeting whose
decision shall be final on two-thirds(2/3) majority-votes of Financial members


Elected officers shall hold office for a period of two(2) years and may be re-elected, no
officer shall serve in the same office for more than two consecutive terms


9.1 The Association shall appoint Patrons and Matrons classified as follows:

i) Grand Patrons
Any Oba, Baale or village Head whose jurisdiction covers the boundary of that
Community shall be appointed the Grand Patrons of the Community for life
ii) Patrons/Matrons
Patrons and Matrons shall be notable personalities within the Community who are
committed to Community Development activities and programmes


The business of the General Meeting office Association shall be to:

a) Receive reports from the Executive Committee and review the activities /decisions
of the Association.
b) Ensure security orderly and hygienic cohabitation in the Estate.
c) Plan and execute tasks of the Association in furtherance of the welfare of the
d) Consider all item listed on the Agenda.
e) Elect officers of the Association (Executive Committee), Board of Trustees as well as
Ad-hoc Committees /Task forces.
f) Specially convene meeting(s) for the purpose of removing a member and / or all
members of the Executive Committee after a vote of no confidence’ by at least two
thirds majority of members present shall have been passed.
g) Quorum for General meeting shall he determined by Residents present and, in the
absence of any or all pro-tern appointments for the positions of the Chairman,
Secretary or Financial Secretary shall be made for the meeting.


11.1 Two third (2/3) of the member shall form a Quorum at the Executive, the General as well as
the Annual General Meetings

11.2 General Meeting

The quorum for General Meeting of the Association shall be 20 (twenty) financial members of the

11.3 Executive Committee Meeting

The Chairman and any 3 [three) members shall form a quorum so long as all members have been
duly notified of a meeting. Where the Chairman is absent, any 5 (five) members shall form a quorum


The Constitution shall be subject to amendment at any time on the two-thirds Majority votes of all
the members of Teju Royal Garden Residents’ Association or on the advice of the appropriate
Ministry in the Lagos State Government


13.1 Banking
i) The TRGRA shall keep its Funds in the nearest Bank to be appointed on resolution
passed at the General meeting and used in the best interest of the Association
ii) Operation Word
Data Base: Shall be interpreted as a register of names, address and personal
information of resident of the above named Community
Pass: Shall be a plastic identity card bearing the name, passport photograph and
address of the resident
iii) All monies received by the Financial Executive on behalf of TRGRA shall be paid into
TRGRA Accounts within a reasonable time
iv) The Chairman, the Vice Chairman, the Financial Secretary, the Treasurer and 1 (one)
other person appointed by the Executive Committee shall be signatories to TRGRA
v) The Chairman and Vice Chairman shall be “A Signatories”, and other signatories shall
be “B” Signatories’. All accounts shall be signed by 1 (one) “A” and 1 (one) “B”

14.1 Modalities
i) The Community shall operate and maintain a data base
ii) That all residence of the above named Community shall ensure to register third
family members in the Data base
iii) That a pass shall be issued upon full payment of Dues for the Community as stated in
article 10 of the Constitution
14.2 Duties of Enforcement group/Task Force:
i) To ensure prompt payment of dues for Community
ii) To do a house to house visitation to enforce registration into the data base and
payment of due for the Community
14.3 Sanction
i) That names of Defaulters shall be pasted at the Community Hall and other strategic
ii) Defaulters shall not be allowed to benefit from the facilities provided in the
14.4 Source of Funds
i) Dues
ii) Levies
iii) Voluntary Donations
iv) Grant-in-aid from the Federal Government the Lagos State Government local
Government and any other Voluntary organisations.
v) Revenue from any joint Community Economic Projects e.g Fish Ponds, Poultry, Farm
vi) Rent derived from the letting or leasing of any building belonging to the Community
vii) Any other legal sources of Revenue

14.5 Signatories to Bank Account

a) The Chairman and Vice Chairman shall be “A Signatories”, and other signatories shall
be “B” Signatories’. All accounts shall be signed by 1 (one) “A” and 1 (one) “B”
b) The Chairman, the Vice Chairman, the Financial Secretary, the Treasurer and 1 (one)
other person appointed by the Executive Committee shall be signatories to TRGRA


a) The account of the Committee shall be audited annually

b) The general meetings may order a special audit of the Associations’ account any time and
may appoint an external auditor

16.1 The Association shall keep an inventory of the Community’s common properties and shall
maintain them


17.1 The Association shall maintain six standing Communities as follows:

1. Finance Committee
2. Development Committee
3. Welfare and Social Committee
4. Education Committee
5. General Purpose Committee
6. Health/Sanitation Committee
17.2 Each Committee shall be headed by a member of the Executive Committee


This Constitution shall not be reproduced/photocopied or printed by anybody or agency without the
permission of Community Development Department, Ministry OR Rural Development. The
Secretariat, Alausa, Ikeja.

The effective date of this Constitution is 26 th of November, 2022.


1. Residents shall maintain the same colour scheme of their buildings which
shall be uniform with the other houses within the estate.

2. Residents who desire to repaint their houses shall be expected to use the
colour code prescribed by Teju Royal Gardens Estate Residents’ Association.

3. All trading activities will be carried out in designated areas to be provided

by MIDC Limited.

4. Residents shall not constitute nuisance to their neighbours in any manner

by way of noise or emission of offensive substances, etc.

5. Owners of generating sets are to make them sound-proof and such

generating sets be positioned in front of their houses.

6. Residents are not to use their cars to obstruct free flow of traffic within the
estate. Overnight parking of cars on the street is strictly prohibited.

7. No commercial vehicles are allowed into the estate unless they are escorted
by estate security.

8. The maximum speed limit for vehicles in the estate is 25kmph.

9. Learners Drivers are not allowed either to drive or practice driving within
the estate.

10. Residents are expected to be their neighbours’ keepers by being vigilant on

the activities within the estate including the security situation in the estate.

11. Resident owners of pets are expected to keep them within their compound
and if it is necessary for such pets to be taken around for a walk, they have
to be accompanied by their owners and put on a leash.

12. Resident owners of such pets shall clear whatever mess that is generated by
tie pets within the estate.

13. Residents are equally entitled to have unfettered access to the recreation
centre of the estate.

14. Residents are entitled to enjoy other facilities that others are enjoying
within the estate without restraint.

15. Residents are expected to promptly inform the constituted authority of the
estate either individually or collectively about any activity of any individual
or group that could mar the corporate and peaceful co-existence of
Residents in the estate.

16. Residents are to ensure that visitors to the estate adhere strictly to the rules
and regulations of the estate as herein contained for the entire
duration/period of their visit.

17. Residents shall be held liable for any misbehaviour or misconduct of their

18. Residents shall also be expected to keep their children, workers and
dependants in check at all times.

19. Residents shall be held responsible for the misbehaviour of their children,
workers and other dependants.

20. No hawking, vending or any other commercial activity is permitted in the


21. Residents are required to participate actively in all the activities of the
Association, including attending meetings of the Association.

22. Residents are required to pay all dues and levies charged by members of the
Association towards the upkeep of the estate.

23. Failure to pay up dues by residents may lead to the action of the Estate task
24. Obey the Security Officers and treat them with utmost courtesy at all times.
25. Wind down your car tinted glass at the security post (for proper identification and your own
26. Switch on your vehicle interior light at the security post whenever it is dark (for proper
identification and your own security).
27. Open your vehicle booth for inspection on request by the Security Officers.
28. Declare heavy items you are bringing into or carrying out of the Estate to the Security
29. Initiate call to or pick the call from the Security Personnel to approve or refuse the entry of
your visitor(s).
30. Motorcycle Riders, a.k.a. 'Okada Riders' (including Despatch Riders) are forbidden in the
31. Report any act of discourtesy by any Security Personnel to the Security Committee or the
Estate Chairman.
32. Obtain 'Clearance Permit' from the Estate Executive before packing into or vacating the
33. Secure your important movable items such as generator in lockable compartment or secure
them to immobile objects with lock and key in your premises.
34. Cars with tinted glasses should open up their car boot and wine down their glasses when
coming out or going out of the Estate
35. Cars without number plate are not allowed in the Estate
36. Place important movable items such as phones, purses, jewellery, etc. (e.g. far from the
windows) out of reach of intruders.
37. Put off your power generator at night (between 12:00 and 5:00 a.m.).
38. At night, keep the exterior of your house more illuminated than the interior, or if possible,
render your interior dark but lighten the exterior (in order to easily track intruders and
obscure yourself).
39. Report any suspicious movement(s) (day or night) to the Security Personnel.
40. For your safety and to avoid embarrassment by the Security Personnel, do not move
aimlessly in the Estate at night.
41. If you must go out at night (on emergency), call the Security Post to notify the Officers.
42. When it is dark, board commercial vehicle at the Bus Stop directly at the front of the Estate.
(Avoid Ketu Bus Stop when it's dark or lonely.)
43. If you wish to hold a party within the Estate, kindly notify the Security Committee not later
than a week before the party day in order to inform the Estate's Security Personnel to beef
up security within the Estate.
44. Use the Commercial Tricycle Park whenever you are embarking on or alighting from the
tricycle at the gate.
45. Vehicle speed limit has been fixed for 20 km/hr during the dry season (on smooth terrain
within the Estate). Definitely, it is expected to be far lower than this during raining season
associated with potholes).
46. Every resident should own a large waste bin that has a cover, to avoid pollution of
47. All house should get a prescribed waste basket
48. All household should relocate their generator house to front of their houses
49. All residents should get fire extinguisher for safety measures


Contravention of the estate Bye-Laws will lead to the following penalties:

4 & 5: Noise Bye-Laws

 Noise and offensive substance will lead to N 5,000 fine.

 Non-sound proof generators and generating sets are liable to

 a fine of N2000/day
 prevention of owners from buying electricity recharge card
 shut-off of water supply to the affected house

6-9: Traffic Bye-Laws

 Inappropriate parked cars will be clamped at the expense of the

homeowner and a penalty fine of N5, 000 imposed daily.

11&12 Pet Bye-Laws

 Free roaming and dangerous pets are liable to be shot.

 Uncleared pet mess is liable to a fine of N5, 000.

17: Visitors’ Bye-Laws

 Any visitor who refuses to obey the estate Bye-Laws would be

refused entry into the estate.

Dated this ………………………………… of ………………………………………. 20..


I....................................................................duly elected as ............................. of Teju Royal Garden

Estate, C.D.A do solemnly declare that

I. I shall abide by the Constitution of the CDA.

II. I shall pursue the collective goals and objectives of my CDA and uphold HIS constitution and
CDA values for the benefit of its members
III. I shall be removed from the office if i fail to perform my duties in accordance with the Article
10 Sub-section C Of the constitution of the CDA
IV. I shall be removed from office if found guilty of misconduct or other act in accordance with
the Lagos State Community Development.
V. I shall ensure proper handling over of all documents and relevant information in the vent of
any removal or resignation from office
VI. I shall not use my office to grant preferential treatment nor seek personal gain
VII. I shall discharge my duties without fear or favour and be guided at all times by the registered
constitution of 2022
VIII. I shall do all things possible and within my power and provisions of the Constitution for the
progress of CDA. So help me God

Sign & Date: ................................ (Witness)..............................

Phone no: ...................................... Secretariat

Position Held: .....................................

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