Illegal Occupation of Kashmir. 1

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(i)1In 1947 partition, it was decided that hindu states shall come under India and muslim states shall come
under pakistan
(ii)Maharaja Hari singh sold Kashmir. Kashmir has all the important rivers flowing from it, thus it has
immense geo-political importance..
(iii)This resulted in unrest until in May 1954, when Kashmir was declared a disputed territory but the United
(iv)Pakistan gets ⅓ and India ⅔ of Kashmir.
(v) 1994, India passes a resolution that Kashmir is an integral part of india.

(i)Resistance by kashmiri youth was at its peak by 1998.
(ii)There are 163 resistance groups for example, lashklar e taiba, hizbul mujahideen, jaishe muhammad,
ghazwatul hind, united liberation front of kashmir, The Resistance Force (TRF), Kashmir Tigers, and People’s
Anti-Fascist Force (PAFF). There have been multiple encounters, indients, and false flag operations in
Kashmir with these militants.
(iii)A militant is someone who favours violence as a political solution.
(iv) POINT TO BE NOTED : militants have limited ammunition, limited resources and they fight 600,000
troops ( govt does not tell actual figures), with trained army, and unlimited ammunition. (v)Important leaders
martyred : burhan wani was martyred in 2016, Zakir musa was martyred in 2019, abu dujana, sabar bhat.
(vi)Unpopular but true opinion: IT is WRONG to call them militants. They are jihadis, normal people who
laid their lives for their lands, to resist injustice.
(vii)Hurriyat leaders for example gillani. Yasin Malik.
(viii)11 resolutions passed by UN, but not implemented.

3. ARTICLE 370
(i) an article called article 370 was passed in 1950, giving rights to Kashmiris. This was revoked in 2019.
(ii)In 2019, In February, a Kashmiri bomber attacks an Indian military convoy in South Kashmir,
ALLEDGELY killing 40 soldiers. (its proven it was a false flag, i.e. planting some faction for a crime they did
not commit)
(iii)India launches air attacks in Pakistan. The next day, Pakistan launches air strikes in Indian-controlled
Kashmir, and shoots down an Indian jet, while Indian forces mistakenly shoot down their own helicopter.
Pakistan returns a captured Indian air force pilot, but tensions remain high.
(iv) India bans the JKLF and the Jamaat Islami, arresting their leaders, including Yasin Malik. A massive
crackdown is launched against APHC activists across Kashmir. Thousands of Kashmiri political and civil
society activists are arrested in raids.
(v) In late July, tens of thousands of new Indian forces entered Kashmir.
(vi)On August 5, the Indian government “reads down” Article 370 and revokes Article 35A, removing the last
remnants of “autonomy” and “special status” guaranteed under the Instrument of Accession and the Delhi
Agreement. The removal of 35A paves the way for Indians citizens to settle in Kashmir, a long standing
demand of the RSS. The leaders of NC and PDP are put under detention. Kashmir is under complete curfew
and all forms of communication are shut down. The Indian government enacts a new “Domicile Law” for the
Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory, allowing certain classes of Indians to become permanent residents of
Kashmir. Indian officials in Kashmir start issuing certificates to Indians that would allow them to get state
employment in Kashmir and make them eligible to purchase land.
(vii) a wide spread curfew was enforced all over Kashmir. People dug graves in their homes. There was no
internet. Rations were limited. Schools, offices etc. all shut down.
Stone pelting. Rape. Murder. Custodial tortuire. Curfews.
Killings : 95283
Custodial killings : 7210
Civilians arrested : 145, 795
Women raped : 11,111
Orphans : 107,756

From the beginning, Quaid e azam was against the stance on kashmir issue, taken by UN. He said "kashmir is
the jugular vein of pkaistan, and no nation can allow its jugular vein to be held by its enemies. Simla
agreement was signed ater Zia's death. Army and ISI began supporting and financially aiding the resistance
groups. Pakistan raised the issue on GENEVA HUMAN RIGHTS CONVENTION. Nawaz Sharif introduced
Kashmir fund and Kashmir tax. Kargil war takes place and Pakistan takes a majority of Kashmir, but then due
to foreign pressure, pakistan army retiliates. The so called pandit exodus takes place in 1990. On August 5,
2019 Pakistan has a firm stance over Article 370. It declares it unjust and stands by Kashmir and Kashmiris to

A referendum must be held, with equal representations of the Indian army and Pakistani army, or a neutral


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