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The Way Your Star Shines

Okay so, first of all... hello judges and people on the internet, my name is Vivian. I’m from
SMK Unggul Sakti School Jambi. I hope you have a great day and always be happy! Today
for this competition, i choose the fisrt topic which is “The Way Your Star Shines” and i want
to tell and share my story about this topic!

Okay, we know that we are not planning to be born at our Zodiac right now. God gave us life
and we must be responsible of it. All of this are our fate, and we have to make our birth be
useful for nature and people around us.

But talking about Zodiac, what is that? Alright, Zodiac is a circular or elliptical diagram
representing the belt, and usually contains twelve divisions called “Signs of Zodiac”. The 12
divisions are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius,
Capricorn, Aquarius & Pisces.

Okay so now you know what is Zodiac, perfect! Basically you can check your own zodiac
based on your birthday. For example like me, i was born on August 19, and then you can just
google it and... Tada!! My Zodiac is Leo.

Maybe some of us will think like this if we heard about “Leo”...

“Oh, Leo... i heard they are the bravest zodiac.”

“Oh, yeah i know Leo. They are known for their leadership and confidence, right?”

“Leo? I heard they are the grumpy one...”

So based on Google, Leo is a confident, brave, friendly, loyal and caring type of zodiac. Leo
isn’t called the “Lion” for no reason. They protect their own. And they are a good listener.
But back again, they have a strong opinion about the things they despise. Where as some
people may keep their dislikes hidden inside, Leo has no problem being vocal about the
things they can’t stand.

Hmm... so if you ask me what’s my opinion about that facts from google, i think it’s pretty
accurate but not 100% accurate. Like for example, Google said that Leo always speak up
when they dislike about something. But the fact in my real life, i’m a type of person who
don’t really talk about my dislikes. I choose to keep it for myself and don’t make a problem
with someone.

Okay back to topic! The way my star makes me shine for example like when there’s nobody
dared or brave enough to do something, but they have me and can rely on me. I feel like
being a useful person for the others is something to be proud of. There is a moment, when my
friend want to talk about a serious topic with our teacher but she has no courage to start a
conversation. Then she ask me to talk with our teacher for her because she know that i’m
brave enough to do it.
“Vivian, oh thank God i found you... could you help me please?” She ran towards me from
the canteen.

“Help what? Something’s happening right now? You good?” I asked her continouly.

“Everything’s fine, just, Ugh! How i supposed to tell you... okay, so i want to talk to Ms.Jane,
but i think i can’t because i’m so nervous. You are a brave girl, i know i can count on you.
Please help me to talk with her...” She said.

“Okay, don’t worry i will help you, just meet me in my class when the bell ringing, okay?”

And after that, me and my friend talk with our teacher and everything go well.

You know, everybody have their own weakness. So am i. I think my weakness is, i am type
of person who panic easily. Everytime i faced a problem, don’t care it’s a big or small
problem, i will get panic. But as time flies, i’m getting older and wiser, becoming an adult, i
think i can control my emotions little by little, to become more balanced. Like, i AM panic,
but i try to not to let that emotions make me down and collapse. As a Leo itself, i’m
imagining that i’m a wise lion, and hoped that i can make a best desicion for my own
problems. I tried to be confident as always and solve my own problems.

I will always to make my birth in this world as something special, something different and
advantageous. And yes, i’m proud of myself, i’m shining and i will always try to make my
existence give a good impact for everyone who’s around me!

Alright, thank you so much for all Judges, thank you for your attention for me and have a
great day!

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