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Exercise 1. Change into plural forms.

1. a table -> ________________ 12. a tomato -> ________________

2. an egg -> ________________ 13. a leaf -> ________________

3. a car -> ________________ 14. a wife -> ________________

4. an orange -> ________________ 15. a country -> ________________

5. a house -> ________________ 16. a key -> ________________

6. a student -> ________________ 17. a policeman -> ________________

7. a class -> ________________ 18. a bamboo -> ________________

8. a box -> ________________ 19. an ox -> ________________

9. a watch -> ________________ 20. a child -> ________________

10. a dish -> ________________ 21. a tooth -> ________________

11. a quiz -> ________________ 22. a goose -> ________________

Exercise 2. Write (am, is, are).

1. Today ______ Monday. I ______ at school.

2. Mom and Dad _________ at home. They __________ at the hospital.

3. The weather ________ nice. It ________ windy and rainy.

4. _______ he free all day? - No, he _____________.

5. She ________ tired.

6. I _______ in London.

7. ________ you at Nina’s house? - Yes, I ________.

8. We _________ with him.

9. ________ they happy? - No, they __________.

10. He _________ at school. He is at home.

Exercise 3. Make questions then answer.

1. Anna/ a firefighter ?


2. dogs/ scary ?



3. a pen/ on the table ?



4. she/ the girl playing badminton with you in the moring?



5. your parents/ tired after work ?



6. you/ a student ?



7. Peter and Jamie/ short?



8. your bike/ in the living room ?



9. flowers in her garden/ beautiful ?



10. your dad/ at the coffee shop?


Exercise 3. Read and do the tasks.

Hi, I’m Julie and my best friends is Hanna, we are always together. We are 13
years old and we are in the same class. Hanna lives in the same street as me
and we like to walk together. When we have a break in school, we often play
games and sometimes we have lunch. We always go home together and talk
about our hobbies. When I am doing my homework and I don’t understand a
question, I often call Hanna for help and we do it together. When we finish out
homework, we always talk. We never go to sleep without talking.

At the weekends, we usually go to the shopping-mall, Hanna always wants to

go shopping but I sometimes want to go to the cinema. We plan our day
together and we never quarrel. On Saturdays, we watch films, we usually eat
pizza and rarely eat popcorn.

We like to wear beautiful clothes, jeans and T-shirts, pretty dresses or skirts. When
I want to wear jeans, I often ask Hanna to give me her T-shirt because she has
got really cool clothes. And I sometimes give her my dresses.

Hanna has an interesting hobby. She likes to take photos. She has got many
beautiful pictures and she collects them on her computer.

I have a hobby too. I write poems and I think my poems are good. I read them
tp my parents and friends and they love my poems.

A. Write True or False

1. Hanna and Julie are cousins. __________________

2. They are 13 years old. __________________

3. Hanna lives in the same street. __________________

4. They go to different schools. __________________

5. On Mondays, they usually go the mall. __________________

6. Hanna doesn’t give her clothes to Julie. __________________

7. They have interesting hobbies. __________________

8. Julie’s hobby is to take photos. __________________

B. Write the correct words.

1. Julie and Hanna are best friends and they are in the ___________ class.

2. When Julie doesn’t ____________________ a question, she often call Hanna for
3. Sometimes Hanna wants to go shopping but Julie wants to go to the

4. They like to wear _____________________ clothes.

5. Julie sometimes gives Hanna her _____________________.

6. When they ________________ their homework, they always talk.

7. They ofthen have ______________ and play games in school.

8. Writing poems is Julie’s ______________________.

Exercise 3. Read and choose the best title.

A. My life in Africa.

B. This is my lovely family.

C. My favourite animals are lions.

D. My best friend.

_______ I love animals, especially lions. They are the second biggest cat in the
world. They have yellowish-brown fur and long tails. They live in grasslands and
woodlands. Their favourite foods are rabbits, birds and reptiles.

_______ Look! There’s a girl standing over there. That’s my best friend, Lisa. She has
got black hair and thin body. She loves playing guitar and jumping rope. On
Sundays, I and Lisa go to the park for walking dogs together.

_______ Africa is absolutely amazing! There are a lot of animals living here. In the
morning, we have breakfast with my family. Then we look for exotic places and
animals all morning. My husband loves filming and I love taking photos of hippos.

_______ My name is Luke and I’m fourteen. I live in Brighton. I have got a brother,
Jack and a sister, Lucy. Jack is the oldest but I’m the tallest. My dad is a mechanic
and my mom works in a hospital. At the weekends, we spend time together.

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