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Another quality cultivar from...


How to use this book .................................................. 2
Agricom - a profile ................................................. 2

Dairying systems ....................................................... 3
Finishing & Backgrounding - Beef & Lamb................... 4
Breeding - Sheep & Beef ........................................... 5
Supplementary & winter Feed ..................................... 6

Perennial & Long Rotation Ryegrasses ........................ 7
Decision Tool .................................................... 8
One50 Perennial Ryegrass ................................ 9
Kingston Perennial Ryegrass ............................. 10
Samson Perennial Ryegrass ..............................11
Commando Perennial Ryegrass .........................11
Halo Tetraploid Perennial Ryegrass .................... 12
Ohau Tetraploid Long Rotation Ryegrass ........... 13
Annual & Short Rotation Ryegrasses ........................... 14
Decision Tool .................................................... 15
Crusader Italian Ryegrass ..................................16-17
Warrior Italian Ryegrass .................................... 18
Pronto Annual Ryegrass .................................... 19
The Ryegrass Continuum ............................................ 20


Cocksfoot ................................................................... 21
Kara ................................................................. 22
Tall Fescue ................................................................. 23
Flecha .............................................................. 24
Advance ........................................................... 25
Jesup ............................................................... 26
Grazing Brome ........................................................... 27
Gala ................................................................. 27
Prairie Grass .............................................................. 28 Formerly PGG Seeds
Atom ................................................................ 28

White Clover .............................................................. 29
Tribute ............................................................. 30
Trophy ............................................................. 31
Manual for
Will Ladino ....................................................... 32
Prestige ........................................................... 33 Quality
White Clover Continuum ............................................. 34
Red Clover ................................................................. 35 Pastures
Colenso ........................................................... 36
Sensation ......................................................... 36
Agricom has a history in Australia as a temperate

proprietary seed business trading under its
Plantain ...................................................................... 37
Tonic ................................................................ 38-41 previous name, PGG Seeds.
Chicory ...................................................................... 42
Choice ............................................................. 43
Grouse ............................................................. 44 The name change to Agricom, is a progressive
step towards consolidating the wider company s

business with its extensive research, breeding
Pasture Establishment ................................................ 45-46
Pastures & Fertilisers .................................................. 47 and evaluation components.
Pastures & Ploidy ....................................................... 48
Understanding Pasture Quality .................................... 48
Endophyte .................................................................. 49-50
Pasture Pests & Diseases Guide ................................. 51-52
Seed Characteristics ................................................... 53
References ................................................................. 54
Notes ......................................................................... 54
1. Introduction
1.1 How to use this book 1.2 Agricom - a profile
This book classifies the comprehensive Agricom product range in a way Investment in breeding
to best assist you in selecting the right cultivar for your requirements. Agricom is an Australasian identity that breeds and markets proprietary
forage varieties throughout Australia. The breeding facility is based in
New Zealand, with extensive offsite evaluation programmes in Victoria,
New South Wales and southern Queensland.

From small beginnings

Understanding the breeding process is useful when considering the
purchasing of a new product. All Agricom products have progressed
SA Brisbane through each step, including extensive off-site evaluation in different
NSW environments and farming systems. Farmers can buy Agricom products
Perth Sydney with confidence knowing they come from a highly developed breeding
Adelaide VIC Canberra programme and are backed by strong technical support to retailers and
Melbourne farmers alike.
TAS Hobart

The yellow zones indicate the areas where Agricom The significant contribution of pastures to a successful, financially-
cultivars are best suited. sound farming economy is reflected by the level of science and research
into the breeding and utilisation of pastures. The diverse range of
Section 2 outlines the four general farming systems in which the species, the number of cultivars, and the variation of characteristics in
Agricom products can add value — dairy, finishing, breeding, and cultivars, ensures farmers have access to the best fit pasture options
forage-based supplementary feeding. The best fit cultivars for each for their farming practice.
system, are listed on those pages. From each farming system page you
will be guided to the appropriate cultivar pages for further information.

Sections 3, 4, 5 & 6 present the Agricom cultivars by species - ryegrass,

other grass species, clover, and herbs. Each cultivar page includes:
¥ The key unique features
¥ Trial data highlighting the potential production achievable with the
cultivar, and how it stacks up against other similar products
¥ Specific cultivar characteristics
¥ Recommended pasture mixes using the cultivar

Section 7 explains the importance of managing pastures correctly, Why buy certified seed?
including pasture establishment, pasture quality, endophyte, pests, Buying certified seed is an investment. It ensures that the bag
diseases and leaf and seed characteristics. of seed is what you think it is and are paying for. The certification
programme includes:
Your local seed representative or your regional Agricom distributor can
offer further advice on matching and utilising the Agricom product range An industry-accredited testing regime.
to your farming system.
An effective and efficient tracking system for seed purity
For information on the use of and germination from the seed grower s paddock to the
brassicas in your farming system market.
please refer to the Brassica Book,
available from your seed supplier. Availability of the seed analysis certificate for your inspection.

Use certified seed as it is true to type and meets strict

standards including purity and germination. Every time
certified seed is purchased you are making an investment
in quality.

This information has been checked for accuracy and published in good faith. To the extent permitted by law, Agricom accepts no liability expressed or implied
for use of information and products in this publication. Reproduction of material requires written permission by Agricom.
' Agricom 2011.


2. Farming Systems
2.1 Dairy Systems
Farming description
A cow feeding system based on pastures to maximise milk quality and
quantity per hectare. The aim of this system is to maintain year-round
milk production, and minimise the requirement of expensive supplement
use, to maintain economic viability.

Farm objective
To extend the milk peak by minimising the rate of decline after peak
production is reached, and to maximise days in milk whilst maintaining
cow condition and pasture cover.

Key drivers
¥ Total dry matter production
¥ Pasture growth in autumn, winter and early spring
¥ Quality in late-spring and summer

Common limitations of pastures

¥ Low production potential from weed grass species
¥ Autumn recovery and winter growth of old and un-improved pastures
¥ Poor spring and summer quality
¥ Autumn feed gap associated with transition from summer grasses
to winter-growing species
¥ Low legume and herb content

Pasture solutions
Dairy systems are well adapted to the traditional ryegrass/white clover
pasture. Adaptations of this combination come from the number of
each species used. Greater variation in characteristics of present day
cultivars allows more control over both the spread of seasonal pasture
production, and the quality of feed.

The cultivars listed below are the most appropriate choices from the
Agricom range. For more information on any of these cultivars the
appropriate page numbers are listed.

Dairy system pasture options Ryegrasses Page No.

ONE50 .............................................. 9
Pasture base Legumes, herbs &
KINGSTON....................................... 10
SAMSON ......................................... 11
COMMANDO ................................... 11
Spring-summer solutions HALO .............................................. 12
Ryegrass White Clover OHAU.............................................. 13
CRUSADER ONE50*¥¥ WILL CRUSADER..................................16-17
OHAU*¥¥ HALO*¥¥ PRESTIGE PRONTO.......................................... 19
KINGSTON Other Grasses
Alternative Grasses Herbs FLECHA........................................... 24
ADVANCE ATOM TONIC ADVANCE........................................ 25
CHOICE ATOM ............................................. 28

Autumn-winter-spring solutions Herbs & Clovers

Ryegrass White Clover TRIBUTE .......................................... 30
PRONTO CRUSADER WILL WILL ............................................... 32
ONE50*¥¥ OHAU*¥¥ TRIBUTE PRESTIGE........................................ 33
HALO*¥¥ KINGSTON PRESTIGE TONIC........................................ 38-41
SAMSON*¥¥ COMMANDO*¥¥ Herbs CHOICE ........................................... 43
TONIC # For more information
Alternative Grasses CHOICE on AR37 endophyte it is
important to read the
ATOM ADVANCE * AR1 option Endophyte pages 49-50.
FLECHA ¥¥ AR37 option #

2. Farming Systems
2.2 Finishing & Backgrounding - Beef & Lamb
Farming description
A finishing system is one that aims to use specific feed types designed
to produce maximum quantity and quality at times of the year that
capture the most financial gain from growing animals.

Farm objective
To maximise per hectare carcass weight production. To produce a
animal to meet specific market specifications in a given timeframe.

Key drivers
¥ Total dry matter production
¥ Maximising stocking rate and animal intake at strategic times
¥ Growing quality feed at farm-specific strategic times
¥ Timing feed availability correctly

Common limitations of pastures

¥ Low production potential from weed grass species
¥ Autumn recovery and winter growth of old and un-improved pastures
¥ Poor spring and summer quality
¥ Autumn feed gap associated with transition from summer grasses
to winter-growing species

Finishing forage solutions

Finishing programmes in Australia vary widely. For ease of understanding
we have categorised the Agricom product range into spring-summer
or autumn-winter solutions.

The cultivars listed in each category are the most appropriate choices
from the Agricom range. For more information on any of these cultivars
the appropriate page numbers are listed.

Finishing & Backgrounding - Beef & Lamb Ryegrasses Page No.

Pasture base Legumes, herbs & ONE50 ............................................... 9
complementary KINGSTON ........................................ 10
species SAMSON .......................................... 11
COMMANDO..................................... 11
Spring-summer solutions HALO ............................................... 12
Ryegrass White Clover OHAU ............................................... 13
CRUSADER ONE50*¥¥ WILL CRUSADER .................................. 16-17
OHAU*¥¥ HALO*¥¥ TRIBUTE PRONTO ........................................... 19
COMMANDO*¥¥ Herbs Other Grasses
TONIC KARA ............................................... 22
Alternative Grasses CHOICE
ATOM KARA FLECHA ............................................ 24
GALA ADVANCE ADVANCE ......................................... 25
JESUP Red Clover JESUP .............................................. 26
COLENSO GALA................................................ 27
ATOM............................................... 28
Autumn-winter-spring solutions White Clover Herbs & Clovers
Ryegrass WILL TRIBUTE............................................ 30
PRONTO CRUSADER TRIBUTE WILL ................................................ 32
ONE50*¥¥ OHAU*¥¥ PRESTIGE PRESTIGE ......................................... 33
HALO* ¥¥
Herbs COLENSO ......................................... 36
KINGSTON TONIC TONIC ......................................... 38-41
CHOICE CHOICE ............................................ 43
Alternative Grasses Red Clover
ATOM ADVANCE COLENSO # For more information
FLECHA on AR37 endophyte it is
* AR1 option important to read the
¥¥ AR37 option # Endophyte pages 49-50.

2. Farming Systems
2.3 Breeding - Sheep & Beef
Farming description
A breeding system requires feeding options that enable the system to
maintain the highest stocking rate of breeding animals with the highest
possible pregnancy and weaning rate. Well managed breeding systems
will also be targeting high weaning weights.

Farm objective
To maximise both the number of offspring reaching weaning, and the
actual weaning weight.

Key drivers
¥ Body condition of breeding stock at mating
¥ Feed availability at lambing, calving and fawning
¥ Quality of feed during lactation
¥ Winter feed supply to maintain pregnant stock and building of pasture
covers for the lactation period

Common limitations of pastures

¥ Old pastures of poor quality and productive ability
¥ Low legume and herb content
¥ Poor winter and early spring production

Breeding forage solutions

The following table outlines the most commonly utilised pastures in use
on breeding operations. The cultivars listed in each are the most
appropriate choices from the Agricom range.

Breeding system pasture options - Sheep & Beef Ryegrasses Page No.
Legumes, herbs & ONE50............................................... 9
Pasture base
complementary KINGSTON........................................ 10
species SAMSON.......................................... 11
COMMANDO .................................... 11
Ryegrass pasture solutions White Clover HALO .............................................. 12
OHAU*¥¥ KINGSTON WILL OHAU .............................................. 13
ONE50*¥¥ SAMSON*¥¥ TRIBUTE CRUSADER ................................. 16-17
COMMANDO*¥¥ PRONTO .......................................... 19
Alternative Grasses TONIC Other Grasses
ADVANCE KARA CHOICE KARA .............................................. 22
JESUP FLECHA FLECHA ........................................... 24
GALA ADVANCE......................................... 25
JESUP ............................................. 26
ATOM.............................................. 28
Short term pasture
Ryegrass White Clover Herbs & Clovers
PRONTO WILL TRIBUTE........................................... 30
CRUSADER OHAU*¥¥ TRIBUTE WILL................................................ 32
Herbs PRESTIGE......................................... 33
Alternative Grasses TONIC COLENSO ........................................ 36
ATOM ADVANCE CHOICE TONIC ........................................ 38-41
Red Clover CHOICE............................................ 43

Oversowing White Clover

* AR1 option # For more information
¥¥ AR37 option # Herbs on AR37 endophyte it is
TONIC important to read the
use of Gaucho seed coating is recommended Endophyte pages 49-50.

2. Farming Systems
2.4 Supplementary & Winter Feed
Farming description
Supplementary feed systems require large volumes of good quality dry
matter to be produced at optimum growing times, and held for times
of minimal growth.

Farm objective
To maximise the volume of dry matter produced per hectare.

Key drivers
¥ Ability to maintain quality in a large volume
¥ Forage suitable for ensiling and hay
¥ Reliability of production
¥ Highly responsive to inputs and flexibility in timing of utilisation

Common limitations of pastures

¥ Old pastures of poor quality and productive ability
¥ Poor recovery ability post cutting
¥ Pastures with poor growth potential during warm months
¥ Low early season growth
¥ Poor cool season dry matter potential

Supplementary and winter feed pasture solutions

The cultivars listed below are the most appropriate choices from the
Agricom range.

Brassica crops play a valuable role in all farming systems as a quality

winter feed alternative to pastures. More information on brassica use
is found in the Brassica Book.

Supplementary feed pasture options

Pasture base Legumes, herbs &

Spring-summer hay & silage production

Ryegrass White Clover
SAMSON*¥¥ COMMANDO*¥¥ PRESTIGE Ryegrasses Page No.
CRUSADER ONE50 ............................................... 9
HALO¥¥ Herbs SAMSON .......................................... 11
TONIC COMMANDO .................................... 11
Alternative Grasses CHOICE HALO ............................................... 12
ADVANCE JESUP OHAU............................................... 13
Red Clover CRUSADER.................................. 16-17
COLENSO PRONTO........................................... 19

Other Grasses
Winter grazing FLECHA............................................ 24
Ryegrass Herbs ADVANCE......................................... 25
CRUSADER TONIC JESUP.............................................. 26
PRONTO OHAU*¥¥ ATOM .............................................. 28

Alternative Grasses Herbs & Clovers

ATOM FLECHA WILL ................................................ 32
PRESTIGE......................................... 33
Brassicas COLENSO......................................... 36
Turnip, Forage Brassicas, Kale * AR1 option TONIC......................................... 38-41
(see the Reference Manual for Brassicas ¥¥ AR37 option # CHOICE ............................................ 43
# For more information
& Alternative Forages for more information) on AR37 endophyte it is
important to read the
Endophyte pages 49-50.

3. Ryegrass Options - Perennial & Long-Rotation
3.1 Perennial & long-rotation ryegrasses
(Lolium perenne, Lolium hybridum)
The most versatile perennial grass species used in temperate farming Cool season production can also be boosted by the inclusion of a
regions, for ease of establishment and management, adaptability to a hybrid/Italian ryegrass at sowing, or oversowing as the pasture declines
wide range of climatic, fertility and grazing conditions and suitability to in plant numbers.

many farming systems.

Persistence can be severely affected by moisture stress and pest and
Perennial and long-rotation ryegrass is best suited to fertile soils, with disease pressure. In areas of regular summer moisture deficits, the use
minimum average annual rainfalls above 700mm. It is relatively intolerant of short-term ryegrasses or deep-rooting grass species like tall fescue
of prolonged drought and high temperatures, making it better suited can be more cost effective. Crown and stem rust commonly reduce
to southern states and higher altitude areas of NSW. palatability and quality, with the level of impact being largely dependent
on season, rust strain and cultivar susceptibility characteristics.
Typical sowing rates range from 18-25 kg/ha (diploids) to 25-30 kg/ha
(tetraploids) when sown as the sole grass, or lower rates when other Perennial and long-rotation ryegrass can be utilised as the dominant/single
grasses or pasture components are included in the mix. Seasonal species of grass used in a farming system (more common in dairy
growth peaks in spring, with quality and growth declining through systems with reliable rainfall/irrigation and a relatively consistent feed
summer. The heading date of a cultivar determines the spread of requirement through the year), or to play a role as the versatile, low
seasonal growth and the point at which quality can be expected to maintenance, general purpose pasture and sacrificial paddock in times
decline. New genetics are also altering the pattern of seasonal growth, of feed stress.
with many new cultivars having greater cool season growth potential
with a lower spike of production in spring.

3. Ryegrass Options - Perennial & Long-Rotation
Decision tool
The following decision tool can be used to help you decide which perennial or long-rotation ryegrass cultivar to choose to best suit your farming
needs. Through the process of elimination with the headings listed below you will be able to determine which cultivar best suits your requirements.

Diploid Tetraploid

Perennial Ryegrass

Mid Late
Perennial Ryegrass HEADING DATE


General Purpose High Performance


Perennial Ryegrass
Unreliable or Irrigation


Perennial Ryegrass

Low - Medium Medium - High


3. Ryegrass Options - Perennial & Long-Rotation
ONE50 perennial ryegrass
It s outstanding in the field
¥ Selected for Australian conditions ONE50 is a new generation late-heading perennial ryegrass. Selected
¥ Long season, high-yielding production for Australian conditions, ONE50 has outstanding dry matter production
¥ Outstanding summer, autumn and winter production and its yield potential is best realised in fertile, productive conditions.
¥ High quality late feed ONE50 is ideal for producing high quality feed for silage and hay. Due
¥ Rust tolerant to ONE50 s late-heading characteristics, it makes late-spring and
early-summer pasture management easier. It maintains vegetative leaf
Ploidy: Diploid production during this time. This contrasts with most early to mid-
Heading Date: Late heading ryegrasses which require good grazing management to control
Endophyte Options: SE, AR1, AR37* seed head production through this period. ONE50 offers farmers reliability,
Sowing Rate (kg/ha): 18-20kg with clovers & herbs dependability and quality when they need it.
When to Sow: Autumn & spring

Prime Growing Times: Summer, autumn & winter Compared with other cultivars ONE50 has demonstrated
Best Grazing Practice: Rotational grazing
excellent drought tolerance and recovery during the 2006/07
White Clover drought:
Tribute white clover This trial site in Hamilton, Victoria was sown in autumn 2006 and
Prestige white clover this photograph shows the site in August 2007. Autumn recovery
Will ladino white clover and winter growth was outstanding. It is clear that ONE50 coped
Sow With: Herbs exceptionally well with the harsh conditions compared to other
Tonic plantain grass selections.
Choice chicory
Red Clover
Colenso red clover
* Talk to your Territory Manager or Distributor for more information
about cultivars with AR37
* See page 50 for specific animal health information on AR37

Trial Results
Figure 1. Seasonal and annual production of 5 perennial ryegrass
cultivars. Mean of 3 years. Warragul, VIC. Trial sown 20 April 2005


2184 2076
16000 2053
Yield (kgDM/ha)

Table 1. Annual performance of 5 perennial ryegrasses over three 14000 4492 4208 4100
3651 1671
years. Yield % (relative to trial mean = 100). Warragul, VIC. Trial sown 12000

20 April 2005 10000 2874

8000 7730 7756 7643

Cultivar Yield % (Relative to Trial Mean = 100) 7416
6000 6042
Total Year 1 Total Year 2 Total Year 3 4000
ONE50 110 110 110 2000 4099 3767 3909 3661 3089
Impact 105 108 105 0
ONE50 Impact Matrix Cannon Cordoba
Matrix 106 102 106
Winter Spring Summer Autumn
CANNON 99 99 100
Cordoba 81 81 80
Trial mean(=100) 19504 15704 15619
LSD 10 4 8

3. Ryegrass Options - Perennial & Long-Rotation
Kingston perennial ryegrass
The reliable perennial flier
KINGSTON has established a reputation as one of the leading proprietary ¥ Strong establisher
perennial ryegrasses. It has the ability to be productive and persistent ¥ Strong autumn growth and winter vigour
over a wide range of soil conditions (e.g. it tolerates and remains ¥ A versatile, general-purpose ryegrass for sheep and beef
productive in acidic soils) and rainfalls, including harsh, dry climates. ¥ Provides grazing flexibility
KINGSTON also has excellent stem rust tolerance. These traits, and its ¥ Excellent tolerance to dry conditions
high tiller density and rapid recovery after grazing make KINGSTON
suitable for all types of farming systems. Ploidy: Diploid
Heading Date: Mid
A sowing rate of 18-20 kg/ha is recommended for KINGSTON, with the Endophyte Options: LE, SE
inclusion of legumes and herbs (e.g. PRESTIGE white clover and TONIC Sowing Rate (kg/ha): 18-20kg with clovers & herbs
plantain). KINGSTON is a strong establisher and has good winter vigour When to Sow: Autumn & spring
Prime Growing Times: Autumn, winter, spring

and strong autumn growth. KINGSTON is suited to all forms of grazing
management, with maximum dry matter production achieved under Acid Tolerance: Tolerant & productive
rotational grazing. Best Grazing Practice: Set stocking and/or rotational grazing
White Clover
KINGSTON s production and persistence under a wide range of conditions Tribute white clover
Prestige white clover
make it an ideal long-term perennial pasture option. It has the versatility
Will ladino white clover
of being suitable for all classes of stock, especially sheep and beef,
and to a wide range of grazing regimes and climatic conditions. Sow With: Herbs
Tonic plantain
Choice chicory
Red Clover
Colenso red clover

Table 1. Total dry matter performance of perennial ryegrass over 3 years (kgDM/ha) APPEC Terang, 2000-2003

Total Total Total 3 Year Total Yield (%)

Cultivar/Line Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 2000-2003 (Relative to Trial
(kgDM/ha) (kgDM/ha) (kgDM/ha) (kgDM/ha) Mean = 100)

KINGSTON 6780 4510 5890 17180 105

Vedette 6910 4710 5110 16730 103
CANNON 6430 4730 5450 16610 102
Yatsyn 1 6230 4510 5710 16450 101
C612 6660 4290 5230 16180 99
Ellett 6800 4040 2560 16110 99
Impact 6840 4150 5100 16090 99
C611 5970 3980 4920 14880 91
Trial mean 6590 4412 5302 16307 100
LSD 555 1050 651 1333 8

3. Ryegrass Options - Perennial & Long-Rotation
Samson perennial ryegrass
Widely adapted, general-purpose performer
Perennial Ryegrass
SAMSON is an ideal general-purpose perennial ryegrass due to its low
¥ Productive under dairy, beef and sheep management stem production in late-spring and summer, and strong summer and
¥ Crown rust tolerance autumn dry matter production. It excels under sheep and beef grazing.
¥ Available with AR1 & AR37* endophytes It is one of the most widely-tested AR1 varieties available. SAMSON is
¥ Strong establisher also available with the new endophyte AR37*, which offers improved
resistance to insects (e.g. Black Beetle, Root Aphid, Pasture Mealy Bug).
Ploidy: Diploid
Heading Date: Mid
SAMSON performs well in drier environments and exhibits strong
Endophyte Options: SE, AR1, AR37*
tolerance to crown rust. This ensures quality of growth on offer. It is
Sowing Rate (kg/ha): 18-20kg with clovers & herbs
an ideal pasture for use in irrigated or spring/summer rainfall areas.
When to Sow: Autumn & spring
Prime Growing Times: Summer, autumn, winter SAMSON was bred for persistence, production and disease tolerance.

Rust Tolerance: Very high

Best Grazing Practice: Rotational grazing
White Clover
Tribute white clover
Prestige white clover
Will ladino white clover
Sow With: Herbs
Tonic plantain
Choice chicory
Red Clover
Colenso red clover

* Talk to your Territory Manager or Distributor for more information

about cultivars with AR37
* See page 50 for specific animal health information on AR37

Commando perennial ryegrass

High-yielding with excellent early-spring growth
¥ High annual production with strong persistence
¥ It is one of the top yielding ryegrasses from Agricom COMMANDO is a high-yielding, diploid perennial ryegrass with a
¥ Improved cool and warm season growth medium tiller density and heading date. COMMANDO was bred for
¥ Excellent disease tolerance high input dairy, beef and sheep systems.
¥ Ideal for dairy & beef grazing
COMMANDO also has excellent early-season growth, growing feed
Ploidy: Diploid when farmers need it.
Heading Date: Mid
Endophyte Options: SE, AR1, AR37* COMMANDO was bred by AgResearch Grasslands from persistent
Sowing Rate (kg/ha): 18-20kg in a pure sward plants selected and crossed with elite plants from AgResearch breeding
Prime Growing Times: Spring, summer, autumn pools. Plant selection was undertaken in a mild winter climate and has
Best Grazing Practice: Rotational allowed for increased winter growth in most environments. COMMANDO
has been shown to have outstanding persistence and rust tolerance,
White Clover
Tribute white clover in addition to good production levels.
Prestige white clover
Sow With: Tonic plantain
Choice chicory
Red Clover
Sensation red clover
* Talk to your Territory Manager or Distributor for more information
about cultivars with AR37
* See page 50 for specific animal health information on AR37

3. Ryegrass Options - Perennial & Long-Rotation
Optimum quality all-year round
HALO was bred by combining the best tetraploid perennial ryegrass
genetics, with the majority originating from north-west Spain. This
provides HALO with strong winter growth, summer production and
persistence in summer moist/irrigated regions.
¥ Late heading date and tetraploid for optimum feed quality
HALO was the first tetraploid perennial ryegrass available with AR37* ¥ Optimum quality all-year-round
endophyte. This allows farmers to choose a ryegrass which will not
¥ Available with AR37* endophyte for persistence and
only maximise animal performance, but will also have resistance to pasture production advantages
more insects with improved persistence in many environments. ¥ Strong year-round growth in temperate regions

Performance Ploidy: Tetraploid

HALO should be used where farmers require maximum performance Heading Date: Late
from a perennial, tetraploid pasture. It can be used in all regions, Endophyte Options: AR37*
but longevity and production will be optimised in areas with good

Sowing Rate (kg/ha): 25-30kg with clovers & herbs
summer rainfall or irrigation, on soils with good fertility and drainage. Prime Growing Times: Winter, summer, autumn
Best Grazing Practice: Rotational grazing
HALO with AR37 endophyte will survive and produce better than
White Clover
many cultivars where there is insect pressure, especially Black Beetle,
Tribute white clover
Pasture Mealy Bug and Root Aphid. Prestige white clover
Will ladino white clover
HALO should be used in situations where a high-quality ryegrass is Sow With: Herbs
required. As with any tetraploid ryegrass, persistence may be
Tonic plantain
compromised through repeated close grazings in droughts, or Choice chicory
pugging damage.
Red Clover
HALO is recommended for dairy and sheep/beef farms that are Colenso red clover
requiring high animal productivity. * Talk to your Territory Manager or Distributor for more information
about cultivars with AR37
* See page 50 for specific animal health information on AR37

3. Ryegrass Options - Perennial & Long-Rotation
Ohau tetraploid long-rotation ryegrass
Winter and spring production in a quality
tetraploid ryegrass
¥ High-yielding ryegrass OHAU is the latest generation of tetraploid long-rotation ryegrass. It
¥ Strong cool season production has 75% perennial and 25% Italian ryegrass genetics. OHAU has a
¥ Mid to late-heading tetraploid ryegrass mid to late heading date and was bred for high-production and quality.
¥ Available with AR1 and AR37* endophytes
OHAU is a long-rotation ryegrass that has strong winter and early-
spring activity. This allows OHAU to contribute valuable growth in the
Ploidy: Tetraploid
critical early-lambing and calving periods. OHAU is an extremely
Heading Date: Mid-late
palatable grass with a high feed value. OHAU s palatability results in
Endophyte Options: LE, AR1, AR37*
pastures with a high green leaf content over summer. Tiller density
Sowing Rate (kg/ha): 25-30kg
is equal to or better than other tetraploid perennial and long-rotation
Prime Growing Times: Winter, early-spring
ryegrasses, and persistence is good for a tetraploid.
Best Grazing Practice: Rotational grazing

White Clover OHAU is the ideal option for high quality, medium to long-term
Tribute white clover pastures, in conditions suited to tetraploid ryegrasses.
Prestige white clover
Will ladino white clover OHAU is also available with the new AR37* endophyte, which offers
Sow With: Herbs improved resistance to insects (e.g. Black Beetle, Root Aphid, Pasture
Tonic plantain Mealy Bug).
Choice chicory
Red Clover
Colenso red clover
* Talk to your Territory Manager or Distributor for more information
about cultivars with AR37
* See page 50 for specific animal health information on AR37

Greg Roadley in a paddock of OHAU tetraploid long-rotation ryegrass - May 2007.

3. Ryegrass Options - Annual & Short-Rotation
3.2 Annual and Short-Rotation Ryegrasses
(Lolium multiflorum, Lolium hybridum)
This group includes the traditional Italian and annual (Westerwolds), The rapid establishment, superior cool season growth (compared to
and Italian-type hybrids. Italians and Italian-type hybrids are often called any other grass), and total dry matter yield of these grasses makes
short-rotation ryegrasses. Compared to perennials they are more them ideal for use as a break in a cropping or pasture renovation
erect, large leaved, heavier yielding grasses, with a variation in persistence rotation, making use of available moisture after dry summer conditions,
from 9 months to 3 years. The Italian-type hybrids typically exhibit and as an alternative to traditional winter feed crops like brassicas.
winter yields 70-90% of Italian ryegrass with persistence varying from
1 year in dry conditions to more than 3 years in moist, pest-free Italian-type hybrids show benefits of persistence over the true Italians,
situations. and is one method of reducing pasture establishment and labour costs
in a high input system. They can be more compatible than Italians with
Short-rotation ryegrasses are usually sown in autumn. Direct-drill or companion species, like clovers, making ideal finishing/supplementary
sow into cultivated seedbeds at 18-25 kg/ha for diploids and 25-30 pastures. Later-flowering and tetraploid cultivars have summer-quality
kg/ha for tetraploids. Annuals will produce well in regions of average advantages.
annual rainfalls above 400 mm, with short-rotation ryegrass requiring

a higher minimum annual rainfall of 750 mm to realise the benefit of
extended growth in spring.

A hybrid s autumn establishment yield is generally lower than a true

Italian s. Annuals will persist until seed-set in early summer. The more
persistent Italians (often named biennials) may persist into a second
winter and spring. The earlier the planting can be achieved in late
summer-autumn, the greater the contribution the autumn establishment
production makes to the total yield.

Recommended Roles:
Recommended Roles:
Recommended Roles:
Recommended Roles:
Recommended Roles:
Recommended Roles:
Recommended Roles:
Recommended Roles:

LSD (P=0.05):
Autumn = 455
Winter = 590
Spring = 481
Summer = 973

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