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Name: Genetics Test Date:

Exercise 1 (5 points)
In humans, several genes located on autosomes control the pigmentation of the skin. We study the
transmission of one of these genes that has two alleles:
- The dominant allele determines a normal colored skin which is characterized by the synthesis of
– The recessive allele determines albinism which is characterized by the arrest (stoppage) of the synthesis
of this pigment.
1- Indicate the symbol of the alleles
2- Give the genotype of an albino individual.
3- Determine the ratio of offspring of an albino female married to a heterozygous normal male.

Exercise 2 (5 points)
In human, migraine (headache) is determined by a dominant gene
located on an autosome.
An individual possesses two alleles of this gene
. The adjacent document represents the genealogical tree (pedigree) of
a family whose some members have migraine.
1- Give the symbol of the alleles
2- Indicate the genotypes of parents 1and 2. Justify your answer
based on the given information and acquired knowledge.
3- Make the cross needed that permits to verify the phenotypes of the children of these parents 1 and 2.

Exercise 3 (5 points)
A man with attached earlobes marries a woman with unattached ear lobes, whose father
had attached ear lobes. Unattached earlobes (U) is dominant over attached earlobes (u).
What are the genotypes of all individuals mentioned below?(6points)
a. Man with attached ear lobes: _______ _______
b. Woman with unattached ear lobes: _______ _______
c. Father: _______ _______
Exe]rcise 4 (5 points)

In 1931, during a laboratory work, Arthur Fox discovered that PTC powder (a chemical
substance) tastes bitter for certain persons while it doesn’t for others.
The sensitivity to PTC is a hereditary trait
coded by a gene located on chromosome
n0 7. The adjacent pedigree shows the
transmission of this trait in a family.
1. Show that the allele coding for the
sensitivity to PTC is dominant over the
allele coding for the non-sensitivity to
2. Designate by symbols the
corresponding alleles.
3. Indicate the genotypes of I1, II2 and III3.
4. Make the cross which verifies the phenotypic results of the descendants of the couple II3 and

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