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Astro Ltd Laser Physics

Laser Phys. 26 (2016) 045702 (6pp) doi:10.1088/1054-660X/26/4/045702

Random lasing in Cr:ZnS

microstructure-textured grooves
Xianheng Yang1, Guoying Feng1, Chao Yang1, Shutong Wang1
and Shouhuan Zhou1,2
  Institute of Laser and Micro/Nano Engineering, College of Electronics and Information Engineering,
Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064, People’s Republic of China
  North China Research Institute of Electro-Optics, Beijing 100015, People’s Republic of China

E-mail: and

Received 16 September 2015, revised 18 December 2015

Accepted for publication 18 December 2015
Published 8 March 2016

We report a random lasing emission based on microstructure-textured grooves of Cr:ZnS
crystal. The microstructures include horizontal ripples and a vertical periodic structure
with dozens of micrometers of periods, which are induced by the Fresnel diffraction of
femtosecond laser in the grooves and the interference of laser light through the micropores,
respectively. The microstructures multiple-scatter the light, resulting in lasing emission with
a center wavelength of 2250 nm and a relatively low lasing threshold of ~80 μJ/pulse. There
is a dramatic shortening of the emission lifetime as the pump energy increases. The emission
peaks are shifted by pumping at the microstructures with different vertical periods. It shows a
structural stable property for potential random laser applications.

Keywords: random lasing, microstructure, lifetime

(Some figures may appear in colour only in the online journal)

1. Introduction Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory scientists [19, 20]

first reported that the heavy ions in II–VI chalcogenide hosts
Random lasers are of great interest in recent years for their are transparent in a wide spectral region and decrease the effi-
low threshold, small size and low spatial coherence [1–3]. ciency of non-radiative decay, leading to high luminescence
Based on disordered structures in laser active materials, posi- yield at room temperature (RT). Soon afterwards, Mirov’s
tive feedback is provided by multiple scattering that confines [17, 18, 21] and Sorokina’s [22–24] groups made great efforts
the light in the gain medium for very long paths [4, 5]. In to research Cr2+-doped chalcogenides and found out some sig-
1996, Wiersma [6] presented closed-loop paths that supported nificant phenomena. Chromium-doped zinc sulfide (Cr:ZnS)
coherent backscattering for random lasing emission. And then crystal features widely tunable laser wavelengths between 1.8
Cao [7–9] made experiments to demonstrate the physics by and 2.8 μm, corresponding to the 5E  →  5T2 state transitions
discrete lasing modes in the emission spectra. Coherent back- of Cr2+ ions in the ZnS host. TM-ion-doped chalcogenide
scattering is known as weak localization. It means that weak random powder lasers were demonstrated in [25–28]. In part­
localization of light will occur when the scattering wave- icular, Cr:ZnS random powders lase at center wavelengths of
length is less than or close to the scattering mean free path, 2200 nm, 2246 nm and 2264 nm with particle sizes of 27 nm,
and coherent backscattering is possible. Since then, random 250 nm and 3 μm, respectively. Widely tunable random lasers
laser behaviors have gained much more attention and been between 2 and 3 μm show great potential for laser applica-
extensively studied with a variety of experiments [10–13] and tions in spectroscopic investigations, noninvasive medical
theoretical calculations [14, 15]. diagnostics and environmental monitoring [17, 22, 29].
Transition-metal (TM) ion-doped II–VI semiconductors In this work, we introduce a Cr:ZnS random laser with sta-
are of great interest in solid-state lasers and optoelectronic ble structures of long-periodic ripple-textured microgrooves.
devices as a new class of active materials owing to their avail- With increasing pump energy, the lasing threshold, radical
able spectra in the mid-infrared (mid-IR) region [16–18]. narrowing of the emission linewidth and dramatic shortening

1054-660X/16/045702+6$33.00 1 © 2016 Astro Ltd  Printed in the UK

Laser Phys. 26 (2016) 045702 X Yang et al

of the emission lifetime are observed. We also show the strong ripples gets larger as the depth goes deeper. The laser-induced
dependence of the emission wavelength on the periodic long-periodic structures can be explained by the Fresnel dif-
microstructures. fraction in the grooves resulting in the intensity modulation
of the laser light’s transverse intensity profile [33–35]. The
groove is regarded as a slit, and the phenomenon is calculated
2.  Experimental methods
by the Fresnel zone plate method
The microstructure-textured grooves of the Cr:ZnS crystal ρ2N ⎛ R⎞
were prepared using a titanium-doped sapphire femtosecond N=
(1) ⎜ 1 + ⎟,
laser (800 nm center wavelength and 45 fs pulse duration) λR ⎝ r0 ⎠
with a fluence of ~160 mJ cm−2 on the surface of the Cr:ZnS where N is the number of wave zones, ρN is the radius of the
crystal in a high-vacuum chamber. The Cr:ZnS crystal was slit, λ is the light wavelength, R is the radius of the wave zone,
mounted on a rotating stainless-steel target holder. The vac- which can be offset in the post process, and r0 is the diffraction
uum chamber was pumped to a pressure below 9  ×  10–4 Pa. distance between the slit and the reference point. On the basis
The repetition rate of the femtosecond laser was 1 kHz and of the SEM results, we assume ρN  =100 μm, λ  =  800 nm, and
the revolving speed of the target was 10 rpm. The preparation r0  = 300 μm. As a result, the calculated period of the horizon-
details have been reported in our previous works [30]. So as tal ripples (Δr  ≈  14.4 μm) matches the experimental results
to clear out the surface adhesive powders, the Cr:ZnS crystal (~15 μm) very well. In addition, there is a vertical periodic
was cleaned with alcohol, acetone and deionized water in an structure with an average period of ~30 μm on the side wall of
ultrasonic cleaner for several minutes after laser ablation. the micropores. When we slowed down the femtosecond-laser
The mid-IR photoluminescence (PL) spectra of the Cr:ZnS scanning speed, there resulted a single groove without micro-
microstructure-textured grooves were measured under pores in it. And on the side wall of the groove, there are only
1600 nm laser radiation from a tunable optical parametric some horizontal ripples rather than a vertical periodic struc-
oscillator (OPO) operating with 7 ns pulse duration and a 10 Hz ture. By our analysis, the vertical periodic structure is caused
repetition rate. The focus spot diameter of the pump light was by the diffraction and interference of the femtosecond laser.
about 200 μm. A monochromator and InGaAs near-infrared Laser light passing through the row of micropores is similar to
detector were used to detect the emission signal. The grat- a multiple-slit diffraction. The principal maximum diffraction
ing in the monochromator was 600 lines mm−1 and its blaze and constructive interference will occur simultaneously at the
wavelength was around 1.6 μm. The response wavelength midperpendicular of the micropore line. As a result, laser light
and time resolution of the InGaAs detector were from 1.0 in these positions with the strongest intensity will ablate the
to 2.6 μm and ~2 μs, respectively. A digital phosphor oscil- material extremely, leading to vertical periodic structure.
loscope and HgCdTe mid-IR detector were used to measure Figure 2(a) exhibits the RT emission spectra of the Cr:ZnS
the PL lifetime. The response wavelength and time resolution microstructure-textured grooves with various pump pulse
of the HgCdTe detector were from 2 to 5 μm and ~20 ns, energies. At low pump energy (60 μJ/pulse), the multiple scat-
respectively. tering cannot provide enough positive feedback, leading to a
single broad and weak spontaneous emission signal. When
3.  Results and discussion the pump energy nearly exceeds the threshold (100 μJ/pulse),
multiple narrow spikes emerge in the emission spectra around
Figure 1(a) shows the model of the microstructure-textured 2250 nm. The linewidth of the spikes is less than 4 nm, as
grooves. In the deep grooves, there are some micropores, and depicted in the upper left inset of figure 2(a). The multiple
on the side wall of the micropores there are some periodic spikes correspond to the resonant modes of the scattering light
structures. The scanning electron microscope (SEM) results within the random media which are stimulated by coherent
reveal that there are two grooves with an average width of feedback [36]. As the pump energy increases further (500 μJ/
~200 μm on the surface of the Cr:ZnS crystal, and in each pulse), more and stronger sharp spikes appear. By our anal-
groove there is one row of micropores with an average size of ysis, the spike linewidth is limited by the resolution of the
~30 μm, as depicted in figure 1(b). We cut open one groove apparatus. Though the rotating grating in the monochromator
in the perspective of a microscope, and the side wall of the could distinguish Δλ  =  0.1 nm light wavelengths by chro-
micropores in the deep groove was observed by SEM, as matic dispersion, the slit width before the detector restricts the
shown in figures 1(c) and (d). The bright structure in the bot- limiting resolution of the monochromator. The adjacent lasing
tom of figure 1(c) is the fracture surface of the Cr:ZnS crystal, wavelengths could be detected simultaneously by the detec-
which is deeper than the groove and micropores. The average tor, resulting in a single emission peak with much broader
depth of the groove is about 360 μm. It has a smooth side linewidth. Only when the pump energy is around the thresh-
wall covered by sputtering particles. The average depth of the old can sharp spikes (~4 nm) be observed. As the pump energy
micropores is about 250 μm and their side walls are covered increases further, many more lasing modes oscillate and sharp
by a ripple structure. The period of the horizontal ripples is spikes turn to a relatively broad envelope curve (~50 nm). In
averaged at about 10 μm, which is one order of magnitude addition, the broad spontaneous emission fluorescence spectra
higher than the femtosecond laser-induced periodic structures also get stronger as the pump energies get higher. For laser
(FLIPSS) [31, 32]. Furthermore, the period of the horizontal action, an abrupt increase of peak intensity with the increasing

Laser Phys. 26 (2016) 045702 X Yang et al

Figure 1.  (a) Model of Cr:ZnS microstructures. (b) SEM image of the grooves’ and micropores’ surface morphology. (c) SEM image of the
grooves’ and micropores’ side wall. (d) Partially magnified picture of the micropores’ side wall.

Figure 2.  (a) RT emission spectra of Cr:ZnS microstructure-textured groove at various pump energies. The upper left inset is a partially
magnified picture of the PL spectrum at a 100 μJ/pulse pump energy. (b) Evolution of integrated peak intensity as a function of pump

pump energy is regarded as a laser-like threshold. Figure 2(b) The RT decay profiles of the random lasing based on
shows the integrated peak intensity as a function of the pump the Cr:ZnS microstructure-textured grooves were investi-
energy. As one can see, a lasing threshold of ~80 μJ/pulse gated. Figure  3 shows the normalized emission decay pro-
behavior is observed. Above the pump threshold, there is an files obtained at 2250 nm for different pump energies. At a
abrupt change in the slope and a nearly linear increase in the 50 μJ/pulse pump energy, the spontaneous emission lifetime
output signal with the pump energy. Due to the gain satur­ is about 1.2 μs, which is much shorter than reported results
ation of the laser active medium, the slope of the growth curve [18, 19]. What causes the emission lifetime shortening of the
decreases when the pump energy is above 400 μJ/pulse. microstructure-textured groove is the large number of crystal
Laser Phys. 26 (2016) 045702 X Yang et al

Figure 3.  RT normalized temporal profiles of Cr:ZnS

microstructure-textured groove measured at 2250 nm for different
pump energies. The inset is a magnified temporal profile at a
500 μJ/pulse pump energy.

Figure 4.  Emission spectra of Cr:ZnS groove pumped at the same

position with ~600 μJ/pulse energy. The inset is the SEM image of
the pump area’s side wall.

defects [25]. Besides, high chromium doping concentrations

would also decrease the emission lifetime [37]. The doping con-
centration of chromium in our sample is about 5  ×  1019 cm−3.
As the pump energy increases, a remarkable shortening of
the pulse profile is observed, which is caused by a multi-
exponential decay including a rapidly falling laser spike
and a slowly falling portion. While far above the threshold Figure 5.  Emission peak shifting of Cr:ZnS grooves textured with
(500 μJ/pulse), the lasing emission lifetime is kept a constant (a) 23 μm, (b) 40 μm and (c) 75 μm vertical period microstructures.
of ~30 ns as depicted in the inset of figure 3, which is limited The insets are the SEM images of the pump areas’ side walls.
by the temporal response (~20 ns) of our detector.
In order to demonstrate the stability of our random lasing results, a stable lasing emission based on the microstructure-
emission, the ~23 μm vertical period structure-textured groove textured groove is obtained.
was pumped at different times with ~600 μJ/pulse energy. The Since the horizontal ripples at different positions affected
data was recorded every 15 min in the experiment, as shown in by the groove depth are almost the same, there should be
figure 4. The emission center wavelengths remain in the domi- no relation to the emission spectra. But the vertical periodic
nant position at around 2250 nm, though there is a slight shift structures vary with the micropores, so the emission peak
due to the energy fluctuations of the pump pulses. Besides, the wavelength might be influenced by them. To confirm this,
emission intensities also stay nearly the same except for some we pumped at different vertical periodic structure-textured
undulations of pump energy. According to the experimental grooves and measured the spectra, as depicted in figure  5.

Laser Phys. 26 (2016) 045702 X Yang et al

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