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1534 J. J. BIKERMAN Vol.


value. However, it has been reported by Smith14 counted in the term dXu,etc. I n order to count each
that the width of such crystallites are from 360 to type of undesirable configurations only once we ar-
390 A. The 400 A. length, therefore, does not rived a t the present form of equation 7. To evalu-
seem to be unreasonable. (2) Again, if the present ate c $ ~ , one has to count the configurations contain-
values of y and B are not far from reality the chains ing groupings of different numbers of x, -x steps,
in the amorphous phase of polyethylene are highly such as “x, -x”, “x, -x, x”, etc., separately. Let
oriented. Their configurations are much more ex- qhXdenotes the number of configurations containing
tended than the random coil configuration. Thus the largest grouping of x and -x steps. Then
the specific volume of the amorphous phase niay be
quite different from the value extrapolated from the
liquid state. This fact also supports the view on ,
the growth of spherulites that the formation of a The first part of 41%is the permutation within the x
nucleus is induced by the growth of the first crystal- step grouping and the second part is the permuta-
lite. (3) Equation 3 indicates that for polydis- tion outside this grouping. For the number of con-
persed polymers the degree of crystallinity depends figurations & containing the next largest grouping
on the number average molecular weight. The of x and -x steps, the expression is
number average molecular weights of commercial n,+ n-. - l)!
[ ( ( n , - l)!n-.!
+ (n, + n-. - l)!
polyethylenes usually vary within a very narrow 9% = n,! (n-z - l)!l
range.16 As a result, the crystallinity is not greatly
affected by the molecular weight based on viscosity
Acknowledgment.-The authors are indebted t o I

Dr. H. W. McCormick of the Physical Research The first bracket again is the permutation within
Laboratory for his assistance in the centrifugation the x step grouping. The first term in the second
of polymer samples. bracket is the permutation outside the x grouping
and the second term which represents the config-
Appendix urations with another x step adjacent to the x
The Evaluation of Q’.-In the derivation of grouping is subtracted from the first term. Thus
equation 7, c $ ~4,~, , and c $ have ~ the sum of all these @qx, dzX. . . . terms corre-
~ ~ ~ already been c $ is
counted once in the term qjX; similarly 4xyzhas been sponding to all possible numbers of x step groupings.
(14) D. C. Smith, “Molecular Structure of Marlex Polymers,”
All the other 4 terms have to be evaluated similarly.
presented a t ACS meeting, Dallas, 1956. It is quite obvious then when y becomes large 8’ is
(15) H. Smith, J . Poly. Sei., 21, 563 (1956). impossible to evaluate numerically.


Department of Civil and Sanitary Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge 39, Mass.
Recewed June 16, 1968

The hysteresis of wetting observed when a artially wetted vertical slide is moved in and out of a liquid can be used to
calculate the surface tension of the liquid. !&e vertical displacement of the liquid surface h2 - h1 = (2y/gp)’/e(M2:/a -
M l ’ / g ) , if A f 2 = 1-( 1 - F22/L2y2)‘/zand Ilfl = 1 - (I - F12/L2y2)’/2; F , and F2 are the capillary forces on the slide a t
the two positions of the surface, L is the length of the 3-phase boundary, -1 is surface tension, g is acceleration due to gravity,
and p the density of the liquid. The method was tested successfully on water and mercury and is suitable for the latter

I. Introduction 11. Theory

I n the course of a study of the hysteresis of wet- A vertical plate suspended in a liquid surface
ting it was noticed that the surface tension y of the (see the continuous curve in Fig. 1) is subject to
liquid can be calculated from the hysteresis data. capillary force3 ~

As a new method of measuring y , the procedure F, = L ~ C O S ~ ~ (1)

seems t o be advantageous for mercury only. Solids L is the perimeter of the plate (that is the length
which give a zero contact angle with mercury are of the 3-phase boundary line) and is the contact
soluble in the latter and thus are apt to contaminate angle. If now the level of the liquid be raised t o
it (alt,hough the contamination may be insignifi- the position indicated by the dashes while, be-
cant in favorable instances2); thus the easier cause of the hysteresis of wetting, the 3-phase line
methods of measuring y cannot be used with safety, retains its position, the contact angle increases
and those that can are not more convenient than to e2 and the capillary force diminishes t o
the present one. At any rate it has a theoretical F~ = L~ e2
significance and thus deserves a description.
COS (2)
(1) Presented a t the 134th National Meeting, American Chemical
From F1 and Fz, y can be calculated without meas- ,

Society, Chicago, September, 1958. uring el and e2.

(2) E. A. Owen and A . P. Dufton, I’roc. Pliys. Soc. ( T m d o h ) , 38, (3) E.Q.,J. J. Bikerman, “Suiface Chemistry.” 2nd edition, Aca.
204 (1920). deniic Press, Inc., New York, N. Y . , 1958, p. 9.

Figure 2 represents the vertical cross-section of

a meniscus at a vertical plane wall (shaded) for
el > 90". The equation of the curve is simply
r l R = hgp (3)
if R is the radius of curvature a t a point h cm.
below the Rat portion of the meniscus, g is ac-
celeration due t o gravity, and p is the density of
the liquid minus the density of air. As Fig. 2 Fig. 1.-Vertical cross-section of a meniscus a t a vertical
shows, R d8=ds; ds is the length of the surface plate (shaded). Because of the hysteresis of wetting, the
curve between 8 and 8+d8, and 8 is the variable 3-phase line does not move when the liquid surface is raised
angle between this curve and the vertical. On the from the continuous to the discontinuous curve; el is the
initial and e2 is the resulting contact angle.
other hand, ds = -dh/cos 8, see insert in Fig. 2.
Hence, R = -dh/cos 8 de. Setting this into 3, we
-y cos e dB = g p h dh (4)
and after integration between 8 = O1 and 8 = go",
that is also between h = hl and h = 0
y (1 - sin e,) = .3gphI2 (5 )
Thus, hl = ( 2 y / g p ) ' / 2 ( 1 - sin O1)'/2. But sin
el = (1 - cos2 8 , ) ' / 2 and cos 8, = F1/Lr from equa-
tion l. Hence



Fig. 2.-Sketch for calculating the relation between the

Equation 8 rather t,haii equation 6 or 7 must be contact angle (e,) a t a vertical wall (shaded) and the vertical
distance of the 3-phase line from the flat portion of the
used to calculate y because neither 121 nor hz is meniscus.
measured in the method presented here, but only
the difference h2 - hl. Since equation 8 does not of the top plate when screw 5 was turned. The pitch of the
make clear how y varies with the measurable screw was 0.0635 cm. When assembled, screw 5 was in
sleeve 3, and the top plate was resting on cylinder 7.
quantities, the approximation The value of hz - hl was not exactly equal to the displace-
ment shown by scale 4 because of the change in the volume
(9) of the meniscus, caused by this displacement. The correc-
tion term evidently was Ah = ( F s - F 1 ) / g p A cm., A being
is helpful4; the coefficient k , a pure number, varies the area of the vessel; it had to be added to tne difference
between the readings on scale 4. In our experiments, A
only from 1.00 t o 1.25 when F / L y increases from was 60 cm.2 or 19.0 cm.,2 and Ah ranged between 0.001 and
zero t o 0.80 or 8 varies between 37 and 143". 0.003 cm.
The absence of any measurable shift of the 3-phase line
111. Experiments is best proved by measuring F Iand FZat different displace-
The vertical plate was suspended from the beam of an ments of plate 8. Thus, if displacements of 0.06 and 0.09
analytical balance, whose pans previously were removed, and cm. give identical values for y, there certainly was no move-
equilibrated with a weight at the other end of the beam. ment of the air-liquid-solid boundary during the experiment.
Then a dish filled with liquid was raised until the liquid When the displacements were greater (e.g., over 0.18 cm.),
touched the lower edge of the plate. An additional weight the calculated value of y usually was too small, undoubtedly
W1 now was needed to maintain the horizontal position of because the 3-phase boundary did not remain stationary.
the beam; this weight was reckoned positive if added to the A considerable error can be introduced by suspending the
equilibrating load, and negative if hanged a t the side of the slide on a thin thread or a fine hook. The extension of the
plate. Next the liquid level was raised by a definite length, thread or the hook depends on the load; if the latter varies
equal to h2 - hl of equation 8, and again the weight (W2)by the value Fz - F1, the extension also changes, thus
needed for balance was determined. affectingthe true value of h2 - hl. As, in the present series
A convenient device for raising the dish is illustrated in of experiments, h2 - hl was less than 0.1 cm., the change of
Fig. 3. It consists of three separate parts shown one above 0.001 cm. in the thresd or hook length would cause an error
the other in the sketch. The bottom plate (1) carries two of more than 2% in y, see equation 9.
slender columns (2, 2) and a threaded sleeve (3) with a The values of F1 and Fz to be put into (8) or (9) also were
scale (4). The middle part is a screw ( 5 ) provided with a a little different from the weights Wl and W Zneeded for
pointer (6). The top part (8) is a thick plate in which 3 equilibrium. This was caused by buoyancy. The buov-
cylindrical indentations were drilled, one for the screw and ancy correction of Fl was always small and estimated from
two for the guiding columns ( 2 , 2 ) which prevented rotation the downward displacement of platform 8, Fig. 3, required
to withdraw the slide from the liquid. The additional
(4) NOTEADDED IN THE PRooF.-According t o J. Guastslla, J . correction for F2 was gpzua(h2 - hl), if w and 6 are the width
k -
Chim. p h y s . , 51. 688 (1051), B diffrretitisl forni of eqiintiort (9). \\,it11
1 , was derived by It. Mrttaloii, "TIiBsr de Doctorst," Lpon, lYd8.
nnd the thicliness of the slide; for instance, 8'2 - F, was
snittller than W z - W1by 980.4 X 2.5 X 0.005 X 0.067
1536 J. J. BIKERMAN Vol. 62
-0.015 g. ( L e . , FZ was -0.013 g.); water tended to expel
the plate. The value of hz - hl was 0.635 + (0.076
0.013)/1.00 X 60 = 0.0650 cm.; 1.00 is the density of water
and 60 cm.2 was the area of the dish. With these values,
equation 9 affords y = 73.5 g. sec.-Z. The considerable
error presumably was caused by the low precision of the
values of Fl and F z which, as mentioned above, could be
measured only to the nearest 0.001 g.
From the many measurements performed on mercury
menisci it appears that the surface tension of a mercury pool
7- kept in a closed balance box in air rapidly decreases. The
value of y calculated from the two first measurements on a
particular pool was greater than those derived from the
subsequent readings; and when the greater (absolute)
value of F was determined first, the calculated y was greater
than when the measurement of the smaller force preceded
that of the larger one. The following description of a t'ypical
experiment will make these statements clearer.
An aluminum foil, 0.0052 cm. thick and with a perimeter
L of 6.10 em., was brought in contact with mercury in a
dish of 60 cm.2 area a t 24.6-24.7' and a relative humidity
of approximately 30%. The W1was -0.800 g. When the
.4 dish was raised 0.0635 cm., the needed weight increased to
- 1.723 g. The dish was lowered to the initial position and
IB1 was found to be -0 791 g. After another ascent-
descent-ascent the weight was -1.677 + -0.774 +
-2 -1.652 g. Thus the difference W1 - W Zwas 0.923, 0.886
and 0.878 for the three successive pairs of values. When
another sample of mercury was taken from the same bottle
but the slide a t once immersed in it for approximately 0.1
em., the first weight (W,) was -1.721 g.; after lowering the
dish by 0.0635 cm. the weight (W1) was -0.780 g.; thus
the difference Wl - W zwas 0.941 g., that is eater than the
I I , 1 ' I -
greatest value of W1 W zobserved when %?was measured
Fig. 3.-Instrument used to raise the liquid level by small before W Z .
measurable increments. See the text for the meaning of the The above description is summarized in the table in which
numbers. arrows indicate the sequence of measurements.
g. cm./sec.a when the slide wa8 2.5 cm. wide and 0.005 -Wl and -W2 values in g. wt.
cm. thick, and water was raised 0.067 cm. -Wi 0.800 0.791
Although the balance was sensitive to 0.0001 g., readings L i" L ;.774L
could be made to the nearest milligram only because of the -Wz 1.723 1.677 1.652 1.721
powerful dumping of the system, made clear by equations I Vi - W2 0.923 0.886 0.878 0.941
and 2.
To satisfy the requirement for a sturdy suspension and to Taking, in this experiment, W1 to be the average of the
have only a small buoyancy correction, the following form of two earliest data, that is, equal to -0.790, and analogously
the vertical plate was selected. A piece (for instance 2.5 Wzto be -l/2(1.723 + 1.721) = -1.722g.andcorrectingfor
X 1.3 X 0.005 cm.) of a thin metal foil was introduced buoyancy, we obtain F1 = -0.780 g. wt. and Fz = -1.696
between the bottom edges of two parallel beryllium-copper g. wt. The distance hz - hl was 0.646 cm. Equation 6
plates (of about 10 X 5 X 0.03 cm.) so that the major part then gives y = 464 g , sec. a. This is a reasonable value.
of the foil (e.g., 2.5 cm. wide and 0.8 cm. in height) remained As would be expected, the y of mercury depended on acci;
outside, and the 3 metal members were glued or soldered dental surface contamination more than on the bulk purity of
together. Then a hole was drilled near the top edge of the the sample. There was no definite difference between the y-
Be-Cu plates; it served to suspend the plates directly on a values of purest commercial mercury straight from the bottle
hook of the balance. and of mercury purified only by spraying through dilute
A typical experiment with water may now be described. nitric acid; however, a thorough drying of the latter sample
A strip of silver foil was coated with a polystyrene. Its L proved necessary. They was independent of the material of
was 5.00 qm. and the buoyancy correction was, as calculated the slide (aluminum, silver coated with silver sulfide, metal
in a prevlous F g r a p h . 1.3 mg./mm. immersion. After coated with polystyrene or with polyethylene).
the contact wit water at 21 O and a relative humidity of 50% Acknowledgment.-The financial assistance of
the additional weight W 1was +0.075 g. (and Fl was +0,076
g.); the ositive sign means that the plate was pulled into the Lord Manufacturing Company of Erie, Penn-
wat,er. &hen the dish was raised 0.0635 cm., W Zwas sylvania, is gratefully acknowledged.

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