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11/12/22, 9:09 AM PROGRESS TEST 2

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Khoa Ngoại ngữ
Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Hệ thống thông tin quản lý (ENP314_221_1_D01)

Bắt đầu vào lúc Thứ Bảy, 12 Tháng Mười Một 2022, 8:45 SA
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Kết thúc lúc Thứ Bảy, 12 Tháng Mười Một 2022, 9:04 SA
Thời gian thực 19 phút 1 giây
Điểm 9,25 out of 10,00 (93%)

Câu hỏi 1 Match the following words with their definitions.

Hoàn thành

Đạt điểm 3,00

trên 3,00
user interface
hardware or software design

the products of the graphic

an action to send the mail to

that controls all the operatio

office suite
set of standard programs us

bus speed
how quickly the system bus

This puts data through keys

a common enterprise resou

drive speed
how fast a computer drive c

a very large, powerful comp

The correct answer is: user interface → hardware or software designed to make it easier for a user to communicate with a
machine, graphics → the products of the graphic arts, especially commercial design or illustration, mail-merging → an
action to send the mail to anyone you want to give, processor → that controls all the operations in a computer, office
suite → set of standard programs used in an office, bus speed → how quickly the system bus can move data from one
computer component to the other, keyboard → This puts data through keys like a typewriter., SAP → a common
enterprise resource planning tool, drive speed → how fast a computer drive can read and write data, mainframe → a very
large, powerful computer with a lot of memory that many people can use at the same time 1/4
11/12/22, 9:09 AM PROGRESS TEST 2

Câu hỏi 2
A chip is basically millions of switches
on a tiny piece
  of silicon. Each switch 
  is a transistor. Gordon
Hoàn thành

Đạt điểm 4,00

the co-founder of Intel, was the first person to predict that the number
of transistors on a standard size of silicon would predict
trên 4,00 double every eighteen
months. This   became known as Moore's Law. It's not a law of
physics but
developments have shown it to be broadly true. With the number of
transistors on a    now
approaching fifty
million, even the most optimistic processor designers are
beginning to realize that limits will soon be reached.

The problem is that there is a natural

limit ondesigners 
the number of transistors which can be squeezed onto a chip before it
or the operation of the transistors becomes unpredictable. By the 2010s,
chip   expect that processors will be
built with 0.07micron
technology. That means the distance between circuits will be a 700,000th of a
millimeter. To reach
even that stage will cost billions of dollars.
So designers have to look at   to silicon. Optical computing works on the principle that laser light is faster

than an electric   . Quantum computers would permit a kind of

mega-parallel   . Computers
which use superconductivity are another
possibility. Fine ­grained multiprocessing which consists of thousands of
processors working together, may be a cheaper alternative. Even biological
computing using DNA molecules is being
considered. piece prediction designers  alternatives switch 

The correct answer is:

A chip is basically millions of switches

on a tiny [piece] of silicon. Each [switch ] is a transistor. Gordon
Moore, the co-
founder of Intel, was the first person to predict that the number
of transistors on a standard size of silicon would double
every eighteen
months. This [prediction] became known as Moore's Law. It's not a law of
physics but developments have
shown it to be broadly true. With the number of
transistors on a  [chip] now
approaching fifty million, even the most
optimistic processor designers are
beginning to realize that limits will soon be reached.

The problem is that there is a natural

limit on the number of transistors which can be squeezed onto a chip before it
or the operation of the transistors becomes unpredictable. By the 2010s,
chip [designers ] expect that processors will be
built with 0.07micron
technology. That means the distance between circuits will be a 700,000th of a
millimeter. To reach
even that stage will cost billions of dollars.

So designers have to look at [alternatives]

to silicon. Optical computing works on the principle that laser light is faster
than an electric [current]. Quantum computers would permit a kind of
mega-parallel [computing]. Computers which use
superconductivity are another
possibility. Fine g
­ rained multiprocessing which consists of thousands of
simple processors
working together, may be a cheaper alternative. Even biological
computing using DNA molecules is being considered.

Thông tin
As portable computing devices get
smarter and more capable, connectivity frustrations increase.

This is where Bluetooth comes in. The

brainchild of Ericsson, IBM, Intel, Nokia and Toshiba, Bluetooth is a microwave
speed wireless link system that’s designed to work with portable
equipment. To that end, it’s low power, very small and
very low cost. It uses
the same frequencies as existing radio LANs (and, incidentally, microwave
ovens) to create a secure 1
Mbit/s link between devices within 10m of each
other. These devices can be laptops, PDAs, cellphones, wired telephone
points, even wristwatch devices, headphones, digital cameras and so on. With
them, your notebook PC will be able
to access your cellular phone and thus the
Internet without your having to take the phone out of your pocket. Files can be
exchanged and communications set up for voice and data between just about any
devices capable of handling the

Bluetooth operates in
the unlicensed SM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical) band at 2.45GHz, which
is globally available
for products. There’s 89MHz of bandwidth allocated here,
and since Bluetooth is very low power, it actually radiates less
than most
national and international standards that allow non-transmitting devices to
leak as part of their normal
operation. This is key, as it allows the
technology to operate without restriction on aircraft. 2/4
11/12/22, 9:09 AM PROGRESS TEST 2

Câu hỏi 3 What kind of equipment does Bluetooth work with?

Hoàn thành

Đạt điểm 0,50 Select one:

trên 0,50
a. high-speed wireless link system

b. portable equipment

c. Nokia and Toshiba

d. low-power, low-cost equipment

The correct answer is: portable equipment

Câu hỏi 4 What devices can Bluetooth create a secure

1Mbit/s link between them?

Hoàn thành

Đạt điểm 0,50 Select one:

trên 0,50
a. a and b are correct.

b. microwave ovens

c. PDAs, wired telephone access points, headphones,

digital cameras

d. laptops, cellphones, wristwatch devices

The correct answer is: a and b are correct.

Câu hỏi 5
the sentence below with no more than three words from the text.
Hoàn thành
 Bluetooth comes in
to ease the ………………… when portable devices are getting smarter and more capable.

Đạt điểm 0,50

trên 0,50

Answer: connectivity frustrations

The correct answer is: connectivity frustrations

Câu hỏi 6
a word/phrase for each question below.
Hoàn thành
 “it’s” in “To that end, it’s low power, very small and very low cost.” (line 5)
Đạt điểm 0,75
trên 0,75 refers
to …………….

Answer: Bluetooth

The correct answer is: bluetooth

Câu hỏi 7
a word/phrase for each question below.
Hoàn thành
“them” in “With them, your notebook PC will be able to access your cellular phone…”
Đạt điểm 0,00
trên 0,75 (line
9) refers to ……………

Answer: 7: laptops, PDAs, cellphones, wired telephone access points, even wristwatch de

The correct answer is: frequencies 3/4
11/12/22, 9:09 AM PROGRESS TEST 2

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