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ACP 1703

Common Functions
System and
Basic System Elements

© 2004 by VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co

All rights reserved

Any type of disclosure and reproduction of this

document or of parts thereof is permitted only with
VA TECH SAT's prior written consent.

Technical specifications serve the purpose of

describing the products only and do not represent
any warranted characteristics in legal terms.
Subject to change - also as regards technological
Identification GF SYSTEM+BSE ACP.102

Version.Revision 1.02

Issuing date 28.04.2006

This document is applicable to the following product(s):

ACP 1703

ii DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Notes on the Use of the Document ..................................................................1-1

1.1. Purpose ....................................................................................................................................1-1
1.2. Target Group and Safety Instructions ......................................................................................1-1
1.3. Conventions Used ....................................................................................................................1-2
1.4. Several Fundamental Terms....................................................................................................1-3

2. Application and General Description ...............................................................2-1

3. Architecture and Data Flow...............................................................................3-1

3.1. Data Flow of Process Information ............................................................................................3-1

4. System Services ................................................................................................4-1

4.1. Data Flow Control.....................................................................................................................4-1
4.1.1. Messages with Process Information.................................................................................4-2 5-stage Message Address ........................................................................................4-2
4.1.2. Messages with System Information..................................................................................4-3 System Address........................................................................................................4-3 Address of the Automation Unit ........................................................................4-3 Address of the System Element........................................................................4-3
4.1.3. Data Flow Test..................................................................................................................4-4
4.1.4. Message Simulation .........................................................................................................4-5
4.2. Time Management ...................................................................................................................4-6
4.2.1. Clock.................................................................................................................................4-6
4.2.2. Time Synchronization .......................................................................................................4-6 Time Synchronization with Serial Time Signal and Remote Synchronization ..........4-8 Time Synchronization in a Multi-Hierarchical Network .............................................4-8
4.2.3. Time Tag...........................................................................................................................4-9
4.2.4. Daylight-Saving and Normal Time....................................................................................4-9
4.2.5. Time Zones.......................................................................................................................4-9
4.2.6. Monitoring the Synchronization Event............................................................................4-10 Stand-alone of the Time-Signal Receiver ...............................................................4-10 Failure of the Serial Time Signal.............................................................................4-10 Failure of the Minute Pulse .....................................................................................4-10 Failure of the Remote Synchronization...................................................................4-11 Failure Behavior in Case of Combination of Time Signal and Remote
Synchronization ......................................................................................................4-11
4.2.7. Startup ............................................................................................................................4-12
4.3. Diagnostic and Signaling........................................................................................................4-13
4.3.1. Diagnostic Classes and their Meaning ...........................................................................4-13
4.3.2. Detailed Diagnostic.........................................................................................................4-14
4.3.3. History Diagnostic...........................................................................................................4-14
4.3.4. Sum Diagnostic ..............................................................................................................4-14
4.3.5. Power Network Survey ...................................................................................................4-15
4.3.6. Display of the System States on the Automation Unit....................................................4-15
4.3.7. Display of the System States on PSR II .........................................................................4-15
4.3.8. Creation of Error Messages............................................................................................4-16 Error Messages Detailed Diagnostic Table ............................................................4-17 Error Messages Sum Diagnostic Table ..................................................................4-18
4.4. General Interrogation .............................................................................................................4-19
4.5. Failure ....................................................................................................................................4-21
4.5.1. Monitoring of the Interfaces ............................................................................................4-21 Measures in the Event of an Error ..........................................................................4-21
4.5.2. Mark Data Points Affected by the Failure.......................................................................4-22

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Table of Contents

4.5.3. Diagnostic Information ................................................................................................... 4-23

4.6. Data Storage on Flash Card.................................................................................................. 4-24
4.6.1. Module Exchange .......................................................................................................... 4-24
4.6.2. Commissioning an Automation Unit............................................................................... 4-25
4.6.3. Startup of an Automation Unit with Missing or Defective Flash Card ............................ 4-25
4.7. Autonomy............................................................................................................................... 4-26
4.8. Communication with the Engineering System (SAT TOOLBOX II)....................................... 4-26
4.9. Self-Test ................................................................................................................................ 4-27
4.9.1. Monitoring of Hardware and Firmware .......................................................................... 4-27
4.9.2. Monitoring the Data Integrity.......................................................................................... 4-31
4.10. Operating States.................................................................................................................... 4-32
4.10.1. Normal Operation........................................................................................................... 4-32
4.10.2. Limited Operation........................................................................................................... 4-33
4.10.3. Loading Operation ......................................................................................................... 4-34
4.10.4. Firmware Shut Down ..................................................................................................... 4-35
4.10.5. Module Shut Down......................................................................................................... 4-36

5. Telecontrol ......................................................................................................... 5-1

5.1. Communication Function......................................................................................................... 5-2
5.1.1. Block Diagram.................................................................................................................. 5-3
5.1.2. Automatic Data Flow Routing .......................................................................................... 5-4 Messages in Control Direction ................................................................................. 5-5 Messages in Monitor Direction................................................................................. 5-6 Messages in the Private Range ............................................................................... 5-6
5.1.3. Data Storage.................................................................................................................... 5-7 Message Characteristics.......................................................................................... 5-8 Data Storage of Process Information..................................................................... 5-10 State Compression ......................................................................................... 5-10 Behavior with a Priority Channel Overload..................................................... 5-10 Behavior During a Communication Failure..................................................... 5-11 Dwell Time for Messages with Process Information ...................................... 5-12 Station Interrogation ....................................................................................... 5-12 Failure Management....................................................................................... 5-13 Blocking .......................................................................................................... 5-13 Data Storage for Transparent Information ............................................................. 5-13
5.1.4. Priority Control ............................................................................................................... 5-14 Prioritization Algorithm ........................................................................................... 5-16 Influencing of the Prioritization Algorithm by the Protocol Element ....................... 5-17
5.1.5. Redundant Communication Routes............................................................................... 5-18 Communication with Redundant Remote Stations ................................................ 5-18 Redundant Communication with a Remote Station (LSO) .................................... 5-18 Data Split Mode .............................................................................................. 5-19 Load Share Mode ........................................................................................... 5-19
5.1.6. Startup ........................................................................................................................... 5-20
5.2. Protocol Element Control and Return Information................................................................. 5-21
5.2.1. Block Diagram................................................................................................................ 5-21
5.2.2. Protocol Element Control ............................................................................................... 5-22
5.2.3. Protocol Element Return Information............................................................................. 5-23

6. Automation ........................................................................................................ 6-1

6.1. Open-/Closed-Loop Control Function...................................................................................... 6-1
6.1.1. Block Diagram.................................................................................................................. 6-4
6.1.2. Task Management ........................................................................................................... 6-5 Coordination of the Sequences of a Task................................................................ 6-5 Coordination of the Three Tasks with Each Other ................................................... 6-6 Cycle Time ............................................................................................................... 6-7 Run Time Supervision.............................................................................................. 6-7 Time Management for Function Blocks ................................................................... 6-9
6.1.3. Initialization .................................................................................................................... 6-10

iv DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Table of Contents Startup of the Basic System Element .....................................................................6-10 Initialization of the Variables ...........................................................................6-11 Initialization of the Resource-Global Parameters............................................6-11 Initialization of the Signals...............................................................................6-12 Startup of the Open-/Closed-Loop Control Function ..............................................6-13 Initialization of the Variables ...........................................................................6-13 Initialization of the Signals...............................................................................6-14 Stationary Cycles ....................................................................................................6-15
6.1.4. Input Handling.................................................................................................................6-15 Message Processing for Spontaneous Information Objects...................................6-16 Storage Method "State Stored" .......................................................................6-16 Storage Method "Chronological Message" .....................................................6-16 Storage Method "Chronological Global" .........................................................6-17 Failure Management .......................................................................................6-17 Message Characteristics.................................................................................6-18 Input Process Image for Spontaneous Information Objects ...........................6-20 Conversion of Spontaneous Information Objects to Periodical Information ...........6-33 Synchronization of the Input Process Images ........................................................6-33 Periodical Information .....................................................................................6-34 System Information .........................................................................................6-35 Spontaneous Information Objects...................................................................6-37
6.1.5. Output Handling..............................................................................................................6-38 Updating of Local Peripheral Elements for Periodical Information .........................6-38 Generation of Messages with System Information .................................................6-39 Generation of Diagnostic Information .....................................................................6-39 Change Monitoring for Spontaneous Information Objects......................................6-40 Additive Threshold Value Procedure ..............................................................6-40 Generation of Messages with Process Information ................................................6-42 Test Switches ..................................................................................................6-42 Behavior with General Interrogation ...............................................................6-43 Message Characteristics.................................................................................6-44 Output Process Image for Spontaneous Information Objects ........................6-46
6.1.6. Loading of Application Program (Reload) ......................................................................6-58
6.1.7. Online Test .....................................................................................................................6-60 Display/Forcing of Values .......................................................................................6-60 Test Switches..........................................................................................................6-61 Changing the Processing Status of the Controller..................................................6-62 Breakpoints .............................................................................................................6-63 Real Time Archive...................................................................................................6-63 Display Status Information ......................................................................................6-65 Terminating the Online Test ...................................................................................6-65
6.2. Treatment for Commands to the Open-/Closed-Loop Control Function according to IEC
60870-5-101/104 ....................................................................................................................6-66
6.2.1. Pulse Commands ...........................................................................................................6-69
6.2.2. Setpoint Values ..............................................................................................................6-71
6.2.3. Bit String .........................................................................................................................6-73
6.2.4. Functions in Detail ..........................................................................................................6-75 Prepare Command Output Procedure ....................................................................6-75 Formal Check ..................................................................................................6-75 Retry Suppression...........................................................................................6-75 Direct Command .............................................................................................6-76 Select and Execute Command........................................................................6-77 Control Location Check...................................................................................6-79 Command Locking ..........................................................................................6-80 1-out-of-n Check .............................................................................................6-81 System-Element Overlapping 1-out-of-n Check .............................................6-82 Initiate Command Output Procedure ......................................................................6-83 Monitor Pulse Duration ...........................................................................................6-83 Command Output Time (without Return Information Monitoring) ...................6-83

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Table of Contents Application program (with Return Information Monitoring)............................. 6-84 Error Handling ........................................................................................................ 6-87 Cancel............................................................................................................. 6-87 Cancel with Diagnostic ................................................................................... 6-87
6.2.5. Data Interface ................................................................................................................ 6-88 Spontaneous Information Objects to the Treatment for Commands ..................... 6-88 Pulse Commands ........................................................................................... 6-88 Setpoint Value ................................................................................................ 6-89 Bitstring........................................................................................................... 6-89 Command x Interlocked.................................................................................. 6-90 Return Information x ....................................................................................... 6-91 Spontaneous Information Objects from the Treatment for Commands ................. 6-92 Confirmation of the Pulse Command ............................................................. 6-92 Confirmation of the Setpoint Value................................................................. 6-93 Confirmation of the Bitstring ........................................................................... 6-94 Sum Command Interlocked............................................................................ 6-95 System Information ................................................................................................ 6-96 To the Application Program............................................................................ 6-96 From the Application Program........................................................................ 6-96

A. Message Formats ..............................................................................................A-1

A.1. Overview.................................................................................................................................. A-2
A.2. Messages with Process Information........................................................................................ A-4
A.2.1. General Message Structure ............................................................................................. A-5
A.2.1.1. Length, Function Code and Checksum.................................................................... A-5
A.2.1.2. Function Code-Dependent Extra Information .......................................................... A-6
A.2.1.3. Address .................................................................................................................... A-8
A.2.1.4. State ......................................................................................................................... A-9
A.2.1.5. Type Identification .................................................................................................. A-13
A.2.1.6. Time Stamp ............................................................................................................ A-14
A.2.2. Information Objects........................................................................................................ A-15
A.2.2.1. Single-Point Information (TI = 30) .......................................................................... A-15
A.2.2.2. Double-Point Information (TI = 31)......................................................................... A-15
A.2.2.3. Transformer Tap Position Value (digital) (TI = 32)................................................. A-15
A.2.2.4. Bitstring of 32 bit (TI = 33)...................................................................................... A-16
A.2.2.5. Measured Value, Normalized Value (TI = 34)........................................................ A-16
A.2.2.6. Measured Value, Scaled Value (TI = 35) ............................................................... A-16
A.2.2.7. Measured Value, Short Floating Point Number (TI = 36)....................................... A-17
A.2.2.8. Integrated Totals (TI = 37) ..................................................................................... A-17
A.2.2.9. Event of Protection Equipment (TI = 38)................................................................ A-18
A.2.2.10. Blocked Activation of the Protection (TI = 39)........................................................ A-18
A.2.2.11. Blocked Triggering of the Protection (TI = 40) ....................................................... A-19
A.2.2.12. Single Command (TI = 45) ..................................................................................... A-20
A.2.2.13. Double Command (TI = 46) ................................................................................... A-20
A.2.2.14. Regulating Step Command (TI = 47) ..................................................................... A-21
A.2.2.15. Setpoint Command, Normalized Value (TI = 48) ................................................... A-21
A.2.2.16. Setpoint Command, Scaled Value (TI = 49) .......................................................... A-22
A.2.2.17. Setpoint Command, Short Floating Point Number (TI = 50) .................................. A-22
A.2.2.18. Container for Process Information (TI = 142) ........................................................ A-23
A.2.2.19. File Transfer (TI = 144) .......................................................................................... A-23
A.2.2.20. Packed Information Objects ................................................................................... A-24
A.2.2.21. Addressing of an Individual Element (SQ=0) ......................................................... A-24
A.2.2.22. Addressing of a Sequence of Information Elements (SQ=1) ................................. A-24
A.3. Messages with System Information....................................................................................... A-25
A.3.1. Counter Interrogation Command ................................................................................... A-26
A.3.2. (General) Interrogation Command................................................................................. A-28

vi DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Table of Contents

B. Reader´s Reactions .......................................................................................... B-1

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Table of Contents

viii DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Notes on the use of the document

1. Notes on the Use of the Document

1.1. Purpose

This manual describes the function and mode of operation of system element-overlapping services and
basic system elements, that are supported on the platform ACP 1703.

It is intended for users of the target group stated below.

1.2. Target Group and Safety Instructions

The document you are reading right now is addressed to users, who are in charge of the following
engineering tasks:
• Conceptual activities, as for example design and configuration

• System parameterization and system diagnostic, using the designated engineering tools

• Technical system maintenance

Above applies, as far as these tasks do not involve manipulations of the hardware.

Manipulating the hardware itself, as for example "unplugging" and "plugging" printed circuit boards
and modules, or working on terminals and/or connectors – for instance when applying changes to the
wiring – are – also if they are an issue in the context of configuration, parameterization and diagnostic –
not subject of this document.

For activities, which comprise hardware manipulations, it is essential to pay attention to

the appropriate safety instructions and to strictly adhere to the appropriate safety

Instructions and regulations are also stated in installation manuals or manuals which
deal with hardware installation and other hardware manipulations.

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 1-1

Notes on the use of the document

1.3. Conventions Used

In this document, reference is often made to important information, notifications and limitations. For
clarification, the following conventions are thereby adhered to.

Note: Is an important note concerning characteristic or application of

the described function

Attention: Provides information and explanations, the non-observance of

which can lead to faulty behavior of the system.

technical term, phrase, or This syntax, for the purpose of easier readability, identifies a
function designation term (also consisting of several words), a phrase, or a function

The following syntax identifies a parameter or a parameter group. The context in which the syntax is
used shows whether it refers to a parameter or to a parameter group.

<parameter group> | Parameter (qualified reference, includes "path")

<parameter group> | Time management | Daylight saving time | Daylight
<parameter> saving time enabling

<parameter group> | Parameter group (qualified reference, includes "path")

<parameter group> Time management | Daylight saving time

<parameter> Parameter
Daylight saving time enabling

<parameter group> Parameter group

Daylight saving time

<parameter_*> A parameter name that ends with "_*", as for example

Inversion_*, can mean one or all of the following (uniqueness
results from context):

1-2 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Notes on the use of the document

1.4. Several Fundamental Terms

periodical Information A periodical information is an information with a deterministic

transmission behavior and is used for the exchange of a
process signal or a derived information between the peripheral
element and the higher-level open-/closed-loop control function.
Periodical information are always transmitted in groups and
consequently with the transmission already have a
chronologically consistent interrelationship.

Spontaneous Information A spontaneous information object is an object, which with

Object change is transmitted spontaneously in a message, and is used
for the exchange of a process signal or a derived information
(including Status) between the system elements of the
particular automation unit, another automation unit or a control
A spontaneous information object is always transmitted
individually and normally has a time stamp, in order to be able
to establish a chronologically consistent interrelationship later.

Message A message is used for the spontaneous transmission of

process- and system information. A message contains a
spontaneous information object, the address for the
unambiguous identification of the information, type identification
and additional information necessary for the transmission (e.g.
length of the message)

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 1-3

Notes on the use of the document

1-4 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Application and General Description

2. Application and General Description

This document describes the standardized, parameter-settable function packages of the basic system

• System Services
─ Data Flow Control
─ Time Management
─ Diagnostic and Signaling
─ General Interrogation
─ Failure
─ Data Storage on Flash Card
─ Autonomy
─ Communication with the Engineering System (SAT TOOLBOX II)
─ Self-Test
─ Operating States

• Telecontrol
─ Communication Function
─ Protocol Element Control and Return Information

• Automation
─ Open-/Closed-Loop Control Function
─ Treatment for Commands to the Open-/Closed-Loop Control Function according to IEC

In the corresponding system element data sheets and system element manuals of those system
elements that contain and carry out one or more of these functions,

• reference is made to this description

• supplementary information and features that may possibly deviate are specified

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 2-1

Application and General Description

2-2 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Architecture and Data Flow

3. Architecture and Data Flow

3.1. Data Flow of Process Information

Process signals

I/O Process I/O Process

module module
input/output input/output

Peripheral element

Peripheral element
TM bus

Process periphery Process periphery

IEC60870-5-101/104 IEC60870-5-101/104

Ax 1703 PE bus

Open-/Closed Treatment for

loop control Diagnostic
commands Error messages
function IEC60870-5-101/104

Node bus
Internal distribution of messages with process information (data flow control)
Basic system element

Communi- Protocol
cation element
function control

SBD bus

Protocol Protocol
element element


Telecontrol Messages with process information

Automation Periodical information

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 3-1

Architecture and Data Flow

3-2 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

System Services

4. System Services

4.1. Data Flow Control

The data flow control is that system function which co-ordinates the communication of messages within
the automation unit.

This function supports:

• Messages with Process Information

• Messages with System Information

For the tracking of messages within an automation unit the following test functions are available:

• Data Flow Test

• Message Simulation

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 4-1

System Services

4.1.1. Messages with Process Information

The distribution of messages with process information takes place by way of routing (telecontrol) or
assignment (open- / closed-loop control function) based on message address and type identification in
the message.

Messages with process information to be transmitted through protocol elements to other automation units
are distributed with the help of the Automatic Data Flow Routing.

For messages with process information for sinks within the automation unit, such as e.g. periphery
elements and the open-/closed-loop control function, the routing information or assignments are
automatically derived from parameters from OPM-inputs (datapoint address).

Predominantly used are message formats according to IEC 60870-5-101 / 104 in the public range with
the exception of user data containers.

These messages have a 5-stage message address, that must be parameterized at the sources. For a
third-party system coupling via a serial interface, the corresponding protocol element is the source. 5-stage Message Address

The 5-stage message address is defined according to IEC 60870-5-101/104:

• CASDU ... Common address of ASDU

The CASDU is determined for each data point with the help of the OPM II. Valid thereby:

─ CASDU1 ... least significant octet

─ CASDU2 ... most significant octet

• IOA ... Address of the information object

The IOA is determined for each data point with the help of the OPM II. Valid thereby:

─ IOA1 ... least significant octet

─ IOA2 ...
─ IOA3 ... most significant octet

4-2 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

System Services

4.1.2. Messages with System Information

The distribution of messages with system information takes place with the help of the system-technical
destination address in the message by way of automatic routing within the automation unit.

The routing takes place with the help of the parameterized configuration- and topology information. System Address Address of the Automation Unit

An automation unit is addressed by means of:

• region number (0 .. 249) and

• component number (0 .. 255).

Within a system-technical plant each automation unit must be unambiguously addressed. Therefore a
system-technical plant may consist of up to 64.000 automation units. Address of the System Element

Within an automation unit the system elements are addressed with:

• Basic System Element and

• Supplementary System Element

System Element Basic System Element Supplementary System Element

Master control unit 20 254
C-CPU 0 – 16 0 – 16 254
Peripheral element 0 – 15 of a basic 0 – 16, 20 0 –15
system element
Protocol element 0 –3 of a basic system 0 – 16, 20 128 – 131
all system elements of an automation unit 255 255
all basic system elements of an automation 255 254
all supplementary system elements of a 0 – 16, 20 255
basic system element

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 4-3

System Services

4.1.3. Data Flow Test

For the data flow test there are test points available within the automation unit at defined places, for the
purpose of monitoring the message traffic. Thereby both messages with process information as well as
messages with system information can be tracked.

The following test points are basically available:

• from and to communication

• from and to peripheral element
• internal data flow
─ from and to basic system element
─ from and to supplementary system element
─ from and to special functions

The availabilty of test points depends on the system element used.

The messages acquired at the test points are stored on the master control unit in a FIFO (service ring).
These can be displayed with the help of the SAT TOOLBOX II.

Attention: Messages with larger data length (e.g. blocked messages) are not represented completely
with the display.

The service ring has a capacity of approx. 250 messages and can be operated in two modes:

• Stop, when ring is full

If the capacity is exceeded no further messages are entered. This state is displayed after the last
message read by the SAT TOOLBOX II, with the binary information "Service ring full! Data loss".

• Wrap around
If the capacity is exceeded, the oldest message is overwritten with each new message. Once the
SAT TOOLBOX II begins reading the service ring, the further entry of messages is blocked.

Through variable filters (pass through- and blocking filters) the possibility exists of only having
messages displayed, which are relevant for the test. There are filters that act in the automation unit
before the entry in the service ring and filters in the SAT TOOLBOX II.

The test points and filters must be deleted again by means of operator input. I.e. the test points and
filters are not deleted only by terminating the tool.

Attention: An activated data flow test means, that the message flow through the automation unit can be
reduced to 50%. I.e. for automation units with a high data throughput, FIFO overflows can
thereby occur on the node bus. In further succession this can lead to system elements being
shut down. A possible remedy is, to set the previously mentioned filters in the automation

4-4 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

System Services

Special case startup

For the case, that the message traffic is to be tracked during startup of the automation unit, the following
behavior can be set via the menu item "Simultaneous logging startup":

• Setting possibility of all necessary test points and filters

• Menu item Simultaneous logging/Startup
• Confirmation of the inquiry "Trip reset of the automation unit"
• Reset the automation unit
• The startup of the system element is halted, before the message traffic with other system
elements begins -> LED "CAE" lights up.
• Test points and filters are loaded
• With the confirmation of the inquiry "Startup simultaneous logging prepared, will be started with
OK", the startup can be continued by the operator.

4.1.4. Message Simulation

This function enables messages to be passed into the data flow with the help of the SAT TOOLBOX II.
Both messages with process information as well as messages with system information can be simulated.

The simulated message is passed in and distributed at the master control unit of the selected
automation unit.

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System Services

4.2. Time Management

The overall concept assumes, that each automation unit and each system element, that has a time-
dependent function to fulfill, can manage a clock with corresponding accuracy and resolution. Each
automation unit has a central clock, the so-called time server.

The format of the clocks is structured in Year (2 digit) - Month - Day - Hour - Minute - Second - 1/1000

4.2.1. Clock

In normal operation (error-free operation) the clocks are set once after startup oft the automation unit
and then run completely autonomous without any further time setting mechanisms.

Only a Time Synchronization ensures, that all time servers in all automation units run synchronously.

All clocks within an automation unit are operated and synchronized by a central 10 ms-clock pulse, that
is generated by the time server of the automation unit with an accuracy of < 1 ms.

With a restart, all clocks start to run unsynchronized with the value 0 hours, i.e. until the first time setting
they have only a relative time, whereby this time is identified with "invalid".

4.2.2. Time Synchronization

The time server of an automation unit can

• be synchronized by a serial time signal over the direct serial connection of a DCF77 or a GPS
time signal receiver.

• be synchhronized by remote synchronization with the clock synchronization command over a

serial communication or over the LAN (Ethernet TCP/IP – NTP). In case of serial communication
failure the time can be set by SAT TOOLBOX II.

• be synchronized by a minute pulse of a DCF77 or a GPS time signal receiver. The time can be
set via the communication (serial, LAN) by means of the synchronization command, or by

• be operated free running (not synchronized).

The method of time synchronization is determined with the parameter Time management | Common
Settings | Synchronizing of the automation unit for each automation unit.

4-6 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

System Services

The accuracy of the clocks of an automation unit is dependent on the choice of method for the time
synchronization. With the remote synchronization this is also dependent on the protocol element and
the transmission medium.

Time Synchronization Method Remarks Accuracy

Serial time signal GPS time signal receiver ± 1ms
DCF77 time signal receiver with correlation process ± 1ms
Minute pulse GPS time signal receiver ± 10ms
DCF77 time signal receiver with correlation process ± 10ms
Remote synchronization or NTP LAN or WAN with NTP with point-to-point connections ± 3ms
via switches
Connections with incalculable message delays (e.g. < ± 1s
ISDN, ADSL, SAT120/DMS etc.)
after connection setup with a point-to-point connection 1)
(e.g. dial-up traffic)
Point-to-point connections with a time synchronization ± 10ms
1x every minute
Point-to-point connections with a time synchronization ± 1ms
every 5th second 2)
Serial time signal and Remote Combination from serial time signal and remote 3)
synchronization synchronization or NTP
None (stand alone) 10-4 equals
1) The accuracy is dependent on the periodicity of the clock synchronization command and the quartz accuracy
(10-4 equals ±360ms/h) of the remote terminal unit. The periodicity of the clock synchronization command can
be set with parameters on the corresponding protocol element with the master function.

2) Dependent on the protocol element used (e.g. UMPM01 and UMPS01)

3) The accuracy is dependent on the current operating state. The accuracy is 1 ms in the fault-free operation
(serial time signals). At failure of the serial time signal the accuracy is dependent on the communication
connection (see remark to remote synchronization or NTP).

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 4-7

System Services Time Synchronization with Serial Time Signal and Remote Synchronization

This method of synchronization is a combination of synchronization with the serial time signal and
remote synchronization. Thereby the serial time signal is the primary synchronization event, and remote
synchronization is the secondary synchronization event.

Switchover from primary to secondary synchronization event

In case of failure of the serial time signal a switchover to remote synchronization occurs after a delay of
65 seconds.

If the time signal receiver is free running a switchover to remote synchronization occurs after a settable
time (parameter Time management | Common settings | Free running time of time sig.

Switchover from secondary to primary synchronization event

As soon as the serial time signal, without free running indicator, is received a switchover occurs after a
delay of 65 seconds. Time Synchronization in a Multi-Hierarchical Network

In the entire network at least one automation unit must be synchronized with serial time signal or NTP,
i.e. one time master must exist.

The transmission of the clock synchronization command to other automation units takes place
automatically from the time master in the parameterized control direction (topology parameter Clock-
Sync = automatic).

The clock synchronization command is only accepted from a communication line, that is defined in the
topology parameters as monitor direction.

Automation units with time master do not accept any clock synchronization command.

For special applications, the previously described time synchronization automatic can be adapted in the
topology parameters (Clock-Sync):

Parameter Clock-Sync Function

transmit only The clock synchronization command is transmitted over this interface
regardless of the parameterized data flow direction
receive only The clock synchronization command is accepted over this interface for time
inhibited Over this interface neither the clock synchronization command is transmitted
nor is a received clock synchronization command accepted

4-8 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

System Services

4.2.3. Time Tag

The time tagging takes place automatically at all places in the system, where messages with process
information are generated. The transfer of the messages with process information with standard protocols
always takes place with 7 octet time. The resolution and the accuracy of the time tag is dependent on
the function and on the system element.

4.2.4. Daylight-Saving and Normal Time

With remote synchronization over point-to-point transmission media the switchover from/to daylight-
saving time takes place automatically.

If the time synchronization takes place by means of a serial time signal (GPS or DCF77 time signal
receiver) the switchover is performed according to the European standard (+ or – 1 hour) depending on
the parameter Time management | Time zone | GPS time zone identification std. time
or Time management | Time zone | GPS time zone identification DST (default setting is
Central Europe CET). In these parameters an ASCII text is to be entered according to the time signal
receiver used. The parameter Time management | Daylight saving time | Daylight saving
time enabling is not relevant.

With time synchronization without daylight-saving / normal time support

• remote synchronization over LAN/WAN with NTP (Network Time Protocol)

• remote synchronization over transmission medium with unknown delays (e.g. dial-up traffic) and a
periodicity of the clock synchronization command > 1h

the switchover times of the daylight-saving- and normal time are to be determined by means of the
parameter group Time management | Daylight saving time | Daylight saving time rule.
This parameter group first becomes active, when the parameter Time management | Daylight
saving time |Daylight saving time enabling is set.

4.2.5. Time Zones

For a time synchronization with GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), for the adjustment of the clock time to
the local time the time zone is to be defined with the parameter Time management | Time
zone |Time zone. This is necessary for a remote synchronization over LAN/WAN with NTP (Network
Time Protocol).

For time synchronization with a serial time signal it is necessary to parameterize the identification text
for normal time and daylight-saving time. By default the identification text for Central Europe ("CET" and
"CEST") is set.

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System Services

4.2.6. Monitoring the Synchronization Event

After startup, on failure of the synchronization event, or after the stand-alone monitoring has triggered a
failure event, the clock time in all clocks of the automation unit is provided with an "invalid" identifier. All
clocks of the connected automation units, that are synchronized from this automation unit, are likewise
provided with the "invalid" identifier (except after startup). This mark distributes the clock
synchronization commands of the protocol element in the parameterized or fixed defined grid.

The "invalid" identifier is reset with the next error-free synchronization operation and is always output
from an automation unit with time master. Stand-alone of the Time-Signal Receiver

If the connection between time-signal receiver and –transmitter is interrupted for longer than a
parameter-settable time (Parameter Time management | Common settings | Unit of time for
free running and monitoring time), the diagnostic information ''Stand-alone of the time signal
receiver" of the class "Warning" is set.

In addition all clocks of the automation unit are set to "invalid". All clocks of the connected automation
units, that are synchronized from this automation unit, are likewise provided with the "invalid" identifier. Failure of the Serial Time Signal

A check is performed of whether the serial time signal arrives within 2.5 seconds. If this is not the case,
a diagnostic information "Failure of time signal" of the class "Warning" is set.
If the serial time signal fails for longer than the time defined with the parameter
Time management | Common settings | Monitoring time for synchroniz. event, a
diagnostic information "Failure of time signal" of the class "External" is set. In addition all clocks of the
automation unit are set to "invalid". All clocks of the connected automation units, that are synchronized
from this automation unit, are likewise provided with the "invalid" identifier. Failure of the Minute Pulse

A check is performed of whether the minute pulse arrives within 65 seconds. If this is not the case, a
diagnostic information "Failure of minute pulse" of the class "Warning" is set.
If the minute pulse fails for longer than the time defined with the parameter
Time management | Common settings | Monitoring time for synchroniz. event, a
diagnostic information "Failure of minute pulse" of the class "External" is set. In addition all clocks of the
automation unit are set to "invalid". All clocks of the connected automation units, that are synchronized
from this automation unit, are likewise provided with the "invalid" identifier.

4-10 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

System Services Failure of the Remote Synchronization

If the clock synchronization command fails for longer than the time defined with the parameter
Time management | Common settings | Monitoring time for synchroniz. event, a
diagnostic information "Failure of synchronization over communication line" of the class "Warning" is
Monitoring does not start before the clocks of the automation unit have been set.
In addition all clocks of the automation unit are set to "invalid". All clocks of the connected automation
units, that are synchronized from this automation unit, are likewise provided with the "invalid" identifier. Failure Behavior in Case of Combination of Time Signal and Remote Synchronization

Both synchronization events are supervised independent of the currently effective synchronization

Failure of the primary synchronization event (serial time signal)

A check is performed of whether the serial time signal arrives within 2.5 seconds. If this is not the case,
a diagnostic information "Failure of time signal" of the class "Warning" is set.
After a delay of 65 seconds a switchover to the secondary synchronization event (remote
synchronization) occurs.
If the time signal receiver is free running a switchover to the secondary synchronization event (remote
synchronization) occurs after a settable time (parameter Time management | Common
settings | Free running time of time sig. receiver).

Case A: secondary synchronization event failed

If the serial time signal fails for longer than the time defined with the parameter Time
management | Common settings | Monitoring time for synchroniz. event, a diagnostic
information "Failure of time signal" of the class "External" is set.
In addition all clocks of the automation unit are set to "invalid".
All clocks of the connected automation units, that are synchronized from this automation unit, are
likewise provided with the "invalid" identifier.
Case B: secondary synchronization event OK
If the serial time signal fails for longer than the time defined with the parameter Time
management | Common settings | Monitoring time for synchroniz. event, a diagnostic
information "Failure of time signal" of the class "External" is set.
The clocks of the automation unit are not set to "invalid".

Failure of the secondary synchronization event (remote synchronization)

If the clock synchronization command fails for longer than the time defined with the parameter Time
management | Common settings | Monitoring time for synchroniz. event, a diagnostic
information "Failure of synchronization over communication line" of the class "Warning" is set.
Monitoring does not start before the clocks of the automation unit have been set.
Case A: primary synchronization event failed
All clocks of the automation unit are set to "invalid".

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System Services

All clocks of the connected automation units, that are synchronized from this automation unit, are
likewise provided with the "invalid" identifier.
Case B: primary synchronization event OK
The clocks of the automation unit are not set to "invalid".

4.2.7. Startup

After startup the clocks of the automation unit are set with the first occurrence of a valid synchronization

Note: A valid synchronization event may as well contain a time marked as invalid.

If within 2 minutes a valid synchronization event does not arrive a diagnostic information "Time of
automation unit not set" of the class "Warning" is set.
Note: Connected automation units are synchronized not before the automation unit has a valid

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System Services

4.3. Diagnostic and Signaling

The diagnostic treatment of an automation unit recognizes and manages diagnostic information.
Diagnostic information are errors, faults and also operating states. These diagnostic informations are
categorized for each system element in the automation unit, sorted according to diagnostic class, stored
with detailed description and summed up.

4.3.1. Diagnostic Classes and their Meaning

Failure (Class A)
Signals, that an automation unit can no longer be reached and will be created by the monitoring
automation unit.

Module Failure (Class B)

Signals, that the internal communication with a system element is no longer possible and will be created
by the monitoring basic system element.

External Errors (Class E)

Are errors, that are detected through monitoring the information from sensors and actuators. They can
concern the peripheral element, the wiring and sensors or actuators, insofar as the source of error can
not be unequivocally localized to the peripheral element; then it would be an internal error.

Startup (Class H)
Signals, that the automation unit or the system element has started up following Power-Up or Reset.

Internal Errors (Class I)

Are errors, that can be unequivocally traced back to system elements in the automation unit (Firmware
or Hardware).

Communication Errors (Class K)

Are errors, that are detected by protocol elements and result from the monitoring of the communication
line, insofar as the source of error can not be unequivocally localized to the protocol element; then it
would be an internal error.

Test (Class T)
Test means, that a clearly assigned function is in test; e.g. Online-Test of the Open-/Closed-Loop
Control Function.

Warning (Class W)
Warning indicates, that the system is still functioning, but has limited functionality or availability, e.g.
parameter error, poor line quality, external minute synchronization failed, but internal quartz accuracy is
still sufficient.

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System Services

4.3.2. Detailed Diagnostic

Administration and storage of detailed diagnostic information for each system element in the detailed
diagnostic table. Storage means, that all diagnostic information occurring either since the last read out
by the PSR II or since startup of the automation unit are flagged.

Provision of additional identifiers for the detailed diagnostic information, in the event that further
information is necessary for an error detection (e.g. in which routing record the error has occurred).
Additional identifiers can only be read out with the PSRII.

4.3.3. History Diagnostic

Administration of a diagnostic ring for each basic system element for the chronological logging of
changes to the diagnostic information of the basic system element and its supplementary system
elements. The last 20 changes that have occurred are stored with time and date.

4.3.4. Sum Diagnostic

The sum diagnostic creates sums about detailed diagnostic information according to established rules
and presents these in a sum diagnostic table:

Diagnostic Information Meaning

Sum diagnostic record of the automation Summing of the sum diagnostic records of the basic system elements
Sum diagnostic record of a basic system Summing of the diagnostic information of a basic system element and all its
element supplementary system elements according to diagnostic classes
Failure of a basic system element Information of the diagnostic class B (module failure) of the corresponding system
Failure of a peripheral element element
Failure of a protocol element
Fault of a basic system element Sum of the diagnostic classes I(nternal), E(xternal), K (communication) of the
Fault of a peripheral element corresponding system element
Fault of a protocol element
Failure of a communication line Failure of the remote station for a protocol element with Single Point data
communication mode or failure of all stations for a protocol element with Multi
Point data communication mode
Fault of a communication line This diagnostic information is only significant for protocol elements with Multi
Point data communication mode and indicates, that one or several stations have
Sum diagnostic record of the rest of the The sum diagnostic record of the rest of the system is created from all sum
system diagnostic records of the other automation units (power network survey).

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System Services

4.3.5. Power Network Survey

The sum diagnostic record of an automation unit is automatically distributed to all other automation units
by means of messages with system information in monitoring direction.

Each automation unit stores these sum diagnostic records in a power network survey table.

For special applications, in the topology parameters a distribution to other automation units can be
inhibited or also enabled in the control direction.

On failure of one automation unit, the class "Failure" is created by the automation unit detecting the
failure, entered in the corresponding part of the network diagnostic table and distributed.

This emulation can be delayed with the parameter AU common settings | Delay time failure

4.3.6. Display of the System States on the Automation Unit

Display of the AU sum diagnostic record and of operating states via LED´s on the front panel of the
master control element. Which information is displayed, can be taken from the corresponding system
element manual.

Summing of the classes I, E, K, B and output at the relay contact "Error" of the master control element.
The output takes place in the open-circuit principle.

The watchdog is output at the relay contact "WD" of the master control element. The output takes place
in the closed-circuit principle.

4.3.7. Display of the System States on PSR II

The PSR II is a toolset of the SAT TOOLBOX II. With the help of the tool "Diagnostic" in the toolset PSR
II, detailed system states (single diagnostic) are summed (overview diagnostic) and the content of the
diagnostic ring (History diagnostic) is read out and displayed with plain text.

With the help of the power network survey diagnostic, all sum diagnostic records of the automation units
defined in the topology can be displayed.

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System Services

4.3.8. Creation of Error Messages

This function enables messages with process information to be created from freely selectable diagnostic
information. The messages can be distributed within the automation unit, to other automation units or to
control systems and e.g. evaluated for the following tasks:

• Signaling of selected system states

• Information for redundancy switchovers
• Logging of faults

The messages are generated with a freely selectable 5-stage address and the type identification 30
(single-point information). The acquisition of the changed diagnostic information takes place periodically
every 100ms. Diagnostic information items that are present for a shorter period are stored transiently.

The diagnostic information can be taken both from the detailed diagnostic table as well as from the sum
diagnostic table.

The assignment of the address for the messages with process information to the diagnostic information is
carried out with the help of the process-technical parameter setting in the OPM.

• Error messages detailed diagnostic table

• Error messages sum diagnostic table

The possibility exists of assigning individual diagnostic information items, or with the help of wildcards, a
group of diagnostic information items (all diagnostic classes, -records, -bits) to a message. If a group of
diagnostic information items is assigned to a message, a logical OR for all diagnostic information
concerned is created automatically.

4-16 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

System Services Error Messages Detailed Diagnostic Table

The assignment of the diagnostic information or a group of diagnostic information items to the message
with process information is performed with the help of process-technical parameters of the ACP 1703
system data by means of selection texts in Drop-Down List boxes or by the input of values:

• Message address

• Lk_Bse (basic system element)

• SSE (supplementary system element)

─ (PE0 - PE15, PRE0 - PRE3) or

─ BSE itself.

• Diagnostic class

─ Internal, External, Communication, Test, Module Failure, Warning, Startup or

─ Wildcard (all Bits, all Records, all Classes). The content of both parameters Diagnostic
record and Diagnostic bit are meaningless.

• Diagnostic record

─ Record number within the selected class or

─ Wildcard (all Bits, all Records). The content of the parameter Diagnostic bit is

• Diagnostic bit

─ Bit 0 .. Bit 15 or
─ Wildcard (all Bits)

Note: The significance of the diagnostic records and the diagnostic bits is dependent on the
configured system element and is to be taken from the relevant system element

Attention: These parameters are not mirror parameters, i.e., these parameters are not copied with
the SAT TOOLBOX II - function "Copy BSE". This is necessary, since otherwise the
diagnostic information would be distributed with the same message address but of
different quality.

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System Services Error Messages Sum Diagnostic Table

The assignment of the diagnostic information to the message with process information is performed with
the help of process-technical parameters of the ACP 1703 system data by means of selection texts in
Drop-Down List boxes:

• Message address
• Error location/basic system element
• Error location/supplementary system element
• Error type

Diagnostic Information Error Location/BSE Error Location/SSE Error Type
from the sum diagnostic record of the AU sum BSE itself / AU sum / Class internal, external,
automation unit Rest system communication, test,
warning, module failure,
from the sum diagnostic record of a basic C0-CPU ... C16-CPU, BSE itself / AU sum / Class internal, external,
system element M-CPU Rest system communication, test,
warning, module failure,
Failure of a basic system element C0-CPU ... C16-CPU BSE itself / AU sum / System element failure
Rest system
Fault of a basic system element C0-CPU ... C16-CPU, BSE itself / AU sum / System element fault
M-CPU Rest system
Failure of a peripheral element C0-CPU ... C16-CPU, PE 0 .. PE15 System element failure
Fault of a peripheral element C0-CPU ... C16-CPU, PE 0 .. PE15 System element fault
Failure of a protocol element C0-CPU ... C16-CPU, PRE 0 .. PRE3 System element failure
Fault of a protocol element C0-CPU ... C16-CPU, PRE 0 .. PRE3 System element fault
Failure of a communication line C0-CPU ... C16-CPU, PRE 0 .. PRE3 Communication failure
Fault of a communication line C0-CPU ... C16-CPU, PRE 0 .. PRE3 Communication fault
from the sum diagnostic record of the rest Rest system BSE itself / AU sum / Class internal, external,
system Rest system communication, test,
warning, module failure,

Attention: These parameters are not mirror parameters, i.e., these parameters are not copied with the
SAT TOOLBOX II - function "Copy BSE". This is necessary, since otherwise the diagnostic
information are distributed with the same message address but of different quality.

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System Services

4.4. General Interrogation

On startup of an automation unit or individual system elements or after faults in the system
(communication faults, FIFO overflows) the participating automation units or system elements ensure,
that the operation is resumed automatically in a coordinated manner.

This means, that the external and internal communication connections are set up and all data points
concerned, as well as relevant system information for the system-wide updating of the process images
are transmitted from their source right to their sink. This takes place with the initiation of a station
interrogation to the corresponding part of the automation network, where the error occurred.

In which kind the station interrogations are triggered and how messages with interrogated process
information are processed can bees seen in the various sections describing the functions (e.g.

In the following cases a station interrogation is tripped automatically:

• Station interrogation "all CASDU´s"

─ after POWER UP or RESET of a system element
─ after POWER UP or RESET of an automation unit
─ after communication failure
─ after redundancy switchover to active

• Station interrogation "selective CASDU"

─ after receipt of the message "End of initialization" for the corresponding CASDU

• Station interrogation to sources within the automation unit

─ after internal data loss (e.g. FIFO overflow)
─ after the loading of newly added routings or assignments

The transmission of "all data concerned" means, that

• with the station interrogation, all GI-capable messages with process information are transmitted, i.e.
all those data, that can be interrogated with their state in the periphery and from processing
functions (binary information, analog values, digital values, calculated values etc.) or system
information (system error information),

• in a multi-hierarchical network, with a station interrogation not only the local data of an
interrogated automation unit are transmitted, but also those of automation units hierarchically
subjacent and reachable over external communication,

• invalid or blocked data (value disturbances, information affected with the failure of a system
element or failure of an automation unit) are also to be transmitted with a station interrogation.

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System Services

Special system-wide applicable mechanisms ensure, that

• with a GI-request, only those data are transmitted, which the requesting station requires.

• dependent on the process data to be transmitted, the station interrogation is possible both in
monitoring- as well as in control direction.

• due to consequential reactions with the occurrence of a station interrogation initiation, above all in
multi-hierarchical networks, no more than one station interrogation is performed (although e.g.
with the restart of an automation unit, due to the communication failure associated with it, several
other automation units would have a station interrogation initiation)

• with the simultaneous occurrence of several station interrogations, an unnecessary load of the
communication is prevented.

• in the event of a station interrogation, the data according to IEC 60870-5-101/104 are transmitted
in blocks, in order to achieve a considerably more efficient transmission. the condition for this is,
that the message addresses (IOA) are defined successively without gaps.

4-20 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

System Services

4.5. Failure

In single and in multi-hierarchical configurations, the failure management ensures, through the
monitoring of the internal and external interfaces, the marking of the data points affected by a failure
and the generation of diagnostic information.

4.5.1. Monitoring of the Interfaces

The monitoring of the internal and external interfaces takes place with periodical monitoring messages.
These monitoring messages are generated and monitored by the system elements or automation units
at both sides of the interface. The periodicity is dependent on the interface.

Interface Time Period Maximum Detection Time of the Failure

Peripheral modules TM Bus 10 ms 20 ms
Peripheral elements (HW-Defect) Ax 1703-PE Bus 10 ms 40 ms
Peripheral elements (FW-Error) Ax 1703-PE Bus 5s 10 sec
Protocol elements SBD-Bus 500 ms 1.5 sec
Basic system elements N-Bus 500 ms 1.5 sec
Basic system elements Redundancy can be set by Normal operation:
synchronization parameter set monitoring time 1) + 10ms
link in 100ms steps
During synchronization of the application program
starting at
set monitoring time 1) * 5
Automation unit Communication can be set by Dependent on the parameterized baud rate, the
line parameter time for monitoring messages and the message

1) Parameter Redundancy | Synchronisation parameter | Red_sync monitoring timeout Measures in the Event of an Error

If the failure of a higher-level system element is detected, the particular system element and all lower-
level system elements are brought to the state "Firmware Shut Down".

Exception: Autonomous basic system elements (see Autonomy)

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System Services

4.5.2. Mark Data Points Affected by the Failure

After the detection of the failure of system elements or automation units, all data points affected by this
failure at the system-internal sinks (e.g. open-/closed-loop control function, peripheral elements) or at
the communication interfaces to other automation units (communication function in transmit direction)
are flagged with "not topical".

The data points are only then flagged with "not topical", if the failure is present for longer than a
parameterized time. This parameter AU common settings |Delay time NT reproduction can be
set one time for the automation unit.

Possibly available redundancy configurations are thereby taken into account.

Redundancy Configuration

With a redundancy configuration, the data point is first flagged as failed, when all redundant sources
which this data point affects, have been detected as "failed".

Redundant sources are:

• Communication interfaces which receive this data point from other automation units
(communication function in receive direction)
• Sources within the automation unit which generate this data point (e.g. open-/closed-loop control
function, peripheral elements)

In addition, all redundant sources at each system-internal sink and at all communication interfaces to
other automation units are learned for all data points to be handled at these places.

A maximum of 8 redundant sources can be learned. With the help of the parameter BSE common
settings | Maximum number of redundant sources an optimization of the memory requirements
can be performed.

Special Cases

If the data point is not to be transferred from all redundant sources or more than 8 redundant sources
are required, the automatic learning can be switched off. For this, all redundant sources that are
relevant for this data point, are compiled to form a so-called Redundancy-Source-Identification.

This is carried out by assigning all relevant redundant sources to a Redundancy-Source-Identification

with the help of the topology parameter RQID (Redundancy-Source-Identification).

A maximum of 254 Redundancy Source Identifications can be defined.

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4.5.3. Diagnostic Information

After the detection of the failure of system elements or automation units, the corresponding diagnostic
information are set.

For a system element failure, the corresponding diagnostic information "Module failure" is set.

If the communication connection to a remote station fails, the corresponding diagnostic information
"Failure of the automation unit" is set. The diagnostic information "Failure of the automation unit" is also
set, if a system element fails, which lies on the path to this automation unit. These system elements are
normally basic system elements with communication function or protocol elements. With the diagnostic
information "Failure of the automation unit", possibly existing redundancy configurations are taken into

These diagnostic informations are however only set, if the failure is present for longer than the
parameterized AU common settings | Delay time failure reproduction. This parameter can
be set one time for the automation unit.

Redundancy Configuration

With a redundancy configuration, the corresponding diagnostic information "Failure of the automation
unit" is first set, if all communication connections over which this automation unit can be reached, have

The parameter AU common settings | Delay time failure reproduction is also effective in
this case.

The failure of the communication connection or a system element is signaled immediately with a
diagnostic information regardless of the redundant sources.

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System Services

4.6. Data Storage on Flash Card

All firmware and parameters of an automation unit are stored non-volatile on a Flash Card. This Flash
Card is a permanent component of the master control element.

On startup of the automation unit or individual system elements, the firmware and the necessary
parameters are transmitted from the Flash Card to the system elements.

The Flash Card enables the exchange of a module without using the SAT TOOLBOX II.

4.6.1. Module Exchange

With all system elements – except master control element – after the exchange of the module, no
further operator inputs are required. All firmware and parameters are transmitted automatically to the
exchanged module.

If the master control element is exchanged, in addition the Flash Card from the defective module is to
be slotted into the exchanged module.

After an exchange of modules, during startup of the automation unit or a system element, calibration
processes take place between the Flash Card and the system elements. These calibration processes
cause longer startup times and are indicated on the front panel by the LED "CPY" (see chapter
Operating States "Loading Operation").

further cases for a calibration process:

• Revision of the firmware different between Flash-Card and system element

• Type of the firmware different between Flash-Card and system element
• No firmware loaded on the system element
• Revision of the parameters different between Flash-Card and system element
• No parameters loaded on the system element

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4.6.2. Commissioning an Automation Unit

For the initial commissioning of an automation unit, at least one blank, formatted Flash Card with a
FAT 16 file system is required.

If a formatted, blank Flash Card is detected by the master control element, the master control element
goes to the state "Firmware Shut Down". This state can however not be diagnosed with the
SAT TOOLBOX II, but rather is only indicated by the flashing of the possibly available "HLT" LED on the
front panel. With system elements without the "HLT" LED, this state can not be clearly detected.

To make the automation unit operational, the automation unit must be initialized and all firmware and
parameters loaded with the SAT TOOLBOX II Toolset PSR II.

4.6.3. Startup of an Automation Unit with Missing or Defective Flash Card

If the Flash Card is missing or defect, the startup of an automation unit takes place with the firmware
and parameters possibly available on the system elements. After startup a diagnostic information is set,
in order to indicate this inadmissible state.

Attention: If this inadmissible state is ignored, it can lead to faulty behavior of the automation unit. This
state can be compared to when parameters are loaded, that do not correspond to the
process connected to the automation unit.

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4.7. Autonomy

Autonomy means, that an autonomous basic system element and its supplementary system elements
(protocol- and peripheral elements) continue to function during the failure of the master control unit.

This behavior can be set for each basic system element by means of a parameter BSE common
settings | Autonomy.

On failure of the master control unit, data points are flagged with "not topical", which:

• are acquired by other system elements in the automation unit and are not acquired over the
particular peripheral- or protocol elements.
• are acquired by other automation units and not connected over the particular protocol elements.

After startup of the master control unit, the autonomous basic system element is synchronized without
interruption to operation. Due to a general interrogation, the data points flagged with “not topical” on
failure of the master control unit are updated.

4.8. Communication with the Engineering System (SAT TOOLBOX II)

For the communication between the SAT TOOLBOX II and the destination system there are different

• direct local over the serial Toolbox interface (TB) on the master control element
• over a network connection LAN/WAN (TCP/IP)
• over serial remote communication connection from and to other automation units.

With the exception of the very first initialization operation, this is only possible with a direct local
connected SAT TOOLBOX II, all tasks are possible in each of the above stated variants:

• Upload parameters
• Diagnostic
• Test (e.g. Online-Test of the function diagram) and
• Load firmware
• etc.

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System Services

4.9. Self-Test

The self-test is used for the protection against inadmissible operating states. Through a series of
monitoring operations, defects of the hardware used or faulty behavior of the firmware are detected.

4.9.1. Monitoring of Hardware and Firmware

Timeout monitoring (watchdog)

Protection against defect of the CPU used and

faulty behavior of the firmware
Monitored by Hardware and firmware
Function The processor and the firmware running on it is monitored by a watchdog. This
watchdog is an independent hardware monoflop, which must be retriggered in a defined
time window by the firmware.
The status of the CPU watchdog is signaled optically on the front of the module via a
yellow LED with the designation "RY". In addition, the watchdog status is conducted on
a relay. If the watchdog is started up, the relay is activated (closed-circuit principle). On
the connector strip, the relay contacts (open- and closed contact) can be unclipped.
Measure in case of error The relay "Watchdog" is deactivated with the expiry of the hardware monoflop.
The firmware initiates a reset of the system element. After startup, the system element
is switched to the "Firmware Shut Down" state.
Dynamic behavior up to 20ms

IDLE monitoring

Protection against Faulty behavior of firmware or application programs with endless loops, firmware
execution times too long etc.
Monitored by Firmware
Function In the IDLE-Task (low priority task of the operating system) a firmware monoflop is
retriggered with a time base of 5 seconds. As long as this firmware monoflop is started
up, the retriggering of the watchdog is enabled.
Measure in case of error The watchdog is no longer retriggered. Further procedure see Monitoring of Hardware
and Firmware.
Dynamic behavior up to 5 sec

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 4-27

System Services

Code memory monitoring

Protection against defect of the storage medium used (Flash-PROM or Flash-Card) and
undetected transmission errors when loading the program code
Monitored by Firmware
Function With the creation of all bytes of the code area through addition, including the free bytes
up to the end of the physical storage medium, a 16-bit checksum MODULUS 65536 is
formed. This is stored on a free storage space in the code area of the firmware.
During startup and in operation in the IDLE Task, all bytes in the storage medium are
added and compared with the stored checksum.
Measure in case of error With inequality, the system element is switched to the "Module Shut Down" state.
Dynamic behavior During startup, the error is detected immediately.
During normal operation, it may take a few seconds until the error is detected.
In operation, typically another measure of protection is effective (e.g.
Illegal Opcode, Monitoring of Hardware and Firmware )

Parameter memory monitoring

Protection against defect of the storage medium used (Flash-PROM or Flash-Card) and
undetected transmission errors when loading the parameters
Monitored by Firmware
Function For each available parameter block a 16-bit checksum MODULUS 65536 is created by
the SAT TOOLBOX II and entered in the parameter block.
During startup, in operation in the IDLE-Task and always when this parameter block has
been loaded from the TOOLBOX, all bytes of every parameter block are added
(algorithm as offline) and compared with the stored checksum.
Measure in case of error With inequality of one of the checksums, the system element is switched to the
"Firmware Shut Down" state.
Dynamic behavior During startup and after being loaded by the SAT TOOLBOX II, the error is detected
During normal operation, it may take a few seconds until the error is detected.
In operation, with an error in the application program of the open-/closed loop control
function, typically another measure of protection is effective (e.g.
Illegal Opcode, Monitoring of Hardware and Firmware.

4-28 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

System Services

Firmware self-monitoring

Protection against incorrect call parameters with system functions and programming errors
Monitored by Firmware
Measure in case of error The system element is switched to the "Firmware Shut Down" state.
Dynamic behavior The error is detected immediately.

Shadow RAM

Protection against defect of the storage medium used (DRAM) and

defect of the DRAM refresh logic implemented
Monitored by Hardware
Measure in case of error With inequality, the system element is switched to the "Module Shut Down" state.
Dynamic behavior The error is detected immediately.

RAM test with addressing errors check

Protection against Defect of the storage medium used (DRAM),

Defect of the READ/WRITE equipment,
Defect of the RAM´s in a defined area,
Defect of the DRAM refresh logic implemented and
Short or interruptions on the data and address bus
Monitored by Firmware
Measure in case of error The system element is switched to the "Module Shut Down" state.
Dynamic behavior During startup, the error is detected immediately.
During normal operation, it may take a few seconds until the error is detected.

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 4-29

System Services

Monitoring forbidden memory access

Protection against Firmware errors

Monitored by CPU exception handling
Measure in case of error The firmware initiates a reset of the system element. After startup, the system element
is switched to the "Firmware Shut Down" state.
Dynamic behavior The error is detected immediately.

Monitoring forbidden I/O access

Protection against Firmware errors when accessing the I/O address range, and
Hardware errors
Monitored by CPU exception handling
Measure in case of error The system element is switched to the "Firmware Shut Down" state.
Dynamic behavior The error is detected after 1µs

Illegal Opcode

Protection against Firmware errors with e.g. jump operations,

Defect of the storage medium used (Flash-PROM),
Defect of the READ equipment and
Short or interruptions on the data- and address bus
Monitored by CPU exception handling
Measure in case of error The firmware initiates a reset of the system element. After startup, the system element
is switched to the "Firmware Shut Down" state.
Dynamic behavior The error is detected immediately.

Stack Overflow

Protection against Firmware errors

Monitored by Mode 1: CPU exception handling
Mode 2: Firmware
Measure in case of error Mode 1: The system element is switched to the "Module Shut Down" state.
Mode 2: The system element is switched to the "Firmware Shut Down" state.
Dynamic behavior Mode 1: The error is detected immediately.
Mode 2: It takes a few seconds until the error is detected.

4-30 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

System Services

4.9.2. Monitoring the Data Integrity

Messages with spontaneous information objects on internal interfaces

Protection against Defect of the storage medium used (FIFO) and

internal communication errors
Monitored by Firmware
Function Every message that is sent over the internal buses is secured with a checksum. This is
carried out by adding all bytes of the message with an 8-bit (Ax 1703 PE Bus)
checksum MODULUS 256 or words of the message with a 16-bit (node- and SBD-Bus)
checksum MODULUS 65536.
Measure in case of error With inequality between the received and calculated checksum, the transmission to the
remote station is discontinued.
Dynamic behavior The error is detected immediately.

Messages with periodical information on the Ax 1703 PE Bus

Protection against Ax 1703 PE bus communication errors

Monitored by Hardware
Hamming distance 4
Function Every message that is sent over the Ax 1703 PE Bus is secured through a longitudinal-
and vertical parity.
Measure in case of error With inequality between the received and calculated parity, the transmission to the
remote station is discontinued.
Dynamic behavior The error is detected immediately.

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 4-31

System Services

4.10. Operating States

Operating State LED "RY" LED "ER" LED "HLT" LED "CPY"
Normal Operation lights up dark dark dark
Limited Operation lights up lights up dark dark
Loading Operation
Loading parameters not relevant not relevant not relevant dark
Saving parameters not relevant not relevant not relevant flashes
Load firmware and save not relevant not relevant not relevant lights up
(indication on the master control unit only)
Firmware Shut Down dark lights up flashes dark
Module Shut Down dark lights up lights up dark

4.10.1. Normal Operation

Normal operation means, that all parameterized functions run correctly.

This state is indicated for each system element as follows:


lights up dark dark dark

In addition, further LED’s can light up (dependent on the system element), e.g. for the display of process
signals, status lines of the communication interface.

4-32 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

System Services

4.10.2. Limited Operation

Limited operation means, that not all parameterized functions run correctly.

This state is indicated for each system element as follows:


lights up lights up dark dark

In addition, for the error detection further LED’s can also light up (dependent on the system element).

The faulty parts of the automation unit are identified and if necessary deactivated. The non-faulty
functions continue to work normally (error tolerance) as long as they are not affected by the faulty


• Communication to the higher-level automation unit or control system failed; the automation unit
continues to run autonomously.

• Peripheral element failed; data points of the failed peripheral element are flagged with "not
topical" and transmitted, all other peripheral elements continue to work normally.

With the SAT TOOLBOX II a detailed diagnostic of the error is possible.

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 4-33

System Services

4.10.3. Loading Operation

During the loading operation, parameters and firmware programs in the automation unit are brought up
to date. The loading operation can either be started by means of the SAT TOOLBOX II or takes place
automatically on startup of the automation unit or a system element (see chapter "Startup").

If the loading operation is controlled by the SAT TOOLBOX II, there are two separate states:

• the loading operation

• the saving of the parameters and the firmware program

Loading operation

The loading operation is initiated by the SAT TOOLBOX II, if a difference between the parameters or
firmware saved on the Flash-Card and those currently in the SAT TOOLBOX II has been detected.

This state is indicated for each system element as follows:


Parameter not relevant not relevant not relevant dark
Firmware (indication on the master not relevant not relevant not relevant lights up
control unit only)

Saving the parameters and the firmware program

The parameters and firmware updated through the loading operation are programmed in the Flash-
PROM on the corresponding basic system element and saved on the Flash-Card.

This state is indicated for each system element as follows:


Parameter not relevant not relevant not relevant flashes
Firmware (indication on the master not relevant not relevant not relevant lights up
control unit only)

Attention: A switching off or reset of the automation unit during the saving of the parameters and
firmware program on the Flash-Card is to be absolutely avoided. In the most unfavorable
case an exchange of the master control element is necessary.

4-34 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

System Services

4.10.4. Firmware Shut Down

Firmware shut down means, that all functions with the exception of those that are necessary for the
communication with the SAT TOOLBOX II in the local operating mode, are halted.

In this state the watchdog of the module elapses and all outputs are terminated.

This state is indicated for each system element as follows:


dark lights up flashes dark

With system elements without the "HLT" LED, this state can not be clearly detected.

Attention: If the shut down of the firmware takes place due to "Illegal opcode", "General protection" and
"Watchdog elapsed", this is indicated by the possibly available "CAE" LED on the front

On occurrence of this state, a diagnostic information is set with an error code. If a remedy is possible by
the user, an additional diagnostic information is set.

This state can now only be ended with a Power up or Reset. The reset can be tripped both by the
SAT TOOLBOX II as well as with the reset button on the master control unit.

Depending on the parameter BSE common settings | Failure behavior with

Firmware shut down: this state is retained until a Power up or Reset. The reset can be tripped both by
the SAT TOOLBOX II as well as with the reset button on the master control unit.

Firmware restart: a system startup is initiated due to an automatic reset tripped by the firmware. If
such a procedure occurs 3 times inside 30 minutes, the system element
remains in the "Firmware shut down" state.

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 4-35

System Services

4.10.5. Module Shut Down

Module shut down means, that all activities of the hardware and firmware are halted.

This state is indicated for each system element as follows:


dark lights up lights up dark

In this state the watchdog of the module elapses and all outputs are terminated.

This state can now only be ended with a Power up or Reset. The reset can be tripped by the
SAT TOOLBOX II (if this state does not affect master control unit) or with the reset button on the master
control unit.

4-36 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE


5. Telecontrol

The telecontrol function package includes the following functions:

• acquisition of the process data on the peripheral elements, change monitoring, message
generation, and time tagging (resolution, depending on respective peripheral element, 1ms or
• change monitoring of result data of the open-/closed-loop control function and message
• time tagging of the result data of the open-/closed-loop control function, the resolution
corresponding to the cycle time of the open-/closed-loop control function, i.e., 10ms or multiples
of 10ms
• prioritized transfer of all changed messages from the process image to the spontaneous channel
of the communication function, a deterministic priority algorithm ensuring that
─ in the event of the simultaneous existence of several active process information items, those
having a higher priority or importance will be sent first, however,
─ that even in cases of continuously existing high-priority process information items, those of low
priority can also be sent
• receipt of messages from the spontaneous channel of the communication functionality, and
• transfer
─ to the open-/closed-loop control function for further processing, or
─ to the peripheral elements for the output of the process data

Automatic Data Flow Control for Spontaneous Communication

For data flow control, no single routing engineering of individual process information items is required.
All that needs to be done is to configure signaling direction and command direction, whereupon the
messages will be distributed automatically based on their type identification.

However, to avoid having to always distribute all process information items to everywhere, pass-through
or blocking filters can be set in each communication interface. Since it is also possible to use wildcards
for all address attributes of the message, it is possible to direct the data flow by simple means and with
high accuracy.

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 5-1


5.1. Communication Function

The communication function controls the transmission of messages via protocol elements to other
automation units or control systems. The communication function differentiates between transmission-
and receive direction.

Serial interface processors (SIPs), network interface processors (NIPs) and field-bus interface
processors (FIPs) can be used as protocol elements. A maximum of 4 protocol elements per basic
system element are supported. The protocol element configuration depends on the system element.

The communication function differentiates between transmission- and receive direction.

Communication function in transmit direction

The messages to be transmitted are learned through the automatic data flow routing and stored in the
data storage. The transfer of the messages from the data storage takes place via a priority controller in
order to optimally utilize the transmission route.

• Automatic Data Flow Routing

The automatic data flow routing enables the directing of messages with process information via a
communication interface.

─ Messages with process information in the monitor direction are distributed in simple applications
via an entry in the topology. For more complex applications, the messages can be distributed
selectively with the help of the system-technical parameter group Data flow filter.

─ For messages with process information in the control direction, they are distributed to the
destinations determined by the CASDU.

Furthermore it is used for learning a message-selective routing for system functions such as e.g.

─ Emulating messages with process information in the event of a failure

─ Answering interrogated messages with process information after a general interrogation

• Data storage

The data storage is used for the timely decoupling of received messages to the possibly slower
transfer over the transmission route.

• Priority Control

The priority controller has the task of reading out messages queued for transmission in the data
storage independently and individually for each protocol element and to control the transmission
of the messages via the protocol element in accordance with their priority.

5-2 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE


Communication function in receive direction

Messages with process information are distributed to all functions within the automation unit.

Messages with system information are either processed directly (e.g. GI) or distributed further based on
their destination address (e.g. messages for remote maintenance).

5.1.1. Block Diagram

Transmit direction

Automatic data flow

Internal distribution of messages with process information
Internal distribution of messages with system information


Data storage

e.g. GI
Priority controller

Protocl element Link

Message reception

Receive direction

Messages with process information

Messages with system information

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 5-3


5.1.2. Automatic Data Flow Routing

Messages with process information in the monitor direction are distributed based on a parameterized data
flow direction. The data flow direction is defined by entries in the topology parameters.

─ Monitor direction
─ Control direction
─ Both directions

Messages with process information in control direction and messages with system information in control
direction are distributed based on their CASDU.

Messages with system information in the private range are distributed based on their system-technical
destination address. Which automation unit is reached over which interface is to be defined in the
topology parameters.

For the correct function of the automatic data flow routing, the following points are to be adhered to

• Messages with process information in monitor direction according to IEC 60870-5-101 or 104 are to
be defined with a CASDU, which represents the source address. The address element IOA can
be freely selected.

• Messages with process information and messages with system information in control direction according
to IEC 60870-5-101 or 104 are to be defined with a CASDU, which represents the source
address. The address element IOA can be freely selected.

• A process-technical unit can occur in one or several system-technical unit(s). I.e. one or several
automation units can represent one CASDU.

• Several process-technical units can occur in one system-technical unit. I.e. one automation unit
can represent several CASDU´s.

Note: Messages with process information, which are received via an interface with a LAN, are not
send to this interface (prevention of circulating messages). If nevertheless received messages
with process information must be transferred over this LAN, this must be applicably resolved
by the generation of new messages with process information with the help of the open-/closed-
loop control function.

5-4 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Telecontrol Messages in Control Direction

Messages with process information and messages with system information in control direction are distributed
based on their CASDU.

For this, information is necessary which specifies, over which communication interface and which
station or connection the automation unit(s) can be reached, which this CASDU contains.

This information is learned from messages with process information in monitor direction, by storing the
CASDU and the system-technical entry point (source identification) of these messages. To make this
procedure possible, GI-capable messages with process information in monitor direction must be received
with the corresponding CASDU from this system-technical entry point.

For messages with process information in control direction which are defined with cause of transmission set
to "activation", the origin address is used for directing the replies ("confirmation"). If the origin address is
used, it must be unambiguous for each source. The origin address can be parameterized for each
connection or station. This parameterized origin address is then always added if the origin address is
not defined in the received message (origin address = 0). If the origin address is neither validly
parameterized nor defined in the message, the replies to this message are distributed to all
communication interfaces which are defined as monitor direction in the topology.

If the data flow direction for a communication interface is defined with “both directions” in the topology,
all messages with process information in control direction and messages with system information in control
direction are distributed on principal to this communication interface regardless of the CASDU contained
in the message.

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 5-5

Telecontrol Messages in Monitor Direction

The simplest possibility of directing is the entry in the topology, which defines the data flow direction.
This represents a pass-through filter over which communication interface messages with process
information in monitor direction are required.

If this simple form of directing is inadequate, the possibility of a data flow filter exists. This is defined in
the system-technical parameter Data flow filter. In the data flow filter, pass through- and blocking
filters are possible for address elements such as CASDU, IOA and/or type identification with wildcard
specifications. The specification can take place for each octet of the address elements. With this
method, selective groups of messages with process information in monitor direction can be routed or
blocked to the communication interfaces.

The data flow filter affects exclusively messages with process information in monitor direction, in addition to
the defined data flow direction. I.e. a data flow filter affects the data flow direction defined for these
messages. First pass through filters are evaluated in parallel and subsequently blocking filters in series.

Topology parameters
"data flow direction"
Internal distribution of messages with process information

Data management of the communication function

Monitor direction

Monitor direction
Blocking filter

Pass through filter

Reasonable filters are dependent on the data flow direction:

• Blocking filters in monitor direction

• Pass through filters in control direction

If individual messages with process information in monitor direction are also required for cross-couplings in
the control direction, in principle these must be defined with data flow filters.

To modify a data flow filter, a reset of the automation unit is necessary. The routings are re-learned with
each startup. Messages in the Private Range

In principle, these can only be distributed by way of the data flow routing. The definition of the data flow
direction in the topology parameters is not effective for these messages.

5-6 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE


5.1.3. Data Storage

The messages that are determined for transmission over communication interfaces are in principle
stored in rings in the correct time sequence, whereby each of the rings has a process image connected
in series before and after (process image before the ring, bPIM, and process image after the ring, aPIM).

This structure exists for each protocol element, station and priority depending on the type of traffic of the
protocol element and is called priority channel.

For protocol elements with a Multi-Point-Traffic type (e.g. Multi-Point-Traffic, LAN ), the data storage
basically takes place station-orientated, i.e. priority channels for each priority, station and protocol

For protocol elements with Single-Point-Traffic type, the data are stored protocol-element-orientated, i.e.
priority channels for each priority and protocol element.

The priority channels are differentiated:

• Time synchronization
• System information
• Process information in control direction
• Process information in monitor direction Priority HIGH with class 1 data
• Process information in monitor direction Priority MEDIUM with class 2 data
• Process information in monitor direction Priority LOW with class 2 data
• Transparent information

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 5-7

Telecontrol Message Characteristics

This table provides an overview about the characteristics of the messages.

Message with process information

in monitor direction TI GI VWZ ZV PRI
Single-point information 1,2,30 YES NO NO UEW
Double-point information 3,4,31 YES NO NO UEW
Step position information 5,6,32 YES NO PAR UEW
Bitstring of 32 bit 7,8,33 YES NO NO UEW
Measured value, normalized value 9,10,34 YES NO PAR UEW
Measured value, scaled value 11,12,35 YES NO PAR UEW
Measured value, short floating point 13,14,36 YES NO PAR UEW
Integrated totals 15,16,37 NO NO NO UEW
Event of protection equipment 17,38 NO NO NO UEW
Blocked activation of the protection 18,39 NO NO NO UEW
Blocked triggering of the protection 19,40 NO NO NO UEW
Packed single-point information with status 20 - - - -
change detection

The message "Packed single-point information with status change detection" not supported !

Message with process information

in control direction TI GI VWZ ZV PRI
Single command 45,58 NO YES NO BEF
Double command 46,59 NO YES NO BEF
Regulating step command 47,60 NO YES NO BEF
Set point command, normalized value 48,61 NO YES NO BEF
Set point command, scaled value 49,62 NO YES NO BEF
Set point command, short floating point 50,63 NO YES NO BEF
Bitstring of 32 bit 51,64 NO YES NO BEF

5-8 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE


Message with system information

in control direction TI GI VWZ ZV PRI
Interrogation command 100 NO NO NO SYS
Counter interrogation command 101 NO NO NO SYS
Clock synchronization command 103 NO NO NO ZS

Messages with transparent information TI GI VWZ ZV PRI

Container for system information 135 NO NO NO SYS
Container for process information 142 NO NO NO TR

Legend: heading of column

TI … Type identification
GI … GI-capable
VWZ … dwell-time-monitored
ZV … state-compressed
PRI … Priority channel
content of column
ZS … Priority channel for clock-time synchronization
SYS … Priority channel for system information
BEF … Priority channel for process information in control direction
UEW … Priority channel for process information in monitor direction
TR … Priority channel for transparent information
PAR ... adjustable with parameters (default YES)

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 5-9

Telecontrol Data Storage of Process Information

If a message with process information is determined for transmission, the process image before the ring is
updated and entered in the ring in the correct time sequence. An updating of the process image only
takes place for GI-capable messages with process information. State Compression

So as not to load the transmission path unnecessarily with e.g. floating measured values, with certain
messages no chronological storage takes place, rather a state compression. I.e. if a data point is
already in the ring, then it is overwritten with that currently received. This only occurs if the message
status, the cause of transmission and the origin address are identical.

State compression can be disabled for each type identification of the following messages using the
parameter AU common settings | settings for type identification | TI x | State

• TI 32 Step position information

• TI 34 Measured value, normalized value
• TI 35 Measured value, scaled value
• TI 36 Measured value, short floating point number Behavior with a Priority Channel Overload

If a GI-capable message with process information can no longer be entered in the priority channel, the
process image before the ring is updated with the process information and flagged with data loss. A non-
GI-capable message with process information or a message with system information is discarded. This
situation is reported issuing the diagnostic information "ring x overflow".

If the priority channel is free again, then all process information flagged with data loss are transferred
with cause of transmission set to "spontaneous".

5-10 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Telecontrol Behavior During a Communication Failure

With a failure of the remote station, it can be specified for each protocol element, how long the
messages currently queued for transmission remain stored in the priority channels during a
communication failure.

The behavior can be set via the parameter Communication | PREi | Advanced
settings | Failure behavior for process inform. with:

• Delete priority channels immediately

• Delete priority channels after a parameterized time (range 1 sec. to approx. 18 hours)
• Do not delete priority channels

and via the parameter Communication | PREi | Advanced settings | Failure behavior for
transparent info. with:

• Delete priority channels immediately

• Do not delete priority channels

As long as the communication failure exists, no further data is entered in deleted priority channels. The
process image before the ring is updated with the process information.

After a going communication failure, messages not yet entered into the ring or deleted from the ring, are
sent with their current status from the process images before the ring and cause of transmission set to

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 5-11

Telecontrol Dwell Time for Messages with Process Information

The dwell time for messages with process information in control direction defines how long a message with
process information in control direction may be stored in the priority channel.

A maximum dwell time for messages with process information in control direction can be determined via the
parameter AU common settings | Dwell time for msg. in command direction for each
automation unit.

If the message has been stored longer than the parameterized time in the priority channel before it
could be transmitted, it is discarded without error information. Station Interrogation

After reception of an interrogation command from a remote station, all GI-capable messages with process
information that match the interrogated CASDU (selective or all) and which are determined for this
remote station are activated for transmission.

Only the station interrogation (global) is supported as interrogation identification.

These messages are provided with their last transmitted status and cause of transmission set to
"interrogated by station interrogation".

These messages are generally transmitted without time stamp and, if possible, packed.

For each running station interrogation of an interrogating station, a maximum of one further (general-)
interrogation command is stored for the currently processed CASDU.

If a message is transferred to the communication function in transmit direction with the cause of
transmission "background scan" or "interrogated with station interrogation", a comparison with the last
transmitted state takes place. The change comparison is carried out over all elements of the
spontaneous information object, except for the cause of transmission and the time information. Only
with change is the message activated for transmission with the cause of transmission "spontaneous".

5-12 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Telecontrol Failure Management

With a failure of a message source (e.g. periphery elements, communication interfaces), all affected GI-
capable messages with process information are flagged "not topical". The affected messages are provided
with the current time and activated for transmission with cause of transmission set to "spontaneous".
The transmission takes place with the last stored process status. Blocking

The blocking is carried out according to the procedure described in the standard IEC 60870-5-5 as a
result of information elements.

The prerequisite for blocking is, that

• the type identification,
• the common address of the ASDU,
• the cause of transmission and
• the origin address


The number of spontaneous information objects to be blocked is determined in bytes by the parameter
Communication | PREi | IEC60870-5-101/104 | Variable elements of the
messages | Maximum message length. Data Storage for Transparent Information

Messages with transparent information (such as e.g. containers with process information etc.) are stored in
an own priority channel without process images.

With a priority channel overload, the messages are discarded and the overload is signaled with a
diagnostic information. The error is first reset when the priority channel is empty.

Whether this priority channel is to be deleted during a communication failure can be set by a parameter
(see "Behavior During a Communication Failure").

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 5-13


5.1.4. Priority Control

The priority controller has the task of selecting messages recorded in the data memories independently
and individually for each interface and station and to direct the transmission of the messages via the
protocol elements in accordance with their priority. This ensures, that with several informations queued
at the same time, the higher-priority, highly important information is transmitted first.

The prioritization does not however represent an absolute priority status, but rather a measure for
dividing up the channel capacity. This ensures, that even with continuously available higher-priority
data, the lower priority data can also be transmitted.

The classification according to data class 1 and data class 2 only has an effect on the dial-up traffic.

The priority channels are subdivided into the following priority levels:

Priority Priority level

high Time synchronization
System information and process information in monitor direction interrogated by general
Process information in control direction
Process information in monitor direction Priority HIGH with class 1 data
Process information in monitor direction Priority MEDIUM with class 2 data
Process information in monitor direction Priority LOW with class 2 data
low transparent Information

5-14 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE


For messages with process information in monitor direction priority categories (see following table) are
defined. Each of these priority categories can be assigned one priority level (process information in
monitor direction Priority HIGH with class 1 data, MEDIUM or LOW with class 2 data) via parameter
(parameter group Communication | PREi | Advanced settings).

It is possible to assign the same priority level to several priority categories.

For the messages with process information in monitor direction, the following priority categories are defined:

Priority category TI Message with process information in monitor direction

Binary Information 1,2,30 Single-point information
Priority binary information 3,4,31 Double-point information
5,6,32 Step position information
17,38 Event of protection equipment
18,39 Blocked activation of the protection
19,40 Blocked triggering of the protection

Measured values 7,8,33 Bitstring of 32 bit

Priority measured value 9,10,34 Measured value, normalized value
11,12,35 Measured value, scaled value
13,14,36 Measured value, short floating point number

Integrated totals 15,16,36 Integrated totals

Priority counters

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 5-15

Telecontrol Prioritization Algorithm

With each search for transmitting a message, starting from the priority level clock-time synchronization,
a check takes place whether a message is queued for transmission. When transmitting messages of
one priority level, the maximum number of messages of the respective priority level is taken into
account. If this is reached, the corresponding priority level is suspended until further notice.

If no message is found during a search (no data to be transmitted, or all priority levels suspended), then
all priority levels are enabled again with their maximum number of messages. The priority level clock-
time synchronization is enabled again immediately each time, after a message has been transmitted in
another priority level. It is thereby stepped down 1:1 to all other levels. In the priority level system
information, the same stepping down to the lower priority levels is applicable. Since the process
information in the monitor direction interrogated by the GI is also stored in this priority level, one
achieves a compromise between the fast transfer of current data and a limited duration of the station

Number of messages Priority level

1:1 to all levels Time synchronization
1:1 to all lower priority levels System information and process information in monitor direction interrogated by station
9 Process information in control direction
8 Process information in monitor direction Priority HIGH with class 1 data
7 Process information in monitor direction Priority MEDIUM with class 2 data
6 Process information in monitor direction Priority LOW with class 2 data
1 Transparent information

5-16 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Telecontrol Influencing of the Prioritization Algorithm by the Protocol Element

For special applications (e.g. dial-up traffic) the protocol element can influence these priority algorithms
by being able to block or release priority levels for the transmission.

Application Dial-up Traffic

The dial-up traffic utilizes the blocking of priority levels, so that certain messages (e.g. measured
values) do not cause any spontaneous transmission and consequently a connection setup. The
connection setup is derived from the information "Access request" (according to IEC 60870-5-2, where
data class 1 and data class 2 are defined).

Valid thereby:
• Data class 1 ... Connection setup is activated
• Data class 2 ... No connection setup takes place

The table below shows, which priority level is assigned to which data class and consequently causes a
connection setup or not:

Priority level Data class

Time synchronization 1
System information and process information in monitor direction interrogated by station interrogation 1
Process information in control direction 1
Process information in monitor direction Priority HIGH with class 1 data 1
Process information in monitor direction Priority MEDIUM with class 2 data 2
Process information in monitor direction Priority LOW with class 2 data 2
Transparent information 2

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 5-17


5.1.5. Redundant Communication Routes

In accordance with the requirements with regard to reaction time, availability, data throughput and
transmission media, the following redundancy operating modes are possible:

• communication with redundant remote stations

• redundant communication with a remote station (load share operation) Communication with Redundant Remote Stations

The communication with redundant remote stations is possible with every data communication mode
(single point, multi point). Thereby both transmission paths are operated independent of each other. Redundant Communication with a Remote Station (LSO)

The redundant communication to a remote station allows two operating modes:

• Data Split Mode

─ Improvement in the availability
─ different baud rates possible on both transmission paths
─ if one interface fails a switch-over to the other interface occurrs; in case of same baud rates,
data throughput remains the same

• Load Share Mode

─ Improvement of the data throughput and the availability through optimum utilization of the
interfaces at every load and operating state
─ same baud rates recommended on both transmission paths
─ if one interface fails the entire traffic is handled over the available interface; data throughput
goes down to the value which is achieved in data split mode under otherwise same conditions

The redundant communication to a remote station

• is supported
─ exclusively with the data communication mode "single point"
─ only with the two interfaces (PRE0 and PRE1 or PRE2 and PRE3) of one serial interface
module. Both protocol elements of an interface pair must be assigned to one basic system

5-18 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Telecontrol Data Split Mode

Normally all messages are transmitted over the protocol element with the lower number (PRE0 or

The other protocol element of the interface pair (PRE1 or PRE3) checks the functioning capability of the
interface by means of monitoring messages.


Communication faulty over protocol element PRE 0 or PRE2

On failure of this interface, all messages are transmitted over the other protocol element of the interface
pair. The protocol element with the faulty interface (PRE0 or PRE2) checks the functioning capability
through monitoring messages. If the full functioning capability of the interface at protocol element PRE0
or PRE2 is detected, a switchover of the interfaces to normal operation takes place.

Communication faulty over both protocol elements of an interface pair

On failure of both interfaces of an interface pair, the last unacknowledged message continues to be
transmitted to the last failed interface. The other protocol element of the interface pair transmits
monitoring messages. Load Share Mode

Normally the messages are transmitted over the protocol element currently not busy. Preferred is
always the protocol element with the lower number (PRE0 or PRE2).

To avoid overtaking effects of messages with the same address, the next transmission of this message
is blocked until the previously transmitted message has been acknowledged.

Protocol elements not currently required check the functioning capability of the interface through
monitoring messages.


Communication faulty over one protocol element of an interface pair

On failure of this interface, all messages are transmitted over the other protocol element of the interface
pair. The protocol element with the faulty interface checks the functioning capability through monitoring
messages. If the full functioning capability of the interface is detected, a switchover of the interfaces to
normal operation takes place.

Communication faulty over both protocol elements of an interface pair

On failure of both interfaces of an interface pair, the last unacknowledged message continues to be
transmitted to the last failed interface. The other protocol element of the interface pair transmits
monitoring messages.

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 5-19


5.1.6. Startup

End of initialization in transmit direction

The startup for a link takes place in accordance with the sequence for the initialization end according to
IEC 60870. This only takes place during the startup of a basic system element or the automation unit.

The message "Initialization end" is transmitted for each learned CASDU to those remote stations to
which messages with process information in monitor direction are distributed. During startup, this takes
place for all learned CASDU´s, if all messages to be transmitted have been learned ( = 15 sec after the
last message of the CASDU to be sent). Until the message “Initialization end” is transmitted, a station
interrogation from the remote station is not answered.

On reception of the (general-) interrogation command, all learned messages of the interrogated CASDU
are transmitted with the cause of transmission "interrogated with station interrogation". Subsequently
the message traffic takes place according to the priority controller.

Initialization end in receive direction

After reception of a "Initialization end" message a (general-) interrogation command is transmitted for
the corresponding CASDU.

5-20 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE


5.2. Protocol Element Control and Return Information

This function is used for the user-specific influencing of the functions of the protocol elements. The main
application lies with protocol elements with multi point data communication mode and especially for dial-
up traffic configurations.

This function contains two separate independent parts:

• Protocol Element Control

• Protocol Element Return Information

The Protocol Element Control enables:

• the reachability of stations to be tested

• the suppression of errors with intentionally switched-off stations (Station Service)

The Protocol Element Return Information enables:

• the cost control of telephone charges

• the cost-efficient utilization of the telephone line (e.g. command initiation only then, when a
connection has already been established).

5.2.1. Block Diagram

Internal distribution of messages with process information

Protocol controller


Protocol element
return information Protocol element

Messages with process information

Messages with system information

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 5-21


5.2.2. Protocol Element Control

With the help of messages with process information, the protocol element control enables specific functions
of the protocol elements to be controlled.

The following messages with process information are supported:

• Single-point information (type identification 30)

• Single command (type identification 45)

The assignment of the messages with process information to the functions is carried out with the help of
process-technical parameters of the ACP 1703 system data protocol element control message.

Possible functions:

Control- Additional-
Function_(PRE) Parameter_(PRE) Meaning
0 - 239 0 - 65535 Depends on the protocol element used
240 not used Send (General) Interrogation Command
241 not used Send (General) Interrogation Command to a group
242 not used Select control location "global"
243 0 – 2 (QRP) Reset process command
243 - 255 not used Reserve

On which destination the parameterized control function should act, is set with the following parameter:

Parameter Meaning
PRE 128 – 131 ... Protocol element 0 – 3
254 ... Protocol element is selected automatically by the
Multimaster function
Station 0 – 99 ... Station 0 – 99 of the selected protocol element
125 ... all stations of the selected protocol element
255 ... Protocol element with Single Point data
communication mode

If the single-point information is used, it can be set with the parameter edge_(PRE), whether:

• the parameterized function is activated by the positive or negative edge or

• the parameterized function is activated by the state = 1 in the message or the successive function
(function + 1) is activated by the state = 0 in the message

If the single command is used, the parameterized function is activated with each message.

5-22 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE


5.2.3. Protocol Element Return Information

The protocol element return information generates messages with process information in monitor direction
and thereby enables states of the protocol elements to be displayed and processed.

There are three different categories of return information:

• Status of the status line

• specific, depending on the protocol element used (see System Element Manual of the protocol
• Status of the stations

Depending on the return information the following messages with process information can be selected:

• Single-point information (type identification 30)

• Measured value, short floating point number (type identification 36)

The assignment of the messages with process information to the return information is carried out with the
help of process-technical parameters of the ACP 1703 system data (protocol element return information

From which source the parameterized return information are to be generated, is set with parameters:

Parameter Meaning
PRE_(RM) 128 – 131 ... Protocol element 0 – 3
Station 0 – 99 ... Station 0 – 99 of the selected protocol element
255 ... all stations of the protocol element selected or
protocol element with single point traffic mode or
the protocol element itself

Possible return information:

Return information function_(PRE) id TI Station number
Status RTS (1 = status line active) 0 30 255
Status CTS (1 = status line active) 1 30 255
Status DCD (1 = status line active) 2 30 255
Status DTR (1 = status line active) 3 30 255
Status DSR (1 = status line active) 4 30 255
Status RI (1 = status line active) 5 30 255
protocol-specific return information 0 – 15 6 - 21 30 0 – 99, 255
protocol-specific return information value 22 36 0 – 99, 255
Station status 23 30 0 – 99
(1 = Station enabled for call cycle)
Station failure 24 30 0 – 99
(1 = Station failed)

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 5-23


5-24 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE


6. Automation

The function package Automation includes the following functions:

• Acquisition of the process data on the peripheral elements and transfer of the periodical
information over the Ax 1703 peripheral bus to the open-/closed-loop control function.

• Open-/Closed-Loop Control Function

6.1. Open-/Closed-Loop Control Function

The open-/closed-loop control function is used for the management of automation tasks with the help of
an application program.

The creation of the application program is carried out by the SAT TOOLBOX II with the tool CAEx plus
predominantly in function diagram technology according to IEC 61131-3.

The application program processes process information (so-called signals) from the peripheral elements
connected to the basic system element and / or from other system elements in the automation network
of the specific process-technical plant.

Process images form the interface of the application program to the outside world. One differentiates
between input- and output process images.

The exchange of the process information can take place in 2 variants:

• periodical information from and to the peripheral elements connected to the basic system element
(local periphery) over the Ax 1703 peripheral bus
• spontaneous information objects from and to functions or peripheral elements within the
automation unit, other open-/closed-loop control functions and other automation units or control
systems with the help of the telecontrol function.

The open-/closed-loop control function supports 32 programs (type instances), whereby each program
can be assigned one of three periodical tasks. As a result, fast controls can be optimally combined with
slower background processings.

The management of these three periodical tasks (Task Management) corresponds with the standard
IEC 61131. Spontaneous tasks are not supported.

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-1


The open-/closed-loop control function consists of the following part functions:

• Task Management
─ Coordination of the sequences of a task
─ Coordination of the three tasks with each other
─ Run time supervision
─ Time management for function blocks

• Initialization
─ Startup of the basic system element (resource)
─ Startup of the open-/closed-loop control function (all tasks or single task)

• Input handling
─ Message processing for spontaneous information objects
─ Conversion of spontaneous information objects to periodical information
─ Synchronization of the input process images for
− periodical Information
− spontaneous information objects
− System information

• Program processing

• Output handling
─ Updating of local peripheral elements for periodical information
─ Generation of messages with system information
─ Generation of diagnostic information
─ Change monitoring for spontaneous information objects
─ Generation of messages with process information

• Loading of the Application Program (Reload)

• Online test
─ Display/Forcing of values
─ Test switches
─ Changing the execution status of the open-/closed-loop control function
─ Setting breakpoints
─ Real time archive
─ Display status information
─ Read and write variables

6-2 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE


General characteristics

• Retain
Variables, signals (input process image for spontaneous information objects) and function blocks
can be saved non-volatile. That means, that after a power failure these variables and signals are
immediately available again with the value before the power failure.(see "Initialization")

• Reload
Loading of changes, that make a startup of the basic system element unnecessary.
─ without interruption to operation
The continuity of the function of the application program can, due to the type of changes, be
maintained, with the exception of the program switch after the reload
─ with interruption to operation
The continuity of the function can not be maintained

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-3


6.1.1. Block Diagram

Process input and output

Ax 1703 peripheral bus

Input process Output process

image Synchronization Task management Synchronization image
periodical periodical
information information

System Input process Output System

image Programs process image
information information

"fast" task "fast" task "fast" task

Input process
image task task task Change
information "slow" task "slow" task
objects "slow" task

Program Resource-
variables global
Message Generation of
variables and
processing messages
Program 1

Program 32

Internal distribution of messages with process information

Message with process information

Communication function
Periodical information

6-4 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE


6.1.2. Task Management Coordination of the Sequences of a Task


Start periodical
(cycle time)

Execution indicator (LED "run") Input handling

Program processing
Time-out monitoring

Program A
Program B
Program n

Output handling
Online test
Real time archive


Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-5

Automation Coordination of the Three Tasks with Each Other

Task timing

10ms 10ms 10ms 10ms 10ms 10ms 10ms 10ms 10ms 10ms 10ms
System clock
Time handling and Ax-PE bus
Transmission of period. information
Open-/Closed loop control function
Fast task
Cycle time 10ms processing
5ms 5ms 5ms 5ms 5ms 5ms 5ms 5ms 5ms 5ms 5ms
Run time 5ms curr. run time

Message generation from result

data of the fast task
(specific Task)

receive direction

Open-/Closed loop control function

Task Processing
Cycle time 40ms Msg gen. 18,5ms 19ms
Run time 8 ms curr. run time

transmit direction
Open-/Closed loop control function
Slow task Processing
Cycle time 80ms Msg gen. 69,5ms ??ms
Run time 12 ms curr. run time

System IDLE task

Legend Interrupt Spontaneous messages

Task running Periodical information

Task able to run but interrupted Msg gen. Message generation from result data

As can be seen from the diagram, a constant run time is only guaranteed for the "fast Task". For the
"Task" and "slow Task", no constant predictable run times are produced due to interruptions from
higher-priority functions. That means, that with the output of signals (e.g. with a pulse) a jitter can occur
depending on the loading of the resource.

6-6 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Automation Cycle Time

The cycle time is that time scale, in which all programs assigned to a task (type instances), must have
processed the input- and output handling for this task.

The cycle time can be set for each task from 10 ms to 65 sec in 10ms steps.

The cycle times of the three tasks must be different and ascending from the "fast Task" to the "slow

The cycle times of the tasks can be set in the tool CAEx plus. Modification with the help of the online
test is not possible. Run Time Supervision

This function monitors the proper sequence of each task within its set cycle time. If a task is not finished
with its input handling, program processing and its output handling within this time, the next cycle for
this task is omitted and a timeout is signaled.

The signaling and its effect takes place dependent on operating state:

Normal operation

• Every timeout increments a counter for the corresponding task. These three counters (one for
each task) can be read out with the SAT TOOLBOX II tool "CAEX plus Online-Test" menu item
"Display Status Information". These three counters can be reset by means of an operator input in
the Online-Test. The reset also takes place with a warm- and cold start.

• If more than 4 timeouts are detected within 10 consecutive cycles, a diagnostic information is set
for the corresponding task. This diagnostic information is reset, when the previously stated
condition is no longer fulfilled.

Exception: With the "fast Task" the output handling for the message generation is not
monitored as previously described, rather this message generation must run once
within 16 cycles of the "fast Task". A diagnostic information is set, when this
condition is not fulfilled. This diagnostic information is reset, when the previously
stated condition is no longer fulfilled.

• If the processing time of the task takes longer than a time that can be set for each task
(= n * cycle time of the task, 0 = monitoring inactive) with the parameter max. number at
reload (CAEX plus – properties Task – 1703), this task is deleted and a diagnostic information is
set for the corresponding task. In addition, all peripheral elements connected to this basic system
element are switched to the "Module shut down" state (substitute value input on the peripheral
element). This state can only be canceled with a startup (power up or reset) of the basic system

Loading of Application Program (Reload)

• While loading the application program (reload), the before described run time supervision
(4 timeouts within 10 consecutive cycles) is deactivated.

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-7


• If the processing time of the task takes longer than a time that can be set for each task
(= n * cycle time of the task, 0 = monitoring inactive) with the parameter max. number at
reload (CAEX plus – properties Task – 1703), this task is deleted and a diagnostic information is
set for the corresponding task. In addition, all peripheral elements connected to this basic system
element are switched to the "Module shut down" state (substitute value input on the peripheral
element). This state can only be canceled with a startup (power up or reset) of the basic system

Synchronization of Application Program (Reload)

• While synchronizing the application program via the redundancy synchronization link, the run time
supervision is deactivated.

• Only the redundancy synchronization link is supervised (see "Monitoring of the Interfaces").

6-8 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Automation Time Management for Function Blocks

The time management ensures the most possible precise termination of time-controlled function blocks
(e.g. Monoflop). The time management exists with each task. The accuracy of the time set in the
function block is dependent on the cycle time of the task in which the function block is processed. This
time only makes sense in multiples of the cycle time of the task.

Example for a time that is not set in multiples of the cycle time:

Cycle time of the task: 30ms

Time of the function block: 40ms
Produces a true time of: 60ms

Special cases

• Timeout in the last cycle before the time expires

The time is extended by the cycle time of the task

• Task stopped
The time is extended by the duration of this state. The time management of other tasks is
not affected by this.

• Startup of time-controlled function blocks stored non-volatile (retain)

With a warm start the time expired remains effective, i.e. the function block ends its time-
dependent function after the time still remaining. The time from the tripping of the warm start,
power down and reset until the completion of the initialization is not compensated.

With a cold start, the time blocks begin again with their initial value

• Stationary cycles
Time-controlled function blocks work normally during the stationary cycles. However, if the
time expires within the stationary cycles, signals derived from this are first effective after
completion of the stationary cycles.

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-9


6.1.3. Initialization

Before a task manages to be executed for the first time with its programs, the signals and the variables
must be switched to a defined state.

For this purpose, various methods are used depending on the trip:

• Startup of the basic system element

• Startup of the open-/closed-loop control function

Depending on the tripping point, distinction is made between a cold - or warm start. The distinction only
affects variables and signals etc. flagged RETAIN.

Warm start: the variables and signals etc. flagged RETAIN are not initialized

Cold start: the variables and signals etc. flagged RETAIN with the initial value defined by the system
or by the user are initialized.

After the initialization of the signals at the input and the variables, the programs are initialized by means
of stationary cycles.

On expiry of the stationary cycles, the output process images are updated. Startup of the Basic System Element

The startup of a basic system element (resource) can be tripped by means of:

Tripping point Startup type Note

Power-Up Warm start
Reset the automation unit Warm start
Reset of the basic system element Warm start
Initialization of the automation unit Cold start
Exchange of the Flash Card Cold start corresponds with an initialization of the automation unit
Initialization of the basic system element Cold start

All signals of the input and output process images, the resource-global variables and parameters and
the local variables of the programs of all tasks are initialized.

6-10 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Automation Initialization of the Variables

A distinction is made between three possible initial values for each variable:

• Initial value defined by the system = 0

• Initial value defined by the user with CAEx plus.

with warm start the resource-global variables and local variables of the programs are initialized
with those values, that were current before the power failure.
with cold start these variables are initialized with the initial value defined by the system or by the
user. Initialization of the Resource-Global Parameters

A distinction is made between three possible initial values for each variable:

• Initial value defined by the system = 0

• Initial value defined by the user with CAEx plus.

with warm start the resource-global parameters are not initialized.
with cold start the resource-global parameters are initialized with the initial value defined by the
system or by the user.

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-11

Automation Initialization of the Signals

The input process images for periodical information are set to 0. Before the tasks start, the input
process image is written with the current process information. For failed peripheral elements the
corresponding periodical information "Module failed" is set.

The input process images for spontaneous information objects are initialized with their initial value
according to the type identification by means of messages. A distinction is thereby made between three
possible initial values for each spontaneous information object:

• Initial value defined by the system; see "Input Process Image for Spontaneous Information

• Initial value defined by the user; basic data of certain spontaneous information objects (see
"Message Characteristics") an initial value can be specified by the OPM II

with warm start all elements of a spontaneous information object are initialized with those values,
that were current before the power failure (see "Message processing for spontaneous information
with cold start all elements of a spontaneous information object are initialized with the initial
value defined by the system or by the user.

With which initial value the input process image is initialized is dependent on the spontaneous
information object and on parameters (see "Input Process Image for Spontaneous Information

Before the tasks are started, a general interrogation is tripped and the arrival of all assigned GI-capable
messages with process information is waited with time out (t = number of assigned messages x 10ms). On
expiry of the time, the spontaneous information objects for non-received messages are processed with
their initial value and "not topical" (NT).

The output process images for periodical information are updated on expiry of the stationary cycles
and transmitted over the Ax 1703 peripheral bus to the local peripheral elements.

The output process images for spontaneous information objects are updated on expiry of the
stationary cycles. Subsequently, messages are generated for all spontaneous information objects and
transferred with the cause of transmission "interrogated by general interrogation". With the next cycle,
the change monitoring for spontaneous information objects takes place.

6-12 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Automation Startup of the Open-/Closed-Loop Control Function

The startup of the open-/closed-loop control function (the resource or a task) can be tripped by means

• online test

Thereby a so-called warm- or cold start of the open-/closed-loop control function is performed
dependent on the operator input. Initialization of the Variables

A distinction is made between three possible initial values for each variable:

• Initial value defined by the system = 0

• Initial value defined by the user with CAEx plus.

with warm start the resource-global variables and the local variables of the programs are not
with cold start the resource-global and the local variables of the programs are initialized with the
initial value defined by the system or by the user.

Attention: Resource-global variables are only handled with a warm- or cold start, which acts on the

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-13

Automation Initialization of the Signals

The input process images for periodical information are not initialized.

Input process images for spontaneous information objects

GI-capable messages with process information are not initialized.

Non-GI-capable messages with process information are initialized with their initial value according to type
identification by means of messages. A distinction is thereby made between three possible initial values
for each spontaneous information object:

• Initial value defined by the system; see "Input Process Image for Spontaneous Information

• Initial value defined by the user; basic data of certain spontaneous information objects (see
"Message Characteristics") an initial value can be specified by the OPM II

with warm start no initialization.
with cold start all elements of a spontaneous information object are initialized with the initial
value defined by the system or by the user.

With which initial value the input process image is initialized is dependent on the spontaneous
information object and on parameters (see "Input Process Image for Spontaneous Information


• Spontaneous information objects that have been stored "chronological message" or

"chronological global", are initialized with the most current information. I.e. stored messages are

with cold start all elements of non-GI-capable messages with process information are initialized with
the initial value defined by the system or by the user.

The output process images for periodical information are updated on expiry of the stationary cycles
and transmitted over the Ax 1703 peripheral bus to the local peripheral elements.

The output process images for spontaneous information objects are updated on expiry of the
stationary cycles. Subsequently, the change monitoring for spontaneous information objects takes

6-14 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Automation Stationary Cycles

Stationary cycles are used for the processing of intentional feedback, in order to obtain stable initial
states after the initialization phase. For the processing of the stationary cycles, the number of passes for
each task can be parameterized. The number is to be so chosen, that all feedback pass through in such
a way, that the output signals show a stable state.

Attention: if insufficient stationary cycles are run through, on startup, undesirable generation of
messages for spontaneous information objects or outputs to the local peripheral elements
can occur.

6.1.4. Input Handling

The input handling is used for the provision of consistent process images for each task for the duration
of the program processing.

The input handling exists for each task and consists of:

• Message processing for spontaneous information objects

• Conversion of spontaneous information objects to periodical information
• Synchronization of the input process images for:
─ periodical Information
─ system information
─ spontaneous information objects

Spontaneous information objects can be stored non-volatile (Retain). The maximum number is 256.
Which spontaneous information objects are stored non-volatile (Retain), can be set by means of
parameters in the OPM II.

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-15

Automation Message Processing for Spontaneous Information Objects

After reception of a message with process information the entry is carried out in the input process image for
spontaneous information objects according to the selected storage method.

The message processing for spontaneous information objects is available for each task.

The following storage methods are possible:

• state stored
• chronological message
• chronological global

The storage method can be set for each message. Storage Method "State Stored"

With the storage method "State Stored" the spontaneous information objects from received messages
are entered directly in the input process image for spontaneous information objects. Storage Method "Chronological Message"

With the storage method "Chronological Message" for each cycle all spontaneous information objects of
the received messages are entered in the input process image for spontaneous information objects,
until a message with the same address would be entered.


n n+1 n+2

Received message
Message processing


If more messages arrive than can be processed, a ring overload can occur. This state can also occur, if
the associated task has been halted through the online test.

6-16 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE


Error handling

With an overload of the ring, a diagnostic information is set for the corresponding task and a further
entry is prevented. If more messages arrive, before the ring is half free again,

• non-GI-capable messages with process information are discarded

• the state is flagged for GI-capable messages with process information

Once the ring is half free again, the spontaneous information objects flagged during the ring overload
are entered in the ring with the last valid state and processed as described previously. Storage Method "Chronological Global"

With the storage method "Chronological Global" for each cycle precisely one spontaneous information
object is entered in the input process image for spontaneous information objects.

If more messages with spontaneous information objects arrive than can be processed, a ring overload
can occur. This state can also occur, if the associated task has been halted through the online test.

Error handling

With an overload of the ring, a diagnostic information is set for the corresponding task and a further
entry is prevented. If more messages arrive before the ring is half free again,

• non-GI-capable messages with process information are discarded

• the state is flagged for GI-capable messages with process information

Once the ring is half free again, the spontaneous information objects flagged during the ring overload
are entered in the ring with the last valid state and processed as described previously. Failure Management

On failure of the source (communication interface, peripheral element etc.), for all GI-capable messages
with process information affected by this the quality descriptor "not topical" and the cause of transmission
"spontaneous" (BOOL) is set.

Once the source is available again, with the next messages all elements of the associated spontaneous
information objects are updated.

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-17

Automation Message Characteristics

Explanation of the symbols, designations and values used in the following tables.

Column Name contains Meaning

TI Type identification of the spontaneous information object

PLC YES / NO Message can be processed by the open-/closed-loop control function

GI GI-capable
YES Spontaneous information object is also transmitted with a general
NO Spontaneous information object is transmitted exclusively due to an
event (change, operator input)

Sto Default Storage method

Type of storage of the spontaneous information object by default
ZU State stored
ZFR_TEL Chronological message
ZFR_GL Chronological global

PER YES / NO Direct transfer of the basic data of a message to the peripheral
elements as periodical information

INIT YES / NO The basic data of the spontaneous information object can be specified
an initial value by the OPM II. Which basic data can be specified an
initial value, can be seen in chapter "Input process images for
spontaneous information objects"

ReqMem <value> Specifies, how much memory is required in the process images at least
[in bytes] (without additional status) for a message. each assigned additional
status is to be added. Values see "Input process images for
spontaneous information objects"

6-18 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE


Message with process information Sto

in monitor direction TI PLC GI Default PER INIT ReqMem
Single-point information 30 YES YES ZFR_TEL YES YES 5
Double-point information 31 YES YES ZU NO NO 6
Step position information 32 YES YES ZFR_TEL NO NO 7
Bitstring of 32 bit 33 YES YES ZFR_TEL NO NO 9
Measured value, normalized value 34 YES YES ZU YES YES 9
Measured value, scaled value 35 YES YES ZU YES YES 7
Measured value, short floating point 36 YES YES ZU YES YES 9
Integrated totals 37 YES NO ZFR_TEL NO NO 9
Event of protection equipment 38 YES NO ZFR_TEL NO NO 8
Blocked activation of the protection 39 YES NO ZFR_TEL NO NO 12
Blocked triggering of the protection 40 YES NO ZFR_TEL NO NO 10
Packed single-point information with status 20 NO - - - - -
change detection
Message with process information
in control direction
Single command 45 YES NO ZFR_GL NO NO 4
Double command 46 YES NO ZFR_GL NO NO 5
Regulating step command 47 YES NO ZFR_GL NO NO 5
Set point command, normalized value 48 YES NO ZFR_GL NO YES 7
Set point command, scaled value 49 YES NO ZFR_GL NO YES 5
Set point command, short floating point 50 YES NO ZFR_GL NO YES 7
Bitstring of 32 bit 51 YES NO ZFR_GL NO NO 5
Message with system information
in control direction
(General) interrogation command 100 NO - - - - -
Counter interrogation command 101 NO - - - - -
Clock synchronization command 103 NO - - - - -
Message with transparent information
Container for system information 135 NO - - - - -
Container for process information 142 NO - - - - -

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-19

Automation Input Process Image for Spontaneous Information Objects

A spontaneous information object consists of several elements.

These elements are subdivided into:

• Basic data e.g. the single-point information, the measured value

• Standard status dependent on the type identification of the spontaneous information object
─ Quality descriptor invalid (IV)
─ Quality descriptor not topical (NT)
─ Quality descriptor overflow (OV)
─ Cause of transmission spontaneous
─ Cause of transmission GI

• Additional status dependent on the type identification of the spontaneous information object
─ Quality descriptor substituted (SB)
─ Confirmation (P/N)
─ Quality descriptor blocked (BL)
─ Test (T)
─ Redundancy
─ Cause of transmission (COT)
─ Originator address
─ Time and date

The definition of basic data, standard status and additional status is described for each type
identification of the spontaneous information object in the following tables.

6-20 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE


Explanation of the symbols, designations and values used in the following tables.

Column Name contains Meaning

Element in message Element (bold) Basic data of a spontaneous information object
element Standard- or additional status
element * These elements are not defined in the standard 60870-5-101/104, but
rather are made available internally

Format Specifies the value range and the required memory in the process
BOOL binary value range 0/1 required memory 1 byte
USINT analog value range 0 … 255 required memory 1 byte
INT analog value range -32,768 … 32,767 required memory 2 byte
UINT analog value range 0 … 65,535 required memory 2 byte
DINT analog value range
-2,147,483,648 … 2,147,483,647 required memory 4 byte
UDINT analog value range 0 … 4,294,967,294 required memory 4 byte
REAL analog value range short real
8.43 x 10 –37 ... 3.37 x 1038 required memory 4 byte
TIME Table value range 8 x 0 … 255 required memory 8 byte

STO Storage method

Type of storage in the process images on
ZU The process image contains the state of the last received message
WI The process image is set on reception of a message and reset after
once processing the application program of the corresponding task
MEM specifies, when memory is assigned in the process images
fix These elements always occupy memory in the process images, even if
only one element is assigned
opt These elements only occupy memory in the process images, if they are
also assigned.
INIT Specifies the initial value in the process image
<value> No input in the OPM II possible
<value> / A Input in the OPM II possible with parameter Initial value binary or
Initial value analog
Signal_Ext Specifies, with which extension the signal name (the element in the
message) can be assigned. The extensions are defined in structure
definitions (see column "Name of Structure")
no entry The signal name without extension indicates basic data in the message
if these only consist of one element
. <ext> Indicates individual elements of basic data in the message, if they
consist of several elements
_STATE.<ext> Indicates standard states in the message
_<ext> Indicates additional states in the message
Name of structure Specifies the name of the structure, in which the extension of the signal
name is defined

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-21


Single-point information TI 30

Element in Message Format STO MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

Single-point information SPI BOOL ZU fix 0/A
Quality descriptor invalid IV BOOL ZU fix 0 _STATE. IV TB_SD_SPO_STATE_BIN_INF
Quality descriptor not topical NT BOOL ZU fix 1 _STATE. NT TB_SD_SPO_STATE_BIN_INF
Cause of transmission GI * BOOL WI fix 0 _STATE. GI TB_SD_SPO_STATE_BIN_INF
Cause of transmission "spontaneous" * BOOL WI fix 0 _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_BIN_INF
Quality descriptor "substituted" SB BOOL ZU opt 0 _SB
Quality descriptor "blocked" BL BOOL ZU opt 0 _BL
Confirmation P/N BOOL ZU opt 0 _PN
Test T BOOL ZU opt 0 _T
Redundancy * BOOL ZU opt 0 _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT ZU opt 4 _COT
Originator address USINT ZU opt 0 _ORIGINATOR

Double-point information TI 31

Element in Message Format STO MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

Double-point informationDPI / OFF BOOL ZU fix 0 . Off TB_SD_SPO_TI31_DPI
Double-point information DPI / ON BOOL ZU fix 0 . On TB_SD_SPO_TI31_DPI
Quality descriptor invalid IV BOOL ZU fix 0 _STATE. IV TB_SD_SPO_STATE_BIN_INF
Quality descriptor not topical NT BOOL ZU fix 1 _STATE. NT TB_SD_SPO_STATE_BIN_INF
Cause of transmission GI * BOOL WI fix 0 _STATE. GI TB_SD_SPO_STATE_BIN_INF
Cause of transmission "spontaneous" * BOOL WI fix 0 _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_BIN_INF
Quality descriptor "substituted" SB BOOL ZU opt 0 _SB
Quality descriptor "blocked" BL BOOL ZU opt 0 _BL
Confirmation P/N BOOL ZU opt 0 _PN
Test T BOOL ZU opt 0 _T
Redundancy * BOOL ZU opt 0 _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT ZU opt 4 _COT
Originator address USINT ZU opt 0 _ORIGINATOR

6-22 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE


Step position information TI 32

Element in Message Format STO MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

Intermediate state BOOL ZU fix 0 . TSI TB_SD_SPO_TI32_VTI
Quality descriptor "invalid" IV BOOL ZU fix 0 _STATE. IV TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Quality descriptor "not topical" NT BOOL ZU fix 1 _STATE. NT TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Quality descriptor "overflow" OV BOOL ZU fix 0 _STATE. OV TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Cause of transmission "GI" * BOOL WI fix 0 _STATE. GI TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Cause of transmission "spontaneous" * BOOL WI fix 0 _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Quality descriptor "substituted" SB BOOL ZU opt 0 _SB
Quality descriptor "blocked" BL BOOL ZU opt 0 _BL
Confirmation P/N BOOL ZU opt 0 _PN
Test T BOOL ZU opt 0 _T
Redundancy * BOOL ZU opt 0 _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT ZU opt 4 _COT
Originator address USINT ZU opt 0 _ORIGINATOR

Bitstring of 32 bit TI 33

Element in Message Format STO MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

Binary status information BSI UDINT ZU fix 0
Quality descriptor "invalid" IV BOOL ZU fix 0 _STATE. IV TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Quality descriptor "not topical" NT BOOL ZU fix 1 _STATE. NT TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Quality descriptor "overflow" OV BOOL ZU fix 0 _STATE. OV TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Cause of transmission "GI" * BOOL WI fix 0 _STATE. GI TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Cause of transmission "spontaneous" * BOOL WI fix 0 _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Quality descriptor "substituted" SB BOOL ZU opt 0 _SB
Quality descriptor "blocked" BL BOOL ZU opt 0 _BL
Confirmation P/N BOOL ZU opt 0 _PN
Test T BOOL ZU opt 0 _T
Redundancy * BOOL ZU opt 0 _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT ZU opt 4 _COT
Originator address USINT ZU opt 0 _ORIGINATOR

Measured value, normalized value TI 34

Element in Message Format STO MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

Normalized value NVA REAL ZU fix 0/A
Quality descriptor "invalid" IV BOOL ZU fix 0 _STATE. IV TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Quality descriptor "not topical" NT BOOL ZU fix 1 _STATE. NT TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Quality descriptor "overflow" OV BOOL ZU fix 0 _STATE. OV TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Cause of transmission "GI" * BOOL WI fix 0 _STATE. GI TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-23


Cause of transmission "spontaneous" * BOOL WI fix 0 _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE

Quality descriptor "substituted" SB BOOL ZU opt 0 _SB
Quality descriptor "blocked" BL BOOL ZU opt 0 _BL
Confirmation P/N BOOL ZU opt 0 _PN
Test T BOOL ZU opt 0 _T
Redundancy * BOOL ZU opt 0 _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT ZU opt 4 _COT
Originator address USINT ZU opt 0 _ORIGINATOR

Measured value, scaled value TI 35

Element in Message Format STO MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

Scaled value SVA INT ZU fix 0/A
Quality descriptor "invalid" IV BOOL ZU fix 0 _STATE. IV TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Quality descriptor "not topical" NT BOOL ZU fix 1 _STATE. NT TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Quality descriptor "overflow" OV BOOL ZU fix 0 _STATE. OV TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Cause of transmission "GI" * BOOL WI fix 0 _STATE. GI TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Cause of transmission "spontaneous" * BOOL WI fix 0 _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Quality descriptor "substituted" SB BOOL ZU opt 0 _SB
Quality descriptor "blocked" BL BOOL ZU opt 0 _BL
Confirmation P/N BOOL ZU opt 0 _PN
Test T BOOL ZU opt 0 _T
Redundancy * BOOL ZU opt 0 _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT ZU opt 4 _COT
Originator address USINT ZU opt 0 _ORIGINATOR

6-24 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE


Measured value, short floating point number TI 36

Element in Message Format STO MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

Short floating point number REAL ZU fix 0/A
Quality descriptor "invalid" IV BOOL ZU fix 0 _STATE. IV TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Quality descriptor "not topical" NT BOOL ZU fix 1 _STATE. NT TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Quality descriptor "overflow" OV BOOL ZU fix 0 _STATE. OV TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Cause of transmission "GI" * BOOL WI fix 0 _STATE. GI TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Cause of transmission "spontaneous" * BOOL WI fix 0 _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Quality descriptor "substituted" SB BOOL ZU opt 0 _SB
Quality descriptor "blocked" BL BOOL ZU opt 0 _BL
Confirmation P/N BOOL ZU opt 0 _PN
Test T BOOL ZU opt 0 _T
Redundancy * BOOL ZU opt 0 _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT ZU opt 0 _COT
Originator address USINT ZU opt 0 _ORIGINATOR

Integrated totals TI 37

Element in Message Format STO MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

Binary counter reading BCR DINT ZU fix 0 . CR TB_SD_SPO_TI37_BCR
Sequence number SQ USINT ZU fix 0 . SQ TB_SD_SPO_TI37_BCR
Carry CY BOOL ZU fix 0 . CY TB_SD_SPO_TI37_BCR
Preset CA BOOL ZU fix 0 . CA TB_SD_SPO_TI37_BCR
Cause of transmission "spontaneous" * BOOL WI fix 0 _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_COUNT
Confirmation P/N BOOL ZU opt 0 _PN
Test T BOOL ZU opt 0 _T
Redundancy * BOOL ZU opt 0 _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT ZU opt 0 _COT
Originator address USINT ZU opt 0 _ORIGINATOR

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-25


Event of protection equipment TI 38

Element in Message Format STO MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

Single event of protection BOOL ZU fix 0 . Off TB_SD_SPO_TI38_SEP
equipment OFF
Single event of protection BOOL ZU fix 0 . On TB_SD_SPO_TI38_SEP
equipment ON
Elapsed time UINT ZU fix 0 . ET TB_SD_SPO_TI38_SEP
Quality descriptor "invalid" IV BOOL ZU fix 0 _STATE. IV TB_SD_SPO_STATE_PROT
Quality descriptor "not topical" NT BOOL ZU fix 1 _STATE. NT TB_SD_SPO_STATE_PROT
Elapsed time invalid EI BOOL ZU fix 0 _STATE. EI TB_SD_SPO_STATE_PROT
Cause of transmission "spontaneous" * BOOL WI fix 0 _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_PROT
Quality descriptor "substituted" SB BOOL ZU opt 0 _SB
Quality descriptor "blocked" BL BOOL ZU opt 0 _BL
Confirmation P/N BOOL ZU opt 0 _PN
Test T BOOL ZU opt 0 _T
Redundancy * BOOL ZU opt 0 _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT ZU opt 0 _COT
Originator address USINT ZU opt 0 _ORIGINATOR

6-26 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE


Blocked activation of the protection TI 39

Element in Message Format STO MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

General start of operation BOOL ZU fix 0 . GS TB_SD_SPO_TI39_SPE
Start of operation phase L1 BOOL ZU fix 0 . SL1 TB_SD_SPO_TI39_SPE
Start of operation phase L2 BOOL ZU fix 0 . SL2 TB_SD_SPO_TI39_SPE
Start of operation phase L3 BOOL ZU fix 0 . SL3 TB_SD_SPO_TI39_SPE
Start of operation IE (earth current) BOOL ZU fix 0 . SIE TB_SD_SPO_TI39_SPE
Start of operation in reverse BOOL ZU fix 0 . SRD TB_SD_SPO_TI39_SPE
Relay duration time UINT ZU fix 0 . RDT TB_SD_SPO_TI39_SPE
Quality descriptor "invalid" IV BOOL ZU fix 0 _STATE. IV TB_SD_SPO_STATE_PROT
Quality descriptor "not topical" NT BOOL ZU fix 1 _STATE. NT TB_SD_SPO_STATE_PROT
Elapsed time invalid EI BOOL ZU fix 0 _STATE. EI TB_SD_SPO_STATE_PROT
Cause of transmission "spontaneous" * BOOL WI fix 0 _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_PROT
Quality descriptor "substituted" SB BOOL ZU opt 0 _SB
Quality descriptor "blocked" BL BOOL ZU opt 0 _BL
Confirmation P/N BOOL ZU opt 0 _PN
Test T BOOL ZU opt 0 _T
Redundancy * BOOL ZU opt 0 _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT ZU opt 0 _COT
Originator address USINT ZU opt 0 _ORIGINATOR

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-27


Blocked triggering of the protection TI 40

Element in Message Format STO MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

General command to output circuit BOOL ZU fix 0 . GC TB_SD_SPO_TI40_OCI
Command to output circuit phase L1 BOOL ZU fix 0 . CL1 TB_SD_SPO_TI40_OCI
Command to output circuit phase L2 BOOL ZU fix 0 . CL2 TB_SD_SPO_TI40_OCI
Command to output circuit phase L3 BOOL ZU fix 0 . CL3 TB_SD_SPO_TI40_OCI
Relay operation time UINT ZU fix 0 . ROT TB_SD_SPO_TI40_OCI
Quality descriptor "invalid" IV BOOL ZU fix 0 _STATE. IV TB_SD_SPO_STATE_PROT
Quality descriptor "not topical" NT BOOL ZU fix 1 _STATE. NT TB_SD_SPO_STATE_PROT
Elapsed time invalid EI BOOL ZU fix 0 _STATE. EI TB_SD_SPO_STATE_PROT
Cause of transmission "spontaneous" * BOOL WI fix 0 _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_PROT
Quality descriptor "substituted" SB BOOL ZU opt 0 _SB
Quality descriptor "blocked" BL BOOL ZU opt 0 _BL
Confirmation P/N BOOL ZU opt 0 _PN
Test T BOOL ZU opt 0 _T
Redundancy * BOOL ZU opt 0 _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT ZU opt 0 _COT
Originator address USINT ZU opt 0 _ORIGINATOR

6-28 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE


Single command TI 45

Element in Message Format STO MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

single command state SCS BOOL WI fix 0 . STATE TB_SD_SPO_TI45_SCO
qualifier of command QU USINT WI fix 0 . QOC TB_SD_SPO_TI45_SCO
Select / execute S/E BOOL WI fix 0 . S_E TB_SD_SPO_TI45_SCO
Cause of transmission activation, BOOL WI fix 0 _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_
deactivation COMMAND
Confirmation P/N BOOL ZU opt 0 _PN
Test T BOOL ZU opt 0 _T
Redundancy * BOOL ZU opt 0 _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT WI opt 0 _COT
Originator address USINT ZU opt 0 _ORIGINATOR

Double command TI 46

Element in Message Format STO MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

double command state DCS / OFF BOOL WI fix 0 . Off TB_SD_SPO_TI46_DCO
double command state DCS / ON BOOL WI fix 0 . On TB_SD_SPO_TI46_DCO
qualifier of command QU USINT WI fix 0 . QOC TB_SD_SPO_TI46_DCO
Select / execute S/E BOOL WI fix 0 . S_E TB_SD_SPO_TI46_DCO
Cause of transmission activation, BOOL WI fix 0 _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_
deactivation COMMAND
Confirmation P/N BOOL ZU opt 0 _PN
Test T BOOL ZU opt 0 _T
Redundancy * BOOL ZU opt 0 _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT WI opt 0 _COT
Originator address USINT ZU opt 0 _ORIGINATOR

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-29


Regulating step command TI 47

Element in Message Format STO MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

Regulating step command BOOL WI fix 0 . LOWER TB_SD_SPO_TI47_RCO
Regulating step command BOOL WI fix 0 . HIGHER TB_SD_SPO_TI47_RCO
Qualifier of command QU USINT WI fix 0 . QOC TB_SD_SPO_TI47_RCO
Select / execute S/E BOOL WI fix 0 . S_E TB_SD_SPO_TI47_RCO
Cause of transmission activation, BOOL WI fix 0 _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_
deactivation COMMAND
Confirmation P/N BOOL ZU opt 0 _PN
Test T BOOL ZU opt 0 _T
Redundancy * BOOL ZU opt 0 _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT WI opt 0 _COT
Originator address USINT ZU opt 0 _ORIGINATOR

Setpoint command, normalized value TI 48

Element in Message Format STO MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

Normalized value NVA REAL ZU fix 0/A . VALUE TB_SD_SPO_TI48_SP_NVA
Qualifier of command QL USINT ZU fix 0 . QL TB_SD_SPO_TI48_SP_NVA
Select / execute S/E BOOL ZU fix 0 . S_E TB_SD_SPO_TI48_SP_NVA
Cause of transmission activation, BOOL WI fix 0 _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_
deactivation COMMAND
Confirmation P/N BOOL ZU opt 0 _PN
Test T BOOL ZU opt 0 _T
Redundancy * BOOL ZU opt 0 _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT ZU opt 0 _COT
Originator address USINT ZU opt 0 _ORIGINATOR

6-30 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE


Setpoint command, normalized value TI 49

Element in Message Format STO MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

Scaled value SVA INT ZU fix 0/A . VALUE TB_SD_SPO_TI49_SP_SVA
Qualifier of command QL USINT ZU fix 0 . QL TB_SD_SPO_TI49_SP_SVA
Select / execute S/E BOOL ZU fix 0 . S_E TB_SD_SPO_TI49_SP_SVA
Cause of transmission activation, BOOL WI fix 0 _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_
deactivation COMMAND
Confirmation P/N BOOL ZU opt 0 _PN
Test T BOOL ZU opt 0 _T
Redundancy * BOOL ZU opt 0 _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT ZU opt 0 _COT
Originator address USINT ZU opt 0 _ORIGINATOR

Setpoint command, short floating point number TI 50

Element in Message Format STO MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

Short floating point number REAL ZU fix 0/A . VALUE TB_SD_SPO_TI50_SP_SFP
Qualifier of command QL USINT ZU fix 0 . QL TB_SD_SPO_TI50_SP_SFP
Select / execute S/E BOOL ZU fix 0 . S_E TB_SD_SPO_TI50_SP_SFP
Cause of transmission activation, BOOL WI fix 0 _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_
deactivation COMMAND
Confirmation P/N BOOL ZU opt 0 _PN
Test T BOOL ZU opt 0 _T
Redundancy * BOOL ZU opt 0 _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT ZU opt 0 _COT
Originator address USINT ZU opt 0 _ORIGINATOR

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-31


Bitstring of 32 bit TI 51

Element in Message Format STO MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

Binary status information BSI UDINT ZU fix 0
Cause of transmission activation, BOOL WI fix 0 _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_
deactivation COMMAND
Confirmation P/N BOOL ZU opt 0 _PN
Test T BOOL ZU opt 0 _T
Redundancy * BOOL ZU opt 0 _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT ZU opt 0 _COT
Originator address USINT ZU opt 0 _ORIGINATOR

6-32 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Automation Conversion of Spontaneous Information Objects to Periodical Information

This function enables signals assigned in CAEX plus of basic data of the spontaneous information
objects to be converted to periodical information. This periodical information is transmitted directly to the
peripheral elements over the Ax 1703 peripheral bus.

For which spontaneous information objects this function is available, can be seen in chapter
"Characteristics of the Messages". Synchronization of the Input Process Images

At the beginning of every cycle of a task, the synchronization of the input process image of the
corresponding task takes place by copying over the signals from the input process images for periodical
information, system information and spontaneous information objects. Only signals are copied over that
are assigned to the task.

Due to the synchronization a consistent process image is ensured for the duration of the program
execution of the task.

Dependent on the source of the signal (periodical information, system information or spontaneous
information object) different signal processing operations are performed.

During the synchronization test switches are taken into account. These test switches can be switched
on and –off by means of the Online Test and prevent an updating of the selected signals for all tasks.

Test switches are possible for:

• one periodical information

• all periodical information
• all elements of one spontaneous information object
• all elements of all spontaneous information objects

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-33

Automation Periodical Information

The synchronization of the input process images takes place by copying over the states of all periodical
information of a peripheral element, if at least one periodical information of the peripheral element in the
corresponding task is assigned as a signal.

A copying over of the periodical information of a peripheral element does not occur:

• on failure of the peripheral element

─ peripheral element not available
─ wrong peripheral element configured
─ transmission error on the Ax 1703 peripheral bus
─ peripheral element defect

• if the test switch for the periodical information is activated

On failure of the peripheral element, the states before the failure are retained and the periodical
information "Module failed" is set for the corresponding peripheral element.

Note: Which periodical information is available for a peripheral element can be referred to in the
corresponding system element manual.

The following diagram shows the times, at which the input process images are updated for each task.

10ms 10ms 10ms 10ms 10ms 10ms 10ms 10ms 10ms 10ms 10ms
System clock
Time handling and Ax-PE bus
Transmission of period. information

Fast task
Cycle time 20ms

Cycle time 30ms

Slow task
Cycle time 50ms

Legende Task running Copying periodical information

Task able to run but interrupted

6-34 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Automation System Information

The synchronization of the input process images takes place by copying over all system information, if
at least one system information is assigned as a signal in the corresponding task.

Explanation of the designations and values used in the following tables.

Column Name contains Meaning

Format Specifies the value range and the required memory in the process
BOOL Binary value range 0/1
USINT Analog value range 0 … 255
UINT Analog value range 0 … 65,535
TIME Table value range 8 x 0 … 255

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-35


The following table shows the possible system information and their features:

Signal Name Format Features

SvSystemInput.CycleTime TIME current time at the moment of the cycle start of the task

SvSystemInput.Init BOOL is set for the duration of the stationary cycles of the corresponding task.

SvSystemInput.Onlinetest BOOL is set for the duration of the active online test

SvSystemInput.Systemstart BOOL is set for the duration of the stationary cycles after a startup of the basic
system element.

SvSystemInput.Warmstart BOOL is set during the first cycle after a warm start of the corresponding task
for one cycle, regardless of whether stationary cycles or not

SvSystemInput.Coldstart BOOL is set during the first cycle after a cold start of the corresponding task
for one cycle, regardless of whether stationary cycles or not

SvSystemInput.RuntimeError BOOL is set during the next cycle after a timeout of the corresponding task for
one cycle

SvSystemInput.RegNr USINT Region number of the automation unit on which the application program
is running

SvSystemInput.CmpNr USINT Component number of the automation unit on which the application
program is running

SvSystemInput.BSENr USINT Number of the basic system element on which the application program
is running

SvSystemInput. UINT is set for one cycle of the corresponding task, after the initialization has
RuntimeErrorCount been terminated

SvSystemInput. BOOL Command output busy

CommandBusy set:
if the command input is initiated for a command with parameterized 1-
out-of-n check. (receipt of the spontaneous information object
"Command" (ACT) regardless of whether select or execute)
if the command output procedure is ended
• pulse commands:
After transmission of the spontaneous information object
"Command" with ACTTERM or negative ACTCON
• setpoint command or Bitstring of 32 bit:
After transmission of the spontaneous information object
"Command" positive or negative ACTCON
SvSystemInput. BOOL Sum command interlocked
CommandLocked is set with interlocking violation for one cycle of the corresponding task

SvSystemInput. TIME short command output time

ShortPulseDuration Parameter AU common settings | Short pulse duration
Updating on startup and with parameter change

SvSystemInput. TIME long command output time

LongPulseDuration Parameter AU common settings | Long pulse duration
Updating on startup and with parameter change

6-36 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Automation Spontaneous Information Objects

The synchronization of the input process images takes place by copying over the basic data and
standard states of the spontaneous information object, if at least one element of the spontaneous
information object is assigned as a signal in the corresponding task. The copying over of an additional
status only takes place, if it is also assigned to a signal.

A copying over of the spontaneous information object does not occur, if the test switch for the
spontaneous information object is activated.

Normally the state of the spontaneous information object in the input process image of the
corresponding task is copied.

Transient handling for elements without change of state

With certain elements of spontaneous information objects (e.g. command) no change of the information
occurs through the transmission. For this information, a negative edge is automatically generated in the
following cycle. Which elements of the spontaneous information object are affected by this, is described
for each type identification in chapter "Input Process Image for Spontaneous Information Objects"
column "STO".

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-37


6.1.5. Output Handling

The output handling is used for updating the local peripheral elements (periodical information) and the
message generation for system information and spontaneous information objects after the program
execution of a task.

The output handling is available for each task and consists of:

• Updating of Local Peripheral Elements for Periodical Information

• Generation of Messages with System Information
• Generation of Diagnostic Information
• Change Monitoring for Spontaneous Information Objects
• Generation of Messages with Process Information

Before the data transfer, test switches are taken into account. These test switches can be switched on
and off by means of the Online Test and prevent an updating of the selected signals for all tasks.

Test switches are possible for:

• one periodical information item

• all periodical information
• all elements of one spontaneous information object
• all elements of all spontaneous information objects Updating of Local Peripheral Elements for Periodical Information

The updating of the peripheral elements takes place by copying over the output process images for
periodical information in the process images of the peripheral elements with the help of the Ax 1703
peripheral bus.

An updating of a periodical information of a peripheral element does not occur:

• if an incorrect peripheral element is configured
• if the test switch for the periodical information is activated

The updating of a peripheral element takes place with the cycle of the highest-priority task, which has
an assignment to a periodical information of this peripheral element.

Note: Which periodical information a peripheral element processes, can be referred to in the
corresponding system element manual.

6-38 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Automation Generation of Messages with System Information

With the application program messages with system information can be generated with the help of special
function blocks.

The following table shows which messages with system information are generated with which function

Message with system information

in control direction Function Block
(General) interrogation command TB_GENERAL_INTERROGATION
Counter interrogation command TB_COUNTER_INTERROGATION Generation of Diagnostic Information

By means of the application program, with the help of special function blocks diagnostic information of
the class "E(xternal)" and "W(arning)" can be set or reset.

The following table shows which diagnostic information are generated with which function block.

Diagnostic Information Function Block

Class "E(xternal)" TB_SET_DIAG_ERROR
Class "W(arning)" TB_SET_DIAG_WARNING

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-39

Automation Change Monitoring for Spontaneous Information Objects

For the generation of messages with process information, the signals in the output process images that
are assigned to an element of a spontaneous information object, are monitored for change.

The change monitoring takes place in a grid of the cycle time of each task, in which the signal is
assigned to a spontaneous information object.

The change monitoring acts on basic data and selected elements of the spontaneous information
objects (see column "GEN" in the table in chapter "Output Process Image of Spontaneous Information

On a change of the state in a corresponding element of the spontaneous information object, the
generation of the message is initiated.

Thereby several methods are used for the decision "valid change":

• every change of the information state of the signal regardless in which new state
• change of the information state of the signal with a positive edge
• change according to the rules of the additive threshold value procedure

Which method of change monitoring is used for an element in the spontaneous information object can
be referred to in the column "GEN" in the table in chapter "Output Process Image of Spontaneous
Information Objects". Additive Threshold Value Procedure

The additive threshold value procedure prevents an unnecessary loading of the links with insignificant
changes of the corresponding signal and acts only on the basic data of the spontaneous information
objects with measured values.

In the grid of the cycle time of the corresponding task, the measured value is monitored for change. If
the deviation from the last spontaneously transmitted measured value is greater than the set
unconditional threshold (absolute_threshold), the new measured value is transmitted immediately.
Otherwise, in the grid of the cycle time of the corresponding task the deviations from the last
spontaneously transmitted measured value are added according to polarity sign. First when the amount
of this total exceeds the set additive threshold (add._threshold) is the current measured value
spontaneously transmitted.

A transmission of the measured value due to a general interrogation does not influence the threshold
value procedure.

Each measured value is determined by means of parameterization:

─ absolute_threshold 0.0 - 3.37x10
─ add._threshold 0.0 - 3.37x10

6-40 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE



Cycle Time 0.1s

Thresh_uncond 80
Thresh_additive 6000

Example 1: After transmission due to the exceeding of the large threshold, the value has changed
once by 79 (< the large threshold) and subsequently remains constant. The measured
value is transmitted after 7.5 seconds.

0.0s 0,1s 0.2s 0.3s 0,4s 0,5s 0.6s 0.7s 0.8s ... 7,4s 7,5s
Measured value 300 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 379 ... 379 379
Difference >80 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 ... 79 79
Additive total 0 79 158 237 316 395 474 553 632 ... 5925 6004
Transmission x x

Example 2: After transmission due to the exceeding of the large threshold, the value has changed
once by 1 (< the large threshold) and subsequently remains constant. The measured
value is transmitted after 10 minutes.

0.0s 0,1s 0.2s 0.3s 0,4s 0,5s 0.6s 0.7s 0.8s ... 599,9 600s
Measured value 300 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 ... 301 301
Difference >80 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... 1 1
Additive total 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... 5999 6000
Transmission x x

Example 3: After transmission due to the exceeding of the large threshold, the value continually
changes by ±1. The measured value is not transmitted.

0.0s 0,1s 0.2s 0.3s 0,4s 0,5s 0.6s 0.7s 0.8s ... 7,4s 7,5s
Measured value 300 301 300 299 300 301 300 301 299 ... 300 301
Difference >80 1 0 -1 0 1 0 1 -1 ... 0 1
Additive total 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 ... 0 1
Transmission x

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-41

Automation Generation of Messages with Process Information

If a spontaneous information object has been activated for transmission due to a change, a message with
process information is generated.

The generation of the message is carried out in every task, in which a signal has been assigned to the
corresponding spontaneous information object.

Special case: if different elements of a spontaneous information object are assigned from several tasks,
the message generation takes place in the highest-priority task with an assignment to this
spontaneous information object

Generation of the message means:

• Entry of the parameterized message address (CASDU and IOA)

• Entry of the time tag either

─ the current time at the start of the cycle of the corresponding task
(i.e. resolution of the time tag = cycle time of the task) or
─ the time information from a signal, if <Signal name>_TIMETAG has been assigned to this
spontaneous information object.

• Data transfer of the message to the internal distribution of messages with process information. Test Switches

With the generation of messages with process information test switches are taken into account. These test
switches can be switched on and –off by means of the online test and prevent a transfer of the message
for the selected spontaneous information object.

Test switches are possible for:

• all elements of one spontaneous information object

• all elements of all spontaneous information objects

Attention: If a spontaneous information object is switched to test, it is not transferred with the quality
descriptor "blocked".

6-42 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Automation Behavior with General Interrogation

With a GI-request, all GI-capable messages with process information of all tasks are transferred.

To keep the system load as little as possible, the messages are transferred staggered.

In a grid of 30ms, beginning with the highest-priority task, n messages of a task are transmitted. If there
are no more GI-capable messages to transmit in a task, it is skipped.

The following table specifies the number of messages to be transmitted for each task:

Task Number of Messages

Fast task 10
Task 5
Slow task 5

Special case: Stationary cycles

After completion of the stationary cycles, all GI-capable messages with process information of the initialized
task are transferred staggered.

Special case: Spontaneous information object in test

The state is transferred, that existed before the "switch to test".

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-43

Automation Message Characteristics

Explanation of the symbols, designations and values used in the following tables.

Column Name contains Meaning

TI Type identification of the spontaneous information object

PLC YES / NO Message can be processed by the open-/closed-loop control function

GI GI-capable
YES Spontaneous information object is also transmitted with a general
NO Spontaneous information object is only transmitted with a change

ADD YES / NO Message generation with additive change monitoring

PER YES / NO Direct transfer of the basic data of a message to the peripheral
elements as periodical information

GEN Message generation

SYS Message is automatically generated by the system with change
FBS Message must be generated by a function block in the application

ReqMem <value> Specifies, how much memory is required in the process images at least
[in bytes] (without additional status) for a message. Each assigned additional
status is to be added. Values see Output process images for
spontaneous information objects

6-44 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE


Message with process information TI PLC GI ADD PER GEN ReqMem

in monitor direction
Single-point information 30 YES YES NO YES SYS 1
Double-point information 31 YES YES NO NO SYS 2
Step position information 32 YES YES NO NO SYS 2
Bitstring of 32 bit 33 YES YES NO NO SYS 4
Measured value, normalized value 34 YES YES YES YES SYS 4
Measured value, scaled value 35 YES YES YES NO SYS 2
Measured value, short floating point 36 YES YES YES YES SYS 4
Integrated totals 37 YES NO NO NO SYS 7
Event of protection equipment 38 YES NO NO NO SYS 4
Blocked activation of the protection 39 YES NO NO NO SYS 8
Blocked triggering of the protection 40 YES NO NO NO SYS 6
Packed single-point information with status 20 NO - - - - -
change detection
Message with process information
in control direction
Single command 45 YES NO NO NO SYS 3
Double command 46 YES NO NO NO SYS 4
Regulating step command 47 YES NO NO NO SYS 4
Set point command, normalized value 48 YES NO NO NO SYS 6
Set point command, scaled value 49 YES NO NO NO SYS 4
Set point command, short floating point 50 YES NO NO NO SYS 6
Bitstring of 32 bit 51 YES NO NO NO SYS 4
Message with system information
in control direction
(General) interrogation command 100 YES NO - - FBS 10
Counter interrogation command 101 YES NO - - FBS 10
Clock synchronization command 103 NO - - - - -
Message with transparent information
Container for system information 135 NO - - - - -
Container for process information 142 NO - - - - -

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-45

Automation Output Process Image for Spontaneous Information Objects

Explanation of the symbols, designations and values used in the following tables.

Column Name contains Meaning

Element in Message Element (bold) Basic data of a spontaneous information object
element Standard- or additional status
element * These elements are not defined in the standard 60870-5-101/104, but
rather are made available internally

Format specifies the value range and the required memory in the process image
BOOL binary value range 0/1 required memory 1 byte
USINT analog value range 0 … 255 required memory 1 byte
INT analog value range -32,768 … 32,767 required memory 2 byte
UINT analog value range 0 … 65,535 required memory 2 byte
DINT analog value range
-2,147,483,648 … 2,147,483,647 required memory 4 byte
UDINT analog value range 0 … 4,294,967,294 required memory 4 byte
REAL analog value range short real
8.43 x 10 –37 ... 3.37 x 1038 required memory 4 byte
TIME Table value range 8 x 0 … 255 required memory 8 byte

GEN specifies with which event a message is generated

YES with change of the information state of the signal
POS with a positive edge of the signal
ADD according to the rules of the additive change monitoring
NO no generation

MEM specifies, when memory is assigned in the process images

fix These elements always occupy memory in the process images, even if
only one element is assigned
opt These elements only occupy memory in the process images, if they are
also assigned.
INIT YES / NO specifies whether an initial value can be input by the OPM II
Signal_Ext specifies, with which extension the signal name (the element in the
message) can be assigned. The extensions are defined in structure
definitions (see column "Name of Structure")
no entry the signal name without extension indicates basic data in the message
if these only consist of one element
. <ext> indicates individual elements of basic data in the message, if they
consist of several elements
_STATE.<ext> indicates standard states in the message
_<ext> indicates additional states in the message
Name of structure specifies the name of the structure, in which the extension of the signal
name is defined

6-46 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE


Single-point information TI 30

Element in Message Format GEN MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

Single-point information SPI BOOL YES fix NO
Quality descriptor "invalid" IV BOOL YES opt NO _STATE. IV TB_SD_SPO_STATE_BIN_INF
Quality descriptor "not topical" NT BOOL YES opt NO _STATE. NT TB_SD_SPO_STATE_BIN_INF
Cause of transmission "GI" * BOOL POS opt NO _STATE. GI TB_SD_SPO_STATE_BIN_INF
Cause of transmission "spontaneous" * BOOL POS opt NO _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_BIN_INF
Quality descriptor "substituted" SB BOOL YES opt NO _SB
Quality descriptor "blocked" BL BOOL YES opt NO _BL
Confirmation P/N BOOL YES opt NO _PN
Test T BOOL YES opt NO _T
Redundancy * BOOL YES opt NO _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT YES opt NO _COT
Originator address USINT NO opt NO _ORIGINATOR

Double-point information TI 31

Element in Message Format GEN MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

Double-point informationDPI / OFF BOOL YES fix NO . Off TB_SD_SPO_TI31_DPI
Double-point information DPI / ON BOOL YES fix NO . On TB_SD_SPO_TI31_DPI
Quality descriptor "invalid" IV BOOL YES opt NO _STATE. IV TB_SD_SPO_STATE_BIN_INF
Quality descriptor "not topical" NT BOOL YES opt NO _STATE. NT TB_SD_SPO_STATE_BIN_INF
Cause of transmission "GI" * BOOL POS opt NO _STATE. GI TB_SD_SPO_STATE_BIN_INF
Cause of transmission "spontaneous" * BOOL POS opt NO _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_BIN_INF
Quality descriptor "substituted" SB BOOL YES opt NO _SB
Quality descriptor "blocked" BL BOOL YES opt NO _BL
Confirmation P/N BOOL YES opt NO _PN
Test T BOOL YES opt NO _T
Redundancy * BOOL YES opt NO _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT YES opt NO _COT
Originator address USINT NO opt NO _ORIGINATOR

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-47


Step position information TI 32

Element in Message Format GEN MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

Intermediate state BOOL YES fix NO . TSI TB_SD_SPO_TI32_VTI
Quality descriptor "invalid" IV BOOL YES opt NO _STATE. IV TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Quality descriptor "not topical" NT BOOL YES opt NO _STATE. NT TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Quality descriptor "overflow" OV BOOL YES opt NO _STATE. OV TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Cause of transmission "GI" * BOOL POS opt NO _STATE. GI TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Cause of transmission "spontaneous" * BOOL POS opt NO _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Quality descriptor "substituted" SB BOOL YES opt NO _SB
Quality descriptor "blocked" BL BOOL YES opt NO _BL
Confirmation P/N BOOL YES opt NO _PN
Test T BOOL YES opt NO _T
Redundancy * BOOL YES opt NO _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT YES opt NO _COT
Originator address USINT NO opt NO _ORIGINATOR

Bitstring of 32 bit TI 33

Element in Message Format GEN MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

Binary status information BSI UDINT YES fix NO
Quality descriptor "invalid" IV BOOL YES opt NO _STATE. IV TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Quality descriptor "not topical" NT BOOL YES opt NO _STATE. NT TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Quality descriptor "overflow" OV BOOL YES opt NO _STATE. OV TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Cause of transmission "GI" * BOOL POS opt NO _STATE. GI TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Cause of transmission "spontaneous" * BOOL POS opt NO _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Quality descriptor "substituted" SB BOOL YES opt NO _SB
Quality descriptor "blocked" BL BOOL YES opt NO _BL
Confirmation P/N BOOL YES opt NO _PN
Test T BOOL YES opt NO _T
Redundancy * BOOL YES opt NO _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT YES opt NO _COT
Originator address USINT NO opt NO _ORIGINATOR

Measured value, normalized value TI 34

Element in Message Format GEN MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

Normalized value NVA REAL ADD fix NO
Quality descriptor "invalid" IV BOOL YES opt NO _STATE. IV TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Quality descriptor "not topical" NT BOOL YES opt NO _STATE. NT TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Quality descriptor "overflow" OV BOOL YES opt NO _STATE. OV TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Cause of transmission "GI" * BOOL POS opt NO _STATE. GI TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE

6-48 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE


Cause of transmission "spontaneous" * BOOL POS opt NO _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE

Quality descriptor "substituted" SB BOOL YES opt NO _SB
Quality descriptor "blocked" BL BOOL YES opt NO _BL
Confirmation P/N BOOL YES opt NO _PN
Test T BOOL YES opt NO _T
Redundancy * BOOL YES opt NO _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT YES opt NO _COT
Originator address USINT NO opt NO _ORIGINATOR

Measured value, scaled value TI 35

Element in Message Format GEN MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

Scaled value SVA INT ADD fix NO
Quality descriptor "invalid" IV BOOL YES opt NO _STATE. IV TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Quality descriptor "not topical" NT BOOL YES opt NO _STATE. NT TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Quality descriptor "overflow" OV BOOL YES opt NO _STATE. OV TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Cause of transmission "GI" * BOOL POS opt NO _STATE. GI TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Cause of transmission "spontaneous" * BOOL POS opt NO _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Quality descriptor "substituted" SB BOOL YES opt NO _SB
Quality descriptor "blocked" BL BOOL YES opt NO _BL
Confirmation P/N BOOL YES opt NO _PN
Test T BOOL YES opt NO _T
Redundancy * BOOL YES opt NO _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT YES opt NO _COT
Originator address USINT NO opt NO _ORIGINATOR

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-49


Measured value, short floating point number TI 36

Element in Message Format GEN MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

Short floating point number REAL ADD fix NO
Quality descriptor "invalid" IV BOOL YES opt NO _STATE. IV TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Quality descriptor "not topical" NT BOOL YES opt NO _STATE. NT TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Quality descriptor "overflow" OV BOOL YES opt NO _STATE. OV TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Cause of transmission "GI" * BOOL POS opt NO _STATE. GI TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Cause of transmission "spontaneous" * BOOL POS opt NO _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_VALUE
Quality descriptor "substituted" SB BOOL YES opt NO _SB
Quality descriptor "blocked" BL BOOL YES opt NO _BL
Confirmation P/N BOOL YES opt NO _PN
Test T BOOL YES opt NO _T
Redundancy * BOOL YES opt NO _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT YES opt NO _COT
Originator address USINT NO opt NO _ORIGINATOR

Integrated totals TI 37

Element in Message Format GEN MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

Binary counter reading BCR DINT YES fix NO . CR TB_SD_SPO_TI37_BCR
Sequence number SQ USINT YES fix NO . SQ TB_SD_SPO_TI37_BCR
Cause of transmission "spontaneous" * BOOL POS opt NO _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_COUNT
Confirmation P/N BOOL YES opt NO _PN
Test T BOOL YES opt NO _T
Redundancy * BOOL YES opt NO _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT YES opt NO _COT
Originator address USINT NO opt NO _ORIGINATOR

6-50 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE


Event of protection equipment TI 38

Element in Message Format GEN MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

Single event of protection BOOL YES fix NO . Off TB_SD_SPO_TI38_SEP
equipment OFF
Single event of protection BOOL YES fix NO . On TB_SD_SPO_TI38_SEP
equipment ON
Elapsed time UINT YES fix NO . ET TB_SD_SPO_TI38_SEP
Quality descriptor "invalid" IV BOOL YES opt NO _STATE. IV TB_SD_SPO_STATE_PROT
Quality descriptor "not topical" NT BOOL YES opt NO _STATE. NT TB_SD_SPO_STATE_PROT
Elapsed time invalid EI BOOL YES opt NO _STATE. EI TB_SD_SPO_STATE_PROT
Cause of transmission "spontaneous" * BOOL POS opt NO _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_PROT
Quality descriptor "substituted" SB BOOL YES opt NO _SB
Quality descriptor "blocked" BL BOOL YES opt NO _BL
Confirmation P/N BOOL YES opt NO _PN
Test T BOOL YES opt NO _T
Redundancy * BOOL YES opt NO _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT YES opt NO _COT
Originator address USINT NO opt NO _ORIGINATOR

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-51


Blocked activation of the protection TI 39

Element in Message Format GEN MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

General start of operation BOOL YES fix NO . GS TB_SD_SPO_TI39_SPE
Start of operation phase L1 BOOL YES fix NO . SL1 TB_SD_SPO_TI39_SPE
Start of operation phase L2 BOOL YES fix NO . SL2 TB_SD_SPO_TI39_SPE
Start of operation phase L3 BOOL YES fix NO . SL3 TB_SD_SPO_TI39_SPE
Start of operation IE (earth current) BOOL YES fix NO . SIE TB_SD_SPO_TI39_SPE
Start of operation in reverse BOOL YES fix NO . SRD TB_SD_SPO_TI39_SPE
Relay duration time UINT YES fix NO . RDT TB_SD_SPO_TI39_SPE
Quality descriptor "invalid" IV BOOL YES opt NO _STATE. IV TB_SD_SPO_STATE_PROT
Quality descriptor "not topical" NT BOOL YES opt NO _STATE. NT TB_SD_SPO_STATE_PROT
Elapsed time invalid EI BOOL YES opt NO _STATE. EI TB_SD_SPO_STATE_PROT
Cause of transmission "spontaneous" * BOOL POS opt NO _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_PROT
Quality descriptor "substituted" SB BOOL YES opt NO _SB
Quality descriptor "blocked" BL BOOL YES opt NO _BL
Confirmation P/N BOOL YES opt NO _PN
Test T BOOL YES opt NO _T
Redundancy * BOOL YES opt NO _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT YES opt NO _COT
Originator address USINT NO opt NO _ORIGINATOR

6-52 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE


Blocked triggering of the protection TI 40

Element in Message Format GEN MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

General command to output circuit BOOL YES fix NO . GC TB_SD_SPO_TI40_OCI
Command to output circuit phase L1 BOOL YES fix NO . CL1 TB_SD_SPO_TI40_OCI
Command to output circuit phase L2 BOOL YES fix NO . CL2 TB_SD_SPO_TI40_OCI
Command to output circuit phase L3 BOOL YES fix NO . CL3 TB_SD_SPO_TI40_OCI
Relay operation time UINT YES fix NO . ROT TB_SD_SPO_TI40_OCI
Quality descriptor "invalid" IV BOOL YES opt NO _STATE. IV TB_SD_SPO_STATE_PROT
Quality descriptor "not topical" NT BOOL YES opt NO _STATE. NT TB_SD_SPO_STATE_PROT
Elapsed time invalid EI BOOL YES opt NO _STATE. EI TB_SD_SPO_STATE_PROT
Cause of transmission "spontaneous" * BOOL POS opt NO _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_PROT
Quality descriptor "substituted" SB BOOL YES opt NO _SB
Quality descriptor "blocked" BL BOOL YES opt NO _BL
Confirmation P/N BOOL YES opt NO _PN
Test T BOOL YES opt NO _T
Redundancy * BOOL YES opt NO _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT YES opt NO _COT
Originator address USINT NO opt NO _ORIGINATOR

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-53


Single command TI 45

Element in Message Format GEN MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

single command state SCS BOOL POS fix NO . STATE TB_SD_SPO_TI45_SCO
Qualifier of command QU USINT NO fix YES . QOC TB_SD_SPO_TI45_SCO
Select / execute S/E BOOL POS fix NO . S_E TB_SD_SPO_TI45_SCO
Cause of transmission activation, BOOL POS opt NO _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_
deactivation COMMAND
Confirmation P/N BOOL YES opt NO _PN
Test T BOOL YES opt NO _T
Redundancy * BOOL YES opt NO _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT YES opt NO _COT
Originator address USINT NO opt NO _ORIGINATOR

Double command TI 46

Element in Message Format GEN MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

double command state DCS / OFF BOOL POS fix NO . Off TB_SD_SPO_TI46_DCO
double command state DCS / ON BOOL POS fix NO . On TB_SD_SPO_TI46_DCO
Qualifier of command QU USINT NO fix YES . QOC TB_SD_SPO_TI46_DCO
Select / execute S/E BOOL POS fix NO . S_E TB_SD_SPO_TI46_DCO
Cause of transmission activation, BOOL POS opt NO _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_
deactivation COMMAND
Confirmation P/N BOOL YES opt NO _PN
Test T BOOL YES opt NO _T
Redundancy * BOOL YES opt NO _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT YES opt NO _COT
Originator address USINT NO opt NO _ORIGINATOR

6-54 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE


Regulating step command TI 47

Element in Message Format GEN MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

Regulating step command BOOL POS fix NO . LOWER TB_SD_SPO_TI47_RCO
Regulating step command BOOL POS fix NO . HIGHER TB_SD_SPO_TI47_RCO
Qualifier of command QU USINT NO fix YES . QOC TB_SD_SPO_TI47_RCO
Select / execute S/E BOOL POS fix NO . S_E TB_SD_SPO_TI47_RCO
Cause of transmission activation, BOOL POS opt NO _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_
deactivation COMMAND
Confirmation P/N BOOL YES opt NO _PN
Test T BOOL YES opt NO _T
Redundancy * BOOL YES opt NO _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT YES opt NO _COT
Originator address USINT NO opt NO _ORIGINATOR

Setpoint command, normalized value TI 48

Element in Message Format GEN MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

Normalized value NVA REAL YES fix NO . VALUE TB_SD_SPO_TI48_SP_NVA
Qualifier of setpoint command QL USINT YES fix YES . QL TB_SD_SPO_TI48_SP_NVA
Select / execute S/E BOOL YES fix NO . S_E TB_SD_SPO_TI48_SP_NVA
Cause of transmission activation, BOOL POS opt NO _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_
deactivation COMMAND
Confirmation P/N BOOL YES opt NO _PN
Test T BOOL YES opt NO _T
Redundancy * BOOL YES opt NO _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT YES opt NO _COT
Originator address USINT NO opt NO _ORIGINATOR

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-55


Setpoint command, normalized value TI 49

Element in Message Format GEN MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

Qualifier of setpoint command QL USINT YES fix YES . QL TB_SD_SPO_TI49_SP_SVA
Select / execute S/E BOOL YES fix NO . S_E TB_SD_SPO_TI49_SP_SVA
Cause of transmission activation, BOOL POS opt NO _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_
deactivation COMMAND
Confirmation P/N BOOL YES opt NO _PN
Test T BOOL YES opt NO _T
Redundancy * BOOL YES opt NO _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT YES opt NO _COT
Originator address USINT NO opt NO _ORIGINATOR

Setpoint command, short floating point number TI 50

Element in Message Format GEN MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

Short floating point number REAL YES fix NO . VALUE TB_SD_SPO_TI50_SP_SFP
Qualifier of setpoint command QL USINT YES fix YES . QL TB_SD_SPO_TI50_SP_SFP
Select / execute S/E BOOL YES fix NO . S_E TB_SD_SPO_TI50_SP_SFP
Cause of transmission activation, BOOL POS opt NO _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_
deactivation COMMAND
Confirmation P/N BOOL YES opt NO _PN
Test T BOOL YES opt NO _T
Redundancy * BOOL YES opt NO _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT YES opt NO _COT
Originator address USINT NO opt NO _ORIGINATOR

6-56 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE


Bitstring of 32 bit TI 51

Element in Message Format GEN MEM INIT Signal_Ext Name of Structure

Binary status information BSI UDINT YES fix NO
Cause of transmission activation, BOOL POS opt NO _STATE. S TB_SD_SPO_STATE_
deactivation COMMAND
Confirmation P/N BOOL YES opt NO _PN
Test T BOOL YES opt NO _T
Redundancy * BOOL YES opt NO _R
Cause of transmission COT USINT YES opt NO _COT
Originator address USINT NO opt NO _ORIGINATOR

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-57


6.1.6. Loading of Application Program (Reload)

The following situations are to be distinguished with the loading of an application program:

• Loading with operational interruption

Changes have been made to the application program, that
(a) necessitate a startup of the basic system element (see following table)
(b) do not maintain the functional continuity of the application program

• Loading without operational interruption

Changes have been made to the application program, that
(c) do not necessitate a startup (see following table) and
(d) maintain the functional continuity of the application program. Whether or not the functional
continuity of the application program is maintained, depends of the type and extent of the
change. It is maintained for example, if
− after change, the function corresponds completely with that before change (change not
noticeable from "outside")
− only new functional parts were added, that do not affect those that already existed
− parameters of a controller are adapted, that do not cause any jump reply

Note: The SAT TOOLBOX II keeps track of changes applied to an application program by
maintaining a revision counter, and remembers the most recently loaded revision of each
application program. If the revision of the currently running application program is not
identical with that of the most recently loaded, after the loading of the new revision of the
application program, a startup of the open-/closed-loop control function is carried out with a
cold start.

Functions in detail

After the loading of the application program for:

• Variables or signals
only an initialization of newly added variables and signals takes place (see "Startup of the Open-
/Closed-Loop Control Function"). For newly added "Retain" variables and signals a cold start is
Attention: With a change of the initial value for an existing variable or signal, this is not accepted
immediately. The new initial value is first effective with a startup of the basic system
element or the open-/closed-loop control function (cold- or warm start tripped by the

• Programs or tasks
only an initialization of new tasks or programs takes place with a startup of the open-/closed-loop
control function with a cold start.

• Global parameters, curves and sets of curves

an initialization takes place for all global parameters, curves and sets of curves with a cold start.

6-58 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE


The following table shows which changes in the application program (a) necessitate a startup of the
basic system element, and (c) which are accepted without.

Change (a) (c)

Element of a spontaneous information object is assigned to a signal (input and output) x
Assignments of all elements of a spontaneous information object are removed (input and x
Storage method for a spontaneous information object is changed (message processing x
chronological <=> state stored)
Source identification for a message (expert parameter) x
Initial values for the qualifier of command (short/long command output time) x
Thresholds of the additive change monitoring x
Configuration of the peripheral elements (installing, deleting, preparing) x
Periodical information of a configured peripheral element is assigned to a signal (input and x

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-59


6.1.7. Online Test

The following test functionalities are available:

• Display/Forcing of values
• Test switches input-/output messages or PE input/output-PIM´s
• Changing the execution status of the open-/closed-loop control function
• Setting breakpoints
• Real time archive
• Display status information
• Read and write variables Display/Forcing of Values

In the online test, values

• in online-test-fields and
• in value-fields

can be displayed and / or forced.

For that specific modules are needed, that must be included with the creation of the function diagram.


• Display of boolean variables (line values)

The status of boolean variables is represented by a corresponding coloring of the variable (TRUE
= red or FALSE = blue).

• Display of other variables

The status of these variables can be displayed via OLT-fields or by selecting (cursor) the variable
and pressing the ALT-key.
The switchover of all variables between text display and value display is only possible with
several OLT-fields.

• Display of structures
Structures are also displayed via OLT-fields, whereby however always only 1 structure element
can be assigned to an OLT-field. I.e. the display of complete structures is presently not possible.

6-60 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE



Forcing means an intervention by the user in the logic of the program by changing the value of the

One-time forcing

With CAEx plus one can change the value of variables in the online test. This type of change however
only has validity, as long as this variable is not overwritten again through functionality (e.g.: through a
connection). Consequently the one-time forcing remains limited to the following types of variables of a

• VAR, that are not given any assignment in the functionality

• VAR_EXT, that have not been connected

Permanent forcing

Through the permanent forcing, a connection is changed in such a way, that a constant value specified
by the user is used instead of the actual source of the connection.

Permanent forcing is possible:

• for arbitrary connections
By interconnecting a force-marker one determines, which arbitrary connections can be
permanently forced at later time and which not.
the force-marker must already be taken into account with the creation of the function diagram (in
the FBS-Editor), i.e. if a new force-marker is inserted during the test phase, then the program
must be regenerated and reloaded. Test Switches

By means of test switches, that can be controlled with the online test, the copy operation for

• messages (spontaneous information objects)

─ for each message or
─ all messages

• periodical information
─ for each information or
─ each peripheral element

is enabled or blocked both input- as well as output-side.

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-61

Automation Changing the Processing Status of the Controller

Stop controller
The resource is halted. The input- and output images are no longer updated, the last values are
retained. Messages for the input process image, that are to be handled in chronological order, are piled

Start controller
The halted resource is started. No initialization steps such as e.g. stationary cycles are performed.
Piled-up messages are processed.

Perform cold start of the resource

Cold start of the controller as described in chapter „Initialization“.

Perform warm start of the resource

Warm start of the controller as described in chapter „Initialization“.

Halt task
The input- and output images assigned to the task are no longer updated, the last values are retained.
Messages for the input process image of the task, that are to be handled in chronological order, are
piled up.

Continue task
The halted task is started. No initialization steps such as e.g. stationary cycles are performed. Piled-up
messages are processed.

Perform cold start of a task

Cold start of the task as described in chapter „Initialization“. A cold start can also take place with a
current task. The initialization takes place between two cycles  task cycles can thereby be omitted.

Perform warm start of a task

Warm start of the task as described in chapter „Initialization“. A warm start can also take place with a
current task. The initialization takes place between two cycles  task cycles can thereby be omitted.

Halt program
The program is halted. The input- and output images continue to be updated. Chronological (message
or global) messages can possibly be discarded during the stoppage of the application program.

Continue program
The program continues to be executed again without any initialization.

6-62 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Automation Breakpoints

Through the breakpoint function the following operating steps are possible:

• Breakpoint
• Cycle step

Up to 4 breakpoints can be defined for a trigger condition. The logic operation of these breakpoints can
be set to logical "AND" or "OR".
The condition can be set for each of these breakpoints:
• Variable of the BOOL type Value equal to or not equal to 0 or 1
• Variable of the INT or REAL type Value smaller, equal to, not equal to or greater than the set
The check of trigger condition takes place at the end of the selected task. If the trigger condition is
fulfilled, depending on the setting
• the selected task or
• the resource
is stopped and a diagnostic information of the class „Test“ is set.

Cycle step
In the operating mode "Cycle step" the selected task is executed one time and then halted. Real Time Archive

The real time archive of the open-/closed-loop control function is a function, that records variables or
signals after every cycle. Which variables and signals are to be recorded, can be defined with the
SAT TOOLBOX II tool "CAEx plus Online-Test". As a result it is possible to display changes of variables
and signals chronologically with the help of the oscilloscope function.

A chronological display of value changes is also possible without the real time archive. However the
display of the value changes takes place, in the best case, with a resolution of 200ms (dependent on
the number of values to be displayed and the baud rate). It can thereby happen, that value changes
smaller than the resolution are not signaled on the monitor screen.

The real time archive has a memory with a capacity of 100 KBytes for one resource.

The real time archive records these defined variables and signals in this memory. There are 2
possibilities of terminating the recording:

• by means of operator input in "CAEX plus Online Test" or

• by means of a definable Trigger Condition

If the recording is terminated by an operator input, the entire memory is utilized as pre-history.

If the recording is terminated by the trigger condition, the memory is split up into a pre- and post-history.
On reaching the trigger condition, recording continues until the memory for the post-history has been

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-63


How much memory is utilized for the pre- and post-history, is determined by a percentage setting in the
online test. The moment between pre- and post-history is determined by a trigger condition. The check
of trigger condition takes place at the end of the selected task.

Which variables and signals and in which periodicity these variables and signals are to recorded in the
real time archive, is determined in the online test. The periodicity is determined by assigning the
recording to a task. From its cycle time and the setting of how many cycles are to be omitted between
the recordings, the resolution of the display in the oscilloscope function is produced.

Resolution [ms] = cycle time [ms] of the selected task * (number of cycles to be omitted +1)

Note: If this resolution is greater than the cycle time of that/those task(s) that handle(s) the
selected variables and signals, value changes can be lost for the display!

Note: The consistency of the recorded variables and signals with each other is only guaranteed for
the selected recording task and for higher-priority tasks!

The time period for the pre- and post-history is dependent on the number of variables and signals that
are to be recorded and the aforementioned resolution. For the calculation of the time period, for a BOOL
type variable 1 byte is to be taken into account, for the INT type 2 bytes and for the REAL type 4 bytes.
Time period [ms] = 102400 / (number of variables of type BOOL +
(number of variables of type INT or REAL * 4)) *
resolution [ms]

6-64 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE


Trigger Condition
The trigger condition can consist of up to 4 so-called "Watchpoints". The logic operation of these
watchpoints can be set to logical "AND" or "OR".

The condition can be set for each of these watchpoints:

• Variable of the BOOL type Value equal to or not equal to 0 or 1

• Variable of the INT or REAL type Value smaller, equal to, not equal to or greater than the set

An activated trigger condition sets a diagnostic information of the class „Test“. A tripping of the trigger
condition sets a further diagnostic information of the class „Test“.
A termination of the online test does not automatically delete the trigger condition. I.e. The recording in
the archive does not need any active connected SAT TOOLBOX II. A read out of the real time archive is
possible at any time. Display Status Information

With the function "Display status information“, for each task

• the parameterized cycle time
• the current run time (in 10µs)
• the maximum run time (in 10µs)
• the number of timeouts

can be interrogated.

With the interrogation of the status information, a reset of the current run time or the number of timeouts
is possible as an option. Terminating the Online Test

If the online test is terminated, the following set test functions are automatically cancelled again:

• Halt resource, task, program

• Breakpoints

The following functions are only deactivated after positive confirmation of the inquiry on terminating the
online test:

• Test Switches
• Force-Markers
• Real Time Archive

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-65


6.2. Treatment for Commands to the Open-/Closed-Loop Control Function according

to IEC 60870-5-101/104

The treatment for commands serves for the check of the spontaneous information objects to be
processed with the help of the open-/closed loop control function and transmission of the confirmation

• Pulse commands
─ single command (TI = 45, 58)
─ double command (TI = 46, 59)
─ regulating step command (TI = 47, 60)

• Setpoint values
─ set point command, normalized value (TI = 48, 61)
─ set point command, scaled value (TI = 49, 62)
─ set point command, short floating point number (TI = 50, 63)

• Bitstring
─ Bitstring of 32 bit (TI = 51, 64)

The data transfer of the spontaneous information objects to the application program of the open-/closed-
loop control function for further processing is dependent on the result of these checks.

The activation of the element or function to be controlled is the task of the application program of the
open-/closed-loop control function.
For the proper operation of this function, information is required by the application program of the open-
/closed-loop control function (e.g. from an interlocking logic) for the choice of a positive or negative
The treatment for command is only performed, if the parameter IEC_Enable has been set. This
parameter can be set individually for each command.

6-66 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE


The treatment for pulse command comprises the following processing functions:
• Prepare command output procedure
─ formal check
─ retry suppression
─ 1-out-of-n check
─ direct command or
select- and execute command
─ control location check
─ command locking
─ system-element overlapping 1-out-of-n check

• Initiate command output procedure

─ command to application program

• Monitor pulse duration (only pulse commands)

─ command output time
─ return information monitoring

• Terminate command output procedure (only pulse commands)

General Functions

• Error handling

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-67


The following information are transported over the data interface:

Information Category
System information • Information to the application program
− Cmd_Busy (command output busy) GetCmdBusy
− Cmd_Locked (sum command interlocked) GetCmdLocked
• Information from the application program
− Sys_1_out_of_n_ena SetCmd_1_out_of_n_ena
(system-element overlapping 1-out-of-n
− Ctrl_Location (control location) SetControlLocation
− Set (control location takeover) SetControlLocation
− State (control location state) SetControlLocation
spontaneous information objects • Information to the treatment for commands and
in a broader consequence to the application
program data type
− single command data type
− double command data type
− regulating step command data type
− set point command, normalized value data type
− set point command, scaled value data type
− set point command, short floating point number data type
− Bitstring of 32 bit
• Information from the application program interlocking image
− command x interlocked RI image
− return information x
• Information to the application program
− sum command interlocked

The column "Category" specifies, with which function block the system information is processed or with
which parameter of the category "process-technical message" the message address of the spontaneous
information object is to be parameterized.

6-68 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE


6.2.1. Pulse Commands


Treatment for pulse commands Application program of the

open-/closed loop control function

spontaneous information object Command x

(ACT, S/E = select or execute)

Prepare command initiation  Formal check

 Retry suppression

 Direct or select- and

execute command

 Control location check

spontaneous information object „Command x interlocked“
 Command interlocking

 1-out-of-n check
system information „Command output busy“
1-out-of-n check system information „1-out-of-n enable“

spontanes Informationsobjekt system information „Sum command interlocked“

Command x (ACT/CON)
if S/E = execute

Initiate command Command x to application program

output procedure

Monitor pulse duration  Return information

monitoring or Spontaneous information object „Return information x“
 Command output

Terminate command
output procedure

Spontaneous information object

Command x (ACT/TERM)

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-69



Function Actions and Checks Error Handling

Prepare command output Receipt of the spontaneous information object command
procedure (ACT)
• Formal check Cancel
• Retry suppression
• Direct or Cancel
select and execute command
• Control location check Cancel with diagnostic
• Command locking Cancel with diagnostic
• 1-out-of-n check Set internal state "Command output busy", if the parameter Cancel with diagnostic
1_of_n for this command is set
• System-element overlapping Set system data point "Command output busy" and wait for Cancel with diagnostic
1-out-of-n check "1-out-of-n enable", if the parameter 1_of_n_t > 0 for this
command is set
Initiate command output Send the spontaneous information object command
procedure (ACTCON)
• Command to application program Only at execute command (S/E = execute)
Monitor pulse duration
• Command output time Only at execute command (S/E = execute)
• Return information monitoring Only at execute command (S/E = execute)
Terminate command output Only at execute command (S/E = execute)
procedure Send the spontaneous information object command
reset system data point and the internal information
"Command output busy", if the parameter 1_of_n for this
command is set

If a faulty state is detected during this procedure an immediate abortion of the treatment takes place.
Depending on the error, various measures are initiated (see Error Handling).

6-70 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE


6.2.2. Setpoint Values


Treatment for setpoint command Application program of the

open-/closed loop control function

spontaneous information object Command x

(ACT, S/E = select or execute)

Prepare command initiation  Formal check

 Retry suppression

 Direct or select- and

execute command

 Control location check

spontaneous information object „Command x interlocked“
 Command interlocking

 1-out-of-n check
system information „Command output busy“
1-out-of-n check system information „1-out-of-n enable“

spontanes Informationsobjekt system information „Sum command interlocked“

Command x (ACT/CON)
if S/E = execute

Initiate command Command x to application program

output procedure

Terminate command
output procedure

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-71



Function Actions and Checks Error Handling

Prepare command output Receipt of the spontaneous information object command
procedure (ACT)
• Formal check Cancel
• Retry suppression
• Direct or Cancel
select and execute command
• Control location check Cancel with diagnostic
• Command locking Cancel with diagnostic
• 1-out-of-n check Set internal state "Command output busy", if the parameter Cancel with diagnostic
1_of_n for this command is set
• System-element overlapping Set system data point "Command output busy" and Cancel with diagnostic
1-out-of-n check wait for "1-out-of-n enable" , if the parameter 1_of_n > 0
for this command is set
Initiate command output Send the spontaneous information object command
procedure (ACTCON)
• Command to application program Only at execute command (S/E = execute)
Terminate command output Only at execute command (S/E = execute)
Reset system data point and the internal information
"Command output busy", if the parameter 1_of_n for this
command is set

If a faulty state is detected during this procedure an immediate abortion of the treatment takes place.
Depending on the error, various measures are initiated (see Error Handling).

6-72 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE


6.2.3. Bit String


Treatment for bitstring of 32 bits Application program of the

open-/closed loop control function

spontaneous information object Command x

(ACT, S/E = execute)

Prepare command initiation  Formal check

 Retry suppression

 Control location
 Command spontaneous information object „Command x interlocked“

 1-out-of-n check
system information „Command output busy“
system information „1-out-of-n enable“
1-out-of-n check

spontaneous information object system information „Sum command interlocked“

Command x (ACT/CON)

Initiate command Command x to application program

output procedure

Terminate command
output procedure

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-73



Function Actions and Checks Error Handling

Prepare command output Receipt of the spontaneous information object command
procedure (ACT)
• Formal check Cancel
• Retry suppression
• Control location check Cancel with diagnostic
• Command locking Cancel with diagnostic
• 1-out-of-n check Set internal state "Command output busy", if the parameter Cancel with diagnostic
1_of_n for this command is set
• System-element overlapping Set system data point "Command output busy" and Cancel with diagnostic
1-out-of-n check wait for "1-out-of-n enable" , if the parameter 1_of_n > 0
for this command is set
Initiate command output SEND the spontaneous information object command
procedure (ACTCON)
• Command to application program
Terminate command output Reset system data point and the internal information
procedure "Command output busy", if the parameter 1_of_n for this
command is set

If a faulty state is detected during this procedure an immediate abortion of the treatment takes place.
Depending on the error, various measures are initiated (see Error Handling).

6-74 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE


6.2.4. Functions in Detail Prepare Command Output Procedure Formal Check

Before a command can be executed, a formal check is performed on the spontaneous information
object "command".

The following checks are performed:

• Cause of transmission is
─ "Activation" or
─ "Cancellation of activation"

• Qualifier of command is
─ no determination or
─ short command execution time or
─ long command execution time

• Command state of a single command is

─ ON (OFF is not allowed)

• Command state of a double command is

─ OFF or
─ ON

• Command state of a regulating step command is


If the formal check is not passed,

• the command is rejected

• the activation is negatively confirmed Retry Suppression

As a result of message repetition (Retries) on the link several spontaneous information objects
"Command" can be received with identical content. This can lead to errors of the command output such
as e.g. 1-out_of-n errors.

With the function Retry Suppression these spontaneous information objects are ignored. Thereby the
last corresponding message received is checked for equivalence (including the time information).

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-75

Automation Direct Command

The procedure for the command transmission according to IEC 60870-5-101/104 for "direct command"
is set by means of the parameter select_execute_t = 0.

On receipt of the spontaneous information object "Command" with cause of transmission set to
"activation" and the data point identifier "execute" the command output procedure with following checks
is initiated:

• 1-out-of-n check
• Control location check
• Command locking
• System-element overlapping 1-out-of-n check

Depending on these checks a positive or negative confirmation of the activation takes place.

6-76 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Automation Select and Execute Command

The procedure for the command transmission according to IEC 60870-5-101/104 for "select-and
execute command" is set by means of the parameter select_execute_t > 0. The parameterized
value specifies, within which time the execute command must be received following the selection

Selection command (select)

On receipt of the spontaneous information object "Command" with cause of transmission set to
"activation" and the data point identifier "select", a check is performed whether the selection command
is permitted.

The following checks are performed:

• Parameter select_execute_t > 0
• Command not selected or not executing

If these conditions are not satisfied:

• the command is rejected
• the activation is negatively confirmed

If these conditions are satisfied, following checks are performed:

• 1-out-of-n check
• Control location check
• Command locking
• System-element overlapping 1-out-of-n check

Depending on these checks a positive or negative confirmation of the activation takes place.

Upon positive confirmation of the activation the execute command is waited for.

Expiration of timeout

If the timeout (parameter select_execute_t) expired:

• the command is rejected

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-77


Cancel the selection

This waiting state can be terminated by means of a spontaneous information object "Command" with
cause of transmission set to "deactivation", the qualifier of command "S/E" is not relevant.

The following checks are performed:

• Parameter select_execute_t > 0
• The command to be canceled is selected, i.e. the elements of the spontaneous information object
of Select- and Execute command are identical except for the element “cause of transmission”,
"S/E" (irrelevant) and the elements for the timetag.

If these conditions are not satisfied:

• a negative confirmation of the deactivation is transmitted
• the selected command is NOT canceled.

If these conditions are satisfied:

• the selected command is canceled and
• a positive confirmation of the deactivation is transmitted

Note: If the selection command has not been confirmed (e.g. the enabling of the system-element
overlapping 1-out-of-n check is still expected), a negative confirmation of the deactivation is
transmitted and the selected command is canceled.

Execute command (execute)

On receipt of the spontaneous information object "Command" with cause of transmission set to
"activation" and the data point identifier "execute" within the parameterized time select_execute_t
following a selection command, a check is performed whether the execute command is permitted.

• Parameter select_execute_t > 0

• Command not executing
• The command to be executed is selected, i.e. the elements of the spontaneous information object
of Select- and Execute command are identical except for the element "S/E" and for the elements
of timetag

If these conditions are not satisfied:

• the command is rejected
• the activation is negatively confirmed

If these conditions are fulfilled, the command output procedure is initiated with the following further
• 1-out-of-n check
• Control location check
• Command locking
• System-element overlapping 1-out-of-n check

Depending on these checks a positive or negative confirmation of the activation takes place.

6-78 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Automation Control Location Check

The control location check is used to check whether the control location, specified with the originator
address in the spontaneous information object "Command", has command authority.

The originator address specified in the spontaneous information object "Command" must correspond
with the control location previously set.

If the originator address in the spontaneous information object "Command" does not match the control
locations previously set or if no control location has been preset:

• the command is rejected

• the activation is negatively confirmed
• the system information "Sum command interlocked" is set for one cycle of the corresponding task
• a spontaneous information object "Sum command interlocked" (positive transient) is transmitted
with the originator address of the command..

Set control location

The control location is set with system information with the help of the function block
"TB_SET_CONTROL_LOCATION" and is valid for all commands of a system element. Up to 256
control locations can be set simultaneously.

Note: If a control location is never set, i.e. function block not used or no positive edge of the
system information "Control location takeover", the control location check is deactivated.

The selection and takeover of the control location must be carried out in the application program of the
open-/closed-loop control function on the particular system element.

The setting or adding of a control location or the deletion of all control locations is controlled by the
following system information:

• control location
• control location takeover
• control location state

The following table shows the states of the system data points for the possible actions:

System Information
Action Control Location Takeover State
Setting or adding a control location Originator address positive edge ON
Delete all control locations irrelevant positive edge OFF

Note: The control location(s) of the system element is (are) to be set after every startup.

For the definition of the control location, the following values indicate the originator address.

Originator address Control Location

0 default
1 ... 127 remote command
128 ... 255 local command

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-79

Automation Command Locking

With the help of the command locking, commands can be rejected or allowed process-dependent. For
this a process-dependent interlocking logic for each command or groups of commands is to be created
in the higher-level open-/closed-loop control function.

The information formed from this is to be signaled to the treatment for commands with a spontaneous
information object "Command x interlocked".

The corresponding information "Command x interlocked" must be assigned to a command with the
parameter Interlocking_Image of the category "Process-technical message" of the product family
CAEx plus.

If no assignment of the spontaneous information object "Command x interlocked" is carried out for the
corresponding command, the command locking is inactive for this command.

The following table shows the assignment of the information in the spontaneous information object
"Command x interlocked" to the command.

Command Command x Interlocked

Information Object TI Element Information Object TI Element
Single command 45 SCS single-point information 30 SPI
Double command 46 DCS / OFF double-point information 31 DPI / OFF
Step position command 47 RCS LOWER double-point information 31 DPI / OFF
set point command, normalized 48 value single-point information 30 SPI
set point command, scaled value 49 value single-point information 30 SPI
set point command, short 50 value single-point information 30 SPI
floating point number
Bitstring of 32 bit 51 value single-point information 30 SPI

Note: The elements of the double-point information are handled as two single-point information
items (see Data Interface)

If the corresponding information (sea previous table) is set in the spontaneous information object
"Command x locked":

• the command is rejected

• the activation is negatively confirmed
• the system information "Command 1-out-of-n interlocked" is set for one cycle of the
corresponding task
• a spontaneous information object "Sum command interlocked" (positive transient) is transmitted
with the originator address of the command..

6-80 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Automation 1-out-of-n Check

With the 1-out_of-n check switched on, only one command is allowed at the same time. The 1-out-of-n
check can be enabled per command using the parameter 1_of_n.

The 1-out_of-n check only acts on commands, that also have the 1-out-of-n check switched on.

Commands that have the 1-out-of-n check switched on interlock all other commands that also have the
1-out-of-n check switched on.

Commands that do not have the 1-out-of-n check switched on do not interlock any other commands,
even if they have the 1-out-of-n check switched on.

For this, when receiving a spontaneous information object "Command", the command output becomes
busy and stays busy until the command output is terminated.

The receipt of a spontaneous information object "Command" with activated 1-out-of-n check during a
busy command output has the effect, that:

• the command will be rejected

• the activation will be negatively confirmed
• the system information "Sum command interlocked" is set for one cycle of the corresponding task
• a spontaneous information object "Sum command interlocked" (positive transient) will be
transmitted with the originator address of the command.

If a 1-out-of-n check is required over several system elements (e.g. all commands of an automation
unit), the "system-element overlapping 1-out-of-n check" is necessary.

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-81

Automation System-Element Overlapping 1-out-of-n Check

The system-element-overlapping 1-out-of-n check is to be resolved with the help of a logic in the open-
/closed-loop control function and can be activated with the parameter 1_of_n_t > 0.

The parameter 1_of_n_t > 0 is only effective, if the 1-out-of-n check described before is switched on.


The system information "Command output busy" is set and the higher-level open-/closed-loop control
function is made available.

The logic in the open-/closed-loop control function checks, amongst other things, the information
"Command output busy" of all other system elements which are to be taken into account for the 1-out-
of-n check.

The result of this check must be made available to the command output with a positive edge of the
system data point "1-out-of-n enable" within the settable monitoring time (Parameter 1_of_n_t ).

If the "enable" is given, the further checks are carried out.

Note: With the function "Select- and Execute command" the system data point "1-out-of-n enable"
must be present, until the execute command has also been completed.
If "1-out-of-n enable" does not arrive within the variable monitoring time (direct command, selection
command), or "1-out-of-n enable" is not present (execute command),

• the command is rejected

• the activation is negatively confirmed
• the system information "Sum command interlocked" is set for one cycle of the corresponding task
• a spontaneous information object "Sum command interlocked" (positive transient) is transmitted
with the originator address of the command..

6-82 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Automation Initiate Command Output Procedure

If the command message is an execute command (S/E = execute) and all relevant checks have been
passed, the command is signaled to the application program.

Thereby, the assigned elements of the spontaneous information object are entered in the input process
image of the corresponding task and set for one cycle.

Attention: With pulse commands, a possibly parameterized storage method with "chronological global
and message" is ignored. I.e. pulse commands that have a treatment according to
IEC 60870-5-101/104, are automatically "state stored" ! Monitor Pulse Duration

The monitoring of the pulse duration is used for terminating the command output procedure and for
generating the spontaneous information object "Command" with the cause of transmission "Termination
of activation".

This function is only effective for pulse commands and is split into two types:

• Termination after the command output time (without return information monitoring)
• Termination by the application program (with return information monitoring) Command Output Time (without Return Information Monitoring)

The end of the command output procedure is determined by the command output time in the code of
qualifier of command of the spontaneous information object.

Thereby, only the code of qualifier of command of short or long command output time is allowed. The
values for the short or long command output time can be set for each automation unit with the
parameter AU common settings | Short pulse duration and AU common settings | Long
pulse duration.

The termination of the command output procedure through the command output time is set by means of
the parameter RS_Mon_t with the value 0.

The following checks are performed.

If the parameterized value for the corresponding (short or long) pulse duration is 0 or the code of
qualifier of command is "not determined":

• the command is rejected

• the activation is negatively confirmed

Note: If the code of qualifier of command is "not determined", the termination of the command
output procedure must take place by mean of the application program (with return
information monitoring).

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-83

Automation Application program (with Return Information Monitoring)

The end of the command output procedure is determined by a return information from the application

The termination of the command output procedure by the application program is set by means of the
parameter RS_Mon_t with the value > 0. This parameter determines, after which time the return
information by the application program must occur at the latest.

For the following spontaneous information objects, a return information monitoring is possible

• single command (TI = 45, 58)

• double command (TI = 46, 59)
• regulating step command (TI = 47, 60)

The return information is to be generated by the application program and signaled to the treatment for
commands with a spontaneous information object "return information x".

The corresponding return information must be assigned to a command with the parameter RS_Image of
the category "Process-technical message" of the product family CAEx plus.

The following table shows the assignment of the information in the spontaneous information object
"Return Information x" to the command.

Command Return Information

Information Object TI Element Information Object TI Element
Single command 45 SCS Single-point information 30 SPI
Double command 46 DCS / OFF Double-point information 31 DPI / OFF
Regulating step command 47 RCS LOWER Double-point information 31 DPI / OFF

Note: The elements of the double-point information are handled as two single-point information
items (see Data Interface)

For a proper functioning of the return information monitoring a positive edge of the return information is

Note: In order to avoid errors in the signaling of an unsuccessful command initiation, the return
information monitoring time (Parameter RS_Mon_t) should be longer than the command
output time.

6-84 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE


Spontaneous information object „Command“ (ACT)

Spontaneous information object „Command“ (ACTCON) positive

Command to application program

Application program

Return information from application program

Return information monitoring time

Spontaneous information object „Command“ (ACTTERM) positive

Special cases

Actuator does not reach the desired end position

If the actuator does not reach the end position or only reaches it after expiry of the return information
monitoring time,

• a negative confirmation of the activation is transmitted


Spontaneous information object „Command“ (ACT)

Spontaneous information object „Command“ (ACTCON) positive

Command to application program

Application program

Return information from application program

Return information monitoring time

Spontaneous information object „Command“ (ACTTERM) negative

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-85


Actuator already in the desired end position

If the actuator is already in the desired end position, the behavior can be set with the parameter
RS_outp_same_state for all commands of a system element:

Action 2 3 4 5
Confirmation of the command (ACTCON) positive positive positive negative
Command to application program Yes Yes No No
Delay until transmission of termination of the √ √ - -
command (ACTTERM)
Termination of the command (ACTCON) negative positive negative -

Behavior Parameter RS_outp_same_state

2 CON+/output/TERM-
3 CON+/output/TERM+
4 CON+/do not output/TERM-
5 CON-/do not output

Delay until transmission of termination of the command (ACTTERM)

• If the qualifier of command is "short or long pulse duration", the termination of the command
(ACTTERM) is transmitted after the parameterized short or long command output time.

• If the qualifier of command is "not determined" the termination of the command (ACTTERM) is
transmitted after the parameterized return information monitoring time.

6-86 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Automation Error Handling

The error handling of the command output distinguishes between:

Cancel Parameter setting errors
Cancel with diagnostic Operating errors

For each negative confirmation (ACTCON, DEACTCON and ACTTERM) the origin of the cancellation is
also displayed with a warning class diagnostic information and an originator description. Cancel

The command output procedure is canceled.

• System data point and internal state "Command output busy" is reset, if the parameter 1_of_n is
set for this command

A spontaneous information object with negative "Confirmation of the activation" or negative "Termination
of the activation" is transmitted.

Following this the system element is again ready for a command. Cancel with Diagnostic

The command output procedure is canceled.

• A diagnostic information is set according to the origin

• System data point and the internal information "Command output busy" is reset, if the parameter
1_of_n for this command is set
• A spontaneous information object with negative "Confirmation of the activation" or negative
"Termination of the activation" is transmitted


• the system information "Sum command interlocked" is set for one cycle of the corresponding task
• a spontaneous information object ("Sum command interlocked") is transmitted.

Following this the system element is again ready for a command.

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-87


6.2.5. Data Interface Spontaneous Information Objects to the Treatment for Commands Pulse Commands

Elements of the Message

TI .. type identification TI 45 single command
TI 46 double command
TI 47 regulating step command
CASDU, IOA .. message address Can be set by parameter
SCS .. single command state 0 .. not permitted
1 .. ON
DCS .. double command state 0 .. not permitted
1 .. OFF
2 .. ON
3 .. not permitted
RCS .. Regulating step command state 0 .. not permitted
1 .. LOWER
3 .. not permitted
QOC .. Qualifier of command
QU .. code of qualifier of command 0 … command output time corresponding to the parameter of each
1 … Command output time corresponding to the parameter AU common
settings | Short pulse duration
2 … Command output time corresponding to the parameter AU common
settings | Long pulse duration
>2 ... not supported
S/E .. select/execute See cause of transmission "Activation"
Cause of transmission
06 .. activation Command with "select" leads to a preparation of the command initiation
Command with "execute" leads to an execution of the command
08 .. deactivation A prepared command (select) is removed
P/N .. positive/negative confirmation Not evaluated
T .. test Not evaluated
Originator address Must correspond with the set control location(s) if the control location
detection is activated

6-88 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Automation Setpoint Value

Elements of the Message

TI .. type identification TI 48 setpoint Command, normalized value
TI 49 setpoint Command, scaled
TI 50 setpoint Command, short floating point
CASDU, IOA .. message address Can be set by parameter
Value Setpoint value
QOS .. qualifier of setpoint command
QL .. code of qualifier of setpoint Not evaluated
S/E .. select/execute See transmission cause "Activation"
Cause of transmission
06 .. activation Setpoint command with "Select" leads to preparation of the command
Setpoint command with "Execute" leads to an execution of the command
08 .. Deactivation A prepared command (select) is removed
P/N .. positive/negative confirmation Not evaluated
T .. Test Not evaluated
Originator address Must correspond with the set control location(s) if the control location
detection is activated Bitstring

Elements of the Message

TI .. type identification TI 51 Bitstring of 32 bit
CASDU, IOA .. Message address Can be set by parameter
Value Bitstring
Cause of transmission
06 .. activation Leads to an execution of the command
08 .. deactivation Not supported
P/N .. positive/negative confirmation Not evaluated
T .. test Not evaluated
Originator address Must correspond with the set control location(s) if the control location
detection is activated

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-89

Automation Command x Interlocked

Elements of the Message

TI .. type identification TI 30 single-point information with timetag CP56Time2a
TI 31 double-point information with time tag CP56Time2a
CASDU, IOA .. Message address Can be set with parameter, source must be the particular open-/closed-loop
control function
SPI .. single point information 0 .. command not interlocked
1 .. command interlocked
DPI .. double point information Bit 0: command OFF or LOWER
0 .. not interlocked
1 .. interlocked
Bit 1: command ON or HIGHER
0 .. not interlocked
1 .. interlocked
QDS .. quality descriptor
BL .. blocked Not evaluated
SB .. substituted Not evaluated
NT .. not topical Not evaluated
IV .. invalid Not evaluated
Cause of transmission
02 .. background scan SPI or DPI is evaluated depending on quality descriptor
03 .. spontaneous SPI or DPI is evaluated depending on quality descriptor
05 .. requested SPI or DPI is evaluated depending on quality descriptor
11 .. return information, caused by a SPI or DPI is evaluated depending on quality descriptor
remote command
12 .. return information, caused by a SPI or DPI is evaluated depending on quality descriptor
local command
20 .. interrogated by general SPI or DPI is evaluated depending on quality descriptor
21-36 interrogated by group 1-16 SPI or DPI is evaluated depending on quality descriptor
P/N .. positive/negative confirmation Not evaluated
T .. test Not evaluated
Originator address Not evaluated

6-90 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Automation Return Information x

Elements of the Message

TI .. type identification TI 30 single-point information with timetag CP56Time2a
TI 31 double-point information with time tag CP56Time2a
CASDU, IOA .. Message address Can be set with parameter, source must be the particular open-/closed-loop
control function
SPI .. single point information 0 .. return information not available
1 .. return information available
DPI .. double point information Bit 0: return information for command OFF or LOWER
0 .. not available
1 .. available
Bit 1: return information for command ON or HIGHER
0 .. not available
1 .. available
QDS .. quality descriptor
BL .. blocked Not evaluated
SB .. substituted Not evaluated
NT .. not topical Not evaluated
IV .. invalid Not evaluated
Cause of transmission
02 .. background scan SPI or DPI is evaluated depending on quality descriptor
03 .. spontaneous SPI or DPI is evaluated depending on quality descriptor
05 .. requested SPI or DPI is evaluated depending on quality descriptor
11 .. return information, caused by a SPI or DPI is evaluated depending on quality descriptor
remote command
12 .. return information, caused by a SPI or DPI is evaluated depending on quality descriptor
local command
20 .. interrogated by general SPI or DPI is evaluated depending on quality descriptor
21-36 interrogated by group 1-16 SPI or DPI is evaluated depending on quality descriptor
P/N .. positive/negative confirmation Not evaluated
T .. test not evaluated
Originator address Not evaluated

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-91

Automation Spontaneous Information Objects from the Treatment for Commands Confirmation of the Pulse Command

Elements of the Message

TI .. type identification TI 45 single command
TI 46 double command
TI 47 regulating step command
Same as in the received command message
CASDU, IOA .. Message address Same as in the received command message
SCS .. single command state Same as in the received command message
DCS .. double command state
RCS .. Regulating step command state
QOC .. qualifier of command
QU .. code of qualifier of command 0 … command output time corresponding to the parameter of each
1 … Command output time corresponding to the parameter AU common
settings | Short pulse duration
2 … Command output time corresponding to the parameter AU common
settings | Long pulse duration
>2 ... not supported
S/E .. select/execute Same as in the received command message
Cause of transmission
07 .. confirmation of the activation Positive confirmation with "select", if all conditions are fulfilled for the select
Positive confirmation with "execute", if all conditions are fulfilled for the
execute or direct command.
Otherwise there is a negative confirmation
09 .. deactivation confirmation Positive confirmation:
- command output is prepared ("select")
Otherwise there is a negative confirmation
10 .. termination of the activation Only if the command initiation has been answered by a positive "confirmation
of the activation".
Positive confirmation:
- command output ended properly and
- status information in the correct state
Otherwise there is a negative confirmation
44 .. unknown type identification Not supported
45 .. unknown COT Not supported
46 .. unknown CASDU Not supported
47 .. unknown IOA Not supported
P/N .. positive/negative confirmation See cause of transmission 07, 09 and 10
T .. test Same as in the received command message
Originator address Same as in the received command message

6-92 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Automation Confirmation of the Setpoint Value

Elements of the Message

TI .. type identification TI 48 Setpoint Command, normalized value
TI 49 Setpoint Command, scaled
TI 50 Setpoint command, short floating point
Same as in the received setpoint command
CASDU, IOA .. Message address Same as in the received setpoint command
Value Same as in the received setpoint command
QOS .. qualifier of setpoint command
QL .. code of qualifier of setpoint Same as in the received setpoint command
S/E .. select/execute Same as in the received setpoint command
Cause of transmission
07 .. confirmation of the activation Positive confirmation with "select", if all conditions are fulfilled for the select
Positive confirmation with "execute", if all conditions are fulfilled for the
execute or direct command.
Otherwise there is a negative confirmation
09 .. deactivation confirmation Positive confirmation:
- setpoint value is prepared ("select")
Otherwise there is a negative confirmation
10 .. termination of the activation Not supported
44 .. unknown type identification Not supported
45 .. unknown COT not supported
46 .. unknown CASDU not supported
47 .. unknown IOA Not supported
P/N .. positive/negative confirmation See cause of transmission 07 and 09
T .. test Same as in the received setpoint command
Originator address Same as in the received setpoint command

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-93

Automation Confirmation of the Bitstring

Elements of the Message

TI .. type identification TI 51 Bitstring of 32 bit
Same as in the received command message
CASDU, IOA .. Message address Same as in the received Bitstring of 32 bit
Value Same as in the received Bitstring of 32 bit
Cause of transmission
07 .. confirmation of the activation Positive confirmation, if all conditions are fulfilled.
Otherwise there is a negative confirmation
09 .. deactivation confirmation Not supported
10 .. termination of the activation Not supported
44 .. unknown type identification Not supported
45 .. unknown COT Not supported
46 .. unknown CASDU Not supported
47 .. unknown IOA Not supported
P/N .. positive/negative confirmation See cause of transmission 0
T .. test Same as in the received Bitstring of 32 bit
Originator address Same as in the received Bitstring of 32 bit

6-94 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Automation Sum Command Interlocked

Elements of the Message

TI .. type identification TI 30 single-point information with time tag CP56Time2a
CASDU, IOA .. Message address Can be set by parameter
SPI .. single point information Positive transient
QDS .. quality descriptor
BL .. blocked Not blocked
SB .. substituted Not substituted
NT .. not topical Created by the basic system element due to peripheral element failure
IV .. invalid Current
Cause of transmission
02 .. background scan Not supported
03 .. spontaneous Upon change of information state or quality descriptor
05 .. requested Not supported
11 .. return information, caused by a Not supported
remote command
12 .. return information, caused by a Not supported
local command
20 .. interrogated by general Upon receipt of a GI request or
interrogation automatically after startup, parameter change, etc.
21-36 interrogated by group 1-16 Not supported
P/N .. positive/negative confirmation Positive
T .. test No test
Originator address Not determined

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-95

Automation System Information To the Application Program

System Information Value Range Meaning

BOOL Command output busy
BOOL Sum command interlocked From the Application Program

System Information Value Range Meaning

1-out-of-n enable BOOL Enabling information for system-element-overlapping 1-out-of-n check
Positive edge: enabled and must remain set until initiation of the
command output (command x to application
Reset: inhibited
control location USINT Permitted origin address
control location takeover BOOL Positive edge: takeover of control location and control location
control location state BOOL ON: defined control location is set or added
OFF: all control locations are deleted

6-96 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE


Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 6-97

Message Formats

A. Message Formats

Only messages, both for process- as well as system information, with type identification are supported
in the public range of the IEC 60870-5-101/104.

Exceptions are system functions that are not defined in the public range of the IEC 60870-5-101/104:

• Containers for process information (e.g. messages according to IEC 60870-5-103)

• Containers for system information (e.g. remote maintenance).

In principle one differentiates between two types of communication:

• Communication within an automation unit

• Communication between automation units over their serial interfaces or LAN/WAN connections

The message formats within the automation units are defined with regard to their contents in such a
way, that a conversion is possible at the interfaces to other automation units into the following formats:

• IEC 60870-5-101
• IEC 60870-5-103
• IEC 60870-5-104

IEC 60870-5-101 on serial or IEC 60870-5-104 on LAN/WAN connections are the standard format for
communication between the automation units of ACP 1703.

Over the transmission route, the message format between automation units is also provided with a
protocol-dependent message frame.

The following table shows the type identifications of the supported messages. For messages over the
communication routes, it can be set, whether they are transmitted with 3 or 7 octet (Parameter
Communication | PREi | IEC60870-5-101/104 | Variable elements of the
message | Time stamp) or without time stamp (parameter group
Communication | PREi | IEC60870-5-101/104 | Transmission with/without timetag).
The messages within the automation unit always have a time stamp with 7 octets.

This chapter describes exclusively those message formats within the automation unit.

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 A-1

Message Formats

A.1. Overview

Legend: TI external … Type identification over the communication route

TI internal … Type identification within the automation unit
The specification "monitor direction" or "control direction" is for classification according to IEC 60870-5 only.

Message with process information TI TI

in monitor direction external Time stamp internal
Single-point information 1 without
2 3 octet dual time
30 7 octet dual time 30
Double-point information 3 without
4 3 octet dual time
31 7 octet dual time 31
Step position information 5 without
6 3 octet dual time
32 7 octet dual time 32
Bitstring of 32 bit 7 without
8 3 octet dual time
33 7 octet dual time 33
Measured value, normalized value 9 without
10 3 octet dual time
34 7 octet dual time 34
Measured value, scaled value 11 without
12 3 octet dual time
35 7 octet dual time 35
Measured value, short floating point 13 without
14 3 octet dual time
36 7 octet dual time 36
Integrated totals 15 without
16 3 octet dual time
37 7 octet dual time 37
Event of protection equipment 17 3 octet dual time
38 7 octet dual time 38
Blocked activation of the protection 18 3 octet dual time
39 7 octet dual time 39

A-2 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Message Formats

Message with process information TI TI

in monitor direction (cont.) external Time stamp internal
Blocked triggering of the protection 19 3 octet dual time
40 7 octet dual time 40
Blocked single point information with 20 without not supported

Message with process information TI TI

in control direction external Time stamp internal
Single command 45 without
58 7 octet dual time 45
Double command 46 without
59 7 octet dual time 46
Regulating step command 47 without
60 7 octet dual time 47
Set point command, normalized value 48 without
61 7 octet dual time 48
Set point command, scaled value 49 without
62 7 octet dual time 49
Set point command, short floating point 50 without
63 7 octet dual time 50
Bitstring of 32 bit 51 without
64 7 octet dual time 51

Message with system information TI TI

in control direction external internal
(General) Interrogation Command 100 internal message with system information
Counter interrogation command 101 internal message with system information
Clock synchronization command 103 internal message with system information

Message in private range TI TI

external internal
Container for system information 135 internal message with system information
Container for process information 142 142

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 A-3

Message Formats

A.2. Messages with Process Information

The internal data format is formed from

• the general message data such as length, function code and the checksum
• the internal extra information dependent on the function code for process information
• the address
• the status
• the type identification
• the time stamp
• the information object

General legend for the data formats

All numbers listed are decimal numbers, unless they are specified explicitly as hexadecimal numbers
(indicated by "Hex").

"xxx" means, that this bit is defined, but in this case is insignificant.

A-4 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Message Formats

A.2.1. General Message Structure

A.2.1.1. Length, Function Code and Checksum

27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20


function code

function code dependent

extra information



type Identification

time stamp

information object


• LENGTH: [8 Bit]
Length over the entire internal data format in words without checksum


The function code specifies the format of the process information on the various buses. In addition
the possibility exists of transmitting process information over the fast data channel,

• CHECKSUM: [8 Bit] on the Ax 1703 PE-Bus

[16 Bit] on the Node Bus and SBD-Bus

additive sum of all bytes modulus 256 on the Ax 1703PE-Bus or all words modulus 65536 on the
Node- and SBD-Bus in the message excluding the checksum.

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 A-5

Message Formats

A.2.1.2. Function Code-Dependent Extra Information

27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

0 length

1 2 or 4 function code

2 acknowledgement info

4 Reserve

5 SQ Number variable structure qualifier

6 Time IOA format definition

7 Reserve

8 destination station

9 Basic System Element source identification

10 Supplementary System Element

11 Station number



type identification

time stamp

nformation object

nformation objects


A-6 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Message Formats


0-65535 ... reserved
Not used on the node bus


0 - 99 ... destination station number

125 ... reserved
126 ... reserved
255 ... no destination station (Single Point)
Not used on the node bus


The source identification specifies the entry point of the message in the automation unit, or the
source of the message within the automation unit.

Basic System Element 0-15 ... C-CPU 0 -15

20 ... M-CPU

Supplementary System Element 0-15 ... Peripheral element 0-15

128-131 ... Protocol element 0 -3
254 ... the basic system element itself (source within the AU)

Station number 0-99 ... for protocol elements with Multi Point data communication
254 ... the supplementary system element itself (source within the AU)
255 ... for protocol elements with Single Point data communication


SQ ... 0 ... Information object address available for every information object
1 ... Information object address available one time, all other
information objects have ascending address order (LSB)

Number ... <2 ... an information object in the message

>1 ... n information objects in a message

defines the structure of the blocked information objects (valid only for SQ = 0)

IOA ... 0 ... inadmissible

1 ... LSB of the IOA
2 ... LSB and 2 byte of the IOA (Octet 3 and 4)
nd rd
3 ... LSB, 2 and 3 byte of the IOA (Octet 3, 4 and 5)

Time ... 0 ... no time

1 ... 3 octet dual time (only possible in transmit direction)
2 ... 7 octet dual time
3 ... inadmissible

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 A-7

Message Formats

A.2.1.3. Address

The address is used for the identification of an information object. It consists of two parts

• Common address of ASDU (CASDU)

• Information object address (IOA)

This address has no predefined assignment, rather is freely assigned by the user within the 5 octets of
the address field.

The type identification is also drawn upon for the unambiguous identification of an information object.

27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20


function code

function code dependent

extra information

12 CASDU1 common address of ASDU


14 IOA1 address of the information object

15 IOA2

16 IOA3


type identification

time stamp

information object


A-8 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Message Formats

A.2.1.4. State

27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20


function code

function code dependent

extra information


17 XXX XXX GI S XXX DL XXX R message state

18 T P/N Cause cause of transmission

19 IV NT SB BL EI 0 0 OV data point quaity descriptor

20 Reserve

21 Reserve

22 originator address

type identification

time stamp

information object


Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 A-9

Message Formats


DL Data Loss
indicates FIFO overflow.
The last correct message before the data loss bears the set state.

GI General Interrogation
the message of the interrogated data contains this state. This bit is always set, if the cause
of transmission is 2 or 20.

R Redundancy Identifier
Used to distinguish the received data between the active or passive station.
0 ... active or no redundancy
1 ... passive

S Spontaneous
The transmission has been initiated spontaneous due to a significant change or due to an
internal or external interrogation event (e.g. with station interrogation). With cyclic data
transmissions or data transmissions initiated through GI the state is not set, however with
state-change- and transient storage it is entirely possible that simultaneous occurrences of
the GI- and the S-state can happen.

This bit is always set, if the cause of transmission is 3 or 6.

A-10 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Message Formats


Cause 01 - 63 .. Identifier of the cause of transmission according to IEC 60870-5-101

01 - 47 .. Definition in the compatible range
00 .. invalid
01 .. periodical
02 .. background scan
03 .. spontaneous
04 .. initialized
05 .. requested
06 .. Activation
07 .. Confirmation of the activation
08 .. Deactivation
09 .. Confirmation of the deactivation
10 .. Termination of the activation
11 .. Return information, caused by a remote command *1
12 .. Return information, caused by a local command *1
13 .. Transmission of a file
14 - 19 .. reserved
20 .. interrogated by station interrogation
21 - 36 .. interrogated by group 1 – 16 interrogation
37 .. interrogated by general counter interrogation
38 - 41 .. requested by group 1 – 4 counter request
42 - 47 .. reserved
48 - 63 .. Definition in the private range

*1 The remote command or local command is determined by the originator address:

1 ... 127 Remote command
128 ... 255 Local command

• P/N 0 .. Positive confirmation

1 .. Negative confirmation

• T Test

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 A-11

Message Formats


The data point quality descriptor is dependent on the information object in the message. I.e. with
certain information objects several identifiers are irrelevant.

OV ... Overflow the value of the information is outside a predefined value range
BL ... blocked the information is blocked for the transmission
SB ... substituted the value of the information has been specified by an operator or a
sequence of automatic operations.
NT ... not topical The value is not current (e.g. the transmission is disturbed).
IV ... invalid The value is invalid. An acquisition function has determined an abnormal
function of the acquisition unit (e.g. the ADC no longer converts)
EI ... Elapsed time invalid (run-/ command time invalid)
The relative time in the message is invalid. This information is only provided
for protection events.


0 not available
1 ... 255 Number of the originator address

A-12 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Message Formats

A.2.1.5. Type Identification

27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20


function code

function code dependent

extra information



23 type identification

24 reserved

time stamp

information object



Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 A-13

Message Formats

A.2.1.6. Time Stamp

27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20


function code

function code dependent

extra information



type identification




28 SU RES HOUR 7 octet dual time




information object


• MILLISECONDS: [16 Bit] <0 .. 59999>

• MINUTE: [6 Bit] <0 .. 59>
• IV: [1 Bit] 0 .. Time valid, 1 .. Time invalid
• HOUR: [5 Bit] <0 .. 23>
• SU: [1 Bit] 0 .. Standard time, 1 .. Daylight-saving time
• DAY IN THE MONTH: [5 Bit] <1 .. 31>
• WEEKDAY: [3 Bit] <1 .. 7>
• MONTH: [4 Bit] <1 .. 12>
• YEAR: [7 Bit] <0 .. 99>

A-14 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Message Formats

A.2.2. Information Objects

A.2.2.1. Single-Point Information (TI = 30)

27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

19 IV NT SB BL xxx 0 0 xxx data point quality descriptor

32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SPI information object

SPI ... Single point information state (Single point information)

A.2.2.2. Double-Point Information (TI = 31)

27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

19 IV NT SB BL xxx 0 0 xxx data point quality descriptor

32 0 0 0 0 0 0 DPI information object

DPI ... Double-point information state (Double point information)

0 = Intermediate position
1 = OFF
2 = OIN
3 = Faulty position

A.2.2.3. Transformer Tap Position Value (digital) (TI = 32)

27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

19 IV NT SB BL xxx 0 0 OV data point quality descriptor

32 LK/T value

LK/T ... moving contact information

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 A-15

Message Formats

A.2.2.4. Bitstring of 32 bit (TI = 33)

27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

19 IV NT SB BL xxx 0 0 xxx data point quality descriptor

32 BS7 BS0 bit 00 - 31

33 BS15 BS8

34 BS23 BS16

35 BS31 BS24

A.2.2.5. Measured Value, Normalized Value (TI = 34)

27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

19 IV NT SB BL xxx 0 0 OV data point quality descriptor

32 2-1 measured value

33 Vz 2-15

Measured value ... 15 Bit + Vz ... < -1 .. 1-2-15>

The resolution is not determined; if the resolution is less than the LSB-unit, the least significant bits are
set to "ZERO".

A.2.2.6. Measured Value, Scaled Value (TI = 35)

27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

19 IV NT SB BL xxx 0 0 OV data point quality descriptor

32 20 measured value

33 Vz 214

Measured value ... 15 Bit + Vz ... <-215 .. +215- 1>

A-16 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Message Formats

A.2.2.7. Measured Value, Short Floating Point Number (TI = 36)

27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

19 IV NT SB BL xxx 0 0 OV data point quality descriptor

32 27 Mantissa 20

33 215 Mantissa 28 measured value

34 20 222 Mantissa 216

35 Vz 27 Exponent 21

The resolution is not determined; if the resolution is less than the LSB-unit, the least significant bits are
set to "ZERO".

A.2.2.8. Integrated Totals (TI = 37)

27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

19 IV XXX XXX XXX XXX 0 0 XXX data point quality descriptor

32 27 20

33 215 28 integrated total

34 223 216

35 VZ 230 224

36 0 CA CY sequence number

sequence number ... 0 - 31

CA ... Counter set
CY ... Counter overflow

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 A-17

Message Formats

A.2.2.9. Event of Protection Equipment (TI = 38)

27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

19 IV NT SB BL EI 0 0 0 data point quality descriptor

32 0 0 0 0 0 0 ES

33 27 20 elapsed time

34 215 28

elapsed time ... Run/Command time <0 .. 59999 ms>

ES ... (Event state) binary information state
EI ... (Elapsed time invalid) run-/ or command time invalid

A.2.2.10. Blocked Activation of the Protection (TI = 39)

27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

19 IV NT SB BL EI 0 0 0 data point quality descriptor

32 0 0 SRD SIE SL3 SL2 SL1 GS

33 27 20 relay duration

34 215 28

Relay duration ... Relay duration time <0 .. 59999 ms>

GS: General start of operation (General start)
SL1: Activation L1 (Start L1)
SL2: Activation L2 (Start L2)
SL3: Activation L3 (Start L3)
SIE: Start of operation IE (earth current) (Start IE)
SRD: Start of operation in reverse direction (Start reverse direction)

A-18 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Message Formats

A.2.2.11. Blocked Triggering of the Protection (TI = 40)

27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

19 IV NT SB BL EI 0 0 0 data point quality descriptor

32 0 0 0 0 CL3 CL2 CL1 GC

33 27 20 relay operating time

34 215 28

relay operating time ... Relay operation time <0 .. 59999 ms>
GC ... (General command) General - OFF - information
CLX ... (Command LX) Phase LX - OFF - information

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 A-19

Message Formats

A.2.2.12. Single Command (TI = 45)

27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

19 xxx xxx xxx xxx 0 0 0 xxx data point quality descriptor

32 S/E qualifier of command 0 SCS information object

S/E ... Select / Execute

SCS ... Single command (Single command state)
0 = OFF
1 = ON
qualifier of command ... 0 = no additional determination (i.e. output time interval determined by
parameter at the executing point)
1 = short command output time (determined by parameter)
2 = long command output time (determined by parameter)
3 = persistent command (no regulating command)

A.2.2.13. Double Command (TI = 46)

27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

19 xxx xxx xxx xxx 0 0 0 xxx data point quality descriptor

32 S/E qualifier of command DCS information object

S/E ... Select / Execute

DCS ... Double command (double command state)
0 = not permitted
1 = OFF
2 = ON
3 = not permitted
qualifier of command ... 0 = no additional determination (i.e. output time interval determined by
parameter at the executing point)
1 = short command output time (determined by parameter)
2 = long command output time (determined by parameter)
3 = persistent command (no regulating command)

A-20 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Message Formats

A.2.2.14. Regulating Step Command (TI = 47)

27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

19 xxx xxx xxx xxx 0 0 0 xxx data point quality descriptor

32 S/E qualifier of command RCS information object

S/E ... Select / Execute

RCS ... Regulating Step Command (Regulating command state)
0 = not permitted
1 = next step lower
2 = next step higher
3 = not permitted
qualifier of command ... 0 = no additional determination (i.e. output time interval determined by
parameter at the executing point)
1 = short command output time (determined by parameter)
2 = long command output time (determined by parameter)
3 = persistent command (no regulating command)

A.2.2.15. Setpoint Command, Normalized Value (TI = 48)

27 26 25 24 23 22 21

19 xxx xxx xxx xxx 0 0 0 xxx data point quality descriptor


Vz 214

32 S/E setpoint value identifier information object

setpoint value ... 15 Bit + Vz ... <-1 ... +1 - 2-15>

S/E ... Select / Execute
setpoint value identifier ... presently no definition

The resolution is not determined; if the resolution is less than the LSB-unit, the least significant bits are
set to "ZERO".

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 A-21

Message Formats

A.2.2.16. Setpoint Command, Scaled Value (TI = 49)

27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

19 xxx xxx xxx xxx 0 0 0 xxx data point quality descriptor

32 20

33 Vz 214 information object

34 S/E setpoint value identifier

setpoint value ... 15 Bit + Vz ... <-215 .. +215 - 1>

S/E ... Select / Execute
setpoint value identifier ... presently no definition

The resolution is not determined; if the resolution is less than the LSB-unit, the least significant bits are
set to "ZERO".

A.2.2.17. Setpoint Command, Short Floating Point Number (TI = 50)

27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

19 xxx xxx xxx xxx 0 0 0 xxx data point quality descriptor

32 27 Mantissa 20

33 215 Mantissa 28

34 20 222 Mantissa 216

35 Vz 27 Exponent 21

36 S/E setpoint value identifier information object

S/E ... Select / Execute

setpoint value identifier ... presently no definition

The resolution is not determined; if the resolution is less than the LSB-unit, the least significant bits are
set to "ZERO".

A-22 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Message Formats

A.2.2.18. Container for Process Information (TI = 142)

The container for process information is used for the direct pass through of messages that do not
conform to the 60870-5-101/104 standard.

27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

19 xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx 0 0 xxx data point quality descriptor

32 length of user data in bytes

33 message type


user data (max. 104 bytes)

The container for process information does not contain any time information.

Message type: 0 ... non-specified message format

1 - 127 ... public range
3 ... Message format according to IEC870-5-103
128 - 255 ... private range
128 ... SAT Standard format
129 ... SSI-Format
130 ... STA-reply
131 ... File transfer SAT-DISTO
250 ... protocol-specific container
253 - 255 ... Parameter container for REY-DISP

A.2.2.19. File Transfer (TI = 144)

27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

19 xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx 0 0 xxx data point quality descriptor


33 file transfer - data

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 A-23

Message Formats

A.2.2.20. Packed Information Objects

These parts only then exist in the message, if the number in the field "variable structure qualifier" is >1.

The subsequently described block occurs n times –1 according to the number in the field "Variable
Structure Qualifier". The first information object is always located in the "Standard part" of the internal
data format.

The addressing of the individual information objects corresponds to the IEC-60870-5-101 standard.

A.2.2.21. Addressing of an Individual Element (SQ=0)

27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

information object address

1, 2, 3 octet (optional) depending on the

format definition "IOA"

DP quality descriptor

not present, 3 octet, 7 octet (optional) time dependent on format

definition "Time"

information object

A.2.2.22. Addressing of a Sequence of Information Elements (SQ=1)

27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

DP quality descriptor

information object

A-24 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Message Formats

A.3. Messages with System Information

The internal data block format contains

• the general message data such as length, function code and the checksum
• the source address
• the destination address
• message identification
• Source identification
• Bus information
• the information code dependent on the function code
• the system information

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 A-25

Message Formats

A.3.1. Counter Interrogation Command

27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

0 length

1 153 function code

2 Source-Region = 0-249 source address

3 Source-Component = 0-254

4 Source-Basic System Element = 0-16, 20

5 Source-Supplementary System Element = 254

6 Destination-Region = 255 destination address

7 Destination-Component / Station = 255

8 Destination-Basic System Element = 31

9 Destination-Supplementary System Element = 255

message identification

source identification

bus information


20 0 information code

21 6 cause of transmission

22 LSB of the CASDU

23 MSB of the CASDU

24 FRZ RQT qualifier of interrogation

25 reserve


A-26 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Message Formats

Qualifier of interrogation: Identifier for the counter interrogation command (QCC):

FRZ RQT Function

0 1 .. 4 Transmit selective group 1 .. 4
5 Transmit all groups (1 .. 4)
1 1 .. 4 Latching of selective group 1 .. 4
5 Latching of all groups (1 .. 4)
51 .. 54 Freeze and spontaneously transmit selective group 1 .. 4
55 Freeze and spontaneously transmit all groups (1 .. 4)
2 1 .. 4 Latching with reset of selective group 1 .. 4
5 Latching with reset of all groups (1 .. 4)
51 .. 44 Freeze with reset and spontaneously transmit selective group 1 .. 4
55 Freeze with reset and spontaneously transmit all groups (1 .. 4)
3 1 .. 4 Resetting of selective group 1 .. 4
5 Resetting of all groups (1 .. 4)

RQT: 0 .. 31 public range

32 .. 63 private range

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 A-27

Message Formats

A.3.2. (General) Interrogation Command

27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

0 length

1 155 function code

2 Source-Region = 0-249 source address

3 Source-Component = 0-254

4 Source-Basic System Element = 0-16, 20

5 Source-Supplementary System Element = 254

6 Destination-Region = 255 destination address

7 Destination-Component / Station = 255

8 Destination-Basic System Element = 31

9 Destination-Supplementary System Element = 255

message identification

source identification

bus information


20 0 information code

21 6 cause of transmission

22 CASDU 1 LSB of the CASDU

23 CASDU 2 MSB of the CASDU

24 qualifier of interrogation

25 reserve


Qualifier of interrogation: acc. to IEC 60870-5-101 = 20 ... Station interrogation (global)

private range = 64 ... Process information
65 ... Error messages
66 ... Failure messages
67 ... Application-GI

A-28 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Reader´s Reactions

B. Reader´s Reactions

We designed and compiled this manual with great care and a high degree of responsibility. It was - and
still is - our goal to design it in a way that it will be of greatest possible use at your work.

In order to reach this goal, we also rely on your cooperation - especially where maintenance and care of
the manual are concerned.

To make this cooperation easier for you, we added a form to this section. Please make use of it.

We will try to consider your comments already in the next update of the manual.

Thank you very much for your cooperation!

Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 B-1

Reader´s Reactions

B-2 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

Reader´s Reactions

Form for Readers' Reactions

Your comments and suggestions will help us to further improve both quality and usefulness of
this manual. Thank you very much for your efforts!

Please fill in this questionaire and return it to us; we will send you the next update of this
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What is your impression of this manual? Do you think it is complete, correct and accurate, well-
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Which parts, characteristics, aspects are particularly useful?



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Functions System+BSE DC0-015-1.02 B-3

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B-4 DC0-015-1.02 Functions System+BSE

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