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The 7 Best Motivational Books, According to

Mental Health Experts

Find your motivation with these inspiring reads

Simone Scully 
Updated on November 02, 2022
 Fact checked by 
Marley Hall
Table of Contents

 What to Look For

 Frequently Asked Questions
 Why Trust Verywell Mind?

It is not uncommon for someone to feel a lack of motivation from

time to time. Most of us will feel this way at some point in our lives.
“A lack of motivation is often an indication that you need to rest,
recharge, and re-evaluate how you’re expanding your energy,”
says Aisha R. Shabazz, therapist and licensed clinical social worker
who specializes in the treatment of anxiety disorders. “Our global
society is very goal-oriented, so I think many people struggle with
motivation because they’re exhausted from constantly striving
toward doing everything, all the time, at 110%.” 

If you feel a lack of motivation, the good news is that there are a
number of tricks you can try to get yourself back on track. One of
them is to read a motivational self-help book. “Motivational self-help
books can be useful to some people because they can serve as a
jump start to someone who needs inspiration to keep going,” says
Shabazz. The key is finding the right book.

To help you sort through all the options, here are the best
motivational books recommended by mental health experts.

"Atomic Habits" by James Clear

 Written by an expert
 Outlines actionable, small steps towards lasting change
 Easy to read
 Non-judgmental


 Theory-heavy
 A longer read

Written by one of the world’s leading experts on habit

formation, this book distills the latest research on the psychology
and science behind forming healthy, sustainable habits. Then, the
author gives actionable advice for making small changes in your life,
so you can achieve your goals.

His message is simple: start with small, manageable changes in

order to build towards lasting change.

What Experts Say

“I would recommend a motivational self-help book to someone who

is trying to start a new hobby—a book like 'Atomic Habits' by James
Clear. It offers a nice boost to keep their motivation going because
he breaks down his process of forming good habits and speaks to
why habits are formed (or not formed) and how to create new
habits and resist old ones.” —  Aisha R. Shabazz, Therapist and
Licensed Clinical Social Worker who specializes in the treatment of
anxiety disorders

"The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen


 Great for readers who feel stuck in old habits

 40 million copies sold

 Some find the writing preachy and dogmatic
 Advice is not applicable to all readers

Despite being written over 30 years ago, this book has held up over

time and is now known as a classic in the self-help space. It is
written to be inspirational and motivating, and it uses real-world
examples and anecdotes to distill seven basic tips that you can use
in your life to achieve success.

It’s easy to read and, more importantly, easy to learn from.

"The One Thing" by Gary Keller


 Dedicated to goal setting

 Teaches readers how to focus
 Uses clear analogies


 Specific topic
 Somewhat repetitive
 A longer read

If you struggle to find motivation because you’re never sure where

to start, this is the book for you. It focuses on one subject—goal
setting—but it does so in a way that helps you prioritize your

After reading it, you’ll know how to set priorities, get started on
tasks, and keep your motivation going until you achieve the
outcome you desire.

"The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg


 Explains the science of how habits work

 Gives actionable advice for changing routines
 Written by an award-winning business reporter


 Author is not a psychologist

If you’ve ever tried to create a new routine for yourself, you’re well
aware of how difficult that can actually be. New routines are hard to
stick to, and before long, we’re slipping back into our old habits.

This book breaks down the latest scientific research on how habits

work and what we can do to change them. That way, we can create
new routines for our lives and our business.

"You Are a Badass" by Jen Sincero


 Easy to read
 Engaging exercises
 Accessible voice


 Could be more empathetic

Don’t let fear get the best of you with this book by Jen Sincero. The
book is easy to read and will remind you to show yourself more self-
love and care, so you can find the motivation to go after your goals.

Best of all, this book contains some engaging, motivating end-of-

chapter exercises that you’ll come back to time and time again.

"Own Your Anxiety" by Julian Brass


 Based on medical research and personal experience

 Easy to read

 Some advice feels general

The author uses his personal experiences and medical research to

provide readers with actionable tools to help cope with their anxiety.
His goal with this book is to help readers harness their anxiety and
use it to motivate themselves to live a healthier, happier life.

The chapters are short and easy to read. The tone is


What Experts Say

“Reading motivational books when you have anxiety can be helpful

because you can learn about someone who has been through a
similar situation to yours. Maybe they went through something
really difficult in life, like a divorce, and they had to find the light in
the middle of the darkness. Reading a book about someone who is
going through something very challenging can offer help and
inspiration and even make you feel grateful for the good things in
your life. Motivational books are helpful when you feel
hopeless.” —  Katie Ziskind, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

"Work Simply" by Carson Tate


 Targeted tips aimed at different productivity styles

 Easy to read
 Encouraging voice


 Promotes signing up for a class

 A longer read

When it comes to getting motivated, no two people are exactly

alike. That’s because, as this author explains, people have different
productivity styles—they’re either arrangers, visualizers, planners,
or prioritizers. So if you want to get productive and develop better
time management, the first step is to figure out what style you are
—and this book can help you do that.

What Experts Say

“Motivation and lack thereof looks considerably different for

different people—like for those who are neurotypical,
neurodivergent, experiencing depression, challenged by focus,
attention, and hyperactivity, or experiencing grief and loss. We have
to look at the cultural implications of how we are defining
motivation and who is defined as motivated and
unmotivated.” —  Aisha R. Shabazz, Therapist and Licensed Clinical
Social Worker who specializes in the treatment of anxiety disorders

Final Verdict

Ultimately, the best motivational book is one that speaks to you,

your personality, and the issues that are causing you to feel
unmotivated. That’s why “Work Simply” by Carson Tate is a great
book for most readers: it starts by acknowledging that people have
different productivity styles, before offering targeted tips for getting

Meanwhile, “Atomic Habits” by James Clear will help you better

understand the science behind good habits so you can take small—
but meaningful—steps towards positive change.

What to Look for in a Motivational Book


Do you like the way the author writes? Skim a few pages and try to
gauge whether their writing style feels relatable and engaging to
you. See if they sound empathetic to the struggles you’re
experiencing. If you don’t like the writing style, you won’t want to
read the book and might give up on it halfway through. 

Author Credentials
Ideally, the author should have some expertise on the topic they’re
writing about. This expertise can be academic or personal, but you’ll
generally want a book written by someone who has the credentials
to write about the psychology of motivation.

“Look for an author that makes you feel empowered,” says

Schroeder. “Do a little research. There are self-help books on
almost any topic, and finding an author that resonates with you is

Some authors will offer free content on their website or will have
done web or podcast interviews. "Look for those interviews, because
it can give you a feel for who they are," says Shabazz.

Actionable Advice

Some books will include exercises to help you learn how to

implement their motivational tips. This can help guide you to
change your habits and outlook. 

“You want to make sure you are being encouraged to take small
attainable steps,” says Schroeder. “If your goal is to run a marathon
and you currently don’t run, you won’t read this book and suddenly
be able to run a marathon. Aim for a book that gives you a goal-
setting process.” 


 How can I get motivated?

To a certain extent, motivation varies from person to person

because, as Shabazz explains, "different things cause people to feel
motivated or unmotivated.” So the first step is often to look at your
individual circumstances and figure out what is holding you back
from feeling motivated.

For example, “in the case of those who experience anxiety in an

intense way, I encourage people to consider what is at stake if they
don’t take action,” Shabazz says. “It’s a modern version of a pros
and cons list but the purpose is to get to the bottom of what’s
holding someone back from moving forward.”

For others getting motivated involves letting go of societal

expectations and focusing on doing one thing, every day, that
makes them happy. “Do what makes you truly happy, and that is
where you will see the motivation increase,” says Schroeder. If you
do something that makes you happy first, she continues, you can
“fill your cup, and the motivation for other tasks will follow.” 

The activity that makes you happy doesn’t have to be complicated

either: it can be as simple as going for a walk, meeting up with a
friend, or taking an hour for self-care. 

Some people also find motivation in either starting the day with a
simple task that they can do quickly—like making the bed or
checking an easy item off your to-do list—so that you feel a sense
of accomplishment early in your day. 

Others feel motivated by having a clear plan or routine for the day
that allows them to track their progress, like starting out with a
regular morning routine that increases productivity, for example.

 What are the best ways to stay motivated?

Even if you get motivated to do something, it’s not always easy

to  stay motivated over time. Here are some tips you can try to
sustain your motivation: 

Be clear on why you’re doing something: “For most tasks that

we set out to accomplish, it’s important to determine what the value
attached is with getting this project complete,” says Shabazz. Focus
on why you’re doing something and what you’ll get out of it when
the task is complete. 

Don’t bite off more than you can chew: This is especially

important if you start a new hobby or project. “Break your project
into small attainable steps,” says Schroeder. “If you are starting to
feel overwhelmed by a step in the process, break that down into
more manageable chunks. Be realistic with yourself and the time
you give yourself to complete these goals.”

Surround yourself with supportive or motivated people:

People cheering you on to accomplish your goals will keep you

It can also be helpful to be around other ambitious people that are

motivated to go after their goals because you might get inspired by
their passion. 

Just make sure those people aren’t too competitive or negative. If

they are too competitive and unsupportive of your goals, it could
lead you to compare yourself or feel less accomplished, which could
begin to affect your self-esteem and your follow-through. 

Keep learning: This is where self-help books can play a role.

Learning about new things and new ways to pursue your goals can
be extremely motivating. 

Give yourself breaks: “Motivation often ebbs and flows, so it is

important to give yourself grace in times you don’t have as much,”
says Schroeder. “That way you are able to capitalize on the
motivation when it is at a high.”

Why Trust Verywell Mind? 

As an experienced health and science reporter, Simone
Scully understands the importance of picking thoroughly researched
products to promote wellness and self-care.

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