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Geography : the Analysis of the whole syllabus from “The A* Notes By Adnan Ashraf”

Analysis of the all 12 Units of Geography

This part is for general-knowledge and analysis. It will be very helpful to attempt
the new pattern questions based on analytical approach especially Q-Boxes and
Topics Advantages Disadvantages
1 Mountai Source of rivers, HEP Hinder communication, make
ns potential, protect from farming limited, irrigation not
cold winds possible
2 Rivers Provide water for domestic Cause floods, cause silting and
irrigation industrial use, disturb communication and road
bring alluvium and railway link
3 Livestock Provide raw material for Over grazing, soil erosion,
farming industries, give subsistence commercially needs high
living, natural fertilizer maintenance for medical and
from waste, adds to hygiene
4 Fishing Subsistence earning, adds Less output, farms utilize flat arable
to exports, food source for land, fishing season limits time,
white meat, fish oil overpopulation a threat to fishing
5 Delta Adds river water to sea, Can cause flooding to nearby areas,
breeding ground for fish marshy land misfit for settlements
6 Rainfall Returns water to soil, Heavy rainfall cause flooding,can be
recharges ground water, changed to acid rain when polluted
helps barani irrigation and disrupts communication if
accompanied by winds
7 Flooding Returns nutrients to soil, Effect farmers, local residents
adds to fish production in homeless , livestock loss, loss of
delta, recharges ground food supply, damages infrastructure
8 Tradition Cheap, no dependency on Less output of water , more labor
al rain water, rabi crops can and time consuming
irrigation be watered as well

1|Page By: Adnan Ashraf, Beaconhouse ,Roots, The City… (Lahore) ph# 0301-7033947
Geography : the Analysis of the whole syllabus from “The A* Notes By Adnan Ashraf”

9 Modern Convenient, efficient, more Expensive, can cause water logging

irrigation water output, less time like perennial canals, dependent like
methods and labor consuming tube well on diesel or electric
motor, sprinklers on water
1 Large Multipurpose (fishing, Life reduced by siltation, lead to
0 dams electricity, irrigation, flood water logging, high initial cost,
control) topographic constraints
1 Small Less construction time, less Irrigates local areas only, little or no
1 dams expensive, few electricity, less reliable for flood
evacuations control
1 Producti High commercial value, Utilize arable land, utilize space for
2 ve forest dense, does not need industrialization
irrigation, check flooding
and check pollution
1 Protectiv Protect soil erosion, check Need irrigation supply, less
3 e forest pollution and provide commercial value
1 Deforest Soil erosion, flooding, Provide wood for industrial use,
4 ation siltation clear lands for development
projects, wood used in construction
1 Minerals Add to GDP and exports, Cause pollution, destroys land
5 provide raw materials for scape, power stations add to global
industries, power resource warming, deforestation
1 Fish Effects eco system, Recycles waste, less investment and
6 farms converts wet lands into high return, provides more fish for
fish farms, chemicals for local consumption and exports
protection of fish cause
1 HYVs More output, government Expensive, needs trained farmers,
7 support for loans, draught need more water, utilizes more
and pest resistant, treated nutrients from soil.
for diseases.
1 Coal Employment, alternate Dangerous mining, cause pollution
8 mining resource, cheap fuel when burnt, poor quality in Pakistan
1 Irrigation Increases agricultural Cause water logging, reduces water
9 output, provides water to for domestic use, deforestation

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Geography : the Analysis of the whole syllabus from “The A* Notes By Adnan Ashraf”

rabi crops , reduce occurs

dependency on rains
2 Mechani Increase output, increase Increase unemployment of labor,
0 zation tertiary activities, can lead to migration, expensive,
supported by government need skilled and trained persons
2 Land Aimed at fixed land ceiling, Desired results could not be
1 reforms protected rights for achieved, incomplete land records
tenants and landlords
2 Chemical Increase output, add Expensive, adds pollution to rivers,
2 fertilizer nutrients to soil, unnatural
employment opportunities
2 Pesticide Protect plants, increase Can cause diseases when fruits and
3 s output income and adds to vegetables are eaten, expensive
2 Renewa Constant supply, doesn’t Constraints for topography in HEP,
4 ble add to global warming, needs technical staff for
energy employment maintenance of solar and wind
2 Non Cheap to build, thermal Add to global warming, CO2
5 renewab power station can be built omission
le energy anywhere, high availability
of resource like coal, oil,
gas. Employment
2 Pipeline Convenient, efficient, Need maintenance, chances of
6 transpor cheap leakage, cannot reach northern
t areas.
2 Industrie Employment, improve Add to pollution, deforestation
7 s BOT, adds to GDP, product
available for local use
2 Industria Employment, incentives, Owner has to arrange for developing
8 l zones infrastructure developed infrastructure, political instability
leads to inconsistent polities
2 Privatiza Better opportunities for Government loses profits
9 tion development, improve
productivity, reduce
burden on government,

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Geography : the Analysis of the whole syllabus from “The A* Notes By Adnan Ashraf”

rapid industrialization
3 Cottage Employment, meet Raw material reduced for exports,
0 industrie demand of local market, add to pollution, utilize arable land
s reduces migration
3 Brick Employment, add to Pollution, child labor, utilizes arable
1 kilns construction, urbanization, land
reduce migration
3 Tourism Employment, reduces Adds to pollution of rivers, lakes,
2 migration, publicity, causes deforestation, culture
cottage industry developed destroys, wild life disturbed
3 Trade Employment, international Dependency on other countries,
3 relation develops, smaller countries cannot compete in
urbanization international trade, barriers
3 Imports Meet deficiency, run Lose foreign exchange, social
4 industries, employment development projects hindered with
high imports, dependency on
3 Exports Earn foreign exchange, Need to meet international
5 employment, improves standard, less availability of
BOT products for local use, trade
regulation, risk of exchange rate.
3 Trade Self sufficiency, improve Limited choice of consumers, no
6 barriers local industries, competition so lose efficiency
employment, improve BOT
3 Railway Bulky goods, more No door to door service, not for high
6 transpor quantity value fragile goods, more loading
t and unloading, northern areas
3 Road Door to door facility, More chances of accidents, land
8 transpor widely spreaded, more sliding
t reliable
3 Air ways Faster, suitable for fragile Expensive, no door to door service,
9 high value goods limited cargo
4 Sea Open throughout year, Time consuming, weather
0 transpor cheapest constraints

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Geography : the Analysis of the whole syllabus from “The A* Notes By Adnan Ashraf”

4 Increase Labor availability, increase Pollution, unemployment, migration

1 of in social, and economic
populati development.
on/ high
4 Migratio Keep wage level low of Shortage of skilled people in rural
2 n urban areas, send money areas, brain drains, over population
home, lead to social in urban areas, pollution,
development in villages. unemployment in urban areas.

Some more solved examples for the questions of Contradictory-Statements:

Ex. #1: Read the following two views about the possibilities for tourism in
Statement-A :
Hotels and tourist resorts need to be developed along the Sindh coast
to bring foreign exchange and boost the economy.
Statement-B :
The coastal area of Sindh cannot support large numbers of tourists.
There could be negative effects from tourism.
Which view do you agree with more? Give reasons to support your answer and
refer to places or examples you have studied.
Ans: Arguments against tourism:
 Sensitive environment (threats to mangrove forests / fishing grounds)
 Tourists bring culturally unacceptable behaviour / dress code
 Tourists can pollute the environment with noise / litter / oil from jet skis,
etc. (which disturbs
 local residents / looks unsightly / is a danger to wildlife)
 Indus delta / most of Sindh coast unsuitable for development (swamps /
marshes / creeks /
 forests)
 Karachi needs tourist industry infrastructure (e.g. no passenger ferry
 Declining / lack of tourist numbers
 Employment only seasonal
 Loss of livelihood due to construction of resorts (e.g. fishermen)

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Geography : the Analysis of the whole syllabus from “The A* Notes By Adnan Ashraf”

Arguments For tourism:

 Sindh has many tourist attractions
 Beaches (Clifton Beach / Sand spit / Hawkes Bay / Paradise Point)
 Historical buildings (Quaid-i-Azam Mausoleum / National Museum /
Mohatta Palace)
 Tourism industry is undeveloped / has scope for development / investment
 Creates employment (such as drivers / guides / hotel staff)

Ex. #2: Chemical fertilisers to help increase agricultural production are one of
Pakistan's main imports, These imports are expensive. Read the following two
Pakistan should manufacture more of its own chemical fertilisers to
reduce the need for importing them.
Pakistan should rely less on chemical fertilisers and reduce the need
for importing them by using natural alternatives.
Which view do you agree with more? Give reasons to support your answer and
explain why It is Important to reduce imports of chemical fertilisers,
For Chemical fertilisers:
 Modern factories (e.g. Enven-Engro in Daharki, Sindh) are energy efficient /
 compliant
 Cow dung is in insufficient amounts / used as a fuel in rural areas
 Pakistan has large supplies of natural gas (the main raw material for
fertiliser) (at Sui)
For Natural alternatives:
 Fertiliser factories use large amounts of fuel (especially natural gas)
 Ample source of manure from large livestock sector
 Ample source of compost from agricultural waste
 Alternative methods of improving soil quality are possible (crop rotation /
 plants / beans / legumes / avoiding over-cropping / multi-cropping)
 The cost of imports (trade / balance of payments deficit / imports>exports)
(fertilisers one of top 5 imports / 2% imports)

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Geography : the Analysis of the whole syllabus from “The A* Notes By Adnan Ashraf”

 Chemical fertilisers cause water pollution (agricultural runoff containing

chemicals goes into streams / rivers / causes eutrophication)
Ex. #3: Read the following article:
Energy crisis
Industrial growth in Pakistan relies on the availability of energy,
Pakistan does not produce enough energy for its needs and therefore
spends a lot of its earnings on expensive imports of fuels.
Describe briefly different measures that can be taken to solve the country's
energy crisis. To what extent can these measures be successful? [6]
 Moving away from non-renewable / large-scale schemes to renewable /
small-scale schemes
 E.g. wind, solar, biogas (details / examples)
 Investment in large-scale power stations
 E.g. nuclear, wind, solar, HEP, gas, coal gas (details / examples)
 Energy saving in workplaces / homes
 Public / media awareness about not wasting energy resources
Evaluation (depends on measures)
 Small-scale schemes can be maintained locally / in rural areas
 Given sufficient government/ private / foreign investment
 Wind – large empty areas of uplands / Makran coast
 Solar – lack of cloud (250-300 sunny days per year)
 Biogas – large agricultural sector producing manure / plant waste
 Opposition to new technology / power stations
 High cost (leading to domestic / foreign debt)
 Changes of government priorities (large projects may be delayed /
 Limited skills / expertise (in using advanced technology)
 Other issues considered higher priority than saving energy (e.g. escaping
poverty /
 increasing levels of education / health)
 Hydro in north - far from the major centres of population, transport costs
 Green energy is less reliable
Ex. # 4: Read the following two views:

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Geography : the Analysis of the whole syllabus from “The A* Notes By Adnan Ashraf”

Statement-A: Pakistan should plant more cash crops on its land to

generate /export earnings.
Statement-B: More land should be used to grow crops to feed the
growing population of Pakistan.
Which view do you agree with more? Give reasons to support your answer and
refer to examples you have studied.
Cash crops
“Favour” arguments:
 Income (balance of payments / trade deficit / debt / imports greater than
 Can bring high profits
 Benefits from government incentives (e.g. support prices / development of
new seeds)
 Access to loans for modern / expensive inputs (e.g. fertilisers / pesticides /
machinery /
 HYVs)
 Examples: wheat, rice, cotton, sugar cane, tobacco, oilseeds
 Economies of scale on large holdings / single crops
“Against” arguments:
 Many farmers cannot afford cost of modem agricultural methods in cash
crop farming
 Cash crops are monocultures (vulnerable to disease / uses chemical inputs
such as fertilisers / pesticides which can pollute water)
Food crops
“Favour” arguments:
 Population growing rapidly (1 .6% per annum)
 Increasing demand for food
 Fertile land becoming scarce (due to waterlogging and salinity /
desertification / soil erosion /
 over cultivation)
 Saves expensive imports of food / reduces import bill
 Can be grown on subsistence farms / at low cost (using traditional
methods / implements /
 family labour / small holdings)
 Examples: rice, millet / bajra, sorghum / jowar, maize, fruit vegetables
“Against” arguments:

8|Page By: Adnan Ashraf, Beaconhouse ,Roots, The City… (Lahore) ph# 0301-7033947
Geography : the Analysis of the whole syllabus from “The A* Notes By Adnan Ashraf”

 Farmers growing only food crops / subsistence farmers do not make

enough income / profit
 to invest in improving their farms for more output
 Development may progress at a slow rate if subsistence farming increases -
people will be
 occupied in providing food and not working in other sectors
 Not all families may have access to fertile land
 May not have the skills to grow own food
 If adverse weather conditions affect many farms - could result in famine - if
Pakistan imports
 food the population can still be fed

Ex. #5 : To what extent is it possible to develop the fish processing industry

further in Pakistan? Give reasons to support your answer and refer to places or
examples you have studied. [6]
 Long undeveloped coastline (1050km / Makran Coast 750km)
 Gwadar being developed as a new port / fish harbour with modern facilities
/ EPZ (providing
 base for linkage to central Asian states)
 Potential at Pasni / Jiwani / Sur Bandar / Ormara (allowing more fish to be
refrigerated /
 preserved for transport to Karachi)
 Government support (provides essential facilities for a fishing port to allow
 Compliance with EU / international quality standards (to remove import
bans / embargoes)
 Increase local ice factories / refrigerated storage / packing / canning
facilities (to reduce need
 to transport to Karachi)
 Training / education (could provide employment of local educated youth)
 Value added products made for export (make more foreign exchange)
Not possible:
 Limited private sector and/or government investment / expensive to
expand / contributes little
 to exports / focus on other industries (meaning technology and skills are
not upgraded)

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Geography : the Analysis of the whole syllabus from “The A* Notes By Adnan Ashraf”

 Many processing plants under capacity / out of operation (showing that the
 development is uncertain)
 Few skilled workers
 Coastline remote / poor transport links (e.g. no railway / small airports /
delayed new road
 links)
 Canning factories have been unhygienic and a cause for import bans (to
EU / Saudi Arabia)
 Unreliable export market (about 30% worldwide)
 Low profits (6% of foreign exchange)
 Foreign competition
 Urban centres prefer fresh fish (so processed fish only to a few large
department stores)
 Per capita consumption is low (1.6 kg p.a).

These are some specimen Q-Boxes for the preparation of final exams :
[6-marks for each Q-Bank]
Q-Box 1. (topography-1 chap # 1):
Statement A :In order to develop Balochistan’s economy we should promote
farming here by providing irrigation facilities through installation of tube-wells
and using surface water.
Statement B : Balochistan requires infrastructure facilities ,exploitation of
minerals and the setting up small-scale industries for economic development.
Q. Which of the above statements do you agree with more? Give reasons for
your answer and refer to places or examples you have studied in Pakistan or
elsewhere to support your answer.
(Note: write 4 points to support your favourite statement and 2 points against the
other statement.)
Q-Box 2. ( Topography-2 chap # 1 ):
Statement A :The northern mountains must be developed for tourism by
providing infrastructure facilities.This will generate employment for the local
population. Increase in GDP will promote economic growth of the country.
Statement B :The northern mountains are difficult to develop because of
topographical contraints and environmental damages.It is more economical to
develop the Indus plains than the northern mountains.

10 | P a g e By: Adnan Ashraf, Beaconhouse ,Roots, The City… (Lahore) ph# 0301-7033947
Geography : the Analysis of the whole syllabus from “The A* Notes By Adnan Ashraf”

Q.Which of the above statements do you agree with more? Give reasons for
your answer and refer to places or examples you have studied in Pakistan or
elsewhere to support your answer.
(Note: write 4 points to support your favourite statement and 2 points against the
other statement.)
Q-Box 3. ( Climate-1 , chap # 2 ):
Statement A :The Thar desert is a water deficient area and it can be reclaimed by
constructing seasonal/flood canals from the Sukkur barrage to increase
production of food.
Statement B :The Thar desert is rich in mineral resources such as coal and oil. It is
more feasible to invest in the setting up of coal-fired power plants than to use the
land for farming & agriculture.
Q.Which of the above statements do you agree with more? Give reasons for
your answer and refer to places or examples you have studied in Pakistan or
elsewhere to support your answer.
(Note: write 4 points to support your favourite statement and 2 points against the
other statement.)
Q-Box 4. (Water chap # 3):
Statement ‘A’ : Small dams are more suitable for Pakistan’s economy than the
larger ones because they require low initial investment and the siltation problem
is easier to solve.
Statement ‘B’ : Pakistan needs larger multi-purpose dams such as Kala-
Bagh ,Diya-Mir , Dassu and Bhasha etc for projects including power
generation ,flood control and irrigation purposes to fulfill the ever growing
energy & food needs of increasing population.
Q. Which statement do you agree with more?Give reasons and refer to places or
examples you have studied in Pakistan or elsewhere to support your answer.
(*Note: write 4 reasons in the favour of the statement you support and 2 against
the other one.)
Q-Box 5. (Forests chap # 4):
Statement ‘A’ : There should be more irrigated plantations in the Indus Plain to
Provide environmental protection and to generate employment.
Statement ‘B’ : The limited land of the Indus plain should be used for agriculture,
settlements , industries and commercial activities.
Q. Which statement do you agree with more?Give reasons and refer to places or
examples you have studied in Pakistan or elsewhere to support your answer.

11 | P a g e By: Adnan Ashraf, Beaconhouse ,Roots, The City… (Lahore) ph# 0301-7033947
Geography : the Analysis of the whole syllabus from “The A* Notes By Adnan Ashraf”

(*Note: write 4 reasons in the favour of the statement you support and 2 against
the other one.)
Q-Box 6. (Mineral resources chap # 5 ):
Statement ‘A’ : The import of metallic minerals is causing a heavy burden on
Pakistan’c limited foreign exchange reserves / resourses. We need to set up only
those industries which make use of locally available minerals.
Statement ‘B’ : The import of metallic minerals is essential as they are used in
those industries which manufacture value-added products and generate more
income for the country if exported or used locally.
Q. Which statement do you agree with more?Give reasons and refer to places or
examples you have studied in Pakistan or elsewhere to support your answer.
(*Note: write 4 reasons in the favour of the statement you support and 2 against
the other one.)
Q-Box 7. (Fishing chap # 6):
Statement ‘A’ : If we develop more fish farms in the Indus plain by using canal
water , it can generate much more profit than agriculture. It will reduce the
burden on agriculture and livestock and will provide alternative opportunities of
employment to the people.
Statement ‘B’ : The Indus plain has been historically and naturally developed for
agriculture due to alluvial soils and and other factors.Food crops meet the
domestic food requirements while raw cotton and the cotton products are the
major exports of Pakistan.So it is essential to use the Indus plain for agriculture
not for fishing.
Q. Which statement do you agree with more?Give reasons and refer to places or
examples you have studied in Pakistan or elsewhere to support your answer.
(*Note: write 4 reasons in the favour of the statement you support and 2 against
the other one.)
Q-Box 8. (Agriculture chap # 7):
Statement ‘A’ : In order to have sustainable agriculture ,organic farming
techniques should be used rather than using chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
Statement ‘B’ : Pakistan should set up more fertilizer and pesticide factories to
increase agricultural production to meet the needs of its growing population.
Q. Which statement do you agree with more?Give reasons and refer to places or
examples you have studied in Pakistan or elsewhere to support your answer.
(*Note: write 4 reasons in the favour of the statement you support and 2 against
the other one.)
Q-Box 9. (power resources chap # 8)

12 | P a g e By: Adnan Ashraf, Beaconhouse ,Roots, The City… (Lahore) ph# 0301-7033947
Geography : the Analysis of the whole syllabus from “The A* Notes By Adnan Ashraf”

Statement ‘A’ :Inorder to solve our energy-crisis,we should set up more thermal
power stations that make use of locally available fossil fuels (coal , natural gas ,
oil) and biomass sources etc.
Statement ‘B’ :The energy-crisis can only be solved on sustainable grounds, if we
develop alternative sources of energy.
Q. Which statement do you agree with more?Give reasons and refer to places or
examples you have studied in Pakistan or elsewhere to support your answer.
(*Note: write 4 reasons in the favour of the statement you support and 2 against
the other one.)
Q-box 10. (Industries-1) chap# 9:
Statement ‘A’ : Pakistan should spend more on building roads in remote ,sparsely
populated areas which have some good tourist attractions in order to attract
maximum possible visitors both domestic and foreigner ones.
Statement ‘B’ : To reduce expenditures on developing facilities for tourists
elsewhere in Pakistan ,they should be encouraged to stay in the cities where
there are some historical and cultural attractions.
Q. Which statement do you agree with more?Give reasons and refer to places or
examples you have studied in Pakistan or elsewhere to support your answer.
(*Note: write 4 reasons in the favour of the statement you support and 2 against
the other one.)
Q-box 11. (Industries-2) chap# 9:
Statement ‘A’ : We need to set up more large scale industries such as Pakistan
Steel Mills ,Karachi to provide raw materials for engineering and construction
Statement ‘B’ : We have limited economic resources to develop large-scale
industries .However setting up more small scale industries in rural and urban
areas is more beneficial and feasible.
Q. Which statement do you agree with more?Give reasons and refer to places or
examples you have studied in Pakistan or elsewhere to support your answer.
(*Note: write 4 reasons in the favour of the statement you support and 2 against
the other one.)
Q-box 12. (Trade) chap# 10:
Statement ‘A’ : Pakistan should focus on expanding trade with China rather than
EU countries.

Statement ‘B’ :Pakistan has stable trade relations with some countries in Europe
since 1947 and should continue to do so now that these states are in the EU.

13 | P a g e By: Adnan Ashraf, Beaconhouse ,Roots, The City… (Lahore) ph# 0301-7033947
Geography : the Analysis of the whole syllabus from “The A* Notes By Adnan Ashraf”

Q. Which statement do you agree with more?Give reasons and refer to places or
examples you have studied in Pakistan or elsewhere to support your answer.
(*Note: write 4 reasons in the favour of the statement you support and 2 against
the other one.)
Q-box 13. (Transportation) chap# 11:
Statement ‘A’ : If Pakistan is to develop economically, it is essential to have a
network of motorways in all agricultural and industrial regions e.g Punjab and
Statement ‘B’ : as compare to Punjab and Sindh,KPK and Balochistan have a far
less dense road-network, which is creating problem in the development of these
areas so these areas must be given priority to build roads.
Q. Which statement do you agree with more?Give reasons and refer to places or
examples you have studied in Pakistan or elsewhere to support your answer.
(*Note: write 4 reasons in the favour of the statement you support and 2 against
the other one.)
Q-box 14. (Population) chap# 12:
Statement ‘A’ : over-population is always a huge problem for any country.In
Pakistan this problem must be solved through strict implementation of “marriage
age-limit laws” and “family-planning programmes”.
Statement ‘B’ : Population is always a blessing for a country’s economy because it
provides work-force & human resource. So we need to develop human resource
rather than controlling population growth.
Q. Which statement do you agree with more?Give reasons and refer to places or
examples you have studied in Pakistan or elsewhere to support your answer.
(*Note: write 4 reasons in the favour of the statement you support and 2 against
the other one.)
Q-box 15 (Population) chap# 12:
Statement ‘A’ : Emigration by Pakistanies to Europe or the U.S.A is good because
the emigrants’ remittances help their families in Pakistan and it is also reduces the
size of the population due to prolong absence of emigrant Pakistanies.
Statement ‘B’ : Pakistanies should be discouraged from emigration to other
countries because it causes brain-draining. They must be encouraged to work for
the progress of their own country .

14 | P a g e By: Adnan Ashraf, Beaconhouse ,Roots, The City… (Lahore) ph# 0301-7033947

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